Ning Yuzhou and Wen Qiao saw Venerable Hongfu in the front hall of Linglong Fort.

As the masters, Su Shouling and his wife naturally had to accompany them. The old **** was sitting on the ground, looking at Venerable Hongfu.

Venerable Hongfu felt that the attitude of the Su Shouling and his wife was weird, but after seeing Ning met the two, he quickly put that delicate mood aside.

Ning Yuzhou and Wen Qiao stepped forward to salute Venerable Hongfu.

Venerable Hongfu looked at the two with a very kind expression, "You two don't need to be polite. I came here today to ask you two, I don't know from which school and school you came, would you like to worship Tianfuzong?"

Ning Yuzhou calmly said: "The younger generation and the younger sister inherited Sheng Zhenhai. As for the teacher, please forgive the younger generation for not telling it."

Wen Qiao stood beside him silently, with a cold face and said nothing. No one could see anything from this face.

Su Shouling and his wife took a look at her. Previously, they felt that the girl could see to the end at a glance, and it was easy to be seen. I don't have to worry about being seen by others after knowing how to straighten my face.

Regarding Ning Yuzhou's concealing that they were from other continents, Su Shouling and his wife could understand. After all, they were not from the continent of their own origin, and it was normal for them to be defensive.

Venerable Hongfu secretly wondered who this "Sheng Zhenhai" was. He had never heard of this name. Could it be that he was a little-known casual cultivator? However, Venerable Hongfu felt that ordinary casual cultivators did not have the ability to teach disciples like Ning Yuzhou and Wen Qiao. Presumably this Sheng Zhenhai must be very powerful, and his cultivation level and knowledge must not be low.

It's not a casual cultivator, is it possible to be a hidden master?

Since the other party has a teacher, Venerable Hongfu could not help but force them to worship Tianfuzong, and then said: "Young Master Ning, would you like to go to Tianfuzong as the elder of Keqing?"

"Elder Ke Qing?"

Ning Yuzhou and Wen Qiao looked at him in surprise, but they didn't expect the operation of Tianfuzong to be so casual.

The huge sect actually invites a Yuanmai realm cultivator to be a guest clerk, so what is the face of those high-level cultivators above Yuanzong realm?

"Senior, with the cultivation base of the younger generation, this Keqing... isn't it a child's play?" Ning Yuzhou tactfully refused.

They didn't have much time in Feixing Continent, and they couldn't be qualified for this elder Keqing.

Venerable Hongfu didn't take it seriously, "Young Master Yining, as well as the elder of the guest Qing, also made it happen. Our Tianfuzong has never looked at the cultivation level, only the ability."

Ning Yuzhou finally understood the plan of Tianfuzong and couldn't help but laugh.

However, Tianfuzong's actions are better than those with other purposes. The starting point is really simple. Ning Yuzhou is not bad for his senses. He smiled and said: "In fact, the younger generation and the nobility's disciples share in the original heaven. The friendship in adversity, if Senior Wang and the others want to learn the ancient runes on the stone talisman, they are willing to teach it."

Therefore, there is really no need to ask him to be the elder Keqing.

Venerable Hongfu was pleasantly surprised and said: "Is what Young Master Ning said is true?"

"Naturally it is true." Ning Yuzhou said softly, "Junior and Senior Wang are all good friends. They want to learn, and the junior will naturally teach."

Venerable Hongfu was overjoyed, and asked: "When will you be free to go to Tianfuzong as a guest?"

Before Ning Yuzhou could speak, Su Shouling on the side had already said, "Friend Hongfu, Young Master Ning has to treat the dog, and he will not leave Linglong Fort in a short time. If you don't dislike it, you can come to Linglong Fort as a guest. ."

Venerable Hongfu thought for a while, and felt that if you want to learn ancient runes, it's the same everywhere. Since Ning Yuzhou can't leave Linglong Fort for the time being, it's the same for them when they come to Linglong Fort.

Immediately Venerable Hongfu said to Su Shouling and his wife: "Then I will continue to harass."

