As first-time outsiders, Wen Qiao and Ning Yuzhou really don’t know who "Su Molan" is, but listening to the female cultivator in the light gold dress, this "Su Molan" is obviously very famous in this continent, and This reputation is not very good.

Because they did not understand the situation, they wisely did not speak and continued to wait for the development of things.

These three people, one aggressive, the other pitiful, and the other silent, happened to be a big show.

Until Su Molan was forced to collapse by the female cultivator, she turned to look at the male cultivator who had injured her earlier, and asked sadly, "Shen Gongzi, do you think I am that kind of person?"

The male Xiu who was dragged into the water by her remained silent.

However, this silent attitude is a kind of acquiescence.

The female sister in the light gold dress showed a smile on her face, raised her chin, and the smile on her face became more and more open. She sneered: "Do you still dare to ask Master Shen? Last time Master Shen saw the shameless deeds you did with your own eyes. What face do you have to ask him? As his fiancée, you betrayed his feelings for you and made him laugh at him by the world. He did not kill you in the first time. You should be grateful to Dade."

As the nun's words fell, Master Shen's face twitched slightly, as if recalling something that made him painful.

The amount of information in this remark was so great that Wen Qiao couldn't help but stare wide, looking back and forth between Su Molan and Shen Gongzi.

It turns out that these two people are still unmarried couples. Just now, Young Master Shen slapped Su Molan without hesitation. He couldn't tell that they were in this relationship.

Ning Yuzhou's expression was calm, he looked like he was out of the picture, and he was not interested in the grievances between the three of them.

Su Molan had been staring at Young Master Shen, and suddenly couldn't help smiling when she saw his appearance.

"Grateful? Yes, I really should be grateful." Su Molan's eyes were tearful, and she looked pitiful, but her voice became cold and sharp, "My fiance, always defending an outsider, even help her deal with me. Xiao Minxin, you don’t have to pretend, don’t you just like him? Anyway, I don’t want a man like this."

Xiao Minxin was immediately unhappy, and said coldly: "Nonsense, Master Shen and I are innocent."

Young Master Shen glanced at her and said nothing.

The interaction between the two was seen in the eyes of everyone present, Wen Qiao secretly thought that there was too much inside information here, and there were different opinions. She still didn't understand who said it was true and who said it was false.

Not long after coming to this continent, she encountered this kind of emotional entanglement, which opened her eyes.

Wen Qiao decided to see how other people deal with emotional problems, maybe she can use it in the should be.

She glanced at her husband next to her with some uncertainty, and then saw him also look over, with some guilty conscience inexplicably, she quickly turned her head and continued to stare at the three of them.

Ning Yuzhou: "..." I always felt that his Aww was going to be taught badly.

Su Molan laughed all the time, until the end of the laugh, the tears finally dried.

She staggered and got up. She was so injured that she couldn't stand up. She could only sit on the yellow sand in embarrassment. She still looked so pitiful, but her expression was more resolute. She said, "Xiao Minxin, I know you don’t like me, just so I don’t like you either! I know your purpose, you all want twenty-eight nights and four elephants, but unfortunately I am the only one left in the hostel, and only I can open it, so even if you miss me If you die, you don't dare to kill me, you can only do such nasty things."

Then, she looked at Wen Qiao and Ning Yuzhou, and resolutely said: "If the two of you rescue me today, I am willing to offer the 28-square-four elephant map of the Su family!"

"Su Molan!"

"Mo Lan!"

Xiao Minxin and Shen Gongzi screamed at the same time.

Wen Qiao blinked her eyes, and seeing the reactions of the two people, she knew that the twenty-eight apostles and four elephants might be very unusual. Maybe what I encountered today was not really emotional entanglement. There were other inside stories, such as murder and treasure.

Young Master Shen finally stopped being silent.

