After resolving the crisis in Taize City, Wen Qiao decided to leave after dealing with the city lord of Taize City.

"Smell girl."

When she turned around, she was a little surprised when she saw the person coming, "It's you, why are you also in Taize City?"

Those who came were Duan Haoyan and Shui Liyin.

Demonic cultivation raged everywhere in the Central Continent, causing a lot of disasters to various sects. As the Ziyang Sect of Yinxiu, many disciples came out together to deal with demonic cultivation, expelling the demonic obstacles caused by demonic cultivation for the practitioners.

So it's not surprising that the two will come here together.

Duan Haoyan curled his lips and said: "We are here to follow the magic repair. I didn't expect that soon after arriving in Taize City, we found that the magic repair actually besieged Taize City. Speaking of which, the magic repair will attack Taize City because of that strain. Magic lotus."

Wen Qiao frowned, "How long has it been? And the magic lotus has been ruined, can they still settle accounts after Autumn?" At this point, she asked uncertainly, "By the way, this time the magic repair that besieged Taize City. Which force does it belong to? It won't be Blood Luomen? I remember that Blood Luomen doesn't have the magic repairs of the Yuanhuang Realm."

Hearing this, Duan Haoyan wanted to roll his eyes.

He didn't even figure out who his opponent was, so he went up to fight. This violent temper was even more violent than their Duan clan members, and it was not wrong to be planted in her hands that year.

"I don't know if it is after the fall of the fall. It is said that Moxiu sent someone to look for it. It is estimated that he wants to get some of the roots of the lotus back."

Hearing that, everyone understood the intention of Demon Cultivation, and it turned out to be trying to cultivate Demon Lotus.

Shui Liyin looked at Wen Qiao and asked, "Why don't you see Young Master Ning?"

"He is in the sect." Wen Qiao replied casually.

Shui Liyin keenly sensed that she was not in a good mood, and immediately swallowed what she wanted to say, said goodbye to Wen Qiao and the others, and watched them leave.

Seeing that a few people have left, Duan Haoyan said: "After leaving, what else to look at?"

Shui Liyin sighed and said: "I heard that Young Master Ning is now a king-level alchemist. I wanted to ask him to do alchemy... It's not easy to bother to see the girl's expression just now."

Duan Haoyan, who had been walking forward, suddenly turned to look at her.

"Do you know what I despise the most about your Ziyang Gate?" Duan Haoyan asked suddenly.

Shui Liyin nodded silently, Duan Haoyan never hesitated to show his dislike for Ziyangmen, especially the fact that Ziyangmen was about to become a lady's door, which made him shameless.

The most embarrassing and embarrassing thing for Shui Liyin is that the sect master once hit Ning Yuzhou's idea, and wanted her to marry Ning Yuzhou, a talented alchemist, and pull people into the Ziyang Gate. Wen Qiao was not well-known at the time. With Ning Yuzhou Pearl Jade in front, his brilliance was too great, completely blocking her light, and the world rarely noticed her existence.

It wasn't until ten years ago that Wen Qiao became the Yuanhuang Realm who was less than a hundred years old, and finally let the world notice her existence.

Ning Yuzhou has such an excellent Taoist companion. Ziyangmen once deliberately wanted to marry Ning Yuzhou with the disciple of the door, which caused a lot of jokes, and there were also a lot of ridicules in secret.

When the Chixiao Sect held the double repair ceremony, Ziyang Gate was secretly laughed at. The master was flushed with anger, but could not refute it. Finally, he felt ashamed to attend the double repair ceremony of the Chixiao Sect, so that the first disciple Zhong Li remembered the past.

Duan Haoyan said: "I despise you the most at Ziyangmen who are obviously asking for something, but I always want to calculate others, and don't see if some people can calculate it." He looked at Shui Liyin and added, "Of course, take the disciple. This kind of marriage is also very annoying."

Everyone will get angry when someone scolds his own sect by pointing his nose like this.

However, Shui Liyin's self-cultivation is excellent, and he understands Duan Haoyan's dog temper, calmly said: "You are right, when I become the master of Ziyangmen in the future, I will definitely change the style of Ziyangmen."

