What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 547 The Motivation To Live

"His secret must be hidden in reincarnation. I wonder if it can be found out."

Song Shi thought to herself that the reincarnation Heavenly Venerable has been laid out for so many years, it is definitely not just as simple as tricking foreign immortals.

He calmly looked at the scene passing by outside the car and sighed.

I have to live with a new identity, and the start is very bad. If there are no other memories, it will be difficult to turn around.

The most important thing is that for him, even if he turns over, he is still struggling in reincarnation and feels that everything is in vain.

"Damn it, why do I have such thoughts? Has my will begun to be broken down?"

Song Shi cursed secretly, alert in her heart, and began to remind herself: "There is no system now, and every identity must be used well. Besides, my own memory is the most precious thing. It won't be too bad no matter how I reincarnate in the world."

He took a deep breath, recalled what happened to his body, closed his eyes and sensed himself.

No matter how special this world is, his first priority is to embark on the path of spiritual practice. Otherwise, he will not have enough strength and will soon start the next reincarnation.

After his induction, his own practice system can be applied to this body, but this body is too weak and cannot practice for the time being, so he needs to take a rest.

It would be best to have medicine to repair it.

When he found this place, he said to the man who pulled him into the car: "What are the benefits of being cannon fodder? Is there any nutrient solution?"

Nutrient solution is a specially prepared food that is easy to absorb and can be injected intravenously if necessary. The higher the level, the better for the body.

The latter said contemptuously: "It's a good idea. It would be nice to have compressed biscuits to eat. If you are cannon fodder, I can't give you something too precious. After all, you don't know when you will die."

Song Shi frowned. If he couldn't get good things to compensate his body in a short time, and there was no help from the system, he would have to overdraw his potential if he wanted to gain strength.

"We can only fight hard. At most, we will lose a few years of life. If we can get up, it will not be impossible to make up for it in the future."

Song Shi thought to himself, and said to the man guarding him: "Can I lend you some nutrient solution and healing medicine, and I will repay you tenfold in the future."

The latter squinted at Song Shi: "Do you think I'm a fool? You went to the cannon fodder camp, and you probably won't survive more than half a month. I'm just wasting my money by lending you things. Do you think I'm a fool?"

Song Shi said expressionlessly: "Forget it if you don't borrow it, you missed an opportunity to change your destiny."

The latter was disdainful: "Is there something wrong with your brain? You want to change my destiny? You should survive first and then talk about it."

Song Shi gritted his teeth, what a scrambled egg. He had never been so frustrated since he had the system.

"Is it possible that I was too smooth in the past and now I am being repaid? I have to rely on my own hard work to rise up? Damn it, why do I, an Immortal Emperor, still believe in the so-called destiny?"

Song Shi had many thoughts in his mind and coughed: "By the way, what do you call me?"

"Do not want to tell you."

The latter glanced at Song Shi: "I think this is the only time we have met, and there will be no chance of contact again in the future. Even if you survive, we are not from the same world."

"We are not from the same world."

Song Shi looked outside: "Speaking of which, this world is so real. Have you ever realized that you are fake?"

"There's something really wrong with your brain, and I don't want to talk to you."

The latter deliberately sat farther away. He felt that Song Shi was mentally disturbed after being stimulated.

"You seem to think that you are fake. Could it be that this world is real?"

Song Shi frowned: "Impossible. That guy's strength is not yet up to the level of creating the real world. He has to go to a higher level and become the Creation Divine Level."

"Return to the God of Creation, I think you are a lunatic."

The latter cursed.

The driver in front laughed after hearing this: "Boy, it's useless for you to pretend to be stupid. Just because you have a brain problem, I won't send you to be cannon fodder."

Song Shi pouted: "It sounds like I'm afraid of death. I'm just too lazy to die so fast anymore. Every time I change roles, a bunch of memories are stuffed into me."

"Haha, changing roles. Do you think you are acting?"

The driver laughed out loud: "But your way of comforting yourself is not bad. If you really die, just pretend that you have changed your role. Can you tell me what your next role will be?"

"I don't know. Anyway, my last role was a wolf, and the last time I was a mercenary."

Song Shi was so bored that he spoke about his experiences without fear of revealing anything. Anyway, these guys were probably evolved from the reincarnation of Heavenly Venerable with great Divine Ability.

"We'll see, Wolf, you are really hallucinating."

The driver shook his head: "I'll go to the cannon fodder camp later, talk more to those guys waiting to die, and have more fun."

Song Shi approached and whispered: "Let me tell you a secret. I was originally an Immortal Emperor, immortal. Do you want to learn some Immortal Law? Not to mention becoming an immortal, there is absolutely no problem in making you stronger."

"Shut up, do you really think I can fool you?" The driver snorted coldly: "You're talking about Immortal Emperor, then I'm still Saint."

"you are not."

Song Shi's eyes were cold: "You are just a small character trapped in reincarnation, and you will never be able to awaken. You can invest in me, and you may have a chance to escape from reincarnation."

The guy next to Song Shi chuckled: "You can't fool me, so you think you can fool him?"

The driver looked sarcastic: "This kid was originally trying to trick kids on the street, right?"

"I only want some nutritional solutions and medicines, which are not very precious to you, but these can make you stand up."

Song Shi said righteously: "Even if you give it to me, you won't lose anything. On the contrary, if you miss the opportunity, it won't be a little nutrient solution and medicine to make me remember your kindness in the future."

"I told you to shut up, what are you talking about?"

The driver became impatient.

"You have lost a rare opportunity and will only regret it in the future."

Song Shi snorted, didn't these guys give it a try?

It's really not interesting at all.

He uses discouragement.

I didn't expect that after I lost my power, I wouldn't be able to fool even an ordinary person. It was really like a tiger falling flat and being bullied by a dog.

The car rumbled outside the city into a wilderness and stopped after a few minutes.

There are simple trenches here, and many shell casings and broken artillery shell fragments can be clearly seen on the ground, as well as some forest-white bone residue.

"Madman, please live."

As he was observing the terrain, Song Shi was kicked.

Almost falling to the ground and eating a mouthful of dirt, Song Shi was so angry that he turned around and cursed: "Don't cannon fodder have human rights?"

"There's no human rights, just wait for death!"

The guy who kicked him raised his middle finger and turned away as the driver laughed.

"Damn it, you gave me the motivation to live. If I don't make you regret it, then my job as Immortal Emperor will be in vain!"

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