What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 571: Finding Loopholes And Condensing Fake Spiritual Roots

When he arrived at the Cao family, he would give the jade pendant to Chen Ziqi, and then he would consider leaving the Chen family.

Night came soon. Everyone ate some dry food and rested in groups. Chen Ziqi and Cao Wenhong were whispering, mostly talking about love.

Song Shi and others don't need to keep vigil, they all sleep on their own cows, and they are not afraid of the smell of the cows.

Lying on the ground, Song Shi's body skills began to operate. For him, as long as he wanted to practice, he could do it whether he was lying down, sitting or standing. The speed would be different at most.

The surrounding spiritual energy gathered towards Song Shi, and no one close at hand noticed it.

This is because they have not reached Innate, or have spiritual roots, Spirit Body, and cannot sense the energy in the void at all.

Song Shi was practicing and looking at the night sky. He was thinking about the problem at the moment.

If this is a false world, then where did the aura come from? Is it all my own illusion?

Even if it is an illusion, this aura follows certain rules, which also means that the Body Refining system in this world follows certain rules.

It's okay that these rules are normal, but it would be interesting if they evolved from the law of reincarnation.

On the one hand, this means that reincarnation Heavenly Venerable is very powerful and has controlled various laws, thereby evolving worlds that are close to reality.

On the other hand, if he mastered some secrets, he might be able to change the current step-by-step cultivation method and gain strength quickly like cheating.

It's like he broke the program of the world in front of him and modified some data at will, and these data are his cultivation and so on.

Thinking of this, his pupils shrank.

If he can cheat by modifying the rules of this world, does it mean that his life and death system is also equivalent to secretly modifying the rules of the universe, which can directly give him power and even allow him to be resurrected again and again.

Song Shi was a little excited. He didn't expect that he could learn something useful while trapped here.

If I can cheat in today's reincarnation world, then after I get out, I may not be able to study the death and death system and continue cheating.

There are still restrictions on how to hack the life and death system, but if you hack it yourself, you can do whatever you want, which is much more convenient.

"This insight is valuable, very valuable."

Song Shi closed her eyes and continued to sense the rules of this world.

According to Wuyou, the creatures in this world are formed by real souls, and the others should be fake, transformed by the Heavenly Venerable of reincarnation.

A world of true and false will inevitably lead to imperfect rules of heaven and earth, that is, more loopholes. As long as you catch a useful loophole and exploit it, you can take off.

If it weren't for the fact that he only had consciousness and no Primordial Spirit at the moment, it would be difficult to control the rules. Otherwise, when he was at his peak, he could easily find loopholes in the rules of heaven and earth and exploit them. Now he can only spend time and use some ingenuity to achieve it.

"This world has a cultivation system and a set of rules for cultivation and improvement. It comes from a place I am familiar with."

Song Shi began to analyze the essence of practice. Practice requires nothing more than combining the energy of the world with the energy of the outside world, and improving strength through constant quantitative and qualitative changes.

He thought about the basic resources for practice, and finally found the easiest way to cheat, which was to simulate spiritual roots.

Spiritual root is a basic cultivation talent that allows people to directly Qi Refining Soul Formation. The starting point is much higher than that of refining qi. If his body has spiritual roots, based on his experience, the Foundation Building will be destroyed in one year. no problem.

"In the final analysis, the spiritual root is the body's affinity with some kind of spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and it has a little power of law."

Song Shi thought to himself: "The spiritual root is essentially equivalent to the law fragment. The stronger the power of the law, the better the spiritual root. I will use True Qi to simulate the power of this law."

The yin and yang True Qi in his body changes, combines with the source, and emits a special wave. The various waves are constantly adjusted, and finally the surrounding spiritual energy begins to automatically approach him.

"Haha, as expected, the rules of this world are not perfect enough. It is not difficult to get a fake spiritual root."

Song Shi mocked in his heart and continued to adjust True Qi. He integrated the Rune Way with the origin of the body to simulate the spiritual root, or to be precise, simulate the law.

Runes and formations operate in accordance with the rules of heaven and earth, and are the closest things to laws. He does not need to condense real laws, he only needs to comply with the rules of this world to achieve the effect of spiritual roots.

As he was groping, the night passed quickly. When the sky was slightly bright, Liu Huwei began to call: "Get up, have something to eat and set off."

Song Shi opened her eyes and felt her cultivation. One night, under the effect of the fake spiritual roots, the cultivation effect was equivalent to half a month.

"This is equivalent to Low Grade Spirit Root. When I continue to improve and reach Supreme Grade Spirit Root in the future, the speed will more than double."

Song Shi chuckled: "This is just exploiting a loophole, there are others you can try."

His face is getting better and better. If he hadn't controlled his aura, his temperament at this moment would have been extremely outstanding.

After getting up to feed the cows, Song Shi didn't eat anything. He was already innate and could eat grains for a short period of time. Of course, he had no interest in eating dry food. It would be good to eat larger game.

However, the bride-to-be team had been explicitly prohibited from hunting wild game, and since there would be no blood on the big day, he didn't bother.

Wait two more days, leave this team and have a good meal.

The guards and servants were fetching water from the stream nearby. Lao Wang handed Song Shi a kettle: "Brother Song, can you drink it?"

"No, I'm not thirsty."

Song Shi doesn't drink raw water, which is his habit all the time.

"It's better to be young. You seem to have more endurance than us."

Lao Wang took a sip: "Grandma, you see I'm still tired after sleeping all night. I'm really getting more and more useless as I get older."

"You put it like that, I feel a little tired too."

Another servant next to him smiled and said, Song Shi saw the people around him swaying a little, and at the same time sensed someone approaching in the darkness.

He frowned: "There should be medicine in the water, but the enemy actually chose this time to take action."

Song Shi didn't expect it, and neither did anyone else.

Just as the night passed, it was already dawning, and everyone's wariness had mostly dissipated, but someone took the opportunity to plot.


Lao Wang was the first to fall down, and then the others also became drunk.

"not good!"

The other guards screamed in surprise, but their whole bodies became weak, they lost their balance and fell to the ground.

Liu Huwei's face turned ugly, he held himself up with a knife and reminded: "Damn it, someone is drugging the stream, young master and madam, be careful!"

Chen Ziqi and Yang Chuxiong were also tricked. One was holding the sedan chair and the other was holding the horse, looking a little confused.

"If we don't add medicine to the stream, how can we deal with so many of you?"

A proud voice came from the upper stream of the stream. Song Shi heard it and his eyes became cold.

"Sure enough, the least labor-intensive and simplest way to conduct a sneak attack is to administer drugs."

Song Shi muttered, "Only in this way can you dare to take action."

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