Thousands of water means blade, tear a crack.

In an instant, the demonic energy and death aura that spewed from the crack screamed, and when she was about to sweep the black robe man from a hundred meters away, the leading woman waved her slender hand, using the water as the boundary to block the demon. Qi and death Qi, and force them back into the Sealed Demon Secret Realm.

Seeing this, the black-robed people a hundred meters away showed enthusiasm in their eyes.

Jiuye looked at the figure in front of him, with obsessive eyes in his eyes. After thinking of something, his eyes gradually returned to clarity, leaving only a forbearance of restraint.

He walked forward slowly, stopped when he was some distance away from the woman, and whispered, "Holy Lord, the subordinates are ready."

The Lord's long sleeves slid, and a soft voice like water said: "Go in."

After speaking, she took the lead to walk in, facing the deadly and devilish wind, her robe fluttered, but she couldn't insult her at all.

Jiuye followed closely behind with more than a hundred disciples of the Heavenly Sage Sect behind him.

Soon after they entered, the torn channel gradually disappeared, and calm again above the wilderness, leaving no trace.


Ning Yuzhou suddenly opened his eyes.

Outside the window, a lone moon hung high in the sky, and the cold moonlight fell on Jucui Peak, the wind was bleak, and the shadows of the trees were whirling.

In the dead of night, he heard his heartbeat, extremely clear.

"Husband?" A voice filled with deep sleep sounded, and the person in his sleep struggled to wake up, "What's the matter?"

Ning Yuzhou looked at the person in his arms, patted her on the back, and whispered, "Wake you up? Nothing, you sleep."

However, Wen Qiao could not sleep anymore. She sat up with the quilt and yawned. From the corner of her eye, she saw someone who was naked after she had robbed the quilt. She quickly divided half of the quilt to cover his body.

She coughed slightly, "After sleeping for a day, I feel that I am in a good spirit now, let's practice."

She absolutely stopped mentioning the term "double repair", so as not to be dragged to the bed by him to find excuses. It was obvious that double repair was a very serious thing, but he always made it unremarkable. It is said that double cultivation is a combination of soul and body, but Wen Qiao likes "spirit" cultivation, and her husband likes "meat", Wen Qiao can't just take care of herself selfishly, so she has to accommodate him, and the matter of dual cultivation becomes half and half.

Ning Yuzhou's eyes were gentle. Seeing her full of energy, her eyes fell down, and she could vaguely glimpse the amorous feelings from the densely concealed clothes.

He smiled and said, "Never mind, then practice."

Wen Qiao immediately became happy, and quickly pulled him up.

When Wen Qiao urged Ning Yuzhou to practice hard, he suddenly received news from Qianlinmen.

The submerged scale gate was attacked by the magic repair.

"It's okay?" Wen Qiao asked.

The Qianlinmen disciple who came to convey the news said: "It's okay for the time being, Master Wen and Master Master blocked the first sneak attack, but Gu Zhangshan is now besieged by the demons. It will last for a long time, I'm afraid it won't last."

"How to besiege?" Wen Qiao asked in a strange way, could it be impossible to solve even Wen Tutu and the teacher's lifelessness.

"I don't know what method Moxiu uses to get a terrible thorn plant. The plant is extremely overbearing. No grass grows wherever it passes, and the creatures retreat. As long as they are there, the subliminal gate will be trapped. day."

Wen Qiao was a little surprised. She didn't say anything. First, let the Qianlinmen disciple who came to deliver the news continue to stare at the situation on the side of Guzhang Mountain.

Wen Qiao returned to her room and informed Ning Yuzhou of the incident.

Ning Yuzhou was also a little surprised. He pondered for a moment and said, "Let's go over and take a look."

"But your injury..." Wen Qiao hesitated. According to his situation, it would take another year to raise his injury before the injury on his body could be completely repaired.

"It's all right." Ning Yuzhou smiled at her, "I don't do it. I don't need to do it if you are there, don't I?"

Wen Qiao thought for a while and felt that he was right.

