What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 552 A Worry-Free Little Mood

"Then this is a normal rule. What about my remuneration if I stay for a full year?"

Song Shi asked rhetorically.

"Haha, I can make an exception and increase your authority by one level, so that you can redeem better things through military merit. The restrictions on authority are not something you can break through with military merit. After all, you are a death row prisoner, how about it?"

The battalion commander laughed.


Song Shi nodded.

In his opinion, what the battalion commander paid was nothing at all. The most he could do was use his power to increase his authority.

"Do you think I'm taking advantage? I'll increase your authority for you, but it will cost you my military merit. If something goes wrong with you, I'll have to take responsibility. This can't be compensated by a little military merit."

The battalion commander frowned and explained.

"I know, now can you see what I can exchange for military merit?"

Song Shi didn't show any happiness. In fact, what he wanted was really not a big deal in his eyes.

The battalion commander said to the adjutant: "Take him there, I will give him level 1 permissions."

Song Shi was taken into the fortifications by the adjutant. These fortifications are made of reinforced concrete, which is much better than tents that can only protect against wind and rain.

He asked: "Are the prisoners on death row not even qualified to live in a concrete house?"

The adjutant chuckled: "It's true that you are not qualified, but this is for convenience. If you really can't hold on, you can just give up here. If you spend too much money to build your residence, it will be a waste if you can't stop it."

Song Shi didn't ask any more questions. His eyes saw a lot of supplies, including nutritional solutions, medicines, and even vegetables and fruits.

The person guarding the supplies was still a female soldier. She glanced at Song Shi and was surprised: "Adjutant Liu, why did you bring him here?"

"This is a sharpshooter who is valued by the battalion commander. Now he is treated as an ordinary soldier. You can exchange him for something according to the treatment of a corporal."

The adjutant explained, and then said to Song Shi: "You can exchange as many things as you have military merit."

"price list."

Song Shidao didn't try to compliment anyone.

The female soldier was a little uncomfortable. Anyone who came here to get things, except those with a higher rank than her, was not polite.

Adjutant Liu was right next to her, and it was hard for her to show off. She pressed a button on the table, and a piece of light was projected on the wall, revealing the materials that could be exchanged.

After a few clicks, Song Shi's personal information popped up. Seeing the 445 military merits above, he was surprised and said: "You seem to have been here for less than a week. This is the first time you have been attacked by alien beasts, and you actually got so many military merits." ?”

Adjutant Liu repeated: "He is a sharpshooter. He killed four strange beasts with four shots."

The woman's eyes suddenly changed.

It's not like she has never seen a master of marksmanship. It's very rare to be able to kill four strange beasts in this short attack.

Song Shi didn't say anything, just stared at the redemption list.

There are more than ten kinds of medicines, each with an exchange price ranging from 1 point to 30 points, and then there are nutritional solutions, all level 1 nutritional solutions, priced at 10 points, as well as fruits, meat, vegetables and other things that you can't usually eat.

There is also meat from exotic animals, which is much more expensive. One kilogram costs 15 military points, which is more expensive than nutrient solution.

Song Shi made a simple plan based on his military exploits and said: "15 servings of nutrient solution..."

In addition to medicine, he also exchanged some fruits. As for the meat of exotic animals, since he said he could share some of the exotic animals he killed, there was no need to buy it.

The military merits were quickly consumed. The woman searched among the supplies for a while and packed three bags for him, which was quite a lot.

Song Shi took a look at the thing and saw that it was enough for him to use for a week. This time he had enough nutrition so he didn't have to waste his energy.

If he eats the meat of so-called exotic animals, he can make up for the consumption during cultivation, and Song Shi can't help but feel good.

The situation changed faster than I expected. The previous reincarnations were not in vain, and the inherited experiences were still useful.

When he walked out of the fortification, a number of tin wolves had been placed on the ground, and many cannon fodder were being dealt with.

"You're so big, I should be able to share a lot of meat, right?"

Song Shi asked.

"You kill four heads, and according to the ratio, each head can get one-tenth."

the adjutant said.

"so little?"

"You were able to kill them with the help of everyone and the turret. In another place, you could kill them by yourself under the attack of hundreds of tin wolves?"

the adjutant asked rhetorically.

Song Shi had nothing to say. Looking at the size of the tin wolf, he estimated that one tenth of the size would be enough for him to eat for a long time.

The battalion commander looked over and said: "You have won a lot of military merit, so of course you can't take all of the exotic animal meat. 10% is not bad for you."

"I understand that being able to kill them is indeed not just my fault."

Song Shi agreed with the adjutant's words.

"As long as you understand, I will keep these meats in mind for you. When you eat every day, I can make them ripe for you. However, since you are not a cultivator, you should not eat too much of this because it will not be digested. I suggest you sell the excess. , exchange it for money, it will be useful in the future.”

The battalion commander suggested.

"Why can't I practice?" Song Shi asked back: "I am a Martial Artist and I need to supplement this high-quality flesh and blood."

The battalion commander was surprised: "You're starting to practice martial arts at this age? Are you practicing away from home?"

Generally, you have to be young to practice. If you are as old as Song Shi, your achievements will be very limited.

“Beautiful inside and out.”

Song Shi glanced at the wolf meat and felt his saliva flowing out faster. He hadn't eaten meat for a long time.

He said: "Can we serve dinner now? If not, I can do it myself."

"You can't light a fire. Go to the kitchen. You are qualified to make a few plates of stir-fry alone."

The battalion commander knew that Song Shi wanted to eat, and most of the cannon fodder here couldn't eat meat.

"Together, I invite you."

Song Shi is also planning to get in touch with the latter.

"You're a good boy. I have to send these strange beasts to the city. Let's do it next time."

The battalion commander was very satisfied with Song Shi's words and said with a smile: "The meat of these exotic animals is very valuable and is also one of the raw materials for making nutrient solution. They need fresh ones over there, so they can't wait too long."

Song Shi nodded thoughtfully, got his gun and walked back.

He wanted to get familiar with these two kinds of guns, and then he would eat a meal of exotic animal meat and start planning his training for the Rank One level.

While Song Shi was carefully planning for limited resources, in the inner space of the distant ancient star of the sun, Wuyou consolidated his strength by leaps and bounds, and found that Song Shi was not around, and felt a little lonely for a while.

She found that she was used to Song Shi being by her side, and shook her head with a wry smile: "I didn't expect that one day I would still miss a man."

She quickly suppressed her thoughts about Song Shi and began to plan revenge.

This matter is relatively important. She has been planning it for a while, but she always feels that it is not perfect enough. She wants to contact Song Shi through Conferred Divinity List to discuss it.

After she tried, she quickly let out a sigh and said in surprise: "What's going on? I can't sense him anymore. There's no reaction. What's the matter? No, with his strength, it's impossible not to be able to distinguish him." Answer me from your heart.”

Wuyou instinctively sensed something was wrong, but subconsciously did not think that Song Shi would be in any danger.

After all, with the opponent's ability, he can't even kill him, so what danger can he encounter?

Although he thought so, Wuyou felt uneasy.

"What is he doing that he doesn't reply to me?"

Wuyou was quite unhappy, and found that he was a little moody, and he cared so much about this guy without even realizing it.

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