When Qiao Leshui came to look for them, he saw the pile of spirit stones in the hall of the cave mansion.

Recently, Young Master Qiao, who was too poor to eat dirt, saw this pile of spiritual stones, his eyes couldn't move away, his eyes were about to shine, and he asked a little excitedly: "Where do these spiritual stones come from?"

Ning Yuzhou smiled and said, "This is what Ah Wah made in the recent competition."

"Fighting the ring?" Qiao Leshui quickly remembered the challenge ring in Danfu City that was very popular with cultivators, and asked in surprise, "Miss Wen, have you really gone to the ring? Are you challenging the cultivation of the Primordial Spirit Realm? By?"

Wen Qiao nodded reservedly.

Qiao Leshui was speechless. With so many spirit stones, how many games did she play and how many people did she win to win back a bunch of spirit stones? Look at the little girl, one person can win so many spirit stones back; look at it again, a gnawing brother who has left his brother's shelter, is so poor that he can only eat dirt...

Qiao Leshui suddenly wanted to shut down.

Ning Yuzhou glanced at him, and then said slowly: "Master Qiao, call you over today to miss you and talk about treatment."

Qiao Leshui's expression shrank, thinking that tomorrow is the beginning of the month, he couldn't help but nervously asked, "Young Master Ning, what do I need to do?"

"You don't need anything, just stay here."

Qiao Leshui screamed and looked at him eagerly.

When the sky outside was completely dark, Ning Yuzhou suddenly asked Wen Qiao to tie up Qiao Leshui.

Qiao Leshui was still in a daze. He was tied by Wenqiao to form a meat dumpling with Qiansi vine. A shadow of being bound and dominated once again appeared in his heart, and asked with some trembling: "Wen Qiao, you must be tied. me?"

"Of course, so that you don't have a sense of clarity when you have an attack, and you are doing sabotage everywhere." Wen Qiao said naturally.

Qiao Leshui couldn't defend himself, so he could only let out a depressed cry.

According to past experience, every time on the first day of the month, he would lose his mind and spend three days in such a muddle-headed manner.

In the past three days, although he did not have the sane and did not know what he did, he knew that he was alone and lived a precarious life. He also worried that he would run out and be discovered when he lost his sane, and then regarded him as a delusion. The person who has dealt with it, there is no place to redress grievances after death.

Compared to the situation in those six months, although he is now tied up, at least he is safe.

Qiao Leshui quickly comforted herself and sat there obediently waiting for the time to come.

Ning Yuzhou and Wen Qiao didn't go to rest either. Instead, they sat in the hall drinking tea and chatting, and they could be regarded as staying with Qiao Leshui.

The waiting time was a bit boring, and the two monster beasts had already taken out the sea sugar cane and started gnawing.

After eating a basket, Wen Tutu jumped onto Wen Qiao’s shoulder, where he nested there as a ball of hair and then stopped moving, only Wen Biao rolled, and continued to take out Qiongyu purple spirit bamboo, his small mouth kept open. The hard purple bamboo disappeared into that small mouth one by one, making a creaking chewing sound.

This sound was particularly obvious in the quiet hall. Qiao Leshui's gaze gradually fell on Wen Gungun. He just watched it eat bamboo, and even saw the early morning.

In the early morning, both Ning Yuzhou and Wen Qiao noticed that Qiao Leshui's expression gradually became blurred and chaotic, and his eyes were bloodshot, and finally his eyes became a turbid blood red.

Just like a person who has become crazy, Qiao Leshui began to struggle, screaming and wanting to attack all the creatures around him.

Ning Yuzhou came to him.

Qiao Leshui opened his mouth to bite him, but when he found that he couldn't hook, he slammed his head towards him.

Wen Qiao grabbed the other end of Qiansi Teng and patted his head, "Safe, Brother Ning is going to treat you."

It is impossible to have peace. How can a person without sane be able to be content? Wen Qiao could only tie him and the pillar together and fix it there so that Ning Yuzhou could check his situation.