Unless it is like encountering the ghost head in the Xie Xiu Dongfu and the Xie Xiu Yuanshen in the Yuansheng Realm, other times, it is true that Ning Yuzhou does not need to make a move, she can stand in the front.

Wen Qiao could proudly say that even if the other party came from the Yuan Emperor Realm, she would dare to stand upright.

"In fact, no matter how powerful the magic plant is, it doesn't matter much, but most plants are afraid of fire and can be solved by fire." Ning Yuzhou said, taking out the fire cloud square seal.

Wen Qiao understood at a glance that she summoned Little Phoenix, "Wen Maomao, it's time for you to take action again. Guzhang Mountain is besieged by Moxiu, and Grandpa is there too, so I want you to rescue them. Take the opportunity to set off. Before, you hurried to breathe fire more toward the fire cloud Fang Tianyin and fill it up."

Hearing that he was going to rescue Grandpa, Little Phoenix suddenly straightened out his furry chest and promised that he would complete the task.

Next, both Xiao Qilin and Wen Gungun were fortunate to see Xiao Fenghuang's weight loss process.

When it filled the phoenix spirit fire with the fire cloud square seal, the little phoenix had changed from a plump, fat bird to a slender little yellow bird, plus the yellow fluff, it looked very cute.

It's a pity that this kind of cuteness can only last for a quarter of an hour. After swallowing a pure water lotus seed, the little phoenix swells up like a ball.

Wen Qiao and Ning Yuzhou were not idle when Little Phoenix poured Phoenix Spirit Fire into the Fire Cloud Fang Tianyin.

One seizes the time to refine the alchemy and draws amulet, and the other enters the space to produce more pure water lotus seeds.

After half a month of busy work, they set off for Guzhang Mountain.

In a hurry, they went to Yujian.

Wen Qiao was driving the flying sword, and the flying sword dragged an aura to disappear.

Ning Yuzhou was sitting behind the flying sword. There was a spiritual power cover around the flying sword, blocking the wind from all directions. Although it was a hurry, but thinking that Ning Yuzhou's injury had not healed, Wen Qiao treated him as a fragile object and treated him carefully, how he was willing to use his spiritual power.

She has Wood Origin Spirit Orbs, not much, just a lot of spiritual energy, and it is perfectly fine to use them on the road.

Little Phoenix and Wen Gungun were also flying swords, Wen Gungun lay on Ning Yuzhou's shoulders, lazily gnawing on the spirit pill, while Little Phoenix stood majesticly on his mother's shoulders, and stood against the wind with her.

Looking at Wen Qiao's back, Ning Yuzhou suddenly said: "Ah, I am now a king-level crafting master. When I go back, I will build a king-level flying boat. How about?"

"Yes." Wen Qiao said without looking back, "but pay attention to your body and wait for your injury to heal."


Ning Yuzhou smiled, and the gentleness between his brows and eyes seemed to be tender for time.

Five days later, they arrived at Guzhang Mountain.

From a distance, I saw that black magic plant growing wildly. They formed a black ocean, which not only encircled Guzhang Mountain, but also filled up the original Guzhang Town and destroyed Guzhang Town.

Guzhang Town was originally just a small town. Later, due to the establishment of Qianlinmen, many practitioners chose to settle and develop in Guzhang Town. Guzhang Town has been expanded again and again, gradually forming a small training city. If Qianlinmen continues in the future Growing up, Guzhang Town may become a medium-sized cultivation city similar to Taize City.

And now, the town of Guzhang is destroyed.

Nearly 100,000 people in Guzhang Town don't know what to do.

Demon plants are black vines, black leaves, and black thorns. Only its flowers are pure white, just like the only light blooming in the dark, pure and inviting, revealing a kind of magical breath.

Ordinary cultivators take a look, and are bewitched by it, and unknowingly step into its hunting range.

It is indeed very overbearing, except for it, there is no grass around it.

Ning Yuzhou glanced at it and said, "It is a resurrection vine conceived by a demon worm egg. The demon worm egg is an egg of an ancient demon worm in the devil world. For many demon plants, it is rich in nutrients and a single demon worm egg can conceive It came out like a giant vine in the blood-devouring forest. This vine is still young, and it is estimated that the magic egg that breeds it does not have much nutrition."

