Wu Qijie took them to a wing room in the flying boat.

Compared with the room in the flying boat of the Flying Dragon Chamber of Commerce, the flying boat of Linglong Fort is also a heavenly weapon, but the space and decoration inside are higher than those of the Flying Dragon Chamber of Commerce. The furnishings in the room are very complete, and there is even a rest. The flying boats of the Flying Dragon Chamber of Commerce are really incomparable.

Wu Qijie, who also took the flying boat of the Flying Dragon Chamber of Commerce, was proud.

The flying boat of their Linglong Fort is good, not the ones that wait for profiteers to compare.

Wu Qijie said: "Young Master Ning, Miss Wen, you will stay here for the time being! The time from the heavens back to Linglong Fort is not long. You can arrive in half a month. If you have any needs, please come to me."

With Feilong's Feizhou for comparison, Wen Qiao and Ning Yuzhou were very satisfied, and felt that there was nothing needed.

Ning Yuzhou said, "It's pretty good here, thank you Senior Wu."

Wu Qijie smiled and said: "You don't have to thank me, I also want to thank you! Young Master Ning, our young master...I beg you."

It can be seen that as a disciple of Su Shouling, Wu Qijie has a deep affection for Linglong Fort and Su Wangling. Because Ning Yuzhou can save Su Wangling, he is very prepared for them and takes extra care of them.

Ning Yuzhou wanted such an effect.

He said warmly: "Senior Wu, don't worry, there will be nothing wrong with Young Master Su."

Wu Qijie got his assurance, his eyes were red, and he left contentedly.

When the door was closed, Wen Qiao glanced at the closed door and couldn't help asking: "Husband, what is the injury of Young Master Su? Can you really save it?"

Ning Yuzhou took her to the lounge.

The rest is very elegant and warm, the innermost bed made of spirit wood and exquisitely carved is very eye-catching. This shows that Linglong Fort still tends to be comfortable and enjoyable in non-cultivating places.

Ning Yuzhou took her to the bed and said, "I can indeed save it because Young Master Su is in the same situation as Qiao Leshui."

Wen Qiao's eyes stared slightly, "Really? Young Master Su was tricked by the same method?"

Ning Yuzhou nodded, "But compared to Qiao Leshui, Young Master Su’s situation is very dangerous. He should have been injured for a long time, and according to Qiao Leshui’s situation at the time, Young Master Su should have had an attack. However, in order to reduce the loss of the soul at the time of the attack, he used a lot of side-door spirit pills and heavenly materials to suppress it. Unfortunately, those methods are to treat the symptoms rather than the root cause, but will aggravate his injuries..."

Following his explanation, Wen Qiao couldn't help but remember that when they were in the Plains of Heaven, they really hadn't seen Su Wangling attacked like Qiao Leshui. Except for his pale face, every time he uses his spiritual power, he will seem to be exhausted and dying at any time. At other times, it still looks normal.

The absence of attacks does not mean that Su Wangling's situation is better than Qiao Leshui.

On the contrary, his body is already at the end of the battle, fragile, and he has taken too many messy things to suppress it forcibly, which makes his body wear more serious.

Ning Yuzhou would first let him take the lotus seeds of the Jingling water lotus, and barely hang Su Wangling's life, before he could save him. Otherwise, people could not be rescued successfully, so why let Linglongbao shelter them and stand up to the ancestors of the Yuan Dynasty realm in the Feixing Continent for them?

Will choose Su Wangling, also because of Linglong Fort's position in Feixing Continent, and Linglong Fort's mission.

"Aha, there is only one lotus seed left in Jingling Water Lotus." Ning Yuzhou looked at Wen Qiao guiltily.

No matter what, the three lotus seeds were gifted by Jingling water lotus to his aunt, but one was used by him to suppress the **** monster, and the other was used by him to save Su Lingwang. The only one.

After Wen Qiao knew where the two lotus seeds were going, she didn't care too much, and said, "It's okay, as long as your husband is safe and sound, isn't there one left?"

Whether it is used to suppress the **** miasma or to Su Wangling, Ning Yuzhou has his own considerations, and Wen Qiao would not care about these. What's more, her husband has never been a disadvantaged person. She looks very generous, but every time she spends more, she gets more back.

Although she doesn't like to think too much, she has been with Ning Yuzhou for a long time, and she can guess what she means.