He was standing there, being upright and upright, making people feel good in an instant. At this time, his expression was solemn, "Mo Lan, you have to know that the twenty-eight places and four elephants are the things of your residence. If you give it to others, your residence will His blood was broken."

"Then let it break." Su Molan has tears on her face, but her tone is very calm, "Su Jia has guarded it for so long. In order to protect it, each generation of Su Jia has suffered, and now there is only Su Molan left. I’m alone. As long as I’m still in the family’s blood, you will not let me go. Rather than make you cheaper, I’ll take the initiative to give it away.”

With that said, she ignored Young Master Shen, who was finally showing anxiety, and said to Wen Qiao, "Two people, how about this deal?"

It's not so good.

Wen Qiao and Ning Yuzhou were both very calm, because they didn't even know what this "Twenty-Eight Nights and Four Elephants" was, and they really couldn't get their attention.

Moreover, these twenty-eight places and four elephants are a troublesome thing. They just got here and haven't figured out the situation yet, so they don't want to toss about anything at all.

Xiao Minxin and Young Master Shen stared at them very nervously, for fear that they would agree.

But in their hearts, they felt that the two would definitely agree. No one didn’t want to get Su Jia’s twenty-eight places and four elephants map. Cultivators from the entire mainland squeezed towards Su Molan, doing everything possible to please her, even approaching her with admiration. , All just for these twenty-eight places and four elephants.

It's a pity that the two of them behaved too calmly, they couldn't figure out their attitudes, they could only secretly guard, and absolutely couldn't let them take Su Molan away.

Under the eager attention of the three, Wen Qiao said slowly: "Actually, we just passed by."

The three of them kept silent and looked at them closely.

Ning Yuzhou went on to say: "But if the girl is willing to send us the twenty-eight nights and four elephants, we are also willing to help."

The faces of the three changed at the same time.

A smile appeared on Su Molan's face, and she looked at the two of Xiao Minxin mockingly, but her eyes were infinitely sad. After struggling for so long, she still had to go this way in the end.

Xiao Minxin put away the wanton smile on his face, and stared at the two Wen Qiao with bright eyes.

Young Master Shen also frowned, his whole body tight, weighing each other's strengths, and they absolutely couldn't let them take Su Molan away.

The cultivation bases of these two people are clear at a glance. The male cultivators in the Yuankong realm are not worried, and the female cultivators in the Yuanling realm are very beautiful. This is a kind of refined and ethereal beauty, not stained by the mundane. Xiao Minxin's bright and unparalleled beauty is almost eclipsed in front of her. Minute.

However, Young Master Shen intuitively felt that this person was dangerous, and that dangerous aura coupled with such a beauty made it even more difficult to see through.

Suddenly, Xiao Min said in his heart: "Two fellow Taoists, why don't we cooperate! You also know that Su Molan is a shameless woman. She relied on being a family member to seduce many young talents and make them under her skirts. Minister. This time she went to the Black Wind Desert with Pei Qiyu of the Demon Gate, saying that she was going to find the Yinshen Flower. Who knows what kind of business is here? Anyway, there are only a few of us here, and Su Molan will be in the Black Wind Desert. No one will suspect us if we are missing."

Su Molan's face changed slightly, and she stared at Wen Qiao and the other two closely, worried that they were really moved by Xiao Minxin.

Xiao Minxin is obviously a eloquent person and continues to persuade them, "Don't worry, I, Xiao Minxin, will speak and count. I will definitely share the twenty-eight apostles and four elephants with the two of you. If you don't believe it, we can swear by our heart demon."

Young Master Shen also said, "I can also swear by the demons."

Hearing this, Wen Qiao and Ning Yuzhou already understood.

Leaving aside the affair between Su Molan and the young talents on this continent, the two men chased Su Molan not because of their emotional entanglement, but because of the twenty-eight star and four elephants. This thing is a treasure. Many cultivators in the mainland were worried that even Momen were willing to send someone to contact Su Molan.