"You also want to learn runes?" Su Shouling asked in surprise.

Venerable Hongfu naturally said: "This is nature, so how can the deity not learn it with such a good opportunity?"

Therefore, Venerable Hongfu continued to be a guest at Linglong Fort.

Not only did he stay by himself, but he also called the disciples of Tianfuzong.

Half a month later, a group of Tianfuzong disciples arrived at Linglong Fort, and most of them were acquaintances, all suffering together in Tianzhiyuan.

When they saw Ning Yuzhou, they said very happily: "Young Master Ning, we came here after hearing that you are here."

Ning Yuzhou greeted them with a smile, and asked with a smile, "You haven't returned to the Heavenly Talisman?"

"Originally I wanted to go back, but we heard that Master Hongfu was going to learn ancient runes with you, so we will come here."

"Young Master Ning, I will trouble you in the future."

This group of Tianfuzong disciples not only came, but also brought a lot of duplicated jade slips of the runestones of the original heaven.

Linglong Fort arranges them in a small building in the guest house. The small building is suspended on the water, and the bridge is flowing water, which is very delicate.

For the disciples of Tianfuzong, no matter how beautiful the scenery is, it is no more attractive to them than Fulu. After arriving at Linglong Fort, he began to learn ancient runes with Ning Yuzhou.

When Wu Qijie saw the group of disciples of Tianfuzong, he couldn't help feeling worried.

He whispered to Su Wangling in private, "Young Master, those disciples of the Tianfuzong pestered Young Master Ning to learn the talisman all day long, and Young Master Ning didn't have time to refine alchemy. What can I do?"

Su Wangling glanced at the exquisite small buildings standing on the water outside the window, smiled and said: "Young Master Ning has his own arrangements, don't worry."

Wu Qijie muttered in his heart, according to the virtues of the group of disciples of Tianfuzong, Young Master Ning couldn't get away at all, and no amount of arrangements would be useful.

Just when he thought about it, he didn't know that Ning Yuzhou actually gathered the disciples of the Tianfuzong together, and explained the ancient runes to them like a teacher and apprentice.

Venerable Hongfu and the group of Tianfuzong disciples crowded together to listen to the class.

Wu Qijie saw this scene, almost messed up in the wind.

You are a master of the Yuan Dynasty, or a king-level Fulu master, don't you feel awkward to huddle with a group of heaven-level and earth-level Fulu masters to study?

Ning Yuzhou spent a few days explaining some ancient runes for them, and then recorded the ancient runes that he had compiled in the jade slips, and sent the jade slips for them to comprehend.

After the disciples of Tianfuzong got the jade slips, they would be immersed in the jade slips as if they were the treasures.

Ning Yuzhou temporarily let them go and let them do their own thing.

Wu Qijie saw this and had nothing to say.

He still underestimated the influence of ancient runes on this group of Tianfuzong disciples.

Although a group of Tianfuzong disciples came to Linglong Fort as a guest, they only recognized runes but not people, and had no effect on Linglong Fort.

The disciples of the Tianfuzong don’t need to eat or run around. They stay in the small building all the time to comprehend the ancient runes. There are no more worry-free guests than them. Everyone in Linglong Fort feels that the Tianfuzong disciples are quite comfortable .


Venerable Hongfu never returned, and also took away a group of Tianfuzong disciples and stationed them in Linglong Fort. Those who were waiting and watching could not sit still.

As Su Wangling thought, the arrival of Venerable Hongfu was indeed a temptation from the outside world.

But they didn't expect that Venerable Hongfu would never return, and even without news, Linglong Fort was still quiet and incredibly peaceful.

After discovering that he couldn't count on Venerable Hongfu, another cultivator came to Linglong Fort.

The two Yuan Emperor Realm ancestors who came back here are not so good talkers, one of them is Venerable Moon Lian from Huangze Highland, and the other is Venerable Thunder from Wind and Thunder Valley.

The tempers of these two people are not very good, because of the exercises they practiced, they all have a domineering domineering style.

