The gazes of everyone looking at Bai Lichi were really hard to say.

The senior brothers and sisters of Baili Chi hated that iron cannot be made into steel, and they almost couldn't help strangling him to death.

Obviously, he has repeatedly told him not to trust outsiders stupidly. Why can't the younger brother keep his mouth shut when he sees these few people? Or what did these people actually do to their juniors secretly to make Bai Lichi so defenseless against them?

For a moment, Liu Qingyun and others couldn't help but have some conspiracy theories.

Wen Qiao and the others are also incredible. This person is really frank and straightforward. Isn't it true that they are really bad guys?

Just relying on Bai Lichi's ability to understand the words of the skeletons in the Thirteen Dead Bone Mansion can make people feel greedy, as long as he is controlled, he can understand the Thirteen Dead Bone Mansion as soon as possible, and even find the hidden in the Thirteen Dead Bone Mansion. Baby.

Now that I know that there are immortal artifacts in the Thirteen Dead Bone Mansion, it can be seen that although this place is weird, there will be no shortage of treasures, otherwise the cultivators of Hunyuan Continent would not be so secretive about this place.

Bai Lichi didn't seem to see the faces of everyone, and continued: "The young patriarch of the Giant Bone Race was killed by Senior Sister Sang. They will not be willing to rest. Just now I heard from those skeletons that the patriarch of the Giant Bone Race wants Senior Sister Sang. Give their young masters a taste of their lives!"

"I want to be beautiful!" Sang Yufei said angrily, "Who wants to marry a skeleton?"

Bai Lichi looked at her sympathetically and comforted: "Senior Sister Sang is not anxious, as long as we leave here quickly and don't let the skeletons of the Giant Bone Race find it, you will definitely not let you try her life."

He said something that could be heard.

However, before Sang Yufei could breathe a sigh of relief, she heard Bai Li Chi said in distress: "But when I was in the city, I heard the skeletons around me say that the giant bone tribe, the scorpion bone tribe, the spirit bone tribe, the poison bone tribe ...There are all contacts, and the Giant Bone Clan has already sent messages to those tribes, asking them to help capture Senior Sister Sang."

At that moment, Sang Yufei couldn't help showing a look of grief and anger, "Why is it always me who is hurt?"

Liu Qingyun frowned, being pursued by so many Skeleton tribes was really bad for them, and said decisively: "Let's leave here first."

Naturally, the others had no objection. Wen Qiao and the others wanted to understand why Bai Lichi could talk to Skeleton, so they left the place together.

They found a concealed bone mountain, hidden among the cols, and after laying out the formations around, they took a rest.

Sang Yufei and Ge Ruping were both injured. After taking the pill, they sat there and took the time to meditate to recover from their injuries. Liu Qingyun sat on a high place alone, with a cold expression, as if no strangers were near, Bai Lichi ran over to sit with Wen Qiao and the others.

Ge Rusong was not relieved, sitting nearby in silence, ready to stop him in time as long as the younger brother couldn't stop his mouth.

They exchanged news with each other.

Bai Lichi said: "We came in with a bone-returning order. The bone-returning order took us to the giant bone clan's territory. We didn't expect to meet the young patriarch of the giant bone clan when we arrived, and it also fell in love with Senior Sister Sang. "

The young patriarch of the Giant Bone tribe is also accustomed to being domineering because of his noble status. Seeing Sang Yufei such a person that suits its appetite, he couldn't help but act on her, already treating her as his own concubine.

However, in the eyes of a normal person Sang Yufei, it was a miserable white skeleton who moved her hands and feet. It was extremely trivial. In a rage, he couldn't help but kill him. Attracted the chase of the Giant Bone Race.

Wen Qiao and Su Molan looked at Sang Yufei sympathetically, and felt that it was indeed not her fault.

If they were also offended by a skeleton, the reaction is estimated to be similar.

"What is the order of bone?" Ning Yuzhou was interested in the dominoes, and suddenly understood why they followed Bailichi and the others to leave, but when they arrived on the streets of Huangu Town, they did not see them.

It is estimated that at that time they had already used the bone-returning order to enter the 13th Withered Bone Mansion.

Hearing this, not only Bai Lichi was surprised, but Liu Qingyun and others looked over and their expressions were also very surprised.

"You haven't returned the bone order?" Ge Rusong asked in surprise, "Then how did you get in?"

Pei Qiyu sneered, "Naturally, I walked in."

Su Molan and Wen Qiao agreed, they had indeed walked in, and they had walked a long way.

Ge Rusong: "..."

Ning Yuzhou glanced at Liu Qingyun indifferently. Facing the stupid Baili Shi, he looked like a gentle and intimate elder brother. He smiled and said: "We noticed the abnormality in Huangu Town, and we knew that the dead bone ten. Sanfu opened. After we left the inn, we came to the streets of Huangu Town and found that the streets were as lively as during the day, but there was no one..."

