What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 614: That Thing Is Mine, Do You Believe It?

As long as he is not trapped and he is not afraid of death, he will be more confident than the original reincarnation Heavenly Venerable.

After the breakthrough, Song Shi took full control of his power, his breath began to converge, and the surrounding area quickly calmed down.

In the end, Chaos Bell and the Reincarnation Disk remained in front of him, and Wuyou's coffin of life and death was taken back.

"I never thought you would become Heavenly Venerable before me."

Wuyou was deeply moved.

"I didn't expect that I would encounter this kind of thing when I went back to my hometown. It was a blessing in disguise."

Song Shi stood up, and with a casual move, he put away the Samsara Disk and Chaos Bell, then spread his hand, and a little bird flew out, which was the spirit of the Sun Law.


The latter flew happily and saluted Song Shi.

"How about it, little guy, is it not shameful to be my mount now?"

Song Shi teased.

The latter nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, causing Wuyou to chuckle: "This little guy is just a loser. He has never thought about destroying your body to save you, the master."

"I don't blame it, I didn't give the order."

Song Shi touched the bird's head, and the latter turned around, his eyes fell on the sun, his eyes were slightly bright, and he wanted to run over and devour the power.

"Hey, you can't suck this star. If you suck it, my fellow villagers will be in trouble."

Song Shi grabbed the neck of the Spirit of Sun Law, swiped it casually, opened a space channel and threw it in: "Go over there and absorb it."

The spirit of law reluctantly shouted and went through the passage to a distant galaxy. Soon a luminous star dimmed.

Song Shi turned back to Wuyou and said, "How are you?"

"Very good. During this period of fighting with the reincarnation disk spirit, I inspired the power of heaven contained in the life and death coffin. I gained some insights and actually grew under the pressure."

Worry-free, confident and calm, with a beautiful face and the perfect posture of an empress.

"It should be a state where the Heavenly Way of Death has no owner, and you comprehend life and death at the same time, avoiding the suppression of the Heavenly Way of Life by the Heavenly Venerable."

Song Shi speculates that the Deathly Heavenly Venerable directly incarnated into Heaven and became a special existence, which is different from the still-living Immortal Heavenly Venerable.

"It should be. Are you going to take a break for a while, or what?"

Wuyou asked Song Shi for her opinion. At this moment, Song Shi was already stronger than her, so naturally she took the lead.

"I can do it directly. After all, in the reincarnation universe, I have rested for a long time."

Song Shi didn't care, "But where is my daughter?"

"very safe."

"I'm afraid that if I take action, it will affect her."

Song Shi thought for a moment and said: "In this way, you don't have to rush to come forward. Wait until I have the absolute advantage and even kill the Heavenly Venerable."

He sneered: "This Immortal Heavenly Venerable was one of the nine Heavenly Venerables that besieged the Samsara Heavenly Venerable back then. Even if I didn't do anything, he probably wouldn't be able to help it."

"Well, let's change this time. You are in the light and I am in the dark."

Wuyou smiled and said, in the reincarnation world, she is in the light and Song Shi is in the dark, they work together very well.

"Then let's go."

Song Shi seal, the nearby Samsara Heavenly Dao changes, and a formation covering the entire solar system appears, suddenly isolating the inside and outside.

He turned his head and looked somewhere: "The weapon spirit has been restrained by you and taken advantage of by these aliens. There is no need to keep it now."

Raising his hand and pressing down, the power of heaven enveloped the gods and Zerg, great terror descended, and all aliens were wiped out by the laws of heaven.

Not only the aliens, but those who absorbed the blood of the gods and became accessories were also removed, leaving only humans at a loss.

Song Shi did not show his face from beginning to end, leaving his hometown with a worry-free step.

There are no acquaintances in this hometown, and Song Shi has no interest in staying any longer, but this is still his hometown, and the layout of Heavenly Venerable has not been destroyed by him.

Somewhere in the Star Domain, a green star is rapidly dimming as its power is swallowed up by the spirit of law.

There are creatures in the Star Domain, and the strong ones rush out and come to the star to observe.

I saw a bright golden brilliance somewhere in the star, and the divine light enveloped most of the star. However, these dazzling brilliance did not spread and illuminate the galaxy, but converged somewhere, which was particularly strange.

"Something is absorbing the power of stars!"

"The fluctuations are still powerful, could it be a kind of divine object?"

"It seemed like a ray of light fell on a star before. Could it be a treasure that fell from the Immortal World?"

The more they observed, the more they couldn't calm down. They thought it was good luck that a treasure fell into this Star Domain. This kind of thing had happened before, so everyone was extremely excited.

They stared sharply at the core of the brilliance, and there was a strange shadow, and they started to guess.

"This baby seems to be spiritual. It possesses the terrifying Great Dao Law. It must be extraordinary."

"I don't know if it's the Immortal Pill or the Divine Weapon. The power in the center is so terrifying that it's impossible to detect it."

There was a being who couldn't bear it anymore and flew towards the light source like lightning. The golden light in front of him was so dazzling that even with his strength, he couldn't open his eyes and didn't dare to look directly.

Suddenly, a scream came from the light source, shattering the void. He couldn't help but feel a sense of fear, feeling that the power of destruction was approaching, and wanted to retreat in a hurry, but it was too late.

It was as if he was illuminated by light for a moment, and with a pop, his body burned and quickly turned into fly ash amidst his screams, turning into space dust.

Such a terrifying scene made other strong men who wanted to follow the past change their faces with fear, and hurriedly stopped moving forward.

The guys who died in front were not much weaker than them, but they were burned to ashes from such a distance. They met the same fate when they went up.

"The level of this item is too high. It seems that we need to consider it in the long run."

"If it doesn't work, you can report it to the Great Emperor."

"Yes, if you can't get the treasure, you can at least make a contribution and get some rewards, which is better than losing your life in vain."

They were frightened, found a reason and started to back away.

"How come you're so precious, and only one of you died?"

Another thought appeared out of thin air behind them. For experts at their level, it was basically a communication of consciousness, similar to talking.

Several powerful men were horrified. They didn't know who was behind them. It must be a powerful man.

With cold sweat, one of the old men wearing Tai Chi embroidery turned around quickly and saw a strange man and woman. He was surprised and said: "Who are you? From other Star Domains? But this thing just landed here, how can you be so fast?" Just coming?"

"I said that thing is mine, do you believe it?"

Song Shi's eyes were playful. He had hidden his cultivation at the moment and didn't look like much of a threat.

"It's ridiculous. This divine object just fell here from the endless void. How could it be yours?"

The old man didn't answer. The strong man in bronze armor sneered first, "I, Cuimian Star Domain's things are not yours to get your hands on, so don't cause trouble for yourself!"

"Cui Mian Star Domain?"

Song Shi glanced at the green star and said, "Then I'm not mistaken, it's here."

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