What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 70 Little Divine Ability

"I only heard about rebellions in the border areas before, but I didn't expect that this wealthy land would reach this point."

Song Shi sighed secretly.

"In troubled times, if you want to settle down and live in peace, in addition to having a strong cultivation level, you also need to rely on a big force. Do you still have hope for the Demon Slayer Division?"

Liu Ruxue looked at Song Shi quietly.

"Xue'er wants me to join Yaoyue Palace?"

Song Shi turned around and met Liu Ruxue's starry eyes that seemed to be shining with light.

"Xue'er is currently not qualified to let the young master join the Moon Palace, but when Xue'er completes the trial, it should be possible. I also hope that the young master will go with Xue'er then."

Liu Ruxue looked sincere.

"Let's talk about it then. For now, we still need to keep in touch with the Demon Slayer Department. It would be nice to have another news channel."

Song Shi was noncommittal, saying that he wanted to have one more news channel, but in fact, he wanted to have one more place to die.

"Master, are you still going to take risks? The Demon Slayer Division will now have a direct conflict with the cultivators in the rebel army!"

Liu Ruxue looked worried, "That is to say, from now on, when the young master stays in the Demon Slaying Division, he may have to fight with the rebel monks every day, and his life may be in danger at any time."

"Good thing!"

Song Shi was excited and spoke righteously: "A man is born in heaven and earth. When I move forward, how can I shrink back when encountering the slightest danger? Fighting on the battlefield will only promote my rapid growth and take charge of my own business!"

Liu Ruxue's beautiful eyes were full of light and affection. Most of the monks she knew were cautious and suspicious and unwilling to take risks easily. How could anyone have Song Shi's temperament?

She smiled sweetly: "Xue'er respects the young master's choice and will support you."

"With Xue'er like this, what else can I ask for!"

Song Shi hugged the fragrant Liu Ruxue and said, "It's time to rest. Next, let me repay you and help you practice."

With Liu Ruxue cooing, he picked her up and walked towards the room.

After taking off all her clothes, Song Shi touched Liu Ruxue's face: "I will cooperate with you. You can absorb as much as you can."

His cultivation level has surpassed Liu Ruxue's and has almost reached the eighth level of Qi Refining. It is like a fireball that Liu Ruxue cannot absorb no matter how hard it is.

It didn't take long for Liu Ruxue to hold on. She stopped in the middle of begging for mercy and tried her best to digest and absorb.

Song Shi went to see Song Bei's situation and then began to sort out the harvest.

Black Poison's net worth is much richer than Bronze Tiger's. He not only has a large number of elixirs and talismans, but also many poisons and poisonous insects. There are also many related classics and secrets.

There are more than three hundred pieces of hard currency such as spirit stones, which translates to more than three million in silver.

Even the storage bag is of a higher grade, with a capacity nearly a thousand times its own, and can be regarded as a so-called treasure bag.

After sorting these things out and removing poison and the like, he divided the other talisman elixirs into three parts. One part was used by himself, one part was put in another storage bag, and the remaining part was packed in a cloth bag.

Going downstairs to the backyard, Da Mingming was practicing axe skills with an ax, preparing to use the Law Weapon as a melee weapon instead of a long-range attack like the Immortal Cultivator's Law Weapon.

Hoo ho ho!

The Blood Ax Law Weapon is not big, just like a round-faced axe, but in the hands of a wise man, it is like a tiger, and the cold light cuts through the air, making a harsh sound, and it is menacing.

Qin Dao stood aside and pointed: "Xiao Liu, the ax technique is more profound than the sword technique. Your moves are too floating and you cannot take advantage of the axe."

"It seems that Mr. Qin not only has superb sword skills, but also has many attainments in axe skills."

Song Shi appeared and commented with a smile.


Da Chongming hurriedly stopped, saluted Song Shi, and grinned: "Mr. Qin is excellent in all kinds of martial arts, and his sword skills are the best in the Splendid City Wulin."

"Xiao Liu, don't talk nonsense, old man, I'm just familiar with some weapons."

Mr. Qin handed over to Song Shi: "In front of the young master, these are just bells and whistles."

"Don't be modest. On Martial Dao, you are qualified to be called a master."

Song Shi shook his head: "I have time to learn some weapons techniques from you. I wonder if Mr. Qin can give me some advice? This is my apprenticeship ceremony."

He handed over a cloth bag, which contained elixirs, talismans and spiritual stones.

As long as the Innate is reached, the Martial Artist can use this kind of thing in the same way as the Immortal Cultivator. Even at this point, the difference between the Martial Artist and the Immortal Cultivator is narrowing, but there are still obvious differences in the skills and fighting methods.

In terms of skills, Martial Artists still attach great importance to cultivating themselves. After all, most of them do not have spiritual roots to help absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. In addition, I am also used to melee combat, not spells.

When Mr. Qin opened it, he was surprised to see just a hundred spirit stones: "Master, this is too much. Not to mention other things, even the spirit stones are enough for me to give you the skills of pressing the box."

"Take it first, as Mr. Qin's reward for protecting our Song family these days. I also hope that Mr. Qin can go further, so that everyone's ability to protect themselves can be improved."

Song Shi shook his head. He gave so many things, one was to learn something from Mr. Qin, and the other was to keep it.

With one more Innate master and one more point of protection, he couldn't possibly care more about the old man.

"Thank you, Master,"

Mr. Qin was not polite and checked the elixir: "I have the elixir given by the young master. If I take a step further, I should be able to reach the Innate Late Stage soon. I won't let you down, young master."

"That's great. Mr. Qin doesn't need to save. Use these resources as soon as possible."

Song Shi smiled and said, Innate Late Stage is equivalent to the ninth level of Qi Refining. He does not believe that without an enemy like Hei Duzi, who else can threaten the old man protected by such a person.

"Follow the master's orders."

Mr. Qin smiled and accepted this resource, which was very generous to him: "Master, what do you want to learn?"

"Let's learn to sword for now."

"Okay, I will teach the young master the strongest swordsmanship of the wind!"

Mr. Qin was not polite and directly took out what he had packed at the bottom of the box: "This swordsmanship is a mortal Apex Level swordsmanship and martial arts. If you practice it to perfection, you can use the Divine Ability of the Guangfeng Sword."

"The power of Divine Ability!"

Song Shi nodded. Martial arts has evolved to its limit, reaching the level of perfection, and it will have the power to reach the sky.

To put it simply, like a spell, it can mobilize the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to increase its power, but it is more difficult, far more than practicing spells.

But once it is cultivated, Divine Ability will have what the spell lacks.

Release quickly!

Attack domineering!

Once Divine Ability is cast, it can be released instantly without the need for seals or seals. Because Divine Ability is based on the Martial Artist meridian and uses the body to mobilize the aura of heaven and earth, it does not take much time to cast.

The attack is domineering, especially the single attack is very terrifying, and it is difficult to block with spells of the same level.

These two advantages are the key for Martial Dao practitioners to compete with immortal cultivators.

Therefore, every martial arts that can cultivate Divine Ability is a top martial arts.

"Yes, even though it is only the lowest First Grade Divine Ability, it is enough to deal with enemies under the Foundation Building and Transcendent."

Old Qin had gray hair and a long beard. He felt a little proud when he said this.

Although Divine Ability is divided into Ninth Grade and First Grade is the lowest, it is not something that can be obtained casually.

He introduced: "This is one of my three Apex Level martial arts that can cultivate Divine Ability."

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