What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 609 Sun And Moon Reincarnation Formation

The law of life can be combined with the lunar sun.

Just as the sun provides light and heat to plants and the lunar water provides water, the law of life can also make use of both.

In other words, the lunar and sun of the two cannot do anything to him.

Unless the fight lasted for a long time, he would be enough to handle the two men's offensive.

The two god emperors are also aware of Song Shi's troublesome situation. They are also worried that another person will appear. The guy who destroyed more than ten worlds cannot be underestimated now.

Looking at each other, the two communicated secretly.

"There must be a reason why Heavenly Venerable trapped him. He must be a friend rather than an enemy. It's best to find a way to capture him."

"This person has both yin and yang, so it's hard for you and me to take advantage of him."

"If we can't suppress it, we will send a large army. No matter what the final result is, we must keep the initiative in our hands as much as possible."

"We really have to take the initiative, otherwise it will be very troublesome."

The two communicated quickly and both agreed to continue.

It's not that they don't fear Song Shi's strength, but they have been at the top of this world for many years and they don't want this person to overwhelm them.

"Connecting the Sun and Moon Reincarnation Formation!"

The Sun God Emperor said, immediately forming a seal, and with the rumbling sound, part of the power of the sun was withdrawn by him.

The power of the Taiyin God Emperor took over the vacated space, and the sun and the moon suddenly glowed together, forming a large formation like heaven and earth, with the sun in the sky and the moon filling the ground.

The Taiyin God Emperor and the Sun God Emperor exchanged places in a flash, and suddenly there was yang within the yin, and yin within the yang. The entire formation seemed to come alive and began to move, as if it had turned into a small world.

Song Shi looked at it in surprise. Around him, it was like a Tai Chi ball shrouding him. The two god emperors were the yin and yang fish in the Tai Chi ball, and the surrounding lunar and solar realms were the main body of yin and yang in the Tai Chi ball.

These yin and yang are like the beginning of the evolution of the world, which is mysterious and indescribable, and coincides with the Great Dao of heaven and earth.

"Good formation!"

This was the first time he had seen such a High Level formation. It was basically like a small world, but there were no other creatures in it. Everything was evolved by laws.

"It's your ability that allows us to join forces."

The Sun God Emperor transformed into a fireball, and the power contained in it began to rise.

Song Shi thoughtfully said: "The formation contains the word reincarnation. It seems that you are really reincarnation Heavenly Venerable's subordinates. Did he die back then?"

"Heavenly Venerable cannot die. He is definitely planning a turnaround right now."

The Sun God Emperor's eyes were sharp, and what he said sounded like reincarnation. Heavenly Venerable was dead but not completely dead.

"I'm curious, what's the reason why you don't want to go out?"

Song Shi asked what was in his mind.

"If you go out, you will be beaten to death. If you can survive here, are you willing to go out?"

Taiyin God Emperor sneered: "Heavenly Venerable's enemies back then were all Heavenly Venerable. Do you think we are rivals?"

Song Shi suddenly said: "Yes, it is indeed no match, but it certainly seems that you have died and been reborn here."

He noticed the fluctuations of the reincarnation seal from both of them, indicating that the other party had also been reincarnated.

"Too much nonsense. No matter where your body is at the moment, your clone will definitely be destroyed by you."

The Sun God Emperor raised his hand, and a beam of light instantly fell on the tree boundary. Amidst the roaring sound, the tree boundary was pierced into giant trees.

His destructive power was much higher than before, making Song Shi's tree world somewhat unstoppable.

Song Shi immediately evolved the Tao of Tai Chi, blocking the light beam of law and twisting it back.

But on the other side, the power of the moon appeared behind Song Shi following the attack, quickly freezing the trees.

After the two formed an array, their strength increased a lot. Song Shi couldn't digest the combination of yin and yang and the law of life, and the power of the domain was retreating steadily.

"It's not easy to deal with two guys attacking together."

Song Shi frowned. He didn't have much advantage in strength at the moment, unlike those who practiced Chaos Dao outside.

This avatar majors in the Great Dao of Life, and the changes in yin and yang are all temporary uses, and there is no accumulation of power in advance.

He will not give up easily, and fully integrates the three Great Dao of life, lunar and sun. The vegetation transformed by the law of life is tough and immortal, and is reborn with difficulty under the attack power of lunar and sun.

Seeing that Song Shi was still resisting, the two changed their moves, and the yin and yang changed, sometimes taiyin, sometimes sun. The rapid changes in extreme power were extremely destructive, making the reborn tree world unbearable.