Ning Yuzhou would be willing to save Su Wangling with a lotus seed, proving that the current situation in Feixing Continent is not very optimistic, and they need to use Linglong Fort to avoid these and ensure their safety while in Feixing Continent.

When she agreed to go to the Sea of ​​Blood to find the Shenmu, Wen Qiao knew that there would be a series of troubles, but she still went.

It's not that she is stupid, or can't see the trouble afterwards, but that she doesn't want them to die there, so she can only bite the bullet. And she revealed that her husband must make moves in order to protect her.

All this is for them.

Wen Qiao could see clearly and didn't care about the things outside.

Thinking of this, Wen Qiao took out a piece of the sacred tree from the storage bag and said with joy: "Husband, this is the sacred tree given to me by the Shenyin Treasure Tree."

Ning Yuzhou was also a little surprised when he saw that piece of sacred tree.

Earlier when Wen Qiao gave them a message, he once said that the Shenyin Treasure Tree was exhausted for the protection of the heavens, leaving only one seed. If the seed is to grow hard, it will definitely exhaust the vitality of the Shenyin Treasure. The tree can be absorbed as nutrients, and it can grow to be enough to suppress the heavens as soon as possible.

Therefore, in this case, no one will make the idea of ​​the sacred tree again.

I don't know that the little sacred tree would be willing to send a piece of sacred tree to Wen Qiao.

Wen Qiao said happily: "Husband, see how this sacred tree can be used?"

The little sacred tree is very generous. The sacred tree sent to Wenqiao is three feet long. The man's arms are thick and heavier.

When Ning Yuzhou stretched out his hand to grab it, his wrist sank involuntarily, with a smile on his face, and said, "Aha, the sacred tree has many uses. It can be made into some Buddhist beads and wooden plaques, and you will encounter evil things in the future. , Can also be used for self-defense."

In an instant, Ning Yuzhou had several refining methods for sacred trees in his mind, and he was very happy.

Wen Qiao generously handed Shenmu to him and let him arrange it.

After putting away the sacred tree, Ning Yuzhou laid a heavy array around it, and then pulled Wen Qiao into the space.

The space is still peaceful and peaceful. The two topaz ants who have already returned to the space crawled on the antincense tree to eat ant scented leaves, and the big hair ball lay in the Zhuxianling flower field lazily eating the fairy honey. The life was very pleasant. .

When Wen Qiao and Ning Yuzhou were found coming in, Wen Qiuqiu climbed up to their feet and rolled towards them.

Since the two set out for Tianzhiyuan, they hadn't made a space for nearly half a year, and I missed them when I heard the ball.

Wen Qiao also missed the big hair ball very much, so she threw herself on it, and rubbed it with her hair.

When Wen Qiao and Wen Tutu were sitting on the back of Wenqiuqiu together and playing with it, Ning Yuzhou stood on the platform of the rattan house and shouted to Wen Qiao: "Aha, come up and take a bath."

Although a cultivator can use a cleaning technique, dust removal technique, etc. to clean up his clothes and body, and keep it clean at any time, these are still not as clean as washing with water. Ning Yuzhou is very unaccustomed to not taking a bath for more than half a year, especially since they have been groping and rolling in the sky for so long, how can they not take a bath?

Wen Qiao looked at Brother Ning on the vine house, and saw that he looked at him calmly, knowing that he couldn't refuse, so he took Wen Tutu and Wen Gungun two hairballs, and slowly rubbed them over.

After they went up, Ning Yuzhou picked up the two hair balls.

"You are washing outside, you are not allowed to come in."

Hearing the sound of Ning Yuzhou's calm enough to be smokeless, the two hairballs stayed outside very wisely, jumped into the two basins and paddled, just as a bath.


After taking a shower, Wen Qiao ran to play with Da Maoqiu, and by the way gave birth to the spirit grasses in the space.

I haven't entered the space for more than half a year, the growth of the spirit grass in the space has not changed, that is, Qiongyu purple spirit bamboo is eaten by Wen Gungun and only a few are left, and Wen Qiao has to give birth to Wen Gungun.

Wen Qiuqiu followed her and asked when she would give birth to some fairy tales for it?

"It's not possible now. We are going to Linglong Fort. After leaving Linglong Fort, I will give you some more births when I have time, and fill up the spiritual field." Wen Qiao promised.