Duan Haoyan looked at her in astonishment, and met her steadfast look, and said awkwardly: "It's the best, it's not in vain that my mother allowed you to enter Ziyang Gate, but it wasn't for Ziyang Gate to use you for marriage."

Shui Liyin curled his lips and smiled, and his eyes were bright.


The magic repair that besieged Taize City was too casual, and Wen Qiao couldn't beat it firmly, so she decided to take a look nearby.

From this look, I really found a lot of magic repairs, so what are you waiting for, just start the fight.

Wherever the three of them and a little phoenix passed, the magic repairs disappeared one after another, and the other magic repairs who received the news changed their colors and hurried away.

For a while, the cultivation city near the Chixiao Sect was extremely safe.

Wen Qiao felt boring and had to go back to Chi Xiaozong.

Sheng Zhenhai greeted them with a smile after knowing that they had come back, and said to Wen Qiao: "Aha is back, how is the situation outside?"

"The magic repair ran away, I didn't see much."

Sheng Zhenhai was speechless. How violent is his disciple to scare away those evil-doing demons?

"Thank you this time, you go back and rest." Sheng Zhenhai said Wen.

After bidding farewell to Sheng Zhenhai, Wen Qiao immediately returned to Ju Cuifeng.

The little unicorn who was guarding Jucui Peak found them back and ran out quickly, "Sister Wen, you are back."

Wen Qiao walked over like a gust of wind, her clothes fluttered, and asked, "Is your husband awake?"


Wen Qiao's expression was dim, and she strode to the front of the room, and when she stepped into the room, the steps were light and slow, as if she was afraid of disturbing the rest of the person on the bed.

She sat in front of the bed, looked at the man on the bed, couldn't help but stretched out her hand to touch the pale face, and took out a lotus seed of pure water to feed him.

There are not many Jinglingshui lotus seeds, but Wen Qiao can't enter the space to plant, and can't replenish it, so the rest of the decision is fed to him.

After feeding the Jinglingshui lotus seeds, Wen Qiao took his hand and inspected his body, and found that the meridians were being repaired, the cracks on the spirit orifice were finally repaired with more spiritual power, and the damaged dantian...

In short, it still looks full of wounds and severe injuries, but it is slowly recovering.

Wen Qiao decided to go to the treasure peak of the Chixiao Sect later to see if there is something suitable for keeping the body. In recent years, they have respected many good things from the sect. These things are recorded as the contribution value of the sect. Countless, with these contribution values, you can exchange all kinds of heaven and earth treasures in the treasure peak.

Wen Qiao sat for a while, suddenly his eyes fell on the eyebrows of the person on the bed.

There is a place to know the sea.

Grandma and the others are not here, Min Shus this cousin and also followed back, no one is staring now...

Miss Wen, whose mind suddenly became active, took the hand of the man in a coma, and whispered: "Husband, you have not been awake, I am quite worried, although the great-grandparents said, waiting for you to finish refining the soul Li will wake up, but...I still want to see it myself..."

She talked to herself for a while to the man in a coma, consciously confessing to herself, so she placed a ban on the surroundings to prevent anyone from coming and disturbing.

After doing this, Wen Qiao rolled over to bed.

She sat cross-legged on the inside of the bed, next to the person in a coma, and then stretched out a hand and dropped her fingers to the center of his eyebrows.

Wen Qiao separated a ray of divine consciousness and carefully explored the sea of ​​consciousness in Ning Yuzhou.

As soon as the divine sense entered, she felt extremely terrible pressure, and suddenly stopped when the terrible force that almost strangled everything was about to strangle her divine sense.

Wen Qiao's closed eyes trembled slightly.

After the force that wanted to strangle her disappeared, Wen Qiao could finally see Ning Yuzhou's sea of ​​consciousness clearly.

Looking at it this time, he was stunned.

If the sea of ​​consciousness of human beings is another world controlled by the cultivator, then the appearance of the sea of ​​consciousness is diverse. It can be blue sky and white clouds, mountains and rivers, boundless seas, or emptiness. ...

