As soon as he entered the space, Wen Qiao was shocked by the changes in the space.

I saw the edge of the space shifted outward several times, and the space that was originally crowded because of the planting of spiritual grasses now revealed a broad and open artistic conception.

This is never before, and I dare not expect it.

Ning Yuzhou paced over slowly, rarely asking in a reserved tone: "Ah, how is it?"

Wen Qiao blinked and said happily, "Husband, the space has become so big."

"It's nothing." Ning Yuzhou said reservedly, "The Primordial Spirit Realm is just a small boundary. When I cultivate to the Divine Realm in the future, maybe the space can grow into a small world."

"Really?" Wen Qiao was even more delighted.

What is the concept of a small world? Not a continent, but a whole world.

Ning Yuzhou nodded, "Dixi bloodline is one of the five emperor bloodlines, and the derived space does have this ability."

But that is a very long time matter. Whether or not a small world can be successfully opened up, even the five emperors can't confirm it, so there is no need to tell her about this.

Wen Qiao was amazed by his affirmation. As expected, her husband was amazing. It was obvious that everyone had awakened their bloodlines, but the others couldn't keep up. Not to mention that her inheritance is equivalent to Xiao Miaomiao, who is Wang Qirong of the pseudo-celestial fox blood, and Su Wangling of the spirit of the rhinoceros.

Wen Qiao felt that if he encountered people who had awakened their mysterious bloodlines in the future, those people would definitely not be able to compare with him.


While exclaiming, a big furry ball rolled over and arched his head on Wen Qiao's body, and Wen Qiao was buried in the fur.

"Chi Chi Chi!"

When Wen Qiao understood the meaning of Da Maoqiu smelling the ball, she suddenly felt helpless.

"Wen Qiuqiu, I can't do it now, I'm not free." She said apologetically, "We are going to Huangu Town to find the Thirteen Withered Bone Mansion. We don't know when we can leave, and then we have to find Shengwu back. The road to the mainland...I will spare time in the future, and I will definitely try to help you give birth to a lot of Zhu Xianling, so that you have a valley of Zhu Xianling."

Wen Qiao boasted that he went to Haikou. Anyway, Ning's space would expand again, and Zhu Xianling, who had made a valley for Wenqiuqiu, was still okay.

Hearing the ball squeaked, as if asking her if it was true?

"Of course it's true, don't worry, I will do what I say." Wen Qiao promised, patted her chest.

After finally comforting the big hair ball, Wen Qiao looked for Wen Tutu's trace, "Smell the ball, smell the tutu? Why don't you see it?"

"It's there." Ning Yuzhou pointed to the back of the rattan house.

There is no change in the vine house, but the stone golden python line vine used to build the vine house has undergone great changes. Because the space suddenly expanded several times, the stone golden python line vine also released the shackles and grew unscrupulously, as if occupying the site as soon as possible. It saves Wenqiao coming in, and all other places are designated as spiritual fields.

As a result, the Shijin python row vines grow steadily, and when you look at it, its vine branches and leaves are everywhere, lush and lush.

Wen Qiao took Wen Qiuqiu and Wen Gunkuun to the back of the rattan house.

As a result, the rattan house was a piece of stone-golden python vines, which grew densely. The divine consciousness swept over, and finally found a group of rabbits sleeping there among the stone-golden python vines.

Wen Qiao leaped onto the stone golden python vine and came to the place where Wentutu was sleeping.

Probably to make Wentutu sleep more peacefully, Shijin Mang Xingteng carefully made his cane into a rabbit nest, and Wentutu curled up and fell asleep in the rabbit nest.

Wen Qiao looked at it for a while and found that Wentutu was not sleeping, but for refining the giant wolf's demon pill, and his body was in deep sleep, so that it could finish refining the demon pill more quickly.

"In a few days' time, Wentutu should be able to finish refining." Ning Yuzhou said.

Wen Qiao investigated carefully and found that the aura on Wentutu's body was indeed much stronger than before refining the demon pill.

