
The screams of screams penetrated the sunset over the long river, alarming many poisonous insects, snakes and ants.

The insects that crawled out of the desert were not afraid of this sound, but flocked towards the place where the sound was sourced with excitement.

In the setting sun, an embarrassed figure holding an epee, shed a **** path while weeping. On the sand-covered face, two clearly visible tears were falling, and the face under the tears was black and swollen.

Behind her are countless black scorpions, mixed with some desert snakes that fish in troubled waters, swarming.

Suddenly, a long black scorpion flicked its tail, and the people running ahead were swept out by the powerful scorpion tail, and slammed down on the desert. The spray of blood splashed on the sand, leaving a blood-red trace.

Seeing that those black scorpions were about to pounce and swallow the people on the ground, a long whip rolled up the people on the ground.

The person who was curled up looked weakly at the person flying with the sword in the sky. When he tilted his head and was about to indulge himself in a coma, he heard a hissing sound. Scorpions, those black scorpions were stacked one on top of the other, and they jumped into the air perseveringly, opening their huge mouthparts towards her.

Su Molan shivered, completely awake, dangling in the air, avoiding the black scorpions that jumped towards her, and screamed: "Fly high, they jumped up... ah Ah, my foot is going to be bitten..."

Wen Qiao’s sword flew, and the hot wind peculiar to the desert rushed in. He shook the stone and golden python whip and said: “Now is the time to exercise your evasion ability, come on! If your feet are eaten by them, too Don’t worry, my husband will refine the elder pill for regeneration of severed limbs, so that you can grow new ones in one day."

God **** grows new!

Su Molan burst into tears while trying to explode-her mouth was rough, but also to pay attention to the black scorpions below, the tears flowed more fiercely.

"If you cry again, I will throw you down!" Wen Qiao warned.

Su Molan let out a choked sound and held back her tears, without doubting what she said.

Since Wen Qiao agreed to take her with him, Su Molan began to experience a devil-like exercise, and the original intention of this exercise was just to correct her crying temperament.

Su Molan was so blind as to cry.

Because the more dangerous she was, the harder she would cry, and the more terrifying the fighting power broke out, and she would kill her life in the black scorpion nest.

Wen Qiao felt that this woman was able to make blood while crying, which was quite powerful, indicating that her potential was extremely high. It seems that they were all deceived by her weak and innocent appearance and thought it was a useless crying bag. In reality, in danger, she could even evolve into a mad woman.

If it weren't for the twenty-eight nights and four elephants in her body, it was the sweet pastry of the star continent, Wen Qiao felt that she could be absorbed into the submarine scale.

Although it can't be absorbed, it's okay to toss about it at this stage.

Wen Qiao Yujian slid forward, and the spirit sword dragged out an aura, and Su Molan, who was crying with swollen eyes in his hand, returned to the camp.

The so-called camp is actually a small bag of soil submerged by wind and sand.

It’s strange that a small soil bag suddenly appeared in the desert. Fortunately, the color of this small soil bag is similar to the surrounding yellow sand. Sprinkle some yellow sand on it to form a sand dune, which is integrated with the desert, but it is not noticeable. .

When Wen Qiao landed in front of the soil bag, a door appeared in the round soil bag, and Wen Qiao dragged people in.

Although the space in the soil bag is not too big, it is not too small. Simply arranged, it can be used as a temporary shelter.

During the day, Wen Qiao took Su Molan out to fight, Ning Yuzhou stayed in the small soil bag to refine the alchemy, and Wen Gungun took the initiative to stay and guard him-it was great not to go out in the wind and sun.

"Husband, we are back."

Wen Qiao put away the stone golden python's whip and wrapped it around her waist, which looked like a stone-golden belt, with both ends sliding down the skirt, pinching out the slender waist.

Su Molan, who was dragged back by Shi Jin's whip like a dead dog, lay on the ground with a corpse.

Ning Yuzhou smiled at her, his eyes fell on the black-swollen-faced woman on the ground, and then fluttered his gaze away.

The weak white flower turned into a black-faced and swollen female soldier. Ning Yuzhou suddenly felt that their auntie was very capable of urging flowers.

The scent of food was in the air, and Su Molan, who was quite corpse, crawled up.

Wen Tutu and Wen Gunkuan around the fire turned their heads to look at her, and saw her face swollen into a pig's head, just like Brother Ning, they quickly turned their sights away.

That's ugly!

Su Molan, who didn't feel ugly at all, sat obediently with the two monster beasts, staring at the Lingguo soup in the pot and the fragrant roast suckling pig on the fire.

Roast suckling pigs in the desert, no matter how you look at this behavior, you are sick!

But there is no doubt that after experiencing the devilish battle, the smell of this fragrant food is somewhat moved to be healed.

Sure enough, food or something can always bring happiness to people, which is why some cultivators choose to become spiritual cooks.

No matter how you enter the Tao, as long as you can cultivate successfully, it is worthy of recognition.

Take two mouthfuls of fragrant roast suckling pig, and then drink a delicious and light Lingguo soup with meat and vegetables, which is not at all tiring.