He told them the scene of Huangu Town at the time and how they entered the Thirteen Dead Bone Mansion.

Ge Rusong couldn't hide his shock, and even Liu Qingyun couldn't help showing his thoughtfulness.

Compared to the people who came in with Huangu Ling, Ning Yuzhou's group of people actually walked through the gate of the Thirteen Withered Bone Mansion in a serious manner, which is incredible.

Bai Lichi exclaimed: "So you can come in like this. You are so lucky to be able to come in from the main entrance of the Thirteen Withered Bone Mansion."

The people of Ning Yuzhou were dumbfounded.

The current situation is that they are entering through the front door seriously, and this group of people is taking a shortcut to enter, and they don't know who is the luckier.

Bai Lichi took out the bone-returning order he was holding and handed it generously to Ning Yuzhou, who was interested, and said in amazement, "The world always thought that only the bone-returning order could bring us smoothly into the 13th withered bones. The mansion, I never thought I could walk in as seriously as you, you are really amazing..."

"Not too good." Wen Qiao said, "We have to cross the river when we come in. Skeletons are everywhere in the river. Those who come to the skeletons are not good, which is very difficult..."

"What does that river look like?" Bai Lichi asked.

Wen Qiao described Nahe and the situation they encountered for him.

"I see!" Baili suddenly realized, "The river should be the little Styx."

"Xiao Minghe?" Wen Qiao and Su Molan looked at him one after another.

Bai Lichi said affirmatively: "Yes, I heard that there are many lost creatures buried in the Little Styx. Losing yourself means that they will never leave the Little Styx. So the skeletons in the river instinctively want to drag the creatures crossing the river down. Get free... and the little Styx is a world that connects the living and the dead, extraditing the dead to another world."

"So, you are the souls extradited by Little Styx." Baili said, staring at them, "After you go ashore, those skeleton soldiers will treat you as beings extradited by Little Styx."

After what he said, Wen Qiao finally understood why the skeleton soldiers guarding the dock did not attack them when they went to the dock.

Extradited by the little Styx, they are the same kind in the eyes of those skeletons.

Ning Yuzhou returned the bone-returning order to Bai Lichi, and asked, "You are regarded as the same kind by the skeletons, but because of the bone-returning order?"

Baili nodded, "Yes."

Wen Qiao looked at the bone-returning order and saw that it was as white as jade, without a trace of flaws on it. If they didn't know it, they thought it was a piece of jade with excellent jade quality.

The material for the refining of the bone-returning order comes from the Thirteen Dead Bone Mansion, which has a great connection with the Thirteen Dead Bone Mansion. It is a very special type of bone. The key, and can hide the breath of the cultivator, will not be noticed by the skeletons in this place.

This is a cultivator's pass in the Thirteen Withered Bone Mansion, which is very important.

Compared with Bai Lichi and the others, Ning Yuzhou's misplay and collision caused them to be so shocked. They didn't expect to be able to use this method to enter the Thirteen Dead Bone Mansion, and be extradited by Xiao Styhe, completely ignoring the bone-returning order.

The world's understanding of the Thirteen Dry Bones Mansion, they all think that when you enter, you must have a bone-returning order to enter the Thirteen Dry Bones Mansion safely. Few people, like them, came in hastily without a bone-returning order.

Wen Qiao secretly said that they didn't know beforehand to return this thing, otherwise, where would they come in so recklessly?

Therefore, the news is still not clear enough, and it can be seen from it that the importance of Huangu Ling in the hearts of cultivators on these continents is mysterious and unpredictable, and it is rarely revealed.

"Hey, Lord Baili, why can you understand Skull's words?" Wen Qiao asked curiously.


"Junior Brother!" Ge Rusong interrupted Bai Lichi, frowning and said, "Would you like to come to meditate? We will hurry up later."

Baili said late: "Second brother, no need, I am not tired."

Ge Rusong: "..."

Seeing Ge Rusong's inexhaustible appearance, Wen Qiao and the others were tired of him, and they were so heartbroken that they put on a naive and silly younger brother who didn't understand people's face. However, this junior can't beat or scold him, so he can only watch him stupidly, which makes people panic.

Didn't you see that Liu Qingyun had closed her eyes, so she was not seeing her?

If Bailichi were their junior, they would be so uncomfortable to death, but Bailichi was not, so Wen Qiao and the others were very happy to meet such a cute little Bailichi.

"In fact, their voices are very easy to understand, and I can understand them after listening to them." Bai Lichi said.

Ge Rusong secretly breathed a sigh of relief, the junior brother was not too stupid in the end, and poured everything out.

Pei Qiyu and Su Molan were dumbfounded. What kind of person is this? How can they understand without listening?

