What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 611: Capture Dao Fruit And Become Heavenly Venerable

People who were collecting trash and sacred tree materials nearby were immediately affected. Under the devouring power, all living creatures lost their vitality and died in extremely strange ways.

In the Protoss' base camp on Earth, many high-level officials were alerted and came to space, looking solemnly into the distance.

"Why did the sacred tree suddenly start growing?"

"What alarmed it?"

"Is it possible that the true god inside has awakened?"

The expressions of the strong men of the God Clan changed, and they began to discuss in fear.

At this time, the Zerg side suddenly sent many Zerg warriors over. These bugs were not afraid of death. Even if they were devoured, they still rushed inside.

"These beasts are really brainless. Now that the sacred tree has revived, the power of rules is the most terrifying. Do you think you can explore the situation inside just by relying on numbers?"

"It's just right that they went to die. It can provide us with a reference. As long as they can enter, it means it is safe and we can also enter."

The senior leaders of the Protoss sneered while monitoring the situation of the Zerg.

And inside the sacred tree, in the broken endless void, a broken reincarnation disk is trembling, and it can no longer suppress the growth of the sacred tree.

At the bottom of the sacred tree, a man was sitting cross-legged. Originally, the sacred tree was still some distance away from the man's body. At this moment, the sacred tree successfully reached it, and its branches and leaves were inserted into it like a sword, and began to grow in the man's body.

Soon, too many branches and leaves bloomed in the man's body, directly tearing his body open, blood spilled, and a drop of blood could destroy the power of heaven and earth.

But in the next moment, the broken body suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, in the Heavenly God Realm of the Samsara Universe, Samsara Heavenly Venerable exclaimed: "Not good!"


Wuyou showed a smile that was so majestic that it made the world lose its color. She glanced at Song Shi and said, "Finally, your body is destroyed."

"I can finally be truly resurrected."

Song Shi showed a look of relief. The next moment, a familiar and unfamiliar voice appeared: "You were killed by the law of life..."

His consciousness instantly returned to its original form, appeared under the broken reincarnation disk, and was resurrected on the spot.

In the void, the lunar sun appeared in Song Shi's eyes, and at the same time it transformed into chaos, with boundless brilliance. The laws of chaos in his body began to operate crazily, and the power of reincarnation emerged out of thin air around him. These came from the universe of reincarnation and constituted another of his achievements.

He moved his body and muttered: "My real body is still comfortable. Hey, my field of the Law of Chaos has actually taken shape. That guy is actually using my body to understand the Law of Chaos. This gives me an advantage."

Not only that, the biggest improvement is that he has a power of heaven that surpasses the Immortal Emperor level.

The way of reincarnation.

He raised his hand, and the Samsara Disk trembled and gathered towards him. A mighty phantom of heaven appeared around him. Even if it was just a force, his pressure had surpassed that of the Immortal Emperor.

This made him stunned for a moment, and he thought of a possibility.

At this time, the sacred living tree nearby squirmed, and a black and white jade coffin appeared. The coffin opened, and out came an incomparably perfect woman who could not exist in the ordinary world.

Wuyou looked at Song Shi in surprise: "How come you have mastered the power of reincarnation and heaven now?"

"Hehe, that guy used my body to practice. He probably wanted to integrate the reincarnation of heaven, but he was resurrected by me before he could succeed. Now he has made a wedding dress in vain. I have to thank him."

He couldn't help but laugh. Before, he thought that he could take back his physical body and then seize the reincarnation of heaven. But he didn't expect that people already wanted to use his physical body to become Heavenly Venerable, and now it all became his.

"You're really winning."

Wuyou could only smile helplessly: "But this is just right. He has already helped you complete the first step. It will be much more convenient for you to continue on this basis."

Suddenly, Song Shi's face twitched, and a voice came from the reincarnation disk: "This body belongs to me, do you really think you can take it back?"

Next, the bald man rushed out and faced Song Shi's body.

Just now, he was forced to go to the Samsara Universe to suppress Song Shi, but the suppression was not successful, so forget it. Wuyou also destroyed the person's body and allowed him to be resurrected. He was very angry.


Song Shi used the power of reincarnation and heaven, and with a roar, the laws collapsed. The bald head was directly knocked back, unable to get close to Song Shi, let alone seize his body.

The latter backed up with an ugly expression on his face: "How is that possible? Even if you wake up, you still can't control the way of reincarnation."

"Do you think I am playing in the world of reincarnation? I have almost controlled the mark of reincarnation for a long time. How could I not understand and master the corresponding heavenly path of reincarnation?"

Song Shi sneered: "Now that I have eroded most of your reincarnation and heaven, you will no longer be able to suppress me with the power of reincarnation. How can you rely on to snatch my body?"

The latter's face became more and more ugly. He thought that Song Shi would fall off, but he didn't expect that he would have such an advantage after getting out of trouble.

"Damn it, the power of heaven in you has erased all my marks, otherwise why would you control the power of reincarnation as soon as you are resurrected?"

"Yes, thanks to that thing, it seems that it is more powerful than the reincarnation of heaven, or your reincarnation of heaven is not perfect."

Song Shi smiled: "Next, it's time for me to take action. Give me the reincarnation disk first!"

He raised his hand to grab it, and the broken reincarnation disk slowly approached it.

Samsara Heavenly Venerable hurriedly resisted, causing the Samsara Disk to tremble continuously, and the speed of approaching seemed to be very unwilling.

Wuyou saw that the coffin made of life and death jade flew out and crashed on the reincarnation disk with a loud bang.

Now Song Shi and Samsara Heavenly Venerable are competing for control of Samsara Heavenly Venerable, and she can only weaken the opponent's power from the side.

Not only here, such weakening is also taking place within the world of reincarnation.

The reincarnation disk trembled violently, and the power of reincarnation controlled by Song Shi quickly gained the upper hand with the brilliance of chaos, but the opponent's power was also tenacious and kept resisting.

"It's all broken down like this, why are you struggling?"

Song Shi sneered, this reincarnation disk is the core of the reincarnation of heaven. As long as he controls this thing, the reincarnation of heaven will naturally fall into his hands.

Seeing that the opponent was still struggling, he raised his hand and threw out a Chaos Bell.


The bell rang, and the power of chaos suppressed it, directly scattering Samsara Heavenly Venerable's body. Song Shi's power suppressed it, unstoppable, and in the blink of an eye, he took control of the entire Samsara Disk.


The laws of heaven and earth shook, and all realms surrendered to the Heavenly Way of Reincarnation. The aura on Song Shi's body surged again, and a circular Heavenly Way of Reincarnation appeared above Song Shi's head, turning into six paths of reincarnation, allowing him to reincarnate Heavenly Venerable in the world.

Song Shi landed on the broken reincarnation disk in one step. All the laws of the Great Dao surrendered in front of him. The heavenly way of reincarnation was quickly absorbed and mastered by him, and his original strength directly advanced to Heavenly Venerable.

He successfully captured the Dao Fruit and surpassed the Immortal Emperor in strength, becoming a new generation of reincarnated Heavenly Venerable.

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