What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 583 Seclusion In A Mountain Village

Song Shi came to a small village with beautiful scenery, which was sparsely populated and felt like a paradise.

"Let's just go here. The aura concentration is higher than that in Lucheng, and there aren't many sects."

Song Shi fell and walked towards the village.

This village is located halfway up a mountain. Various grains are grown in the valley. There are many mulberry trees on the mountain. It is a typical self-sufficient life where men farm and women weave.

The people in the mountain village are not weak, the men look very tough, and the women are quite hot and sensitive.

They were all wary when they saw Song Shi, a man wearing silk and satin, who looked like a young master arriving.

"Everyone, you still don't know what this place is called?"

Song Shi asked with a smile in front of a tree with a crooked neck at the entrance of the village.

Near him, there were farmers sitting on stones to rest, an old man carrying manure, a woman picking mulberry leaves, and three children playing.

"Qingsang Village, why did Young Master come back to us? Our Qingsang Village can be regarded as the most remote village in the west of Ningguo. It is next to the wild mountains. Not many people usually pass by here."

The old man who picked shit chuckled.

"I want to live in seclusion here."

Song Shi glanced at several villagers and said, "Whether it's settling in a cottage or buying a dilapidated house, I can give Qingsang Village some value."

"Brother Gongzi, life here is quite difficult, you have to think carefully about it."

The woman picking mulberries spoke.

"Yes! There is no busy traffic here. We only have to face the loess with our back to the sky, and we have to face the ferocious beasts in the wild mountains."

The farmer hammered the soil on his hoe and talked about his daily life.

"Brother, you are from outside. Are there a lot of candied haws on a stick there?"

A little kid ran over with a runny nose and looked like he wanted to know the result.

"You bastard, I shouldn't have brought you sugar-coated haws. You only think about eating them all day long."

The farmer's face turned dark, and he didn't like the child looking like this.

"The candied haws outside are delicious, but the road is difficult." Song Shi said meaningfully.

"But I still want to go outside and take a look. I heard them say it's very lively and interesting outside." Another skinny kid said seriously.

"Skinny Monkey, you want to be beaten, right? It's hundreds of miles from here to any town. Whatever you do when you go out, no one will help you if you are bullied."

The mulberry-picking woman put her hands on her hips and said, "Go home and help your mother."

Song Shi glanced at the two children without saying anything. He took out a bag of gold and silver and said, "This is some money. Can I buy a piece of land over there?"

"This thing is of little use to us, so there is no need to give it to us."

The old man who picked up dung shook his head: "We have no village in front of us, no store in back, and we can't use the money to go out. If you really want to stay, you can go and live in a cottage by yourself. As long as the land here has not been cultivated, you can It can be used as long as it doesn’t affect other people.”


Song Shi did not force the gold and silver to be given to anyone, but pointed to a big rock behind the village, "I will live here. If anything happens, you can come to me."

After saying that, he walked towards the uninhabited hill behind the village.

"Brother, tell us about the outside world, we want to hear it."

The snotty-nosed kid followed.

"Er Zhuzi, your mother told you to go home for dinner, where did you go?"

The vicissitudes of life girl shouted: "Skinny Monkey too, go back and eat quickly, otherwise it will be gone."

The two little kids who wanted to play with Song Shi stopped immediately, turned around and ran back.

"Brother, I'm going to eat first." Skinny Monkey said.

"Oh, it's time to eat. It's time to eat. I want to eat a big chicken drumstick." Erzhu jumped up and rushed towards his home.

The old man carrying dung, his stooped body, left with a bucket, the farmer carried a hoe, and the vicissitudes woman carried mulberry leaves on her back, and they all left separately. No one invited Song Shi to eat.

If the two children were not aware of this kind of thing, the villagers' attitude of not caring about Song Shi was already obvious.

I just don't want Song Shi to live here.

This kind of xenophobia is normal. One more person means more resources will be allocated, and most people will not be too happy about it.

But Song Shi could see more. He smiled, said nothing, and took a few steps to the top of the mountain.

This place is about a thousand meters away from the bottom of the valley. There are no trees at the top, only some weeds. The surrounding clouds and fog are thick, and they condense into a circle at the top of the mountain, which looks quite interesting.

There is a depression more than ten feet away from the top of the mountain. It is like a fork in the mountain. A big stone protrudes. Behind it is a cliff. There is a land several feet wide in the middle. There are many weeds growing there. There are no Any small road means that almost no one comes there.

