What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 603 Viral Infection

Although the owners of the reincarnation mark that he controls now are still weak, he will control those who are strong in the future, so that different cultivation insights and experiences can be passed on to him.

Song Shi can practice like thousands of incarnations, and the accumulation of countless practice experiences and insights can directly make up for his own shortcomings, and even get infinitely close to perfection.

The more reincarnation marks you control, the closer you are to perfection.

In the future, he will be able to understand the laws of these souls without spending much time, even the laws that he has not practiced before.

With the continuous superposition, just thinking about it is terrifying.

"No wonder the Reincarnation Heavenly Venerable is one of the most powerful Heavenly Venerables in ancient times. It turns out that there is such a method of cultivation. I have not encountered any method that can surpass this method of cultivation."

The deeper Song Shi understood, the more shocked he was, and the more he could sense how powerful reincarnation Heavenly Venerable was.

The more this happens, the more he wants to take advantage of it.

He had the confidence to become as powerful as the reincarnation Heavenly Venerable was back then.

"A boring and boring life has begun."

Song Shi muttered, it only takes a few days to go from one to a hundred, and then it will be tens of thousands, and they will continue to stack up.

It is still unclear how many reincarnation seals can be controlled in turn to control the reincarnation of heaven, but it is definitely more likely to be controlled.

He regarded himself as a virus that invaded this reincarnated world, and the next step was to infect the system and take back his authority.

Standing on the top of the mountain, looking at the sky and the earth, Song Shi sighed: "It's time to get out of this novice village."

He touched the big black dog guarding the door and began to decipher the animal's reincarnation mark.

Dahei is young and relatively strong, so it took him a while to crack it.

Deep in the soul of the big black dog, there is a point of light that is indistinguishable from humans or animals. This is the true spirit, the foundation of the soul. It does not carry any memory, but it leaves some imprints, which should be left in reincarnation, just like The growth rings of a tree generally do not dissipate easily after death.

Outside the true spirit, a reincarnation mark engraved with the six paths shrouds it. It is this mark that can carry the true spirit with it through reincarnation.

This time, perhaps due to his deepening connection with the reincarnation of heaven, he made new progress in cracking it.

Through the brand, he was able to view the dog's past from the path of reincarnation.

After checking, he found that this guy was also a dog in his last life, and he was also a dog in his previous life.

"A professional dog owner?"

Song Shi was speechless. Looking at the big black dog who enjoyed his head petting, Song Shi continued to look forward and found that he could not see clearly.

"The authority is not enough. You can't even see things from three lifetimes ago."

Song Shi added some attributes to the big black dog, and the latter suddenly glowed, and his strength was significantly improved.

"Woof woof, thank you master."

The big black dog wags its tail happily.

Song Shi changed his target, a goldfish in the pond.

"Xiaoyu, come here and let me touch your head."

Song Shi shouted that the closer the distance, the easier it would be for him to break the seal of reincarnation and spy on past lives.

"Master, I'm here."

The little fish came out happily. It was envious of the big black dog being petted on the head by its owner.

She transformed into a little girl and let Song Shi touch her head affectionately.

Song Shi quickly broke the reincarnation seal and discovered that this little goldfish was actually a dragon girl in her previous life. She was demoted in this life and had to practice hard to achieve Dragon Transformation.

She turned into a human woman in her previous life, which made Song Shi overturn her previous thoughts. This reincarnation will not let a dog stay a dog. She just doesn't know what the specific rules are.

In another life, he was actually a bird. The reincarnations of this little fish were quite diverse.

Also giving Xiaoyu some benefits, Song Shi continued to decipher the reincarnation marks for the non-human beings in the family, and found that most of the non-human beings had been more or less humans in their first three lives, with more animals and some beyond the six realms, such as ghosts. Dao et al.

It was also through past lives that Song Shi learned that there were other unique reincarnation worlds.

"This reincarnation Heavenly Venerable really creates a reincarnation universe with different worlds within it."

Song Shi was surprised, the reincarnation arrangement of Heavenly Venerable was more perfect than he thought.

"I haven't met heavenly beings or Shura yet. If I do, I might be able to understand the higher world in this samsara universe."

Song Shi quickly cracked everyone's reincarnation seals, and then decided to leave and contact more living beings to crack the reincarnation seals.

He called the village chief and others over and told him his plan.

"So fast?"

The village chief was surprised. Song Shi had said he was leaving last time and thought it would be a while yet, but he didn't expect that he would leave in just a few days.

