What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 567 Small Reincarnation

"Then you quite enjoyed it."

No worries or blame.

"I have no choice but to enjoy the hardship."

Song Shi closed the door and sat next to Wuyou: "You have a pretty good status, much better than me."

"I chose it specifically."

Wuyou said: "You were forced."

"Is there still a choice?"

Song Shi's eyes widened, which was a bit eye-opening.


The fighter plane took off again.

Wuyou lay in Song Shi's arms and said, "It's just like reincarnation. This place is originally within the six realms of reincarnation. As long as you have the strength, you can naturally choose where to reincarnate."

"Awesome, I can't help it, I was completely suppressed by the reincarnation Heavenly Venerable."

Song Shi is helpless.

"Your strength is a bit inferior. If you are at my level, he probably won't be able to suppress you once the Chaos Dao comes out."

Wuyou said coldly.

"The key is that it hasn't arrived yet, so it can only be suppressed."

Song Shi shrugged: "We are still trapped here as husband and wife. Do you have any way to get out? I think you can find me, so you should have a trump card."

"I relied on the Tiandao soldiers and Divine Ability who stayed outside."

Wuyou raised his hand, and a ray of green light emerged, which was quite dim: "It can only be done to this extent at the moment, and I can't use much power at all. However, my path of life and death is getting familiar with the path of reincarnation, so I may not have no chance."

"It looks like I'm going to continue to be trapped."

Song Shi regretted: "You should have tried to kill me."

"You think I didn't try?"

Wuyou snorted: "That guy saw my plan and blocked the attack. This guy is worthy of being the guy who once controlled Heavenly Venerable reincarnation and knew the secrets of the world."

"Understand the secrets of all realms?"

Song Shi frowned.

"Yes, the heavenly way of reincarnation once enveloped all the heavens and all realms. Even if a god dies, his remaining souls may be dragged into reincarnation by him, let alone these ordinary creatures."

Wuyou said while looking outside.

Song Shi was stunned: "What do you mean these guys are alive and not illusory?"

"It's not clear whether this world is real, but these creatures are all real, and they are all souls absorbed by the reincarnation disk."

Wuyou mocked: "These souls are forced to reincarnate according to the rules of six reincarnations, and they don't even know they have turned into beasts."

When she said this, she noticed that Song Shi had a strange look on his face, and couldn't help but tease: "Could it be that you have also turned into a beast? Tell me what it is?"

Song Shi's face darkened: "It's okay not to say anything."

"Well, there's nothing we can do now anyway."

Wuyou is curious about what Song Shi has become.

"A wolf died shortly after."

Song Shi said depressedly.

"That's a pity. You can experience it well. The six paths of reincarnation correspond to the path of gods, the path of the world, etc. Each path has its own mysteries. Maybe you can understand the laws of the six paths of reincarnation."

Wuyou smiled.

"Once you realize it, you can escape from reincarnation and control the reincarnation disk you mentioned, right?"

Song Shi is a little emotional.

"It's probably difficult. Just like me, even if I understand life and death, I still can't control the way of life and death."

Wuyou shook his head: "However, I don't know whether Samsara Heavenly Venerable is dead or not. If he is really dead, even if the Samsara Heavenly Way is incomplete, you might still be able to control it."

"When you say that, I feel motivated."

Song Shi's eyes lit up: "No matter if he is dead or not, he is definitely not in a good condition hiding here now. If I can use his Tiandao soldiers to steal his Tiandao, that would be great."

"The state is indeed not good, but I can fight him a few times."

Wuyou nodded: "When he was in his prime, I wouldn't have had a chance."

The Iron Eagle fighter jet quickly rushed into the sky and flew towards the base city.

Song Shi glanced outside: "According to what you said, we should be in the space of the reincarnation disk now?"

"Yes, I was trapped in the reincarnation disk. The reincarnation disk once formed its own space and opened up a world called the reincarnation world. It connected the underworld, the Nine Netherworld and other interfaces, and specialized in reincarnating the souls of living creatures in all worlds."

Speaking of this, Wuyou sighed: "Souls are all born from the heavenly way of reincarnation. It is rumored that the true spirit of the God of Creation is scattered across the world. Reincarnation Heavenly Venerable wants to absorb the true spirit through reincarnation and pry into the secrets of creation. It failed."

"And these past events? Then he is indeed quite powerful."

Song Shi felt that she was not wronged at all if she was plotted against by this kind of guy.

"That's for sure. He is one of the most powerful Heavenly Venerables and belongs to the top ten Heavenly Venerables in the ancient times."

Worry-free is a given.

Song Shi nodded and sighed.

Such powerful beings have fallen. One can imagine how fierce the ancient war was.

He was silent for a moment and returned to the present: "When you came in, did you notice how many such reincarnation worlds there are?"

"There are many, probably tens of thousands, but they are still not as good as the ancient times. At that time, all worlds, including these planets, were shrouded in reincarnation."

Wuyou shook his head: "This is just a small reincarnation at best. It can also be seen that he really wants to rebuild the six paths of reincarnation."

"Interesting, it is specifically set on Earth, not on other planets. Is there anything special here?"

Song Shi looked curious.


Wuyou glanced sideways: "What's the name of the planet outside?"

"Well, this is my hometown. I came back this time just to have a look and to resolve some regrets."

Song Shi said, Wuyou even ran over to save him, there was no need to hide this matter.

"Ah, your hometown?"

Wuyou was surprised: "All living beings on this planet are enveloped in reincarnation, and they will enter reincarnation even after death. How did you get out?"

"Not sure."

Song Shi shook his head. Logically speaking, he left not long ago, and the reincarnation Heavenly Venerable has obviously been arranged here for many years, which means that he should continue to reincarnate in this reincarnation after death, and should not be reincarnated in Wuji Continent.


The Wuji Continent is now shrouded in the power of reincarnation.

He said: "If the reincarnation disk is restored to some extent, do you think it will cover part of the world?"

"Not impossible."

Wuyou was also thinking about it and agreed with this statement: "He definitely wants to rebuild the reincarnation. It is possible to secretly absorb some small worlds and incorporate them into the reincarnation. This needs careful investigation after going out to confirm."

"You can't get out now, so let's continue reincarnation and understand the six paths of reincarnation."

Song Shi smiled and looked at Wuyou: "I used to feel lonely in reincarnation alone, but now that you are here, I don't feel that way anymore. How about we have a child? We are weak now and have children very quickly."

"No, no creature in this world can escape reincarnation, and neither can the offspring born in this body like me and you. Why let the children suffer?"

No worries about rejection.

"that's true."

Song Shi sighed: "We don't know how long it will take to reincarnate before we can leave. If we have children, we can only watch them reincarnate."

"What are they, you want me to have more of them?"

Wuyou said angrily: "The one outside hasn't been conceived yet. Let's quickly find a way to vent our anger."

"Okay, wife, you are right."

Song Shi smiled and nodded.

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