Amidst the loud noise, the tree boundary began to collapse. Song Shi frowned: "It's useless for you to kill my clone. The next clone will appear soon, and you won't be able to kill them all."

"Kill anyone who comes out."

The Sun God Emperor moved quickly, releasing scorching power to attack Song Shi.

"How powerful do you really think you are?"

Song Shi showed dissatisfaction, looking at the collapsed tree world, no longer retaining any strength, and formed seals with his hands.

The light in the tree world brightened, and the law itself burned, using all its strength to quickly transform into the power of the sun. At the same time, it swallowed the power of the Sun God Emperor, and a tree of light grew rapidly.

The tree body was like a sharp sword unsheathed, forcibly breaking through the power of the two god emperors, and thrusting out continuously.

On this burning tree, the law of life burned, the law of the sun and the law of gold evolved, and the mystery of chaos emerged, which instantly broke through the obstruction of the two god emperors.

With a tremor like the earth was shattering, the Sun and Moon Reincarnation Formation cracked open, and Song Shi's power forcibly opened a hole.

The two god emperors looked ugly and hurriedly stopped him. They worked together to form a huge reincarnation disk, which fell overwhelmingly and blocked the tops of the trees.

The forces of the two sides collided again, and the space suddenly shattered. The chains of laws in the formation space broke one after another, and the domains annihilated each other.

Outside, the formation space composed of the entire lunar and solar law domain twisted violently, and the escaping power turned the nearby vegetation into ashes and shattered the earth.

The Elf Queen's expression changed drastically, and she hurriedly activated the formation to protect her clan members, thus preventing the clan from being destroyed.

Her face turned pale and she looked nervously at the huge ball of light in the void.

This ball of light is red and silver in color and is constantly rotating. The power of the lunar sun is constantly flowing in it, as if it is evolving a world.

At this moment, in front of the light tree, a burning tree tip burst out with a sharp energy, which came from another force.

"Is he so powerful just after the breakthrough? It seems that the two god emperors can't completely suppress him."

The Elf Queen was shocked. In her knowledge, the two divine emperors had existed since ancient times, and the ancestors of their clan had been the queen's contemporaries.

"Haha, it doesn't matter how powerful it is, it's just a dying struggle."

There was a burst of sarcastic laughter in the distance, and the Queen of Life frowned. It sounded like an enemy, and the other party was not happy to see Tianhua escape.

She didn't say anything. On the surface, what happened tomorrow was caused by the two god emperors targeting Tianhua, but in fact, it was a devastating disaster for the elves.

Once Tianhua is killed, they will be more or less affected.

"Who is he and why did he do this and provoke their attack?"

Sighing, she led her tribe back to avoid being affected by the battle. In the Sun and Moon Reincarnation Formation, after Song Shi broke out, he was jointly suppressed by the two. The power of the explosion was quickly consumed, and his condition was on the verge of decline.

He didn't say anything. If you can't win, you can't win. The worst thing you can do is find another clone and continue next time.

Originally, he did not consider that he would arouse hostility so quickly. He just practiced the Dao of Life and condensed the field of the Law of Life. The Great Dao of pure life could not resist the combination of the two.

"It's over. Go reincarnate again. Don't have any delusions."

The Sun God Emperor noticed Song Shi's exhaustion and spoke condescendingly.

"Before you die, telling your origins will save you a little pain."

The Taiyin God Emperor still cares about Song Shi's background.

It would be fine if this person was an ordinary Immortal Emperor, but if it were someone else from Heavenly Venerable, they would probably be in trouble.

"You can't torture me even if you don't have anything to say."

Song Shi's face was expressionless. He just couldn't defeat the two of them and attacked together. It didn't mean that he would die.

At this moment, he controls most of the reincarnation marks in the reincarnation world, and the heavenly way of reincarnation is being cracked and eroded by him.

Even if this clone dies, he still has other clones that are still in this world, so there is nothing to worry about.

"Huh, since you're stubborn, you're of no use, so get on your way!"

The Sun God Emperor raised his hand and pressed hard, crushing the light tree released by Song Shi's burning law, and launched a killing move on the main body.

At this moment, the void suddenly cracked open, and a soft-looking blade of grass emerged from it, with its tip touching the Sun and Moon Reincarnation Formation.

A scene that shocked the surrounding strong men appeared. They saw that the soft blade of grass was like a sharp knife, inserted into the formation.

Before the gods could speak, the green grass seemed to take root and sprout, quickly splitting into new leaves, constantly tearing apart the formation.


