What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 544 Becoming Non-Human

"So what, this Heavenly Venerable is dead and you are out of trouble. Is it possible that you can still take revenge?"

Reincarnation Heavenly Venerable chuckled, and the voice gradually disappeared: "Enjoy reincarnation, struggle in the world of mortals, after reincarnation again and again, I hope you can still remember your real name in the future."


Song Shi couldn't help but swear.

This reincarnation of Heavenly Venerable has indeed fallen, but it doesn't look like it has completely fallen.

But this guy's methods are really weird. I don't know if the traps laid on the earth many years ago can actually catch him.

"Old Ye, what are you muttering about?"

The person next to me joked: "You won't become nagging because of your broken love, right?"

Song Shi's eyes quickly returned to normal: "It's nothing, I just feel unhappy."

In his mind, he was thinking about why Heavenly Venerable had arranged the layout here, and from what he said, it seemed that he was simulating a catastrophe. Did he mean the next catastrophe?

Judging from the time projection seen at the beginning, the earth has indeed experienced the end of the Dharma era when its vitality is exhausted. I am afraid that the reincarnation Heavenly Venerable is simulating the catastrophe of the future universe, and more than once.

"Lock me here, be careful I pluck the fruit of your plans over the years!"

He glanced into the distance with an incomprehensible look.

On the roof of the building nearest to the gate, a woman watched this scene with tears on her face. The middle-aged man next to her said coldly: "Yue'er, he and you are destined to be in the same world. If you don't want him to die, hurry up. Forget about him and have more contact with Liu Yun from the Liu family in the future, he is your fiancé."

"Are you so sure that he is not from our world?" The woman stopped crying.

"Otherwise? Can an ordinary person, at most a little stronger, be as powerful as the Liu family's wealth and power?" the middle-aged man sneered.

The woman knew what he was saying and lost interest in continuing. She took one last look in the distance and turned around to leave.

"I will follow the family's arrangements. He and I will no longer have anything to do with each other. I hope you will not hurt him."

Even though Song Shi's Primordial Spirit was sealed, the remaining spiritual power was still strong. Hearing this, he was quite speechless.

This is the drama of a poor cultivator falling in love with a lady from a big family, but being stopped by the big family. With his physical condition, he will definitely become stronger and stronger in the future, and he is destined to slap these families in the face.

Didi didi!

The rapid sound of the whistle made people irritated. Song Shi came back to his senses and looked up. There was a checkpoint set up at the entrance to the mountain.

He knew that this was the recent revival of the vitality of the world. Many wild animals suddenly became stronger, and many injuries occurred, which led to the establishment of some checkpoints in areas close to the wild.

There is a forest where they drink, and this level is to guard against wild animals.

After being reminded to be careful about wild animals and registering them, the group went to a farmhouse in the mountains to have barbecue.

Song Shi was not in a hurry to do anything. He ate and drank with a few friends in this illusion of reincarnation, thinking about how to get rid of this illusion.

After thinking about it, he found that he couldn't think of any solution other than trying to die.

He simply tasted the food in his hands,

In the dead of night, he came to the cliff of the mountain, looked at the height, and muttered: "This body is stronger than ordinary people, it should be able to fall to death."

"It's useless. It's useless if you die here."

The voice of Heavenly Venerable appears again.

Song Shi's face turned dark: "Are you sick? You keep biting me?"

"This Heavenly Venerable just advises you not to struggle. It will be good for you to reincarnate honestly."

Reincarnation Heavenly Venerable said lightly.

"If you don't let me struggle, I will struggle."

Song Shi jumped up.

Then he fell to his death.

Song Shi was looking forward to refreshing the system, but as a result, his consciousness was pulled away and entered a new reincarnation.

He had never wanted to curse someone so much, but he had no choice but to become a new stranger and gain his memory.

This time, he was on the battlefield, under fire, and he became an elite soldier, experienced in hundreds of battles.

Song Shi didn't believe in evil, so after taking control of his body, he pulled out his gun and hit his temples without any hesitation, and stared at the soldiers around him.

At the moment of waking up, Song Shi immediately felt something was wrong after many years of mercenary career. His body tensed up and he suddenly jumped up. When he opened his eyes, a vigilant light flashed from the wolf's eyes. He saw that he had lost a lot. In the world of colors, his pupils shrank violently.

"What's wrong with my eyes!"

"This is where?"

The surrounding iron cages, the ancient scenes, and the gray vision made him look doubtful.

Before he had time to investigate the situation, the iron cage was suddenly opened, and a young man in Chinese clothes dragged him out. Then his butt hurt and he was kicked out!

"Beast, you have to give me some energy, otherwise you won't have any meat to eat!"

The young man's indifferent voice came to his ears, and he stumbled to his feet subconsciously. He suddenly found that his body was covered with messy black hair, and he was lying on all fours. With a slight exertion, a few sharp strands suddenly appeared.

He raised his head in shock and found himself in a depression the size of an acre. The ground was uneven and stained with blood, and bones could be faintly seen.

Pairs of condescending eyes were looking at him coldly. They were all young girls wearing luxurious clothes. They cheered from time to time and looked very excited.

"I seem to have become a plaything?"

He murmured, but what came out was a low roar. He was fighting in the wild, and he immediately recognized that it was the sound of a wolf.

His expression changed drastically, and he looked around himself. He saw a thin body, a long and thick black tail, messy black hair all over his body, and a flat belly. Combined with the bursts of hunger, he could be sure of one thing.

He became a wolf, a very hungry black wolf!

"Damn it! After death, he became a beast!"

Even with his battle-hardened mentality, he couldn't help but curse in secret.

He recalled himself in his previous life.

Qin Lang, a very elegant name, is a terrifying existence in the mercenary world. The king of mercenaries, nicknamed Sirius, is cold and ruthless, kills without blinking an eye, and has a 100% mission success rate. Of course, not counting the last one. In terms of tasks.

Because he found that the more he died, the more alien memories he had, Song Shi committed suicide last time without any more attributes.

However, mercenaries are still very dangerous. In the last mission of his life, he was betrayed by his most trusted subordinate and was buried under tens of thousands of tons of explosives, leaving nothing behind.

Not surprisingly, he did not completely disappear from heaven and earth. Heavenly Venerable reincarnated and played a joke on him, not only making him come back to life, but this time he became a black wolf.

Became non-human,


At this time, amidst a roar of beasts, a beautiful figure jumped down from the opposite side. It was a cheetah with an agile body, red eyes, and a flat belly. It had already regarded him as food.

"Haha, Wu Guang, are you going to fight my leopard with this hungry wolf? Are you looking for death?"

A sturdy young man walked out from the other side. After seeing Qin Lang, he couldn't help but sneered.

"Haha, Brother Dao, Wu Guang can't bring out any fighting beasts. His gray leopard died of illness yesterday."

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