The people and monsters in the soil bag quickly dried Ning Yuzhou's hard-boiled suckling pig and a big pot of Lingguo soup, and they happily spread the carcasses there.

Among them, Wen Qiao and Su Molan ate the most.

As the chef, Ning Yuzhou just took a few bites and gave them the rest.

Wen Tutu and Wen Gungun are very unhappy. Sister Wen doesn't matter. After all, physical training needs to extract the essence from food, but what's the matter with Su Molan?

I originally thought it was a weak crying bag, but I didn't expect it to be a big stomach king. It was obvious that they depended on them to eat and drink.

Su Molan felt that she was wronged, "I can't help it. The technique of Pleiades Valley I practiced requires constant replenishment of spiritual power, especially since I have been fighting recently."

She touched her belly and said with a pitiful face, "In the Xiao family, I could only improve my cultivation level, but I couldn't accumulate combat experience. If those people see me, I think I have a strange heart..."

Wen Tutu jumped onto the table and screamed at her: You can swallow up the pill, what is it to **** the food from Brother Ning with them?

Su Molan didn't understand their protests and ignored them.

Wen Qiao said: "This "Spirit Explosive Sword Technique" of your residence is quite interesting, but it's a pity that you haven't been able to fully exert its power."

The name of this swordsmanship is easy to understand. It only needs to absorb enough spiritual power to burst out terrible combat power, and even can challenge more steps. It sounds very incredible.

Rao is Ning Yuzhou, who has the inheritance. After seeing Su Jia’s "Spirit Explosive Sword Technique", he was also impressed by the whimsical ideas of the ancestors of Su Jia who created this sword. He unexpectedly thought of using the Explosive Spirit to increase combat effectiveness . Generally, this short-term method of improving combat effectiveness will have sequelae, but the ancestors of the Su family also created a self-healing mental method. As long as they cooperate with the mental method, they can heal themselves while exploding...

Sounds incredible, okay?

Wen Qiao felt that Su Molan was very lucky. As long as she could get rid of the shackles, with the skills and heritage of the Su family she inherited, she would definitely become a top cultivator on the mainland in the future.

It is a pity that since she was born, her destiny was doomed, and she could not practice "Spirit Sword Technique" wholeheartedly.

If it weren’t for this time she met Wen Qiao and the others, she was cruelly thrown into the black scorpion lair. Although the original purpose was to correct her temper, it was also an excellent opportunity to exercise, and she was finally able to exercise. "Spirit Sword Technique".

Su Molan said quietly: "When I was at the age of cultivation, they let me practice "Spirit Sword Technique". After all, I was the last blood of the Su family, so naturally I could only practice Su family's techniques. But they didn't. I hope I can really use all the power of "Spirit Sword Art"..."

People on the whole continent are staring at the only descendant of the Su family. Although it exposes her to others, it is also good. At least no one dares to openly play Pleiades and her ideas, all kinds of secretive thoughts and behaviors, which are somewhat concealed. some.

Because of this, she can successfully cultivate to the Primordial Spirit Realm.

However, this is only the case. Being able to practice the Sujia exercises does not mean that she can practice well. There will always be people who hope that she can have a cultivation base without fighting power, so that she can control it.

Wen Qiao patted her shoulder sympathetically and encouraged: "It's okay, there are still many black scorpions outside. After killing one litter, let's change to another litter."

Su Molan suddenly didn't want to talk.

Her face was swollen and painful. It was stung by the black scorpion. The sting of the black scorpion is extremely poisonous. Although Wen Qiao gave her a detoxification pill in time, it still has sequelae and it takes a while to recover. , So her face can only be swollen.

Not only the face, but also other parts of the body are swollen. It is estimated that those who know her will not recognize her now.

When Su Molan started to meditate and resumed, Wen Qiao and Ning Yuzhou sat together to talk.

Because she wanted to break the crying character of Molan, and at the same time improve her combat effectiveness, so as not to hinder them, after Wen Qiao discussed with Ning Yuzhou, they decided to camp near the black scorpion's lair.

If it's other cultivators, they wouldn't dare to do this, but it doesn't matter to them.

First of all, Ning Yuzhou can set up protection formations and phantom formations. As long as they don't encounter sand lizards, it is completely fine to fool the black scorpions without intelligence. Secondly, the defensive power of the smelling earthen eggshell is superb. As long as the eggshell is erected, you will not be afraid of the attack of the black scorpion.

There is yellow sand hidden, so don't worry about being discovered by passing practitioners.

Wen Qiao said: "Husband, Su Molan said that the Black Wind Desert blows black wind most of the time every year. Whenever the black wind blows, the creatures in the Black Wind Desert die, and the cultivator cannot resist the power of the black wind. Leave before the black wind blows."

The Black Wind Desert is located in the middle of the Pleiades continent. Because the black wind prevails, the world calls it Black Wind Desert.