Knowing that Wentutu was in good condition, Wenqiao didn't bother him anymore and went to check other places in the space.

Coming to the puddle where Jingling water lotus was planted, Wen Qiao could not help but feel a little guilty when he saw the lotus stems in the puddle that had grown a lot taller, and said to Ning Yuzhou: "My husband, the space has become bigger now, let's dig Give it a pond."

Ning Yuzhou was noncommittal and let her arrange.

How to use the space is up to her, and he will not intervene.

Wen Qiao quickly dug the pond, condensed a lot of clean water, carefully changed the home of Jingling water lotus, and then sent a lot of spiritual energy to Jingling water lotus, while comforting it: "If you encounter quality in the future Good spring water will definitely help you replace the water in the pond and let you grow comfortably every day."

When she finished speaking, Wen Qiao suddenly received the plant essence feedback from Jingling Water Lotus, she was taken aback, and then she was overjoyed.

She resisted the instinctive reaction of the body and insisted on losing the vital energy in the body, before sitting by the pond, began to meditate, and fed back the pure spirit water lotus to her plant essence to absorb.

When Ning Yuzhou saw this scene, he knew what was going on, and did not come to disturb her.

He sat in front of the rattan house and began to prepare what he needed to enter the Thirteen Dead Bone Mansion, regardless of the pill talisman formation.

After Wen Qiao absorbed the essence of the Jingling Water Lotus, he was delighted to find that the Yuan Lingli in the dantian gained more and more praise.

Every time a cultivator crosses a level, he needs to accumulate a lot of spiritual power. The higher the level, the more spiritual power he needs to accumulate. This is why it is harder for the cultivator to improve the cultivation level after the cultivation.

After the aura in the dantian is complete, you can try to attack the barriers and get ready to advance. At that time, the thirty-six spiritual orifices will also expand, and the spiritual power that can be accumulated will be more and more.

After exploring the changes in his body, Wen Qiao jumped up, rolled up his sleeves, and was busy planning the space.

She drove away a lot of spiritual fields and planted the spiritual herbs collected during this period of time. Whether in Pleiades Valley or Qiyao City, as long as there is time, Wen Qiao will collect some spiritual herbs that are not in the space, even if there is only The seed does not matter.

The more types of spirit grasses, the more types of spirit pills Ning Yuzhou can make. The previous Huanyan pills were newly refined spirit pills by Ning Yuzhou after coming to Hunyuan Continent. The effect was very good. Female cultivators have an indescribable attraction.

After a few days of busy work, Wen Qiao just planned the space.

Originally looking at the empty space, and because of her planning, it was used again. Although it was not crowded before, every place was used, and it was really not wasted.

Wen Qiao ran around in the Lingtian, Wen Qiuqi followed her behind, and whenever Wen Qiao wanted to prepare the ground, it directly used its chubby body to help flatten the ground, turning it into a criss-crossing paddy field.

Wen Gungun felt that it could also do this job, but it was an earth monster. But Wenqiuqiu threw it on his head and insisted not to let Wengungun intervene, so Wengungun calmly lay on the furry head of the big hairy ball, slowly gnawing on the bamboo, while watching them work. , I don't even feel lazy at all.

If he smells Tutu, he will probably die of anger, but Wen Qiuqiu actually prevents him from helping Xiao Miaomiao? That's disgusting.

Sitting on the rattan house, Ning Yuzhou occasionally took time to see the busy people and monsters in the space, and couldn't help laughing.

Just as Wen Qiao worked hard to be a farmer in the space, Feizhou was suddenly hit.

Pei Qiyu and Su Molan ran out of their resting room for the first time, and found that Ning Yuzhou and Wen Qiao had already appeared, and there was an extraordinarily weird monster beside them, round and round, just like some female cultivators like to raise. A weak, harmless and cute monster.

Su Molan's eyes shone slightly, could this monster smell the ball?

It really looks like a ball!

"What happened?" Pei Qiyu asked.

Ning Yuzhou said calmly: "Someone robbed, three Yuanzong realms, six Yuanling realms."