Wen Qiao's own sea of ​​consciousness is like an ocean, with blue sky and blue water, clear and clean.

But Ning Yuzhou's Sea of ​​Consciousness was a void filled with storms. Here, there are ubiquitous storms raging, like tearing all the creatures to pieces, and can't complain that those who come in to explore will be strangled. After seeing the situation of the sea of ​​consciousness, it is not surprising to hear it.

Wen Qiao could feel the space-tearing storm around her, her spiritual consciousness was like a little pitiful, and she carefully fumbled around.

This Sea of ​​Consciousness is too big, the storm is so great that it is impossible to find Ning Yuzhou's primordial spirit, let alone awaken him.

It wasn't until a tingling pain came from the sea of ​​consciousness and feeling overconsumed that Wen Qiao pulled out the ray of consciousness back, couldn't help holding his forehead, silently staring at the awake person on the bed.

I don't know how long it took, and Wen Qiao woke up awakened when he felt the restrictions imposed by her.

She jumped out of the bed, opened the restriction, and saw the anxious smelling rabbit and the surprised teacher at the doorway.

"Sister, what were you doing in there just now?" Wen Tutu said fiercely, "You're not trying to enter Brother Ning's Sea of ​​Knowledge, right?"

Wen Qiao didn't say a word.

Wen Tutu immediately knew that he had guessed correctly, and pulled her nervously, "Are you okay? Would you like to eat Yang Yuan Dan for nourishment?"

Wen Qiao shook his head, "It's okay, it just consumed some energy and didn't hurt the soul."

"Huh?" Wen Tutu blinked his eyes, and quickly reacted and said in surprise, "Have you explored Brother Ning's sea of ​​consciousness? Didn't Ning hurt you?"

Wen Qiao nodded.

"Oh, you are worthy of being Taoists. It seems that Brother Ning should remember you and reluctant to hurt you." Shi Wuming also said happily.

After learning that Wen Qiao had successfully entered Ning Yuzhou's Zhihai exploration, Wen Tutu immediately asked about the situation, and when she heard the results of her exploration, she was immediately disappointed.

"How could this be?" Wen Tutu was puzzled, "Could it be that after Brother Ning swallowed the evil soul, the power of the soul is so powerful that even the sea of ​​knowledge is different from others?"

"That's for sure!" Shi Wuming was determined, "If he is the same as others, he is not Ning Yuzhou!"

Knowing that Wen Qiao could successfully enter Ning Yuzhou's Sea of ​​Knowledge, Wen Tutu no longer stopped her, but hoped that she would wake up Ning Yuzhou as soon as possible.

So in the following days, Wen Qiao divided a ray of divine consciousness into Ning Yuzhou's sea of ​​consciousness every day. It didn't end until exhaustion.

However, Ning Yuzhou's sea of ​​consciousness is too wide, and the storm is raging. Wen Qiao feels like a traveler trekking in endless storms. He doesn't know when he is tall or how he trek to find his destination.

Still nothing.

Wen Qiao was a little depressed.

The teacher had no orders to comfort him: "It's okay, let's continue! You see, no one else can detect it, only you can detect it. It can be seen that he is conscious of your existence. As long as you continue, you may be able to find him."

Wen Qiao was initially depressed for a while, receiving his comfort, cheered up again.

Days pass in the sea of ​​knowledge where Wen Qiao visits Ning Yuzhou every day.

Sheng Zhenhai received the news from the outside and wanted to find Wen Qiao to go out to fight. He didn't expect to be rejected by her. When he heard about what she was doing, he was a little frightened.

"Are you OK?"

Wen Qiao looked at him calmly, "It's okay, Master, do you think I have something to do?"

Sheng Zhenhai looked at her carefully, her complexion was ruddy and full of energy, unlike her pale and weak after being strangled with spiritual consciousness, she did seem to be a okay person. He couldn't help muttering in his heart, could it be that even though Ning Yuzhou was in a coma, the soul was still conscious and subconsciously unwilling to hurt his Taoist companion?

After discovering that she was busy, Sheng Zhenhai had no choice but to give up.