Ning Yuzhou and Wen Qiao thought of a possibility at the same time, but because of the large number of people, they didn't ask anything.

The territory of the Giant Bone Clan is located in Longya Mansion of the Thirteen Dead Bone Mansion.

As soon as Bailichi and his party arrived at Longya Mansion, they offended the Giant Bone Clan before clarifying the situation. They had no choice but to flee for their lives. They fled all the way, and finally escaped to the junction between Dugu Mansion and Longya Mansion. .

"Listen to those skeletons, the next to you is the Xianshi Lake, that place is very dangerous." Bai Lichi said, looking in the direction of the Xianshi Lake, "Are you planning to go to the Xianshi Lake?"

Looking at the direction they came just now, it was to the Shoushi Lake.

Wen Qiao just came here, but they don't understand the language, how do you know which one is? But Wenqiuqiu brought them over, maybe the destination is the Lake of the Dead.

Ning Yuzhou said, "We just want to go over and take a look."

Baili smiled and said, "It's great, we were also going to the Shoushi Lake, so we flee here."

Ge Rusong's expression on the other side looked like he had given up, and he no longer tried to stop Bai Lichi, and he probably couldn't stop it.

Suddenly, Liu Qingyun closed her eyes and opened her eyes and stood up Huo Di.

"Senior Sister Liu!" Ge Rusong asked nervously, "What's wrong?"

Liu Qingyun said: "They are going to chase over. It is estimated that they will find this place soon, and we are going to leave here."

Hearing that the skeletons of the Giant Bone Race were going to chase them, everyone got up and prepared to leave.

The previous batch of skeletons who were hunting down were not strong enough to allow them to kill a piece of armor. The strength of the skeletons sent this time is estimated to be higher, and they will suffer from the front and they will be a waste of time.

Ge Rusong and Sang Yufei's injuries were not completely healed. Sang Yufei's face was pale, and she couldn't help but scold the skeletons again, resisting the injuries and leaving them.

A group of people flew over Bone Mountain with their swords and headed towards the Lake of the Fierce Corpse.

Soon after they left, a group of skeletons found the mountain col, found that there was no one here, and continued to chase it.

One of the leading skeletons is taller than the surrounding skeletons, and the blood red light in his eyes is particularly rich, even with a faint golden red light, and the aura on his body is not comparable to other skeletons.

The gurgling sound was endless, and the skeletons lightly turned over the bone mountain and followed them away.



Hearing the sound of Wenqiuqiu, Wen Qiaoteng touched the hair on the big furry ball behind her, secretly comforting it.

Baili Chi Yu made Feijian come over, looked at Da Maoqiu with bright eyes, and asked, "Miss Wen, what kind of monster is this?"

"I don't know, it's called Wenqiuqiu." Wen Qiao introduced this person and a beast, "Wenqiuqiu, this is the son of Bailichi."

"Smell the ball, hello." Bai Lichi greeted it happily, if it weren't on the flying sword, he wanted to reach out and smell the long hair on the ball.

"Chiji~~" Wen Qiqibiao curled his big watery blue eyes, and then threw something to Bai Lichi.

Baili Chi took it subconsciously, and a breath that was sweeter than Lingmi's came out. He was surprised to see the piece of honey in his hand and couldn't help saying to Wenqiuqiu: "Thank you for the meeting ceremony. I love so much."

Then he also drew it out of his storage bag and gave him a meeting ceremony.

The person and the beast gave each other a meeting gift, and got along quite happily.

With such a happy appearance, the brothers Sang Yufei and Ge Rusong were quite heartbroken. They secretly gritted their teeth, feeling that Wen Qiao's group of people was really scheming, and they used monsters to lure Baili Chi.

Liu Qingyun, who led the way in front, twisted her brows slightly and said suddenly: "They are coming, let's hurry up."

Everyone's expressions stunned, and they hurriedly increased their speed.

The speed of those skeletons was faster than they thought. When he heard the movement behind him, Wen Qiao turned his head, just to see the skeletons leaping from the bone mountain.

Bone Mountain is white, and skeletons are also white. If the red light in the eyes of those skeletons is not too obvious, the skeletons are almost integrated with Bone Mountain, making it hard to notice.

The speed of the skeletons is too fast, they are running and climbing in the bone mountain, densely packed, like fast-moving insects, and soon a group of skeletons rushed in front of them, and then the skeletons erected the skeleton ladder, and the top skeleton stood up. Jump up and kill them.

"Stop and meet the enemy!"

Liu Qingyun stopped, with a cold face, offering her Xue Ling. The bell on Xue Ling was shining with cold light, Xue Ling passed through, and the flying skull fell below.

Others sacrificed their weapons and knocked down the flying skeletons.

Suddenly, a terrifying coercion appeared from behind the Bone Mountain, and everyone's complexion changed slightly, and they were waiting for it.

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