Su Molan was shocked. Didn't expect the cultivation base of the cultivators who blocked the road and robbed Hunyuan Continent to be so high, is it really a high-level continent located in the heart of the endless sea?

Pei Qiyu sneered: "I don't know how to live or die! I went out and sent them away."

"I'll go too." Wen Qiao called out the long whip, and the long whip swung out like a snake with a whistle.

At the moment Pei Qiyu and Wen Qiao left Feizhou together, and there was also a big hair ball, which followed Wen Qiao and whispered non-stop.

Su Molan also wanted to go, but glanced at Ning Yuzhou, hesitated, and decided to wait and see the battle outside before making a decision.

Her thoughts were easy to understand. Ning Yuzhou was an alchemist. Although he had the cultivation base of the Primordial Spirit Realm, his combat effectiveness had never been high. If someone took the opportunity to dive into the flying boat and leave him alone, it would not be good.

As for the little iron-eater that climbed onto Ning Yuzhou's shoulders, Su Molan completely ignored its combat effectiveness because of its cute appearance.

Outside the space, nine cultivators who blocked the road and robbed them lined up.

When they saw the two people coming out of the flying boat, they couldn't help laughing, and didn't look at them at all.

A male cultivator in the Yuanzong realm, and a wounded Yuanzong realm, plus a female cultivator in the middle of the Yuanling realm, such a combination is nothing to worry about.

Pei Qiyu also smiled, his smile always showed a gloomy smell, and he didn't look like a good person if he was underestimated.

As he laughed, a faint mist suddenly appeared around him.

Wen Qiao was about to fight this group of cultivators to death or death, and found that the nine people on the opposite side had fought by themselves. The three Yuanzong realms fought extremely tragically, and the six Yuanling realms stabbed two of each other to death, and there were many others. There are injuries.

Wen Qiao was stunned and couldn't help but look at Pei Qiyu, instinctively what he had done.

Pei Qiyu faintly said: "They have entered the world of mirror flowers and water moon."


Wen Qiao suddenly thought of the Heaven-handling Realm he had snatched from the Demon Heaven Gate. Ning Yuzhou once said that the celestial mirror is suitable for people who practice illusion. .

Pei Qiyu is good at illusion. His most powerful technique is Jinghua Shuiyue, which can unknowingly pull people into an extremely realistic illusion and let them perish in the illusion.

"Chiji!" The big hair ball adorned behind Wen Qiao couldn't help but yelled.

Wen Qiao stretched out his hand to touch its hair, seeing that the nine cultivators controlled by the fantasy realm were almost dead and injured, and quickly said: "Pei Master, leave a Yuanzong realm for me."

Pei Qiyu glanced at her and silently solved the illusion.

When the illusion was solved, the nine people had already died and seven people were left, leaving only one Yuanzong realm and one Yuanling realm.

After they were sober, their expressions were a bit sluggish. When they saw the tragic death of their companions around them, they found a screaming sound, and the Yuanzong realm cultivator howled angrily and rushed over.

Wen Qiao also rushed over, lashing at the Yuanzong Realm cultivator with a whip.


While squeaking, the big hair ball turned into a big spike ball and rolled towards the Yuanzong realm cultivator who was flew by Wen Qiao with a whip.

The Yuanzong realm cultivator screamed, blood flowing like a column.

After Pei Qiyu settled the remaining Yuan Spirit Realm cultivator, he looked at Wen Qiao and the others, just in time to see her whip a Yuan Zong Realm cultivator away, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

He had seen her strength while on the floating island. Even if this Yuanzong realm cultivator is not lightly injured, but it is also Yuanzong realm, a realm difference, where can the Yuanling realm be drawn? He just heard that Qiao flew straight away, which shows how strong she is.

What is even more speechless is that after the big hair ball that originally looked like a demon pet turned into a burr ball, it easily pierced countless blood holes in the Yuanzong realm cultivator.

This person and beast are not easy to mess with.