Su Shouling learned that the two were coming together, and said to his wife: "These two are also stupid. It is estimated that they were fooled over to investigate Shenyin Treasure Tree."

Compared with these two people, Su Shouling felt that Venerable Hongfu was really a good person to deal with, and he could just flicker.

So he also gave face to Venerable Hongfu, received him kindly and kept him as a guest at Linglong Fort, but for these two people, Su Shouling didn't give much face to him.

Venerable Lianyue sat for a while before seeing Shi Shiran and his wife Su Shouling coming over.

Without waiting for the two to speak, Su Shouling said: "Sorry, we are late, and the dog is not in good health. We were healing him just now. It took some time. Please forgive me."

Su Shouling's remarks filled the two of them with anger in their hearts.

Everyone's sons are sick like that. If they raise up their teachers for this, wouldn't they be unkind? Although everyone is a cultivator in the Yuan Dynasty, Su Shouling is not easy to provoke, even if he waits slowly, he still has a chance.

The two can only endure and go directly to the topic.

"Master Su, I heard that Junior Na Ning and a little girl are in your Linglong Fort. We have something to ask them. You can ask them to come out."

Su Shouling raised his eyebrows and said: "The two came by accident. Young Master Ning and Miss Wen are both involved, and they are temporarily unable to see guests."

"What can happen? Don't we still see them?" Venerable Thunder said unhappily.

Although Venerable Lianyue didn't speak, his expressions agreed. Even if Su Shouling wanted to protect the two juniors, it would not be impossible for them, the ancestors of the Yuan Emperor realm, to see each other.

"They do have something. Venerable Hongfu is asking them about ancient runes. They have not left the small building for a long time." Su Shouling said truthfully.

The two of them didn't believe it. They felt that they were all excuses. Two juniors, do they really understand ancient runes?

Seeing that they didn't believe it, Su Shouling took them over.

The two came to the small building of the guest house with Su Shouling and his wife.

From a distance, I could feel the array of symbols surrounding the small building, and the magical symbols floating above the small building under the clear blue sky refracted the radiant aura, which was particularly eye-catching.

At first glance, the two of them knew that this was the handwriting of Venerable Hongfu. Besides the king-level alchemist, who else could lay such an exquisite talisman formation?

Both of them are impatient, and immediately said: "Father Hongfu Daoist, please come out and talk about it. I will discuss something."

The small building is very quiet.

The two yelled something like this, and found that Xiaolou was still quiet, wondering if Venerable Hongfu didn't hear it, and in a hurry, they directly attacked the rune formation above the small building.

However, this move stabbed a hornet's nest.

Venerable Hongfu finally appeared, but apart from anything else, he sacrificed a king-level talisman and blasted the two out.

Su Shouling hurriedly stopped him: "Friend Hongfu, don't do it, everyone has something to say."

Venerable Hongfu still gave face to Su Shouling, after all, this was the site of Linglong Fort, so he had to give face to his master no matter what. However, he had no affection for both of Venerable Thunder, his face was very dark.

"Say something quickly, the deity is very busy." Venerable Hongfu said with a black face.

Venerable Thunder and Venerable Lianyue frowned slightly, and they also disliked Venerable Hongfu. However, even if they didn't like it anymore, they would have to be treated with courtesy just as the other king-level Talisman Master. Not to mention that Tianfuzong also has a saint-level Fulu master. Although there is no news about the Venerable Fu, but everyone does not think that the blood can be confined to the two, and he is very polite to the Tianfuzong.

They explained their intentions at the moment, wanted to meet Ning Yuzhou and Wen Qiao, and asked them something.

"What can I ask?" Venerable Hongfu said bluntly, "If you want to ask about Tianzhiyuan, just ask me directly, I know it all."

"You know?" Everyone was stunned.

Venerable Hongfu nodded, "Yes, Master Ning told me! Master Ning is now my virtuous brother, whoever dares to be rude to my virtuous brother, I will be rude to him."

Everyone: "..."