Then, Ning Yuzhou's finger touched his forehead.

Qiao Leshui suddenly roared frantically, with a painful expression on his face. Although he was not sane, he would still instinctively resist the invasion of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Seeing him struggling hard, Wen Qiao worried that Qiao Leshui would hurt Ning Yuzhou, and hurriedly asked, "Husband, do you want to stun him?"

Qiao Leshui is a cultivator in the Yuan Ling Realm. Even if he is injured now, the breadth and power of the Sea of ​​Consciousness is not comparable to a practitioner in the Yuan Meridian Realm. Wen Qiao is worried that Qiao Leshui's spiritual consciousness will attack him to know Haining Yuzhou.

"No need." Ning Yuzhou took the time to reply.

Seeing that he was accustomed to paying attention, Wen Qiao's face was slightly strained, and she didn't dare to disturb him again, so she stood by to protect the law for them. If there is something wrong, she is definitely the first to stun Qiao Leshui.

Fortunately, after Ning Yuzhou withdrew his hand, Qiao Leshui was not stunned, and he was able to yell at Wenqiao and them happily.

"Husband, how is it?" Wen Qiao asked.

Ning Yuzhou said: "The situation in his knowledge of the sea is more serious than I thought. If you compare the cultivator's knowledge of the sea to the ocean, normally, the knowledge of the sea is calm and calm. But his knowledge of the sea is not only very chaotic, but also in the sea. There is also a dark substance, which seems to be stuck in his sea of ​​consciousness and is eating away his divine consciousness."

This is why Ning Yuzhou didn't let Wen Qiao stun Qiao Leshui before.

Syncope is different from the situation of sea-consciousness when he is awake. Ning Yuzhou needs to check his sea-consciousness when Qiao Leshui is awake in order to guess his sea-consciousness situation. But this time, let him see clearly that those that destroyed Qiao Le's water and sea consciousness turned out to be a dark substance, which looked like patches of corpse attached to the corpse, giving people a sense of ominousness.

To cure Qiao Le Shui, you must first remove these terrible dark substances, and then you can treat it further.

After listening to his explanation, Wen Qiao was a little horrified, "Can it be cured?"

"I will try."

Ning Yuzhou didn't say much, he took out a lot of things from his storage bag and put them on the table one by one, almost occupying the entire table.

Wen Tutu and Wen Gungun squatted on the stone chair in front of the table and took a look. When they discovered that one of the jade bottles was actually a spring of Yin and Yang, the hair exploded in an instant, and they hurriedly avoided.

Ning Yuzhou took out a jade bowl, and first poured three jade-round spirit pills on the jade bowl.

The pill produced a fragrant pill, which was the nine-yin four-qi pill that Ning Yuzhou asked Qiao Leshui to collect recently.

Then he took a jade scoop made of ice jade, put in a small piece of purple-black fine fairy honey honey, scooped it into powder, and poured it into a jade bowl with the three Nine Yin and Four Qi Pills are mixed together.

After doing this, he took an ice jade box on the table and opened it.

The icy breath dissipated, only to see a small section of Thousand-Year Heart Corruption Grass in the ice jade box, which was stained with gray spots, like dead human bones, extremely poisonous, and ominous, making people just look at it. Can't help but want to avoid far away.

Wen Qiao knew how poisonous the Thousand-Year Heart Eater Grass was, but she didn't expect to need this thing.

Ning Yuzhou first wrapped the section of Thousand-Year Heart-Eater Grass with spiritual power, then took out a jade bowl, poured out a few drops of the Yin-Yang Spring in the bottle, and quickly threw the little section of Thousand-Year Heart-Eater into the black and white. In the spring water.

The Thousand-Year Heart Eroding Grass quickly melted into the Yin and Yang spring water, making a sizzling sound. The Yin and Yang spring water was boiling like tiny bubbles, and a very cold breath filled the air. Whether it was Wen Qiao or the two monsters, they were all caught by the cold breath, and even Qiao Leshui tied to the pillar seemed to be quite safe.