"It's nice here, no one bothers me."

Song Shi nodded with satisfaction and made a hand gesture: "Three bedrooms, one living room and one courtyard with trees!"

He said the magic formula casually, but the magic was real. Immediately, the soil on the ground rolled, moved, solidified and changed, forming a rough embryo of a courtyard. There was also a small pool in it, and a well behind it.

In the room, he threw out some wood. These were taken from the Black Wind Gate. They were all thousand-year-old wood. Under his control, he quickly cut and spliced ​​them into the main structure and fence of the house.

Patting his waist again, he took out a bag of soil and poured it next to the pool. This was spiritual soil taken from Black Wind Gate, which could be used to plant some precious vegetation.

Then he took out some seeds. Under the stimulation of the spell, the seeds quickly took root and sprouted, decorating the originally bare ground into lawns, gardens and bamboo forests.

After changing the spell, the groundwater was diverted, filled the wells and rulers, and then flowed down the rocks, forming small waterfalls and streams. Suddenly the place seemed to come alive, from a wilderness full of weeds to a nice place. 's small courtyard.

Song Shi hollowed out the stone and made a room. The whole space was much larger. It was spacious for a family of five, let alone one person.

"This is my new home. I don't want to move anymore if I have nothing to do."

Song Shi carved out a piece of land to grow vegetables so that she could make her own food if she wanted to.

After finishing it, he didn't go down the mountain. He just sat in the stone room, watched the stream water stay, and started his own practice.

He was going to try to improve his cultivation quickly. He couldn't just improve his physical body, it would be too uncoordinated.

"The improvement of cultivation involves not only the qualitative change of energy, but also the qualitative change of spirit. If the physical body is not considered, the Qi and Shen will be allowed to improve accordingly."

Song Shi thought about the difficulties. It is indeed more complicated than simply improving the physical body. The main reason is that there are more things involved. If you want to find loopholes to cheat, it will be much more difficult. It is destined not to be successful in a short time.

He was not in a hurry. It was still early, so he would spend more time. As long as he succeeded in cracking the rules, the rewards would be huge.

In the village, many people were paying attention to what was happening on the mountain.

In a small farmyard somewhere, more than twenty people smoked dry cigarettes, making the surroundings filled with smoke.

"Er Zhuzi, go back and take a nap."

Someone scolded the child and asked him to leave. He blew out a puff of smoke and revealed a face, which was that of a farmer Song Shi had seen. "Here comes another one. I don't know if he is really living in seclusion or what he thinks."

The old dung-carrying man, who was carrying a small meal, had a wrinkled face and said, "The key is that I can't see through this person and don't know his origins. It's hard to resist."

"Looking at him, he doesn't look like he has any malicious intent." The vicissitudes of life woman waved her hand and blew away the smoke.

"Knowing people but not their hearts, who knows what he thinks?"

A man holding a hunting bow pulled the bow string and pointed it at the top of the mountain: "How about driving him away."

"How can this be done? Our tradition in Qingsang Village is to help each other. Everyone who comes here is qualified to live here. Where can I live by myself without letting others do the same?"

The old man sitting in the middle shook his head. This man had white hair and was quite prestigious. No one objected when he said this.

"Then let's see what he will do. If he really has any bad thoughts, so many of us are not afraid of him."

A pretty woman hugged her chest and said.

"Widow, you don't like me anymore, do you? We don't allow you to try to kill people here." Someone next to me teased.

"This man came here to live in seclusion at a young age. People are just curious whether he really sees through the world of mortals."

The woman called the widow chuckled.

No one else had any objections, and obviously wanted to see what this person's background was.

The next day, Song Shi looked at the empty pool and muttered: "It's better to put some fish in it."

He has an automatic cultivation system, and he doesn't need to sit still to understand the rules of heaven and earth. He usually has a lot of time to take care of this new yard.

Since you are going to stay there for a long time, you naturally need to take care of it properly and comfortably.

Outside, a plump village woman was climbing the slope. The weeds along the way made her frown, but she was shocked when she saw the fence at the top of the mountain.

"What's going on? Didn't you just come here yesterday? Why has the yard been repaired?"

Next to her, a farmer with a particularly big head was cutting down vegetation with a sickle to create a path, and heard her words. He also looked up and said in shock: "It's true, I thought you were lying to me."