After the Yuanzong realm cultivator finally died, Wen Qiao said disappointedly: "This is too casual."

It must have been Pei Qiyu's Jinghua Shuiyue who had maimed people before, so he didn't fight so much.

Pei Qiyu wanted to hehe, didn't she feel bad when she said this? Even in the Yuanzong Realm, it could not withstand the abnormal play of this person and beast. Even if it was not injured, the Yuanzong Realm would not be able to resist the combination of this person and a beast.

Pei Qiyu ignored Wen Qiao, took out a spirit dagger, walked to the body of a Yuanzong realm cultivator, and then dissected the body.

Su Molan just came out of Feizhou, and when she saw this scene, her face was pale, "Master Pei, what are you doing?"

Pei Qiyu's movements were stagnant, and he explained, "Pull out their bones."

"Why?" Su Molan looked unbelievable, unable to understand Pei Qiyu's actions. It was obvious that everyone was dead, so why did they want to draw their bones? Could it be that this is a kind of cultivation method of demonic cultivation?

Pei Qiyu didn't see her misunderstanding, and was about to explain, Ning Yuzhou's voice sounded: "Every cultivator who enters Huangu Town must return his bones."

This is the rule of Huangu Town, if they want to enter the town, they need to get four sets of bones.

It just so happened that this group of people came to the door automatically.

Su Molan was startled, and secretly relieved, not just using it for cultivation.

The horizontal contradiction between the two realms of Zheng Dao is extremely deep, and Su Molan does not want to think of Pei Qiyu in a bad direction, but he also knows that he is a magic cultivator, which is different from the way of spiritual cultivation of the right way. But no matter what, she still hoped that he would not kill the innocent indiscriminately, and cultivate that kind of harmful magic, so as not to be backlashed by the magic in the future.

The expression of her sigh of relief was too obvious, Pei Qiyu's originally tight body slowly relaxed and continued with the next thing.

"I'll help you!" Su Molan said, taking out a spirit dagger.

Pei Qiyu suddenly turned his head to look at her, her gloomy black eyes reflected her figure, and he almost forgot to react for a while.

Doing this kind of thing is extremely **** and cruel, Pei Qiyu, who is a demon repairer, doesn't think so, but Su Molan, who has received orthodox education since childhood, definitely can't accept it. But now, she resisted the nausea, even if her face turned pale, she still used the spirit dagger to cut through the flesh and blood and cut out the bones.

Pei Qiyu lowered his eyes and didn't look at her, but the speed increased a lot.

Wen Qiao was also a little uncomfortable. He pursed his lips and asked, "Husband, how can Huangu Town have such strange rules?"

"This rule should have something to do with its name." Ning Yuzhou said softly, "Return the bone to the bone, but I don't know whose bone it is?"

Wen Qiao looked at him suspiciously, but did not hear clearly what was behind him.

After dissecting the four corpses, the corpses of the other practitioners did not move, and they burned to ashes before they returned to the flying boat.

"Not bad." Ning Yuzhou said suddenly, "It seems that your Jinghua Shuiyue has achieved success in cultivation."

Pei Qiyu's mouth twitched slightly, revealing an arc that didn't count as a smile, "It's just an additional effect of the Sky Mirror. Without the Sky Mirror, I might not be able to deal with the three Yuanzong realms."

Ning Yuzhou glanced at him with a smile, and pointed out very straightforwardly, "You don't have to pretend to be in front of me! On the floating island that day, you could actually kill all the cultivators on the island, why didn't you do it in the end?"

Hearing this, Su Molan couldn't help but look at him, and even Wen Qiao looked at Pei Qiyu curiously.

On that day, Pei Qiyu led a group of demonic disciples to besie the floating island. The righteous path practitioners on the island were almost besieged, but they later escaped smoothly. At that time, I felt nothing, but just now I saw Pei Qiyu take a shot and pulled the nine people into his mirror in an instant, knowing that this person's strength is not as shown.

That's right, he is the reincarnation of the Demon Seed, and shouldn't be of that kind of strength.

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