The Taiyin God Emperor shouted, turned around and waved his hand, and the cold light turned into a moon blade and cut it into pieces.

But then the broken leaves turned into special seeds, which attached to the formation and began to grow. They directly swallowed the formation as nourishment and rapidly grew and spread. In the blink of an eye, the small leaves turned into thick vines and continued to spread.

In front of the leaves, the green brilliance fluctuated and turned into a cold and noble woman. The power in her body was much stronger and more concentrated than Song Shi.

Song Shi noticed it and said unexpectedly: "You have come to this world too."

"You've already started fighting with them, so there's no need for me to be secretive."

Wuyou said: "Although your clone is not strong enough, you should be able to do the other thing, right?"

"It's not much better. It seems that your development is also good. You just broke into this world to save me."

Song Shi chuckled.

The Sun God Emperor's heart sank: "It's really you. I didn't expect that you didn't have enough fun in the lower world, and you actually dared to come here?"

"Why can't you come? Your world is imperfect. It's okay to trap me for a while, but you want to trap me forever?"

Wuyou looked at the two great god emperors: "Your power is not perfect at all, so you just bullied him, a person who has just cultivated the Great Dao of Life. When you meet me, your methods are not enough."

As she spoke, the vines around her were multiplying and growing crazily, and even the power of the formation formed by the two of them could not stop it.

Originally, their Sun and Moon Reincarnation Formation caused Song Shi's Law of Life field to collapse, but now it is also broken in front of the vines brought by Wuyou.

Just like the earth that is opened up by the growth of plants, the entire world of changing formations is also broken open by these plants from the inside out, and the power of the siege decreases crazily.

"How can it be!"

The Sun God Emperor couldn't accept this result: "You are trapped here, how can you be stronger than us?"

"Hmph, the guys outside can't completely suppress me now. Are you two even worthy of resisting my power even if you are not a Great Dao?"

Wuyou dismissed it. Her situation was special. She not only used the power of the reincarnation world to improve, but also communicated with the life and death jade from the outside world, and could absorb external power to improve herself.

Moreover, the Jade of Life and Death already possesses the power of heaven, so she is the only being in the world of reincarnation who can guarantee the perfection of the laws and unrestricted improvement in strength.

Originally, her strength had reached the level of God-Emperor, and she had even touched the realm of Heavenly Emperor. Naturally, these two guys with imperfect laws were no match for her.

Click click click.

As she waved her hand, the surrounding formation world completely shattered, and was broken into pieces by the growing vines.

The formation is broken!

The two god emperors groaned and spit out a mouthful of blood, their expressions extremely ugly.

They knew about the existence of this woman, but they didn't expect that she was so powerful that she could break their formation with just one encounter.

"Madam, you are amazing, but my attainments in the way of life are still not as good as yours."

Song Shi chuckled. He was ready to give up this clone. He didn't expect Wuyou to support him, so there was no need to waste this clone.

"The things you gave me make my life Great Dao more complete and are good for improving my strength."

Wuyou smiled at Song Shi: "What to do with the two of them, kill them directly?"

The two god emperors were angry when they heard this.

"You, a person from the lower world, are you qualified to kill us?"

The Sun God Emperor raised his hand, and the world of gods shook, and the power of the sun in the entire world gathered towards him crazily.

He was actually able to receive the blessing from the God Realm, and his strength suddenly skyrocketed again.

The Taiyin God Emperor retreated, and the power of Taiyin continued to gather around him, and his strength increased steadily.

Song Shi frowned, these two guys can mobilize the power of a world for their own use, no wonder they can always dominate here.

"You can use the power of the God Realm, and I also have the power of thirty-eight small worlds as support."

Wuyou sneered, not afraid at all, the void behind him cracked, and vines protruded out.

Through the cracks in the void, you can see that these worlds are full of growing plants and trees, but there are no other creatures in the forests, indicating that these worlds are all filled with Wuyou's power, and each world has been used by her.

Each space crack leads to a small world, and many cracks suddenly appear around it. With each additional crack, Wuyou's power becomes stronger, and it actually counters the two guys who have mobilized the power of Taiyin and Sun in the God Realm.

Both of them looked bad. They had been forced to the last step. They didn't expect that the woman had a similar trump card.

Although the power of the lower realm is not as good as that of the gods, the victory lies in their numbers. Given the opponent's strength level, they still have no advantage.

Not to mention that there was someone with decent strength next to them, so their situation suddenly became worse.

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