"Mrs. Bai, take a quick look. Someone has submitted two Divine Comedies to our company. The lyrics and composition are both top-notch." Ding Xiaoyi rushed into the general manager's office excitedly.

Bai Qianni frowned and hung up the phone, and said with a bad face, "No matter what it is, knock on the door first!"

Ding Xiaoyi nodded quickly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm too excited, take a look at these two songs."

Bai Qianni took over the lyrics and music from Ding Xiaoyi. She had a very bad impression of the lyrics at first sight. This beautiful woman is not only the owner of 'Huameng Records', but also a professional musician who is very popular. female singer.

Bai Qianni saw at a glance that this was a first draft. It was submitted directly after no revisions and polishes at all. This kind of perfunctory manuscript, Bai Qianni was not even interested in taking a second look, and threw it directly into the trash can. .

Ding Xiaoyi quickly caught it.

"Mrs. Bo, please take a closer look!" Ding Xiaoyi prayed.

Bai Qianni glanced at Ding Xiaoyi strangely. Bai Qianni has a total of three work helpers. Ding Xiaoyi has been in the company for five or six years, so she shouldn't randomly recommend it.

Bai Qianni endured her disgust and re-read the song draft. Her musical literacy was naturally not comparable to Ding Xiaoyi's. After only two paragraphs, Bai Qianni was already full of surprises.

"I have been taught a lesson and given the guidance of the scriptures. Now I can see clearly and no longer feel trapped... I am no longer as stupid as before, just wipe the tears and laugh lightly!" Bai Qianni felt that this song was simply It is tailor-made for myself, and it is written about my own life situation, especially this sentence 'Laughing and scolding others, be a free and easy person'.

Bai Qianni's office is also a music studio. She excitedly hurried to the piano with the crude song draft, and couldn't wait to play it again.

Bai Qianni was a little jerky when she played and sang it for the first time, but she couldn't hide the beautiful melody of this song.

"Ding Xiaoyi, give me a piece of white paper." Bai Qianni exclaimed excitedly.

Ding Xiaoyi immediately took a blank sheet of paper.

"Mrs. Bai, I added the lines on these pencils myself."

Bai Qianni immediately glared at Ding Xiaoyi: "Who told you to add random additions, no wonder I don't think it's right, the original idea of ​​​​this song is not like this."

Although the manuscript of this song is very sloppy, Bai Qianni can still see that it is a piece of classical style, not a simple pop element.

"If you use the piano with the guzheng, then it will be perfect." Bai Qianni murmured in a low voice.

If someone was there to hear Bai Qianni's words, they would be stunned. The melody of "Silence is Gold" was originally a combination of ancient songs and popular elements. A professional is a professional, not a copy of a certain article.

Bai Qianni played and sang while circling and dangling. She kept playing and singing for nearly an hour before she stopped happily. Ding Xiaoyi hurriedly handed the prepared warm honey water to Bai Qianni.

"I almost missed a piece of genius." Bai Qianni smiled happily, then turned to the signature page.

"Zhang San?" Bai Qianni's expression was exactly the same as that of Ding Xiaoyi just now. The name was too perfunctory, as scribbled as his handwriting.

"Is this really contributed by a freelance songwriter?" Bai Qianni asked suspiciously, this kind of god should have been famous all over the world long ago.

"Yes!" Ding Xiaoyi replied cautiously, being an assistant to a big star is not an easy task.

"Call him quickly, I must buy this song!" Bai Qianni said quickly.

"He left the pager number, I have already called, waiting for the other party to call back." Ding Xiaoyi replied immediately.

Bai Qianni was very anxious: "Call him a few more times. For such a good manuscript, he may not only vote for our family. If he is preempted by others, it will be troublesome."

"Okay—!" Ding Xiaoyi hurriedly walked to his desk.

"Wait!" Bai Qianni stopped Ding Xiaoyi again: "Didn't you say there are two songs?"

Ding Xiaoyi replied, "The other one is on the back of the manuscript!"

"..." Bai Qianni was speechless when she opened the back of the manuscript.

What a stingy guy, this kind of amazing song doesn't need to be written on two sheets of paper.

"The Distant Her"

"Let the evening wind gently blow the sunset, I'm used to thinking about her every evening..."

Obviously, this is a song performed by a man. The style of the song is very soft, but the melody is very poignant. Bai Qianni already felt a heart-wrenching regret just by reading the lyrics.

"This songwriter must be a sloppy guy." Bai Qianni said angrily. The more beautiful these two pieces are, the more they can reflect the scribbles of the songwriter.

"Distant She" is so good, Bai Qianni can't think of any male singer under her company who is capable of performing this song, but she can't let some trash spoil this good song.

Wait, I don't seem to have bought these two songs yet, and Bai Qian is in a hurry.

"Ding Xiaoyi, hasn't the other party called back yet?" Bai Qianni hurriedly walked to Ding Xiaoyi's desk.

Ding Xiaoyi quickly stood up and replied, "Not yet!"

"Keep calling. Call me every two minutes until he recovers." Bai Qianni said angrily.

Ding Xiaoyi: "Okay!"

the other side.

Li Er and Li Xianying are having dinner in the tea restaurant.

Li Er likes to eat at the tea restaurant, but it is not entirely because the price of the tea restaurant is favorable to the people, and the serving efficiency of the tea restaurant is extremely fast. Basically, after you order a dish, it will be able to serve you within five minutes. For a guy like Li Er, who has no requirements for diet, a tea restaurant is really suitable.

If you eat at a restaurant at meal time, you will be so hungry that you have a stomach ulcer in minutes, and the dishes have not yet been served.

"Li Er, who called you in such a hurry? Do you want to go back to the plane first?" Li Xianying saw that Li Er's pager was ringing every few minutes, and couldn't help but said.