Although the whole body was hairy by the indoor atmosphere, Wen Qiao still did not divert his eyes, staring at Ning Yuzhou busy.

Until the yin and yang spring in the jade bowl calmed down, Ning Yuzhou poured the Jiuyin Siqi Pill in another jade bowl and the powder of honey fat into the yin and yang spring water, the yin and yang spring water boiled again, and the black and white spring water once again These things quickly melted and swallowed. The yin and yang spring in the bowl had only a few drops of spring water, but it happened to melt and swallow everything that touched it. The yin and yang springs in the bowl seemed to increase in an instant, and a few drops became smaller. bowl.

Wen Qiao was stunned when she saw it, and only felt that Ning Yuzhou's current method did not seem to be doing alchemy, but she couldn't say what she was going to do.

Ning Yuzhou continued to grab other things on the table, and methodically threw them into the jade bowl, blending with the spring water of Yin Yang Spring.

It wasn't until dawn that the contents of the jade bowl finally turned into three black and white pill pills, and the pill pills still exuded a refreshing fragrance.

Wen Qiao took a deep breath, feeling refreshed.

The same is true for the two monster beasts. They jumped onto the table one after another, staring at the three pills in the jade bowl, their saliva flowed out. At this moment, no one remembers that the jade bowl was originally filled with fear. The yin and yang spring is incomparable, and there are spring water from the yin and yang spring in these three pills.

"Husband, what is this?" She couldn't wait to ask.

Starting from Ning Yuzhou's busy schedule, tossing for half a night, she finally got these three black and white pills, which made her feel an eye-opener.

She couldn't understand what Ning Yuzhou did. It was not like alchemy, but in the end, she came up with these three pills that looked like a pill. Of course, she thought that the various materials that Ning Yuzhou had taken out before were all these. Collected in 2009, not only high-level spiritual herbs, but also yin and yang springs, honey fat, and other things that are rare in the practice world, which shows the value of these three pills.

"This is the Yin-Yang Nirvana True Pill." Ning Yuzhou picked up a black and white pill and looked at it, with a satisfied expression on his face. Synthesis is a kind of Hedan."

Wen Qiao heard this in a daze, and asked: "What's the use of it?"

"Since it is the Yin-Yang Nirvana True Pill, it is naturally born for Nirvana, and it can be used to swallow the dark matter in the sea of ​​Qiao Le's consciousness."

Wen Qiao was stunned, "Swallow and kill those dark substances, and Qiao Leshui will be able to live by nirvana."

Ning Yuzhou nodded approvingly, and there was nothing wrong with this explanation.

Under the reluctant gaze of the two monsters, Ning Yuzhou put away the other two Yin-Yang Nirvana True Pills, and he fed the remaining one to Qiao Leshui.

Qiao Leshui was very energetic this evening, trying to break free of the vines that bound him, even if no one paid attention to him, he could still roar from time to time to show his existence.

After being fed the Yin-Yang Nirvana True Pill, Qiao Leshui's round blood-red eyes suddenly let out a violent scream, struggling harder, and spitting out a mouthful of black blood.

Wen Qiao was startled. When he was about to ask if he should stun him, he saw Qiao Le's head tilted and lost consciousness.

Ning Yuzhou checked his wrist for a while, and said to Wenqiao: "You can put him down."

Wen Qiao responded and controlled Qian Si Teng to pull him out of the pillar and put him on the couch aside.

After half a day, Qiao Leshui finally woke up.

His face was pale and transparent, a pair of small animal eyes didn't seem to have any luster, the whole person was like a little white flower being abused, sitting up tremblingly, his eyes staring straight ahead.

Ning Yuzhou asked: "How are you?"

Qiao Leshui turned his head to look at him, hoarsely said: "Very bad, headache, nausea, nausea..."

"It's normal, it will be better afterwards." Ning Yuzhou was very calm, "Is there any spiritual pill I gave you earlier? Just take a few pills as I order."