Ning Yuzhou went to Yin Yang Spring and filled a bottle of Yin Yang Spring.

Then, he threw the last lotus seed of Jingling water lotus into the Yin and Yang spring to soak. The pure and clean lotus seed and the black and white spring water are particularly eye-catching.

Wen Qiao ran over to take a look, and asked, "Husband, are you going to plant pure water lotus?"

"Of course you need to plant it." Ning Yuzhou likes to be prepared, not to mention that Jingling Water Lotus is indeed a good thing and needs to be used. "There is only the last lotus seed left, and it must be planted well."

Wen Qiao asked: "The kind is in the space?"

"Yes, let's dig a small puddle in the space and plant it."

Wen Qiao: "..."

Wen Qiao looked at the lotus seed and thought silently about the Hell Shuize. If you ignore the **** turbid ground under the Hell Shuize, the environment of the Hellshuize is still very good, which can be regarded as the site of the pure spirit water lotus.

And this lotus seed only has a small puddle on its site.

But who made Brother Ning's space too small? There was not enough space. Everyone had to feel wronged, and they could live in a squeeze.

Then they chose a place and started digging a puddle.

It is indeed a puddle. According to Ning Yuzhou, a pure spirit water lotus does not occupy much space. The puddle is enough to save some space for other spiritual plants.

Therefore, even if it is a super-grade spiritual creature, there is no special treatment in Brother Ning's space.

Wen Qiao looked at him while digging a hole, "Husband, my cultivation base has broken through the Primordial Spirit Realm, and it is now in the early stage of the Primordial Spirit Realm."

Ning Yuzhou: "...I saw it."

In fact, after the reunion of Tianzhiyuan, he felt the change in her cultivation level. It was just that there was a lot of people talking and everyone was exhausted physically and mentally after going through a big battle.

Wen Qiao told him the gift of Shenyin Baoshu.

It can be said that she was able to smoothly advance to the Primordial Spirit Realm this time, thanks to the blessing of the Shenyin Treasure Tree. The promotion of this cultivation level is completely a shortcut with the least side effects. I don't know how many cultivators can ask for it. thing.

Wen Qiao asked: "Husband, why do you mention your repairs again?"

Ning Yuzhou: "...Don't worry, wait until Young Master Su is cured."

Wen Qiao thought for a while and felt that he was right. The top priority is to cure Su Wangling first, so that Su Shouling, the lord of Linglong Fort, can shelter them and help them block the ulterior cultivators in Feixing Continent.

However, Wen Qiao still couldn't help nagging, "Husband, you have to come on. In the future, there will be more and more spiritual plants, and the space will not be enough. They are crowded together to grow, and they are too wronged to grow well. "

Ning Yuzhou looked at the lushly growing group of spiritual plants in the space, as if responding to Wen Qiao's words, without the wind, swaying extremely happily, feeling that his little wife's words were open to question.

After digging the hole, Wen Qiao used water condensing technique to condense some water to fill it. The puddle is where the Jingling water lotus will grow in the future.

However, before the Jingling Water Lotus took root and sprouted, Wen Qiao decided to let it soak in the Yin-Yang Spring, and when she had time, she gave it some spiritual energy to let it sprout as soon as possible.

After it germinates, it is transplanted into a puddle.

After doing this, they left the space and returned to the flying boat's room.

Then the two lay on the bed with two monsters, and slept for three days and three nights in one breath.

After waking up, no matter Wen Qiao or Ning Yuzhou, their spirits recovered a lot.

The fighting lasted for two months, except for meditation, without a moment of rest. This kind of tense killing made the cultivator's body and spirit very exhausted, and sleep was a good way to recover.

After the two men regained their energy, they went to visit Su Wangling.

As soon as they left the house, they saw a disciple from Linglong Fort greeted him, and said happily: "Young Master Ning, Miss Wen, but you have a good rest? Young Master is about to invite you over."

After listening, the two suddenly understood that the disciple of Linglong Fort had been paying attention to their movements.

Ning Yuzhou said, "We are just going to find him."

The disciples of Linglong Fort hurriedly took them to Su Wangling's resting place.

After opening the door, I found that Su Shouling was also there. The Su and his son were sitting together, both in sitting posture and demeanor. They were both rare beautiful men.

