What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 91 Unlock New Death Postures: Buried Alive And Suffocated To Death

Song Shi seized the opportunity to stay away. Suddenly, a light flashed above his head, and a sharp edge pierced the sky.


Amidst the deafening sound, he saw the large black ship in the distance being cut down by a sky-reaching sword energy.

"So strong, no wonder I heard them say that this man is the number one swordsman in Da Gan!"

Song Shi was amazed. He felt that this sword was very stunning and had a different kind of beauty!

"This is what men pursue. I am looking for death every day. I have no pursuit."

He secretly cursed himself for being hopeless and thinking about relying on the system to win all day long.

After seeing a more powerful existence, his mentality changed again.

It should be said that he was stimulated by others, and some of the things before could no longer satisfy him.

He wants to pursue more at this moment, otherwise he will be no different from salted fish.

"I want to cultivate immortality seriously and try my best to become a strong person on my own!"

Song Shi looked serious, secretly opened the system, and added all the freedom points to his understanding. He wanted to use his strong understanding to further study the various techniques of Divine Ability.

At this time, there was a fluctuation in a bag on his waist. Song Shi thought of something, took out an alms bowl and placed it on the ground.

He formed a special seal, and as the light twisted, a colorful centipede appeared in the alms bowl.

The sleeping centipede had woken up now. After Song Shi opened the seal, it suddenly shot out and faced the colony of poisonous insects.

A killing spree unfolded, and the centipede actually fed on other poisonous insects, killing them in large numbers, scaring the rest of the poisonous insects into fleeing.

"I thought I was going to run away. Emotions are just for the job."

Song Shi frowned, looking a little disgusted when the other person was full, and then climbed back on his own.

This thing seems to be of little use to him, and he has no interest in being a shit shoveler.

However, some memory fragments of Black Poison appeared in his mind. There seemed to be a connection between the centipede and the alms bowl, so it came back on its own.

In that case, it can be used as a hidden weapon.

Without time to study, he sealed the alms bowl and put it away, then set the resurrection point to be resurrected on the spot.

He doesn't want to be resurrected here after death. Not only will he have to run far, but even meeting other people will be troublesome.

He left the Ten Thousand Poison Mountains in one breath and returned to the edge of the mountains, which is the cave where Chen Yiling and others settled.

There was no one here anymore. Song Shi frowned secretly. Why didn't he get another communication charm?

"Forget it, don't force it."

Song Shi gave up the reward and didn't want to stay here for a long time. Now that so many Gold Core Perfected Being and Martial Dao kings are coming, he feels that he is in danger at any time.

Just as he was about to walk out of the cave, he caught a glimpse of several yellow talismans posted on the entrance of the cave.

"What kind of talisman is this? It looks familiar."

Song Shi was curious and thought it was the contact information left by Chen Yiling.

The next second, the runes shone brightly, the fire appeared, bloomed with dazzling light, and an explosive power was released.


Song Shi's pupils shrank, and when he thought of something at the end, it was already too late!


There was a loud noise, the ground shook, the entire cave collapsed instantly, and even the cliff was flattened, filling most of the entire valley.

"You were killed, your constitution +10!"

"You draw strength from death and gain free attribute points 5!"

"You will be resurrected in three seconds!"

"The resurrection location is not set, and the default is to resurrect in place!"

"Ding, congratulations on being killed by a new object. You meet the incentive conditions. If you eliminate the fatal object within the specified time, you will be rewarded with a lottery opportunity."

Song Shi was actually killed by the explosion. His Middle Grade Vajra Body was not blocked, which shows how terrifying the explosion was.

This time, because someone else used a talisman to blow him up, the cause of death was attributed to someone else, and there was a reward for killing him.

outside world.

"Killing one with the Fire Talisman is not bad."

At the exit of the valley, a man wearing a fox mask appeared, saying with satisfaction the result, and then disappeared, no longer using this useless location to ambush people.

Similar scenes are appearing everywhere.

The people from Heavenly Demon Temple did not leave completely, but took advantage of the right time and place to secretly ambush those who came close to investigate the situation.

Such arrogant behavior can be said to be the first time in the history of Daqian.

In the past, when dealing with these people, every time they either hid or ran away, this time they dared to directly attack Daqian and even dared to ambush them, which shows that the power of Heavenly Demon Temple is getting stronger and stronger. No need to be too timid.

When the man felt that Song Shi was bound to die, deep underground, among countless rubbles, Song Shi opened his eyes and subconsciously cursed: "Which old yin..."

He cursed two words and then hurriedly closed it.

"Ahem, cough!"

He was being pressed by gravel, and his eyelids were covered with dust. When he opened his mouth, the gravel and dust almost choked him to death.

A circle of golden light was released from his body, and then spread, forming an energy shield that temporarily isolated him from the outside world.

Then a burst of real power was released, shaking away some of the dust all over his body, and he continued to curse: "The bastards of Heavenly Demon Temple are setting traps everywhere to trap people. Are they all orphans?"

Song Shi was so angry.

In less than a day, he was first attacked by someone last night, then he went to investigate the situation and encountered the poison left by the poison master. Now when he came back to look for Chen Yiling, he was bombed to death again!

Even if he was beaten to death from the front, he was killed in secret one after another. This is the most depressing thing.

"Don't let me catch you. If I catch you, I will blow you to pieces!"

Song Shi gritted his teeth. The person who killed him this time should be a person who was not too strong, otherwise he wouldn't have used such a explosive talisman similar to a bomb.

He got up and wanted to go out and deal with the sinister guy, but found that he was being pinned down.

With his strength, he couldn't move much, and his expression couldn't help but change.

How deep must it be buried to have this feeling?

The surroundings were dark. Song Shi released his consciousness and found that the top of his head was covered with gravel and soil, and he couldn't even find his thoughts.

"I was buried alive!"

This thought suddenly appeared in Song Shi's mind, and he hurriedly raised his hand and punched.


With a muffled sound, the stone shattered, burying him even more tightly.

Song Shi realized that he couldn't use brute force, at least he couldn't get out by brute force.

He turned and arched up as much as possible, turned his fingers into claws, and dug into the area where there was a large boulder.

Ordinary stones are like tofu in Song Shi's hands, quickly shattering, and Song Shi throws them behind him to solidify them.

In this way, he dug a hole in the ground with the help of supports between some of the stones.

After digging for a while, he was panting and having difficulty breathing.

This is due to lack of air and entering a state of hypoxia.


Song Shi fully realized the horror of being buried alive. For a person like him, even if he could dig a hole, he would still be suffocated to death.

"I have just unlocked the posture of being blown to death, and now I have to unlock the way of dying by suffocating myself to death."

Song Shi smiled bitterly, Qi Refining and Innate monks are not yet able to hold their breath for a long time. Only when they get the Foundation Building can they transcend these two necessary activities in life.

He endured the pain of lack of oxygen and dug the hole faster. After persisting for a while, he fell to the ground in a daze and died slowly.

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