After listening to Ning Yuzhou's explanation, Wen Qiao suddenly learned, "It turns out that there are so many strange things in the Demon Realm."

Ning Yuzhou chuckled, "There are indeed many weird things that the world can't imagine."

Wen Qiao thought that this was what he had learned from the inheritance of Emperor Xi's bloodline, but did not ask anything, and began to look for the demons around him.

Soon she found the demon cultivator guarding near the vine, or these demon cultivators thought that this piece of vine was enough to deter the cultivators of the right path, so they were not afraid of the others at all.

Wen Qiao was a little angry.

She didn't hide it, and shot directly at those demons.

When Wen Qiao approached the Wangsheng Vine, an indescribable fragrance puffed up her nose, and her consciousness was dizzy for a moment, and she quickly abandoned it, and her goal was clearly approaching those magic repairs.

The magic cultivators staying here swallow the flowers of the past vines. The flowers of the past vines are the antidote. As long as you swallow one, you will not be afraid of the floral fragrance of the past vines.

Those righteous cultivators fell into a coma when they smelled the fragrance of the dead vine and let them kill them. When they saw someone coming over today, they didn't look at it either. They thought it was almost the same as before. When she got close to the dead vine and smelled the flowers, she would fall into a coma. Wouldn't they be killed by then?

With such determination, they waited for the nun to come over.

Until the nun had approached, she hadn't seen her in a coma, and the demons were dumbfounded.

In their dumbfounded eyes, Wen Qiao slammed the whip to the sky, and when he fell down, he punched in the air and directly made a blood hole in their chest.

This shot killed most of the demons, leaving only two.

Those two demon cultivators were both in Yuanzong realm. As they were opponents, they looked pale and looked at the corpses of their surrounding companions, kneeling to beg for mercy without hesitation.

Ning Yuzhou walked over Shiran and asked, "Who gave you this maiden vine?"

The two magic cultivators looked at him, and they were also a person who was not deceived by the fragrance of the dead vine. Who are these two people? Or do they have already swallowed the flowers of the past vines, so they can stay awake?

Mo Xiu was in a cold sweat, and stubbornly recruited, "It was given to us by the Sect Master of Hehuan Sect. Let us deal with Qianlinmen."

"The Sect Master of the Hehuan Sect?" Wen Qiao asked in surprise, "Where did she get the Reborn Vine?"

"I didn't know when I waited."

In the end, unable to ask anything, Wen Qiao abolished the two and left them aside.

Ning Yuzhou looked at the luxuriantly growing dead vines and whispered: "It should have been given to the Hehuan Sect by the Heavenly Sage Sect."

Wen Qiao's face was sullen. The Holy Master of the Heavenly Sacred Gate was the enemy who planned to kill her parents. Sooner or later, she was going to kill this woman.

Obviously, the Holy Master of the Heavenly Sacred Gate has been paying attention to her, knowing everything about her, and knowing the relationship between the Qianlinmen and her, so he uses the Qianlinmen to operate the knife, regardless of whether the opponent is trying to force her out or to frighten her. Wen Qiao was very angry.

"Don't be angry." Ning Yuzhou took her hand and said softly, "No matter what Tianshengmen wants to do, we won't let them succeed."

Wen Qiao nodded, took a deep breath, and said, "My husband, destroy it."

The reborn vines were born from the devil eggs and grew up in the wind. If this large piece of reborn vines is not dealt with, I am afraid that this place will be transformed into a magical land, just in line with the wishes of the magicians.

Ning Yuzhou took out the Huoyun Fangtian Seal and threw it up.

The fire cloud Fang Tianyin hung in the air, and a rain of fire started.

Inside the submarine scale gate, the submarine scale gate disciples who looked far here were shocked when they discovered that the fire rain was falling from the sky, and the fire rain could actually burn the black magic plant.

Since Guzhang Mountain was blocked by Mozhi, they have tried every means to solve it.