Whenever the black wind recedes, floating islands will appear in the Black Wind Desert. These floating islands are accompanied by rainbow light. The rainbow light is a barrier to protect the floating islands from the black wind desert, but does not prevent cultivation. Those who go in.

The appearance of floating islands is random, and you can meet them with good luck, but it is difficult to meet them with bad luck.

Even so, it still attracts many practitioners to come in. Because there are many spiritual plants on this floating island, and they all appear randomly, they are rarely patronized by practitioners, and the resources inside are rich enough for practitioners. fanaticism.

However, the Black Wind Desert is huge, and there are many dangers in this desert. The most dangerous thing is the sand lizard. If you encounter the sand lizard unfortunately, most cultivators will only have a dead end. Although the black wind disappears every year for half a year, this half a year is not enough for the cultivators to go deep into the black wind desert.

Wen Qiao guessed that the ancient teleportation array should be located in the depths of the Black Wind Desert.

Therefore, after they left the vicinity of the teleportation formation, they had rushed for three months before finally meeting Su Molan and the others.

Ning Yuzhou forgot, and said, "There are still two months left before the black wind returns. It seems that we are leaving."

"Yes, Su Molan also mentioned it today."

Wen Qiao felt that Su Molan was not willing to be thrown into the black scorpion lair again, so she reminded her specially. It was pitiful to see that black and swollen face stung by the black scorpion.

"That's OK, we will leave tomorrow." Ning Yuzhou also felt it was time to leave.


The next day, Wen Qiao said to Su Molan, who had a swollen face, "We are not going to fight the black scorpion today."

"Where to go?" Su Molan asked in surprise.

"Of course it is to leave the Black Wind Desert." Wen Qiao said of course. "Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to leave in time because you don't have enough time?"

Su Molan's eyes lit up, and she quickly said: "That's the case, then let's leave as soon as possible-hiss!"

Speaking too quickly, he pulled the muscles on his face and couldn't help but scream in pain, tears streaming down again.

Packed up their things, they picked a direction and rushed out of the Black Wind Desert.

While on the way, Wen Qiao still didn't give up on the character of Molan crying bag, as soon as he encountered the black scorpion swarm, he kicked her down, watched her explode and beat the monster, and then was stung by the monster.

Because of this, Su Molan's face has not been good, and she can only hold a black and swollen face.

After a few days, they met a group of cultivators.

This group of cultivators are young people, there are males and females, and depending on the decoration of their clothes, they should be disciples from different sects.

Seeing the three of Wen Qiao, one of the baby-faced men greeted them friendly.

"Three fellow Taoists, you also went into the Black Wind Desert to find floating islands? How many floating islands did you meet?"

Wen Qiao glanced at them. The highest cultivation level among this group of people was a Yuanzong realm male cultivator. The others were Yuanmai realm, Yuankong realm, and Yuanling realm, with different cultivation levels.

Well, she and Su Molan can beat them crying and crying.

Ning Yuzhou Wensheng replied: "Exactly, it's a pity that we are not lucky. Until now, we haven't seen the floating island."

As he spoke, a look of disappointment naturally appeared on his face.

His beautiful appearance, noble temperament and gentle smile on his face are easy to teach people to be kind, and with the natural and true disappointment on his face, people believe his words without freedom, and they also feel that the luck of these three people is very good. That's not good.

Looking at the other two people, one with a cold face, the other with a swollen face...

At first glance, it is a combination of bad luck, which is really sympathetic.

Ning Yuzhou took the opportunity to talk with this group of people and learned of their origins. Hexinmen and the disciple of Zhenwu Sect. The Yuanzongjing practitioner is the big disciple of Zhenwu Sect, Jiao Junhao. The baby-faced who took the initiative to greet is called Ai. Jue is Jiao Junhao's younger brother.

Ning Yuzhou said: "We are all casual cultivators. In Xia Ning Yuzhou, this is Junior Sister Wen Qiao, and this is Junior Sister's friend Lan Susu."

Su Molan's body was tense, her eyes were straight forward, worried about being recognized by this group of people.

Fortunately, these people didn't recognize her, which made her secretly relieved. She couldn't help but reach out to touch her black and swollen face, naturally grinning with pain, and she didn't have an image at all.

Seeing a little sympathy in the eyes of her two disciples.

This face... is really ruined, it's still a female nun, maybe this female nun doesn't look good.

"Sister Lan, your face... is so painful, right?" a female nun of Hexinmen asked, her face was innocent, but her eyes made no secret of ridicule.

Su Molan sullen her face and did not speak.

A female sister next to him said sympathetically, "Miss Lan, how can you make your face like this? But the poison of the black scorpion?"

Su Molan nodded silently.

After hearing this, other cultivators said one after another: "Black Devouring Scorpion Venom is indeed powerful. I heard that if it is not solved in time, it may be disfigured..."

Judging from her appearance, the poisoning time is not short, and it has not been solved yet, I am afraid it is impossible to solve it. The black scorpion venom can't be solved by the ordinary detoxification pills. Most of the female sisters cherish their appearance and will never fight against the black scorpion.

It's really pitiful too!

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