"Master, is the situation terrible? If it really doesn't work, let Wen Tutu and Brother Shida go." Wen Qiao suggested.

Hearing Tutu has no objection, anyway, he has nothing to do when he stays at Ju Cuifeng, so it is better to go out and kill the demons to practice. Although Shi Wuming had a lot of opinions, he didn't really want to go out, but it was a pity that he was suppressed by Wentutu.

"Brother Brother, you have been in the Yuanzong Realm for many years, and you should also upgrade your cultivation base, lest Brother Ning and Sister Ning will become the Yuan Emperor Realm in the future, and you are still in the Yuanzong Realm." Wen Tutu said.

The teacher Wumingxin said that he was not the two monsters, and he was not comparable to them.

After Shi Wuming and Wentutu left, Jucuifeng became more and more deserted.

However, Wen Qiao didn't notice, she still spent time every day exploring Ning Yuzhou's sea of ​​consciousness, just wanting to wake him up.

On this day, Wen Qiao controlled the divine consciousness to explore the sea of ​​consciousness in Ning Yuzhou cautiously, carefully avoiding the storm that could easily strangle divine consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness, and went all the way deep.

Suddenly, Wen Qiao noticed something not far away, and he refreshed.

She carefully avoided the surrounding storm and looked forward, and gradually saw a black cocoon-shaped ball, and the surrounding storm circumvented it, seemingly afraid to approach it.

How could there be such a black ball?

Wen Qiao was a little strange, and tentatively leaned over.

When her divine consciousness was about to touch the thing, a force suddenly emerged and instantly bounced her out.

The consciousness retracted like an electric shock. When Wen Qiao opened his eyes, he involuntarily stepped back a few steps, and his face was slightly pale.


Wen Qiao swallowed the sweetness of his throat and looked up, and saw that the man who had been sleeping on the bed had opened his eyes and smiled at her.

Her eyes widened, her expression was blank for a moment, until she confirmed that the person on the bed was still looking at her with those clear and smiling eyes, she rushed over and threw herself into his arms.

Ning Yuzhou felt a little pain in her heart when she was hit, and reluctantly raised her hand to encircle her body, and said softly: "Let you wait a long time, I'm fine."

Wen Qiao said boredly: "It's okay, I'm very worried."

"I am sorry……"

She rubbed her head against his heart, making him a little itchy, and some wanted to laugh, but when she thought of the changes in her previous knowledge of the sea, the smile on her lips curled up slightly.

It wasn't until Wen Qiao had enough to look up at him.

Ning Yuzhou's face was smiling. Although his face was pale, his soothing eyebrows were still beautiful and beautiful, as bright as the moon.

She hesitated and asked: "My husband, how did you wake up?"

"I woke up when I felt your touch." Ning Yuzhou sat up halfway, with a big pillow behind him, and looked at her calmly.

"You know the black thing in the sea..." Wen Qiao still hesitated, staring at him tightly.

Ning Yuzhou said in a calm and clear manner: "This is the power left by the evil cultivator soul. I haven't refined it yet."

Wen Qiao blinked, "Really?"


She finally breathed a sigh of relief, took his hand and said, "I thought the evil spirit was still there, making waves in your sea of ​​knowledge." In fact, she was very worried. When he woke up, it was not her familiar husband. It's another evil existence.

Fortunately, this person is still familiar to her, and there is no evil in him.

Ning Yuzhou couldn't help but laugh, pulled her into his arms, bowed his head and kissed her.

Familiar touch, gentle and delicate, with the smell of the other party remaining on his lips and teeth. He rubbed her face that was becoming flushed, and said warmly: "Familiar?"

She nodded obediently, it was his breath and taste that didn't have anything else that shouldn't be there.

Ning Yuzhou smiled and rubbed her into his arms.

After the two quietly leaned together and enjoyed the joy of reunion for a while, Wen Qiao finally remembered what was going on.

She said with a serious face: "You are injured very seriously this time. Whether it is a physical injury or an injury to the sea, you must take care of it. Starting tomorrow, we will practice, and I will accompany you in double cultivation."

Ning Yuzhou: "..."

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