Qiao Leshui gave a stunned voice, first swallowed a five-turn Qingyang Pill, and then swallowed Yangyuan Pill and Ningyuan Pill.

Soon after, Qiao Leshui suddenly discovered that the negative emotions that bothered him quickly disappeared, and even the sea of ​​consciousness that had been faintly painful for this period of time actually exudes a comfortable and cool breath. Affected by this breath, he feels particularly comfortable all over his body. All relax.

He froze for a while, and said in surprise: "Young Master Ning, I seem to be all right."

Wen Qiao and Wen Tutu stared at him, as if confirming that he was really well?

Ning Yuzhou asked him to stretch out his hand to check his body. At the same time, he also checked his sea of ​​consciousness, and said, "Yes, it's probably healed in two months."

After Qiao Leshui understood what he was saying, his face flushed with excitement, just as Ning Yuzhou had said before, it only took three months to heal him.

When he was happy, he couldn't help asking, what happened when he lost consciousness during the period from early morning to dawn, and how did they treat him?

Ning Yuzhou didn't hide it from him, and passed the jade bottle containing the Yin and Yang Nirvana True Pill.

Qiao Leshui opened the pill bottle, and an indescribable fragrance came out, which made people awaken.

Staring at the two black and white spirit pills in the pill bottle, Qiao Leshui resisted the urge to swallow it and asked what kind of spirit pills it was.

"This is the true pill of Yin and Yang Nirvana."

Ning Yuzhou told him about his knowledge of the sea and the role of the Yin-Yang Nirvana True Pill. Qiao Leshui was stunned when he heard it. He only felt that the two precious true pill in his hand almost couldn't hold it.

Although Ning Yuzhou didn't say what materials were used when refining this spirit pill, the effect alone knew that a lot of high-level elixir was definitely used, and it was definitely not something he could pay for as a pauper now.

Qiao Leshui's scalp was numb, and he could only hope that his brother could help his younger brother to pay off the debt, otherwise he could only sell himself to Ning Yuzhou and the others to pay off the debt.

Qiao Leshui said sternly: "Young Master Ning, your great kindness is unforgettable in the next. If you have any needs in the future, please let me know."

Ning Yuzhou smiled and said, "I've written down Master Qiao's words. If there is a need in the future, it may indeed trouble you."

"no problem!"

Qiao Leshui, who was totally ignorant of the sinister heart, replied loudly.

In his eyes, Ning Yuzhou and Wen Qiao are both good people, and generally good people will not let him do bad things with uneasy conscience. He has no pressure at all.

The remaining two yin and yang nirvana true tannins were put away by Yuzhou, and they would be given to him when Qiao Leshui had an attack early next month.

Wen Tutu and Wen looked at them blankly, until the breath of the true pill disappeared, and they slumped there dejectedly, as if they were not angry.

Brother Ning was able to combine these peerless true pills, but without their share, it was too cruel.

Ning Yuzhou ignored these two beasts like a genius, after dismissing Qiao Leshui, they rested in the cave for a day, then left the cave and came to the city.

Before getting close to the challenge ring, Xiong Yan jumped out from nowhere, and said in surprise, "Brother Ning, sister, I finally waited for you, are you here to fight the ring today?"

Ning Yuzhou smiled and said, "I'm not, only Ah Wah fights the ring."

Wen Qiao nodded. This kind of beating and killing is not suitable for Brother Ning. She is the only one to fight.

Xiong Yan was overjoyed, "Sister, let's have a fight today."

Wen Qiao ignored him and turned to Ning Yuzhou and said, "Husband, I will send you to the east of the city first."

At the beginning of each month, the Fulu master of the Danfuzong will explain the Tao of Fulu for other Fulu masters in the east of the Danfu City. There is a forest of Fulu steles, which is a very suitable place for preaching.

Xiong Yan said impatiently, "Then let's send Brother Ning over, and then go to the ring."

With that, he pushed them towards the Forest of Fulu Steles even more anxiously than the two of them.

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