What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 8 Lottery Subsystem

Warning the clever one, Song Shi did not notice anyone following him on the next part of the journey.

As for whether there are ghosts or not, it is unclear.

Continuing for several miles, they turned and arrived at a place where the water flow became calmer.

There were many reeds growing here, and in the past, there were many wild ducks and water birds, but now only the sound of the wind remained.

A stranded and dilapidated boat was wedged among the reeds, emitting a chilling aura that gave Song Shi goosebumps.

Seeing that many reeds nearby had collapsed, Song Shi pondered, "Judging from these traces, it should be a large water monster, not like the so-called water ghost."

"Um, assuming the water ghost didn't have the strength to break the boat, the water ghosts in this world... should be quite powerful."

Song Shi's mind wandered, slowly approaching the water's edge to take a look.

The river water was black, without reflecting the scarce moonlight from above, and it didn't even ripple.

"Why does it look like stagnant water?"

Song Shi wondered, when suddenly a gust of wind blew on the back of his neck, causing him to shiver.


A faint dripping sound came from behind him.

His scalp tingled, and he clearly felt someone behind him. Before he could turn around, a hand forcefully pushed him.

The hand was strong, and Song Shi couldn't stop himself.


Song Shi fell headfirst into the water, and in an instant, there was no sound.

There was a faint flow of blood underwater, which quickly disappeared.

The black shadow of a snake swayed twice in the water, as if wondering how its freshly hunted prey had suddenly disappeared.

And in the spot where Song Shi had been standing, a burly figure appeared mysteriously.

He was dripping with water, his hands pale, as if he had just crawled out of the river.

Looking up slightly, under the faint moonlight, a fierce and unusually pale face was revealed.

If Song Shi had turned his head earlier, he would have recognized this person.

"You were killed by a ghost, +5 Yang Qi!"

"You draw strength from death and gain 3 attribute points!"

"You will resurrect in three seconds!"

"Resurrection point set, you will resurrect at the resurrection point!"

"Ding, congratulations on being killed by a new target, meeting the incentive conditions, the lottery sub-system is activated. If you eliminate the target within the specified time, you will be rewarded with a chance to draw."

After the system prompt, a thirty-day countdown appeared.

At the same time, in the northwest corner of the Song family's estate, a person appeared out of thin air from under the bed.

"What happened? Who pushed me from behind? Is there no decency?"

Song Shi cursed inwardly, looking confused as he crawled out from under the bed.

He instinctively touched his throat, "Something killed me, to the point where I couldn't even struggle after falling into the water. I just felt cold all over, and in the blink of an eye, I lost consciousness."

Fear arose in his heart. Although he had the system and wasn't afraid of death, he was still afraid of unknown things like this.

"Whatever you are, I'll die a few more times and see if I can't figure you out."

Song Shi clenched his fists, his body filled with strength, not only fully recovering but also having a considerable amount of energy within him, with his Yang Qi reaching 21 points.

"Why did the Yang Qi and attribute points I obtained this time increase? And what's the deal with this lottery sub-system?"

Song Shi finally noticed the rewards given by the system. Just as he was puzzled, the system immediately provided an answer.

It turned out that after a certain number of deaths, for example, reaching ten deaths, the rewards would increase to a certain extent. In addition, his own strength and the strength of the one who killed him would also affect the level of rewards.

In simple terms, the more deaths accumulated, the stronger the strength, especially if the thing that killed him was more powerful, the more the rewards would increase.

These three factors collectively influenced the rewards, with strength being the main factor.

This makes sense. He had always wanted to become stronger, and the initial rewards were not enough. Now there's no problem.

As for the lottery subsystem, it's a spinning wheel that the system has activated, and you can draw some things.

Song Shi quickly opened it and took a look. There were twelve small fan-shaped sections, varying in size. Half of them were question marks, representing unknown lottery objects.

The other half of the things were revealed, making him salivate.

Innate Pill: Increases the probability of becoming an Innate expert!

Foundation Building Pill: Increases the chance of successfully building the foundation.

Nine Yang Divine Art: Apex Level yang attribute Martial Dao technique, can be cultivated to Innate!

Innate Pure Yang Art: First-class Qi Refining technique, perfect for Foundation Building!

True Yang Lock Armor: Middle Grade defensive treasure, can withstand a certain amount of damage.

Gentleman Sword: High Grade sword, with the power to cut hair and iron like mud!

Six items, two of which are related to cultivation, especially the two techniques, making him very envious.

If he could obtain them, he could start cultivating immediately.

"No lottery chances." Song Shi's eyes were filled with regret. It turns out that lottery chances cannot be exchanged for attribute points. He must eliminate the objects that caused his death in order to have a chance.

This also limits his ability to crazily sacrifice himself for rewards.

"You can't have both the fish and the bear's paw. Attribute points and lottery chances must maintain a certain balance. Moreover, the number of times I am killed by the same thing cannot exceed ten, otherwise there will still be a risk of exposure. The system is motivating me to eliminate this risk."

Song Shi pondered. If he constantly sacrifices himself, someone will eventually notice something is wrong.

"Die according to the actual situation. Once it is no longer suitable to sacrifice myself, I will eliminate the things that killed me!"

Song Shi set a principle and then focused his gaze on the attribute points.

"I won't add any attributes for now. I need to die a few more times quickly!"

He got up and took a step, thinking of something. He turned around and found a mask in the storage cabinet, changed into a plain black long robe, and then pushed the door open.

"Covering my face with a mask, even if someone sees me going to sacrifice myself, it won't directly expose my identity."

Song Shi thought to himself and quietly left under the cover of the night.

Fifteen minutes later.

Beside the side door, Da Congming arrived in a carriage.

He looked worried, concerned about whether Song Shi would encounter any trouble.

If something happened, even if Song Shi deliberately drove him away, he would still be responsible.

"Old Liu, what's wrong? You look down. Did you get tired from playing with women with Young Master Seven?" The head guard at the door, Lao Zhao, teased.

"Nonsense, you know I never play with women."

Da Congming stared and retorted, grabbing the reins and stopping the carriage. "Lao Zhao, remember to tell me when Young Master Seven comes back."

"Young Master Seven has already come back, but he just went out again. I was wondering why you didn't follow him."

Lao Zhao, short and stout, with a big face and small eyes, had faint dark circles under his eyes. He looked honest and sincere, around forty years old.

"He came back?"

Da Congming shook his head. "Impossible, Zhao Blind, your eyesight must be bad. You mistook someone else for him. After I separated from the young master in the south of the city, I drove the carriage back. How could I be slower than him?"

"Tsk, who's blind? It's not just me who saw it. I guess you went to take a shit halfway, so Young Master Seven came back first."

Lao Zhao sneered, but his words made Da Congming break out in a cold sweat.

Was he seeing things? How could he, who had been riding at full speed all the way, be slower than Young Master Seven?

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