"I don't know!" Li Er said and turned off the pager. At this time, let alone the pager, there is no address book function on mobile phones. If you want to recognize who the other party is by the number, Li Er can't do it. At most, he can only Remember the phone number of the police station CID department.

"Li Er, you are now a trainee inspector. Do you want to buy a car to travel around? Taking the bus to work every day is not in line with your status!" Li Xianying laughed.

"Who said I took the bus to work, I can't run! It's both fitness and environmental protection!" Li Er said with a hand, this guy really can walk to the police station to work, and the distance from the house to the police station will not exceed five kilometers, Li Er If you walk briskly, you can walk to the police station in forty or fifty minutes, and running is even faster.

Li Xianying frowned: "You are not!"

"I am so environmentally friendly, and protecting the environment starts with me." Li Er said affirmatively.

Li Xianying: "..."

"Why don't I transfer my car to you at a cheaper price?" Li Xianying whispered, thinking that Li Er should be short of money.

Li Er shook his head and refused.

Li Xianying said boldly: "Then I'll lend it to you!"

"Don't, please let me go, you can save it yourself, I have hemorrhoids, I really can't stand the toss." Li Er folded his hands very sincerely.

Li Xianying: "You don't really walk, do you?"

"I'm going to buy a motorcycle or a bicycle." Li Er rarely told the truth.

Li Xianying: "Don't you have hemorrhoids?"

"Hey! I can hold it back, I don't always have hemorrhoids." Li Er imitated Li Xianying's tone and laughed.

Li Xianying glanced at Li Er speechlessly, raised his hand and shouted, "Dude, pay the bill!"

"I'm coming! This is downstairs from my house. Next time I go to you, please invite me!" Li Er stopped Li Xianying's hand and said.

"Alright!" Li Xianying put away the fifty yuan in his hand and asked Li Er to treat him to a meal.

In fact, Li Er knew that Li Xianying had no money. Li Xianying felt ashamed, and compensated his monthly salary to the family of the injured child. The traffic team told Li Er that Li Xianying was now every day Bring a box lunch from home to the police station to eat.

Li Er: "Is there anything to do this afternoon?"

Li Xianying shook his head: "No!"

"How about, let's go to practice guns together?" Li Er probed.

Li Xianying shook his head with a wry smile: "No, I haven't touched a gun for a long time."

Naturally, the traffic team had to be armed with guns when they went to work, but Li Xianying never pulled the gun out of the holster.

After Li Er sent Li Xianying away, he went to the gun room of the police station by himself to practice guns. Although he could only practice six bullets, no matter how small a mosquito was, it was still meat. Li Er did not dare to relax for a moment in the practice of life-saving skills.

Li Er already faintly felt that his marksmanship was not as good as he imagined. The aiming time was too long and he was easily disturbed by the external environment. During the aiming period, the target moved slightly, and he had to re-aim and proofread.

Li Er himself has no way to change this situation. The only way is to keep practicing the gun and improve his proficiency. Otherwise, when he encounters a real master, he will shoot himself into a hornet's nest before he takes aim.

After Li Er finished his marksmanship, he came to the practice room of the police station. The exercise equipment here is not rich, but not too small. Various sizes of dumbbells, barbells, sandbag gloves, old-fashioned treadmills, push-pulls, and sit-ups are available. , Li Er even saw a wooden stump in the corner. Of course, the most important reason why Li Er liked the practice room at the police station was that it was free.

There are not many people in the practice room of the police station. In fact, most people just regard the police as a profession, and the slogan of eliminating violence and peace is just a slogan.

What Li Er likes most is that there are few people.

Li Er walked to the sit-up machine and started exercising. Man, who doesn't want to exercise his abdominal muscles and waist strength.

Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale.

Li Er put his head in his hands and slowly started doing sit-ups. At about fifty, Li Er's breathing became a little heavy. At the hundredth, Li Er was sweating. At the one hundred and fifty, Li Er Er lay down and looked at the time, it was only three minutes.

Li Er looked around and saw that there was no one around. He took out an alarm clock from his pocket, set it ten minutes later, and the alarm clock rang, and he started exercising.

"One, two, three, four." Li Er quickly sneaked his mental power into the system, keeping his body in motion and continuing to exercise.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes... Nine minutes later, Li Er's face turned red, panting like a cow, his whole body was soaked with sweat, and he was still exercising mechanically. , will be shocked by Li Er's tenacious willpower.

ten minutes.

"Ring bell bell..."

The alarm clock goes off.

"Ah—! Pain Pain Pain Pain!" Li Er screamed miserably, lying on the sit-up device, his lower abdomen hurt like a knife, and his waist was also stinging.

Li Er lay on the sit-up machine for half an hour before he got up and started to do some gentle recovery and relaxation movements. He felt that if he practiced like this every day, he might be able to exercise six-pack abs in a month.

When Li Er left the practice room, he put his hands on his waist, as if he had been wheeled, and the guy fell asleep as soon as he got home.

He seemed to have forgotten one thing. This guy didn't call the phone number in time, and he turned off the pager. The pager didn't ring. It wasn't until a few days later that he remembered it. Anxious to get on fire.

Several other record companies were equally anxious, they all thought that 'Zhang San' was up for sale, waiting for the highest bid.

When Li Xianying returned home, he found an envelope in his pocket. After opening the envelope, there were two thousand yuan in it.

'Wife Ben, come back as soon as possible, go to the street! ' Li Xianying knew at a glance that it was Li Er's handwriting, Li Ying pursed his lips and said nothing.

The friendship between men is so simple, there are not too many sensational words.

"Mom, I'm going to pay the electricity bill." Li Xianying said to his mother, and went to pay the arrears of water and electricity bills.

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