In the splendid firelight, hundreds of young disciples were like cooked shrimps, their bodies red. The practicing True Qi could not block the scorching light falling from the sky, and could only pant violently, looking terrified.

Whoosh whoosh!

One after another figures flew out from all directions. They were all elites of the sect. However, facing the falling sun in the sky, they still looked shocked and fearful.

At this moment, the thing that melted the formation was so terrifying. It was burning with seemingly endless flames and was still growing in size. The huge pressure formed caused the Protecting Sect formation to make an unbearable sound. The contact parts were severely deformed and melted. most.

What surprised them most was that there was a black spot on the terrifying falling sun. If they looked closely, they found it was a person!

This man couldn't see clearly, but there was a mysterious aura around him, like the rebirth of the sun god, causing the sun under him to continue to grow, becoming more terrifying and destructive.

"Which strong man would attack my sect without any reason?"

Under the pressure, the power of the formation changed and turned into black. Cold air surged from the ground and fought against the power of the blazing sun.

"Which strong man are you?"

"Are you trying to wipe me out, Black Wind Mountain?"

Two stunned and angry questions turned into a roaring sound that spread.

No one here knew this person, but he suffered such an unknown attack. No one could accept it, and Wuming became angry.

"Song Shi, if you don't want to change your name, if you don't want to change your surname, come here and wipe out your Black Fengmen!"

Song Shi's words were astonishing. Not only did he say his name, he also said that he wanted to destroy the sect. He was extremely domineering, but it also made people feel inexplicable.

"Your Excellency is really crazy. I, Black Wind Sect, have never offended you. Have you found the wrong person?"

The master of the Black Wind Sect gritted his teeth and asked.

What kind of enemy this is is incomprehensible.

"Why do we need a reason to destroy you?"

Song Shi didn't bother to explain: "Today I will only destroy the Black Fengmen. Those who are wise can avoid it and still save a life."

He stepped into the void and blessed with power like the falling sun.

This thing is still a fireball technique, but it is a fireball technique with ten thousand times the power. It has the power to destroy the world and surpass the Great Grandmaster. Even the Great Grandmaster couldn't stop him.

What made their pupils shrink the most was that the power like the falling sun continued to penetrate deeper and did not stop due to the resistance of the formation.

"Damn it, let's all work together to stop this lunatic who rushed out of nowhere."

"Kill him and the threat will be eliminated naturally."

The masters of the Black Storm Sect all rushed towards Song Shi, each of them had the strength of a Great Grandmaster, making the dazzling sky dim slightly.

"not enough."

Song Shi shook his head. He was attracting the power of heaven and earth. When it came to rules, it was not a power that a Great Grandmaster could attract.

Naturally, an attack of this magnitude cannot be blocked by a single Great Grandmaster.

Song Shi blended into the flames and did not deliberately dodge. He just continued to strengthen the attacks under him.

Similar to strengthening his physical body, he continued to strengthen this spell through similar means, and this strengthening was not difficult. As long as he had enough spiritual energy and his strength was strong enough, he could continue.

In other words, the attacks under his feet are becoming more and more powerful. If these people had sniped earlier, they could have created more resistance, but now they have lost the opportunity.

The red flame has become hundreds of feet in diameter, and the destructive power it contains can cover a thousand feet in radius, enough to destroy the Black Wind Sect.

Someone turned into a sharp edge and wanted to break through the flames, but after contacting the flames, all the strength in his body evaporated crazily. He was only halfway through when everything was destroyed by the power of the flames.

But the falling sun kept oppressing it, forcing it to retreat in embarrassment.

His whole body was charred and black, and his heart was still frightened.

Facing this kind of existence, he had a feeling that if he didn't exit early, he would be melted directly.

The others were similar, the only difference was the distance they penetrated. As a result, they were all forced to retreat, consuming a large amount of True Qi in vain, and ended up still within the scope of the power of destruction.

What made them most desperate was that the falling sun they attacked together seemed to have no consumption at all, and was even a bit stronger.

They continued to attack unwillingly, and the mountain-breaking attacks landed on huge fireballs, leaving only some ripples.

"How can this be!"

Realizing that there was nothing he could do to stop it, everyone who took action looked horrified, and panic arose in their hearts.

Can't stop it!

Can't be destroyed!

All of them showed that this kind of attack had exceeded the limit that they could resist.

The existence that can issue such an attack is no longer something they can deal with. Others really have the power to wipe out the Black Wind Sect.

Everyone's face turned pale, and they looked like the sky enveloped the sect, melting layers of formations, and giant fireballs fell unstoppably.

"No, I don't want to die."

"This is a being like a god of war. The sect-protecting formation cannot stop it."

"Run, run!"

The others who were still waiting for the sect's senior officials to defend themselves against the incoming enemy had their mentality collapsed and fled desperately.

Unfortunately, it is too late to retreat at this time.


Song Shi's condensed fireball has grown to a diameter of one thousand meters, and the power contained in it melts the Black Wind Gate and evaporates, appearing directly above everyone's heads.

The temperature of the entire mountain suddenly rose, and the cold air disappeared. The vegetation and buildings burned directly, and everyone's clothes also caught fire.

The people who were shrouded in the front by the falling sun suffered the worst. Their bodies burned quickly like paper, and they screamed in pain under the power of the flames, which was particularly scary.

Seeing that this attack was unstoppable, those at the Grandmaster level and above ran away as hard as they could, and no one tried to resist.

What's more terrifying is yet to come. After the fireball touches the ground, Song Shi steps forward: "The sun will fall and blacken the mountain!"


The power he gathered was extremely violent and explosive. When he deliberately induced it, it spread and engulfed the entire Black Wind Mountain.

The various buildings inside were shattered in the flames, and the high temperature caused these things to melt. Even the stones were like this, and the flesh and blood bodies inside were directly cremated and turned into balls of fly ash.

Song Shi went up to the sky and looked at the Black Wind Gate disappearing in the firelight with a satisfied expression.

Compared with the fireball thrown at Cao's house, the power of the falling sun this time was a thousand times more powerful. It was all caused by him using the rules to leverage more power.

Circles of aftermath spread, destroying the surrounding mountains and forests. Song Shi saw this scene: "Don't destroy the resources."

This time he took action personally. Apart from not wanting to be passively approached by the Black Wind Sect, he just wanted to get some cultivation resources.

The resources of a sect are enough for him to use for a period of time, but looking at it like this, he is too harsh, and he doesn't know how much he will have left.

"As long as there are any left, they should all be high-quality products."

Song Shi comforted herself and didn't care about the lucky ones who escaped. They fell into the ashes and picked up the storage treasures one by one.

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