However, this magical plant that I don't know what it is is too powerful, its floral fragrance will make people fall into a coma, and finally it will be decomposed and eaten by the magical plant as fertilizer, and it is impossible to get close at all.

They also want to use fire to burn, but whether it is a cultivator's fire tactics, or fire amulet, or the ground fire of alchemy, it is not very harmful.

Exhausted, there is still no way to get it.

When they asked for help, they didn't expect a rain of fire from the sky, and instantly the black magic vine turned into a rain of fire, and they were all stunned.

"It's really burning up."

"Go and tell the sect master!"

The sect master of Qianlinmen is Qianshou, and he is regarded as the acting sect master.

Qianshou has also been trying to solve the immediate crisis, but no matter what he thinks, there is no way to solve it. Originally wanted to let the puppet guarding the Guzhang Mountain take action, but although the puppet can kill the demon repair, it can't solve the demon plant.

Wentutu and Shi Wuming who got the news also ran out.

When they saw a scene of fire and rain falling from the sky, the two suddenly said in unison: "Brother Ning/Brother Ning is here!"

"You are talking about the son?" Qianshou asked in surprise.

After getting the affirmative answer, Qianshou happily passed on the news, and immediately the entire Qianlinmen disciples couldn't help cheering, and their respect and yearning for Ning Yuzhou increased.

In addition to the disciples of Qianlinmen, there are also residents of Guzhang Town. They hide in Qianlinmen to avoid the crisis of extinction, and they are also very grateful to Ning Yuzhou.

The fire burned for a day and night before the deceased vine was burned down.

Because it was scorched by the Phoenix Spirit Fire, the surface was scorched black, containing the power of a faint strange fire, and the spiritual plant could not grow in a short time. On the scorched ground, there is still a round thing.

Wen Qiao condensed spiritual power and sucked it in, and observed it through the spiritual power, "Husband, what is this?"

Ning Yuzhou took a look, his eyes flickered, and said, "It's the Demon Egg of the Ancient Demon Insect."

"Isn't it used to grow the vines?" Wen Qiao asked strangely.

"Maybe it was two, so there is one left."

It doesn't matter how many Wen Qiao is, the extra ones are naturally theirs.

She was about to put away the devil's egg, which she didn't know if it had been cooked, when she saw the little phoenix drooling at the devil's egg.

"Do you want to eat?" Wen Qiao asked Little Phoenix.

Little Phoenix nodded hard.

Wen Qiao turned his head and asked Ning Yuzhou, "Husband, can you give it to eat?" Phoenix is ​​a divine beast. Will it be okay to eat the eggs of the devil?

"You can give it to eat." Ning Yuzhou said, "but it will be over-nutrient."

So Wen Qiao put it away decisively, and sternly said to the little Phoenix: "Wen Maomao, you are not short of nutrients now. I have prepared a lot of honey fat and pure water lotus seeds as your rations. After they have no effect on you, You can eat it again."

At this stage, the Jingling Water Lotus is still a very useful thing for Little Phoenix, at least it can eat it into a fat tuft.

Little Phoenix's saliva flowed down, but he couldn't eat, and suddenly tweeted with a little displeasedness.

"It's useless to call. If you can't eat, you can't eat." Wen Qiao used a killer trick. "What if you eat and become a fat phoenix that can't fly? Think about how you will become a phoenix clan in the future. The only fat bird..."


Little Phoenix cried out in horror, not daring to imagine the scene.

Okay, now it finally doesn’t make a fuss about eating the Devil’s Insect Eggs, but obviously it still doesn’t know itself well, thinking that it’s only fat if it’s too fat to fly. Now it can still fly, so it’s not called fat. .

Immediately after putting away the eggs of the devil worm, a group of people were seen flying out of the Guzhang Mountain.

"Master, smell girl!"

"Yuzhou, Ah Woo!"

"Brother Ning, sister!"


A group of people came around in surprise and saw the black soil all over the ground and the ancient town of Guzhang that had been turned into ruins, but it still made them very happy.

At least fortunately to save his life, not being killed by Moxiu.

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