"Butou, this guy really came here yesterday."

The widow stopped with some vigilance and did not move forward. If something went wrong, there must be a monster. It was right for her to bring an extra person with her today. If there was an accident, she would have someone to take care of her.

"Yes, I caught a glimpse of him yesterday, but I've never seen him before."

Da Tou touched his somewhat bald head and said, "It's strange that we can't feel anything about such a big yard on the top of the mountain."

"There must be something wrong with this person. He can build a yard under the eyes of so many people in our village, but we have no idea. It is not something ordinary people can do."

The widow's face was solemn. She subconsciously felt that Song Shi had built the yard here in advance, and then showed up and said he wanted to live in seclusion after repairing it. This was a way of cooking raw rice into cooked rice.

"Maybe it came from the other side of the mountain. We don't usually come to the top of this quiet mountain. It's normal that we didn't notice it."

Datou comforted himself and said dissatisfiedly: "But his behavior is quite unethical. It's not like we don't want him to live in seclusion here. As for secretly repairing the yard first?"

"Stop talking, if someone has the energy to do such a thing, he is not an ordinary person."

The widow shook her head.

"It sounds like we are just ordinary people." Big Head muttered.

The widow frowned: "Okay, the distance is very close. Please speak softly. We will all belong to the same village from now on. There is no need to have grudges."

"Yes, everyone will live in this mountain from now on, and we will be considered our own people."

A voice answered, but it wasn't a big-headed one.

The two people's bodies were shaken, and their spines were a little cold. They hurriedly moved away from the source of the sound. At the same time, they turned around cautiously and stared at Song Shi, who had come to them unnoticed, with extremely fearful eyes.

"You are indeed no ordinary person."

The widow stared at Song Shi, secretly thinking that he was so handsome that she couldn't help but want to get close to him.

"You are not ordinary people either."

Song Shi glanced at the sickle in Datou's hand. There was already strength condensed on it, and the bulging muscles all over his body were like copper skin.

The widow's breath was agile, and there were several needles with cold light in her hands.

Needless to say, both of them are capable.

He was not surprised. When he came to this village, he explored it and found that the spiritual energy here was stronger. There were no big forces, but there were practitioners.

Whether it was the farmers he met at the end of the village or these two people, their strength was not simple.

Let's put it this way, the two people in front of them went to Cao's house and were able to make a big fuss and escape unscathed.

Even those two children have some practice, but are just getting started.

In fact, this is no ordinary village.

It would be difficult for ordinary people to survive in such remote mountains and forests, as well as under the threat of various ferocious beasts.

Seeing that Song Shi had no intention of taking action, the widow smiled coquettishly and said, "In that case, let's just mind our own business and not harm each other. How about we live in peace and harmony?"

"Of course, I have no grudges against you. What can I do to you?"

Song Shi nodded. If he had harmful intentions, all the people in this village could be wiped out.

"Then we are here to visit your new neighbor today."

The widow smiled and looked at Song Shi: "What do you call me, brother? Are you married?"

"Song Shi, married and married."

Song Shi answered simply.

"Where's Madam? Are you here too?"

The widow glanced at the courtyard.

"Not here."

Song Shi shook his head, he didn't know which world Wuyou was in at the moment.

"That's a pity. I was still thinking of getting together with you."

The widow laughed so hard, "Actually, if you don't mind, you can also contact me. I'm very sensible."

Datou snorted coldly after hearing this: "Stop being so arrogant, I don't want to have anything to do with you."

"You need to talk too much!"

The widow rolled her eyes.

"You two are guests, please come."

Song Shi raised her hand and said, "You two helped me open a path, so I have to entertain you no matter what."

"Then we have to get rid of the last bit of weeds before we can eat your food, Mr. Song."

The widow kicked the guy in the head, and the latter was depressed about cutting grass and trees: "It was obviously me who did it, so why do you still get the credit?"

"You're the only one who talks a lot, right? Believe it or not, I'll go back and tell your wife that you didn't stop my seduction on the way?"

Widow Menace.

"No, you're just kidding. We came together, so of course we are together."

The big head is honestly cut and picked up.

Song Shi can see that these people have a good relationship. If the relationship is not good, they probably won't be able to live together.

He didn't say anything and let Datou open up the road. He could simply leave without leaving a road at all.

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