"It's almost enough to stay here, let's go out for a walk."

Song Shi didn't say much and glanced at Xiaoyu: "Just stay here. If you want to leave in the future, you can go out and practice."

"Master, I want to follow you."

Xiaoyu's big eyes suddenly became watery, and tears flowed out.

"You are a fish and are only suitable for staying in the water. Why are you following us around?"

Song Shi shook his head.

"Wangwang, I can run on the ground and keep vigil at night. Master, take me with you."

The big black dog stuck out its tongue and wagged its tail wildly.

"You follow me."

Song Shi wants to see the fourth life before the big black dog. This guy is a bit strange. He has been a dog for three consecutive lives, which is quite unique.

"Senior, what about us?"

Ning Ruqin was a little at a loss. This person is gone, what will they do?

"You're free, you can go wherever you want."

Song Shi didn't plan to take Ning Ruqin with him, and there was no need to.


Ning Ruqin was surprised: "I have caused you so much trouble, so you just let us go?"

"Misfortune lies where blessings depend, and blessing lies where misfortune lies."

Song Shi said meaningfully that Ning Ruqin's arrival did cause a series of troubles, but to him, this trouble was nothing.

Especially the final result is good, allowing him to find the key to breaking through reincarnation. This cannot be discovered by simply meditating on the rules while living in seclusion in a mountain village.

After saying that, he took the dog and left, leaving a lot of reluctant eyes.

They know that from today on, there will no longer be such a powerful person sitting here, and they really have to rely on themselves to develop.

One man and one dog did not fly, but simply marched forward.

The animals Song Shi encounters in the woods will break the marks of reincarnation through the air. Basically, wherever he passes, the marks of reincarnation will be broken by him.

Not only in this world, but also in the world where Song Shi went across borders, Song Shi also began to crack the mark of reincarnation.

In his opinion, there are multiple worlds in this samsara universe, and it would definitely be faster to advance multiple worlds together than to do them one by one.

In this world, with Song Shi constantly adding points, Ye Mu's physical body is already ten times that of ordinary people, and his cultivated Yuanli has reached the median level of Rank One.

When the day of execution came, he was dragged to the execution ground.

This place is remote and desolate, next to a forest, with a wall two feet high, with an electric grid and blades on it.

Ye Mu quickly took a look at the height of the wall and the nearby hands, and thought to himself: "There should be no problem."

While others were getting ready, he leaned down and pressed the chain on his knees, then pulled it out with both hands. Click!

When the chain broke, he broke free from the shackles, jumped backwards, and quickly jumped up to a height of three feet, just over the high wall, and rushed several feet outward directly into the woods behind the gun.


Those who were preparing to execute him did not expect that Ye Mu had the strength to break free from the shackles and could dance so well. It was too late to react and shoot again.


"Stop him quickly!"

A group of people hurriedly gave chase.

Ye Mu fell outside, stretched out his legs, broke the chains on his legs, turned around and rushed away like a flexible beast.

He delayed his pursuers through the cover of the woods, quickly left the prison area, and successfully escaped just before being executed.

The entire prison was alarmed, and the warden led people to search the woods but found no one.

"Issue a wanted warrant and kill him as soon as he shows up!"

The warden ordered in anger, it was a slap in the face that a slave could actually run away.

Especially since this slave is related to the death of a protoss, it will be very troublesome for the higher-ups to hold him accountable.

Ye Mu knew that he would become a wanted criminal in the city, so he could only rush to the wild, and did not stop until he reached the deep mountains and old forests.

"Publish a new mission of wilderness survival. For every day you survive in the wild, you will be rewarded with 10 points of free attributes. It is limited to one hundred days."

Song Shi issues tasks according to the situation, continues to strengthen his attributes, and secretly cracks the mark of reincarnation.

Now, his power to cross the border is too weak, and he can only do it bit by bit.

"It's better to gather more strength, otherwise it will be too slow. How can we control most of the reincarnation marks in this world?"

Realizing it was too slow, Song Shi decided to increase her strength.

This time, he did not instill power across borders, but used distracting thoughts as seeds, changed the rules and strengthened the thoughts into a simple system, and it grew in this world.

"I should create another system specifically to crack the reincarnation marks, and then connect different reincarnation marks to create a system that can continuously replicate the infection, instead of finding and cracking them one by one myself."

After the idea became stronger, Song Shi changed some ideas, that is, using the system to continuously infect other people.

He used Ye Mu as a base point. As long as the latter comes into contact with other creatures, he will secretly crack the new reincarnation mark, and form strength on the new reincarnation mark, and then crack other reincarnation marks.