It seems that the thing is indeed a trouble.

Wen Qiao looked at these three, Su Molan's face tense, as if waiting for her fate to judge her, Xiao Minxin and Shen Gongzi were equally nervous waiting for them to make a choice.

Suddenly, Wen Qiao flipped his hand, the long whip in his hand snapped, and the long whip pointed at Su Molan: "Remember what you said."

Su Molan immediately understood her choice, and the corners of her mouth twitched, trying to show a happy smile, but found that her heart was more bitter.

However, Xiao Minxin's expressions changed drastically. They did not hesitate to offer their weapons and said, "Since the two of you are toasting and not eating, don't blame us for doing it."

Xiao Minxin and Shen Gongzi joined forces at the same time to attack Wen Qiao.

Both of them were cultivation bases of the Yuan Ling Realm, and they didn't take Ning Yuzhou's Yuan Kong Realm into their eyes. The only goal was Wen Qiao.

Previously, they would talk to Wen Qiao in a good voice, because they were injured while fighting on Floating Island and Su Molan and should not fight again, but the other side refused to cooperate and could only continue to fight again.

When they started, Ning Yuzhou stepped back and made room for them to fight.

Wen Gunkunk crawled onto his shoulders and allowed him to be the guardian.

The long whip in Wen Qiao's hand flew, the shadow of the whip swept across the two of them, and a popping sound rang out, instantly splitting the hem of the light gold dress on Xiao Minxin.

After the fight, Young Master Shen understood that this female cultivator was as good as he thought.

He tried hard to protect Xiao Minxin, attacking fiercely, and the long sword in his hand struck Wen Qiao's shoulder several times.


Xiao Min drew away in embarrassment, and the clothes on his shoulders were torn apart, leaving a deep bone wound.

She screamed in pain and glared at the demon rabbit who had fallen back to Wen Qiao's body, knowing that this demon rabbit was a mutant monster, and she didn't dare to despise it.

"Miss Xiao!" Seeing that she was injured, Young Master Shen was immediately anxious and turned to attack the demon rabbit.

"Be careful, that's a mutant monster!" Xiao Minxin said while hiding Wen Qiao's whip.

Just as her words fell, suddenly I saw Wen Qiao approaching her, the long whip disappeared, and replaced by a white fist coming towards her.

Xiao Min let out blood with a wow, and the whole person flew up high and smashed down onto the desert.

This scene is very familiar. Isn't it the scene where Su Molan was hit by Young Master Shen without hesitation?

Su Molan, who was only looking indifferently, was suddenly startled. Seeing Xiao Minxin who was vomiting blood on the ground and covered in yellow sand, she suddenly couldn't help laughing, smiling, and crying again.

She doesn't care about anything now, it doesn't matter what the mission of the house, the fiance who depends on each other for life, it doesn't matter.

But she still wants to live!

"Miss Xiao!"

Young Master Shen was suddenly anxious, and wanted to go to see her, but was blocked by Wen Qiao's whip. The eager appearance seemed to hurt his sweetheart. Even if he didn't understand the inside story, Wen Qiao felt that Young Master Shen and Xiao Min must be affectionate.

Regardless of what he was doing, Wen Qiao also punched it after pulling closer.

Young Master Shen followed in the footsteps of Xiao Minxin and fell onto the yellow sand.


Hearing this presumptuous laughter, Wen Qiao and Ning Yuzhou looked over at the same time, and they saw Su Molan sitting on the yellow sand laughing freely. Where is the pitiful appearance of the previous one?

Xiao Min lay down on the ground, seeing Su Molan's wanton mockery, the anger in his eyes flashed away, and he raised his hand to see a few green shadows heading towards Su Molan.

Throwing the long whip, Wen Qiao stopped the hidden weapon and found several green jade swords.

When the jade sword staggered to the ground, Wen Qiao swept it away with his backhand. The jade sword that flew out exploded with a loud explosion, setting off countless dust and smashing it down towards the two of Xiao Minxin.

