What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 616 Seal Of Immortality

His words shook the void, and he was also wearing bronze divine armor, just like he came from the ancient times, with green brilliance blooming all over his body, surrounded by wisps of powerful power of the Law of Wood, forming a scene of the birth and death of all things.

Song Shi's eyes moved slightly, and he communicated with Wuyou, "The Law of Wood, a branch of the Law of Life, seems to be the direct inheritance, the Taoist lineage of Heavenly Venerable Immortality."

"Is it his Taoist lineage or direct lineage that has inherited the core method of Heavenly Venerable."

Wuyou confirmed: "Through him, we should be able to penetrate into the other party's orthodoxy."

The latter could not hear their exchange. As a powerful person with Mahayana level cultivation and the Great Emperor in the mortal world, he was well-informed and had good vision. Faced with the calmness between the two of them, he was wary and did not get closer. .

"Since you don't speak, don't blame me for being rude."

Green light flashed in his eyes, dazzling light bloomed in the palm of his hand, divine power surged, a small green sword surrounded the law, flew out first, and carried out a tentative attack.

After the green sword was shot, it split more and more in the middle, and turned into a rain of swords in an instant. It seemed endless and endless, and it could cut off the law, which was the way of life.

A circle of golden light appeared in front of Song Shi, and the green sword fell on it, breaking like rotten wood colliding with gold and iron.

"Sorry, you happened to be restrained by me, so you don't have much power."

Jokingly speaking, Song Shi pointed out with a calm expression that the other party's Law of Wood was restrained by the Law of Gold that he took out casually.

The Great Emperor, whose attack failed, sneered: "So what, as long as the strength is enough, there is no guarantee who can defeat whom."

He didn't see much repressive power from Song Shi's laws, so he was full of confidence, but he didn't know that Song Shi was completely letting go.

No longer hesitating, he strode forward: "Today I will let you understand who is in charge of this Star Domain. The majesty of my Xuanqing Great Emperor is inviolable. The consequences of killing my subordinates are not something you can bear."

Xuanqing Great Emperor stepped into the Shattering Void sky, jumped up, and a black long sword with wooden texture appeared in his hand, slashing towards Song Shi sharply.

When the sword comes out, the sword light also increases. The sword energy is like a growing plant. Before it falls, the power becomes much stronger. The void is cut into pieces, and the starry sky in the main film becomes dilapidated.

However, these attacks fell on the golden light and were still unable to make any progress. The evolved Wood Law could not exert its power in front of the solid Golden Law.

As soon as the golden light shone, it was like weeds being cut by scissors, breaking and smashing one after another. Xuan Qing groaned, as if he was electrocuted, and hurriedly retreated.

Drops of blood were left in the void. Xuan Qing was injured. There were many blood holes in his body. Even the divine armor was penetrated, which shocked him beyond measure.

"You...you are an immortal!"

When he reacted, his face was ugly. What could make him so embarrassed could only be an existence beyond his realm.

Great Emperor in the human world, immortals and gods are existences in the upper world. The two are not in the same world. The gap is wider than the natural chasm, not to mention that his laws are restrained by the other party.

"It seems you have met other immortals."

Song Shi looked at the latter indifferently: "You are indeed no match for me. Go and call the immortal behind you."

Xuan Qing's heart skipped a beat. This man admitted it. Wouldn't it be extremely dangerous for him to stay any longer?

He immediately jumped back like a cheetah, wanting to get rid of this man first.

"Did I let you go?"

Song Shi frowned, if this guy ran away, how could he call his backer over as quickly as possible?

A piece of golden light was faster than Xuanqing, with sharpness, and penetrated his body instantly like a substantial thread.


The instant pain was comparable to that of a thousand swords piercing the heart. Xuan Qing's body trembled, and he emerged from his escape. He was nailed to the void, unable to move.

A few strands of golden law flew towards his eyebrows in the blink of an eye.

"Immortal, have mercy on me, I can do whatever you want me to do."

Xuan Qing hurriedly begged for mercy. He was the Great Emperor of the world. He was above ten thousand people and inferior to one person. How could he be willing to die in vain like this?

"Seek help from your patrons, or die."

When Song Shi said this, he changed his mind again: "Forget it, just lead the way to him, so as not to have to come all the way."

"Yes, yes, I will listen to you."

Xuan Qing did not dare to disobey in any way. In his opinion, this was a fight between immortals and gods, and there was no need to lose his life.

The reason Song Shi changed his attention was that he discovered a problem.

Inside this guy, he found something special.

A mark.

This mark appears green and is imprinted in his flesh and blood. The level is very high. It is hidden in the body like a law and cannot be detected by the other party's strength.

After comparing it with the samsara mark, he found that it existed at the same level. If he hadn't specially cracked the samsara mark for a period of time and was very sensitive to this kind of thing, he might not have discovered it so quickly.

"This should be the Heavenly Venerable's mark. I control the reincarnation mark, so this should be the immortality mark, which is the Heavenly Venerable's method of controlling living beings."

Song Shi thought thoughtfully, if the mark of reincarnation is to control the soul, then the mark of Heavenly Venerable is to control the body.

This is indeed in line with the Great Dao of Life. The physical body represents the origin of life. This mark can make the Heavenly Venerable swallow its vitality easily.

The vitality of a mere Mahayana is nothing, but everything is afraid of too much. He can gather the soul power of hundreds of millions of living beings for his own use, and others can also gather the vitality of hundreds of millions of living beings for their own use.

"lead the way."

He loosened some of his suppression, the law of gold was hidden in his body, and ordered Xuan Qing to lead the way.


Xuan Qing was able to use part of his strength, his body was filled with green light, he recovered his superficial injuries, and then led the way honestly.

Song Shi and Wuyou hid, watching Xuan Qing in a separate space while continuing to communicate.

He said to Wuyou with great interest: "It seems that we can use the old method to deal with Heavenly Venerable."

"What's the meaning?"

Wuyou hasn't noticed the Immortality Seal yet. This thing is very obscure and difficult to detect.

"Look carefully at his physical body."

Song means something.

Wuyou showed a serious look, and soon his eyes changed slightly: "It's the Heavenly Venerable mark."

"If you crack it and replace it with your mark, you can basically destroy the foundation of Heavenly Venerable. This is what I did in the world of reincarnation before, but the mark of reincarnation targets the soul."

Song Shi smiled mischievously, any powerful existence is based on its own foundation. If the foundation is damaged, it will naturally not be able to exert much strength.

"It's too difficult. When you cracked and replaced the reincarnation mark, the reincarnation Heavenly Venerable fell. The reincarnation disc spirit was not aware of the flaw in time, so it was easy."

Wuyou was helpless: "This time, Heavenly Venerable is alive and in full strength. As soon as he touches his brand, he will probably be able to detect it immediately and alert the snake. After all, the major Heavenly Venerables attach great importance to their own brand. This is their the foundation of.”

"I know, you forgot one thing, your man and I are also Heavenly Venerable."

Song Shi smiled and said: "I can help you cover up the secret and steal the news."

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