The source of power is the system he made. This system can automatically absorb power, then record information, crack the reincarnation mark and continuously copy it. This kind of system does not need to be too complicated, it only targets the reincarnation seal.

He called this system a special system for cracking reincarnation.

After spreading it, Song Shi found that the speed of using the power of different creatures to crack the mark of reincarnation was too fast, and the more cracks were cracked, the faster the speed. It was completely a viral spread and cracking.

This makes Song Shi feel a lot more relaxed. He only needs to ensure that his central system can continue to receive and process information, and he does not need to actually contact other living beings.

As long as the creature that has cracked the mark of reincarnation keeps moving, it can naturally come into contact with other creatures, thereby helping him crack the new mark of reincarnation.

"It's so cool!"

Song Shi was a little excited when she noticed the crazy increase in cracking speed.

At the same time, he couldn't help but think of the third catastrophe.

The great catastrophe of the end of the Dharma is the twilight of the immortals and the rise of science and technology.

My method of viral infection reincarnation is a scientific method.

"It seems that what is called a catastrophe is actually a change in the rules. When the power of heaven and earth is exhausted, technology, a small and broad-based rule, will naturally rise."

Song Shi gained a lot of insights.

After the new method of infecting reincarnation was implemented, Song Shi's control over the heavenly way of reincarnation improved rapidly, and his own strength also continued to improve.

It's like he is divided into thousands, his power covers two worlds, and he easily surpasses the upper limits of the realms of these two worlds.

The deeper his control over reincarnation, the more he can see.

After successfully cracking Ye Mu's reincarnation mark, Song Shi looked back on his past life and encountered an interesting thing.

He was shocked to find that Ye Mu was also called Ye Mu in his previous life.

What surprised him the most was that this person was actually related to him in his previous life. A certain memory he experienced when he was just pulled into this reincarnation world belonged to this person.

"Is it such a coincidence? There was a connection before, so this cross-border connection is invisibly connected with this person's new reincarnation."

Song Shi was a little more vigilant. The probability of such a coincidence was too small. There was definitely something special about this person.

He began to observe this person's true spirit and found that his true spirit was exceptionally powerful, surpassing all the souls he had encountered before.

The true spirit is the foundation of the soul. Being so powerful proves that he was very strong in at least one life. This person is not like an ordinary reincarnation person.

With one more research subject, Song Shi began to focus on it.

This person's true spirit is powerful, which means that the upper limit is very high. He just needs to keep improving, because there will not be too big a bottleneck.

Ye Mu soon encountered the pursuers, but he struggled to get rid of them, and began to deal with the pursuers in the forest.

A few days later, Ye Mu, with Song Shi's secret assistance, managed to find a way out, causing the pursuers to suffer a heavy loss and had to retreat.

As the Protoss and Zerg fought in space, not much energy was spent on Ye Mu for a while, giving him room for further growth.

On the other side, Song Shi also discovered that the big black dog has been a dog in every life, just like Ye Mu has been a human in every life, and both are called Ye Mu, both of which are very weird.

Song Shi was very interested in these two peculiar existences and has been studying them secretly.

Everything went smoothly and time passed quickly.

In the past few months, Song Shi's invasion and infection of Samsara Heaven's Way went further, and he began to notice something was wrong.

The world Ye Mu lives in is more perfect than the world he lives in!

How to put it, the world he lives in tends to be artificially created, while this world seems real and born naturally.

Song Shi began to suspect that this was the real world, and kept observing the void through Ye Mu.

The two major races are fighting fiercely outside.

"We need to let this kid go to outer space as soon as possible."

Song Shi secretly thought about using the disguised system to end the wild survival mission and issue another series of step-by-step tasks to Ye Mu to guide him to the place he wanted to explore.

As Ye Mu continues to grow, Song Shi's control over the reincarnation of heaven is getting stronger and stronger. Calculated in proportion, it has exceeded one thousandth.

On this basis, he continued to divide his power and go to other worlds, launching a viral infection system to break the reincarnation marks of many creatures in the third world.

Then came the fourth, fifth... and tenth. After controlling the reincarnation marks of the ten worlds, Song Shi was able to confirm that the world Ye Mu was in was the real world, his hometown, the real earth.

Because he discovered that the gods and bugs fighting outside the earth did not have the imprint of reincarnation, but after their death, the power of reincarnation would secretly absorb and imprint the true spirits of these creatures and put them into new reincarnations.

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