The two became embarrassed.

Su Molan laughed hahaha again.

Wen Qiao felt that the girl might be suffocated, and this smile was really a hatred. Didn't you see that the two of them were already going crazy? Especially Xiao Minxin, who was originally a brazen person, and in front of Su Molan, who has always been weak, has complete control. When will she be allowed to bully herself?

"Su Molan, what are you laughing at?" Xiao Min said desperately.

Young Master Shen spit out a mouthful of blood and looked at Wen Qiao with alert eyes. He had already discovered the power of this female cultivator's boxing skills. Even if he was not injured, he would probably not be her opponent.

He felt a little regretful in his heart, and he shouldn't rush to shoot.

Seeing that Wen Qiao was no longer making a move, Master Shen secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and his gaze couldn't help but fall on Su Molan.

Su Molan is still the pitiful appearance, weak and innocent like an orchid. In this cultivation world, weak female cultivators have never been unpleasant. If she hadn't been a Su family member, wouldn't she be regarded by others at all?

Young Master Shen didn't like the weak and innocent woman of Su Molan, but Xiao Minxin, a brave and powerful woman, liked the male Xiu even more.

But now, when she laughed wildly and happily, she became a little different again.

Young Master Shen swallowed the blood in his throat and suddenly said, "Mo Lan, isn't it good for us to stay in Pleiades Valley? Why are you leaving with Pei Qiyu?"

Su Molan laughed, tears streaming out again.

Wen Qiao felt that this girl had a lot of tears, and couldn't understand the tears of women, so she asked: "Do you want to kill them?"

Hearing this, Xiao Minxin and Young Master Shen's complexion changed slightly. They were originally injured, but now they were wounded by Wen Qiao. Their blood was rolling, and they were at the end of the battle. If Wen Qiao wanted to kill them, there would be no resistance at all.

Su Molan looked at the two and said: "Kill it."

"Mo Lan!" Young Master Shen called.

Xiao Min got up with difficulty, and couldn't help cursing, "Su Molan, you actually wanted to kill us? If it wasn't for my father who rushed to the Su Xing Valley to save your life, you would have died! Our Xiao family raised you, you I don’t know how to be grateful, but I actually attracted people from the Demon Gate and killed my mother. Later, in order to save you, it killed nearly 100 disciples of our Xiao family... You are a calamity, and raising a monster is more economical than you. heart!"

Su Molan's face instantly turned pale.

"Master Shen is your fiancé, and you have the heart to kill him? Don’t forget, if it wasn’t for Master Shen who tried to protect you, would the Shen family stand up to protect you in Star Valley? How much did Master Shen do for you? Have you forgotten it? Is your heart made of stone..."

Su Molan's face became paler and paler, almost transparent, and her expression became more and more sad.

Young Master Shen looked at her in silence, and sighed: "Forget it, kill if you want."

"All right, then I will kill them." Wen Qiao said, stepping forward to chop them to death with a palm.

Young Master Shen and Xiao Minxin didn't expect this woman to act so decisively, calling Su Molan's name one after another, the expressions on their faces were incredible.

Su Molan lowered her head and didn't look at them.

Seeing that the palm was about to smash into their Tianling Gai, the ground suddenly shook, and then the sand seemed to be moved by something, and it flowed out quickly.

Wen Qiao was very familiar with this scene, and now he couldn't even kill the two of them, so the whip rolled up Su Molan and ran.

"Husband, let's run."

Su Molan who was rolled up: "..."

Ning Yuzhou, who had been standing by and watching coldly, didn't hesitate to follow Wen Qiao without saying a word.

The speed of the two was too fast, not only Su Molan was stunned, Xiao Minxin and Young Master Shen were also stunned, until they felt that the desert under them was arched by something, their vision became higher and higher, and finally reacted.

A sand lizard came out from under the sand.

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