In the small building, Wen Qiao, Wen Tutu, and Wen Gungun quietly gnawed on the spirit fruit, secretly thinking that Brother Ning was really powerful, and even the Wang-level Fulu Master became his virtuous brother.

They gnawed another spirit fruit, crushed by surprise.

Su Shouling coughed lightly, and invited the three to talk in the flower hall of Linglong Fort.

When he came to the flower hall, Venerable Hongfu said bluntly: "I already understand your intentions. The heavenly origin does have a sacred tree, which is a god-sound treasure tree. Because of its existence, the heavenly origin has not fallen, and the evil spirits can break the seal. Come out. You should thank Brother Ningxian. If it weren’t for them, the heavens would fall, and the Feixing Continent would not be protected.”

"Is there really a sacred tree?" Both of them were very excited, "Where is the sacred tree?"

Venerable Hongfu snorted, "I won't tell you!"

Two people: "..."

Without waiting for them to continue speaking, Venerable Hongfu scolded them, angrily reprimanding them for not considering the safety of the Feixing Continent, wanting to know where the Shenyin Treasure Tree is? No way, he won't tell anyone, he won't tell if he died!

Both were dumbfounded by him.

After they reacted, their complexion was so bad that they almost couldn't help but want to do it.

Before they were so angry, they saw Su Shouling stand up silently, the aura belonging to the Yuan Emperor realm cultivator was not hidden at all, and the two suddenly stagnated.

Don't look at Su Shouling's smile, a good-tempered look, but he is also a militant, and because he has practiced the Su Clan's "spiritual eyes", he fights like tigers and has no opponents of the same rank.

The cultivators in the Yuan Emperor realm seldom do anything, and once they have reached their realm, they will cause extremely serious damage to the mainland, and they will not easily fight in the place where the cultivator lives.

The two people are not good enough, but it is not good to do things here, let alone daring to really engage in evil with Tianfuzong, it is not wise to offend a king-level Fulu master. Moreover, if you really want to do it, Su Shouling and Venerable Hongfu will join forces, and they will not be able to fight.

The two had to be restrained.

Then, the old **** Su Shouling was sitting there, and continued to watch Venerable Hongfu spray people.

Seeing his leisurely appearance, the two Venerable Thunder wanted to curse, they finally understood Su Shouling's sinister intentions, and they couldn't blame for being so generous to let the disciples of the Tianfuzong come to Linglong Fort. It turned out that they were waiting for them here.

They said, how can Venerable Hongfu stay like a meat bun and hit a dog and never go back. It turned out that he left people in Linglong Fort and used ancient runes to attract these Tianfuzong disciples willingly to stay, and wait for something to happen. Let them out again.

In the Feixing Continent, Master Fulu has a very high status, and no one would be willing to offend a king-level Fulu master, even if he is extremely angry, he will have reservations.

Venerable Hongfu was worried about the ancient runes, and he didn't bother to pay attention to them, and said: "Brother Ningxian is a person recognized by the deity. Whoever dares to make their ideas, don't blame the deity for being polite!"

Having said that, before the two of them could react, Venerable Hongfu flicked his sleeves and left.

Venerable Lianyue's two faces were black, and their hearts were suffocated.

Su Shouling stood up Shishiran and asked politely: "Two, do you want to stay as guests too?"

The two looked at him at the same time, and wondered what to stay here for? Could it be that they were also fooled by staying in Linglong Fort to help them frighten other cultivators who were unruly?

Shenyin Treasure Tree is very important. Even if they know the meaning of its existence, more people are lucky and feel that Tianzhiyuan has been fine for so many years. Even if they get some Shenmu, it should be fine, right?

With this mentality, these talents would want to find Ning Yuzhou and ask where the sacred tree is.

Su Shouling didn’t know what those people were thinking about. Seeing the two of them staying silent for a while, he said with a serious face: “Two of you, you should be able to feel the current situation of the heavens. If it weren’t for the suppression by the gods, I’m afraid the heavens have Occupied. So no matter what you two want to do, it is better to think about it."

The two of them frowned and said nothing.

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