It's a pity that Su Wangling's sick and ailing appearance was a bit of a loss of demeanor.

When Su Shouling saw them, he smiled and said, "Two little friends, come and sit down."

Hearing Su Shouling's name, Wen Qiao couldn't help but think of Xuanlun from Xing Yuexia. He also regarded them as little friends. This made Wen Qiao realize that these ancestors of the Yuan Emperor realm, at some point, are still very good at doing things. of.

The two saluted Su Shouling first, and then Ning Yuzhou went over to look at Su Wangling's body, and Wen Qiao clung to the two monster beasts and sat aside.

After examining Su Wangling's body, Ning Yuzhou said to the Su family father and son, "Although the body of Young Master Su hasn't improved, it doesn't deteriorate anymore. This is beneficial to the subsequent treatment.

Both the Su family and his son were extremely happy, especially Su Shouling, who didn't know what Su Wangling had said to him. He was quite convinced of Ning Yuzhou's abilities now.

Su Shouling said: "Young Master Ning, I don't know what needs to be prepared for the treatment? I want people to prepare as soon as possible."

Ning Yuzhou was not polite, and handed him a jade slip. He kept all the things he needed in the jade slip.

After Su Shouling took it, the divine sense went into the jade slip, and quickly read the contents of the jade slip. Seeing the long list that was listed, the fortress owner of Linglong Fort could not help but find it tricky.

The level of alchemy in the Feixing Continent is really not high, causing practitioners in this continent to be very unfamiliar with many side-door spirit pills and spirit grasses. Even a Yuan Emperor realm cultivator like Su Shouling dare not say that he is very familiar with jade slip All the spiritual herbs and medicines in it are known.

Su Shouling looked at the jade slip and felt that the mainland where Ning Yuzhou was born must have a higher level of alchemy than the Feixing mainland.

"Master Su, you can go to the Feilong Chamber of Commerce to inquire about the above things. Most of them should be able to be collected." Ning Yuzhou said thoughtfully.

Su Shouling smiled, put it away, and said: "It seems that the little friend is very clear about the situation in the Feixing Continent."

Wen Qiao was shocked and looked at Su Shouling subconsciously.

The smile on Ning Yuzhou's lips did not change, he was still gentle and polite, and said softly, "Isn't the Lord Su Bao ever heard of the Saint Martial Continent?"

Shengwu continent?

Su Wangling, who had been silent all the time, couldn't help but wonder in her heart.

Su Shouling thought about it for a while, with apologetic expression on his face, "Sorry, this deity has never heard of it."

Ning Yuzhou was not too disappointed. Since falling into the endless sea, from Xuanlun and the others, he has understood that the Saint Martial Continent is very far away from this area, and the cultivators as far away as this sea area and the mainland have not heard of it. Over.

He continued to ask: "I wonder if Lord Subao knows the passage to other continents?"

After listening, the Su and his son knew his plan, and Su Shouling directly said: "This deity knows! The deity once planned that if my son's injury does not heal, I will take him to other continents where the alchemy is flourishing."

Although Su Shouling said lightly, all the cultivators present knew that it would be very difficult for non-primitive holy realm venerables to reach other continents. But for the sole heir, Su Shouling couldn't control so much.

The two talked for a while, and they were very satisfied after spreading the matter out.

Su Shouling left soon and ordered the disciples of Linglong Fort to go to Flying Dragon City and collect the things they needed on the jade slip.

After he left, Su Wangling said: "Young Master Ning, Miss Wen, I just received the news that the ancestors of the Yuan Emperor Realm who entered the Heavenly Origin have begun to arrange the evil talisman formations and temporarily re-seal them. There was no news after the two Yuanshenzhen Venerables entered the prison water."

Both were startled.

Ning Yuzhou said, "Could it be that they have entered the **** place?"

"It's possible." Su Wangling nodded slightly.

Ning Yuzhou curled his eyebrows and said nothing.

Su Wangling continued: "Although the sea of ​​blood recedes, the current situation of the Shenyin Treasure Tree can only be suppressed. If it is like the past, the evil spirits will continue to consume the vitality of the Divine Tree. Zhiyuan will once again usher in a sea of ​​blood."

Therefore, the two Yuansheng realm venerables planned to solve the monsters in the **** turbid land by themselves.

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