Now that the Northland has fallen, there is another powerful demonic lord under his control, and only fools will get to the Northland at this time.

However, his two apprentices said they were going to the North, and Sheng Zhenhai really wanted to shake them up.

Ning Yuzhou said: "Master, don't worry, we are not looking for the lord of the demons. We just heard that the ancestors are all injured. Go and see them."

"Really?" Sheng Zhenhai looked at him suspiciously.

Their Chixiao Sect has sacrificed an ancestor, and Sheng Zhenhai is really unwilling to take the lives of more disciples, especially the genius disciples who are proficient in pill talisman formations like Ning Yuzhou, they are the treasures of the Zhenzong and cannot be damaged. .

Ning Yuzhou definitely nodded.

At this time, Wen Qiao said: "I heard that Madam was also injured."

This was like a big knife stuck in his chest, Sheng Zhenhai couldn't help suffocating. If it weren't for guarding the sect as the chief of the sect to prevent an accident in the sect, he would have liked to go directly to the north to see the situation of his wife.

What can Sheng Zhenhai say, he can only tell them to be careful, and they must not enter the Northland easily.

The next day, Wen Qiao and Ning Yuzhou left the sect and headed north.

A few days later, they arrived at a mountain range close to the Northland. This was the dividing line of the Northland. Righteous path practitioners stayed here, barely resisting those demons.

As soon as Wen Qiao and Ning Yuzhou approached, they were discovered by the patrolling practitioners.

"It's Little Master and Ning Master, where are you guys?" The patrolling Chixiao Sect disciple was surprised and delighted.

Wen Qiao and Ning Yuzhou leaped down from Feijian and asked, "Will the teacher be here?"

"I'm here."

The disciples of the Scarlet Cloud Sect led them into a valley, where the cultivators used to heal and rest. The formation was arranged. Although it was not comparable to the king-level formation, it was also a heaven-level formation. As for the king-level formation that Ning Yuzhou used to set up in the camp in the northern battlefield, because of their retreat, they could only be left empty there.

Wen Qiao and they soon saw Liu Ruozhu and Qin Hongdao.

Both of them were injured and their breath was weak, which shows how desperate they are on the battlefield.

Without waiting for them to speak, Ning Yuzhou directly checked their bodies, took out a bottle of spirit pill, and said, "You take one, and then go meditate. It will be better in a few days."

Liu Ruozhu opened his mouth, wanting to say something, and then he heard him say: "Where are the three ancestors? I can't help the teacher take me to see them."

The ancestors of the Chixiao Sect had never left since they went to the north to investigate. They stayed here just in case.

Not only them, but also the ancestors of the Yuan Emperor realm from Qingyun Sect and Guiyi Sect. They guarded this place, staring at the situation in the north, and they all guarded the evil spirit master, even if they were injured, they did not dare to evacuate.

The three ancestors cultivated in the cave deep in the valley.

This so-called cave is just a cave that can be dug and arranged, and it is a cave that can be used for cleaning and retreat.

Before arriving at a cave, Liu Ruozhu said inwardly: "Master, Yuzhou and Acha are here, I have something to look for you."

The ancestor Yun Tianfeng's voice soon came from inside, "Come in."

Discovering that the prohibition in front of the cave was opened, Liu Ruozhu led the two in.

The ancestor Yun Tianfeng sat cross-legged on a futon in the cave. When he saw the two of them, his brows were slightly twisted, and he asked, "Why are you here suddenly?"

He and Sheng Zhenhai have the same mentality, Ning Yuzhou is the treasure of Zhenzong, if unfortunately falls, it will be a huge loss for Chixiaozong. These old guys stayed here, holding the evil spirit’s lord as a disaster, and desperately trying to stop them. If they can’t stop it, the Shengwu Continent will be overthrown by it, regardless of Ning Yuzhou or Ning Yuzhou. Wen Qiao will be the pillar of the Chixiao Sect, leading the Chixiao Sect disciples to evacuate the central continent and retreat to the endless sea.

The Saint Martial Continent does not have a Primordial Saint Realm that can defeat the Lord of Demons, but it does not mean that other continents do not.

There will always be a way out.

Ning Yuzhou said: "I heard that you are injured. There is a healing pill for the juniors here."

The ancestor of Yuntianfeng looked surprised.

After cultivating to the Yuan Emperor realm, it is easy to not get hurt. Once injured, it is a serious injury. It takes a long time to cultivate. Especially in the Saint Martial Continent, there is no Saint-level alchemist, and the effect of the king-level spirit pill on them is actually It's not big, and that's why they can only carry it on their own after being injured.

But Ning Yuzhou's words made him a little surprised.

Ning Yuzhou didn't bother with him, took out two pill bottles and pushed them over.

The ancestor Yun Tianfeng opened it, and found that one pill bottle was a black and white spirit pill, which was filled with rich vitality, and the other pill bottle was a jade-white spirit pill with a few purple pill patterns. , Exuding a soft breath.

Because of being so close, when he smelled the pill incense, he could feel the pain in his body that had been plagued him as if it had become much lighter.

"The black and white one is the Yin and Yang Nirvana Real Pill, which can replenish vitality and remove dead energy; the other is the Huangquan Nirvana Real Pill, which is used to treat injuries. First take the Yin and Yang Nirvana Real Pill, and then take the Huangquan Zi Dan to heal." Ning Yuzhou Explain gently.

The ancestor of Yun Tianfeng was a little confused, looking at these two kinds of pills, and asked: "You did it?"

After asking, he found out that he was talking nonsense. He couldn't see the level of the Yin and Yang Nirvana Real Pill, but the Huangquan Purple Pill could be seen. It was a king-level spirit pill.

Liu Ruozhu was very happy, but he didn't expect that Ning Yuzhou and the others would really give them a pill this time.

After sending the spirit pills to the ancestors of Yuntianfeng, they gave spirit pills to the other two ancestors before they made time to inquire about the Northland.

The three ancestors of the Chixiao Sect were sitting together, and none of them looked very good.

Ning Yuzhou and Wen Qiao sat opposite them. Ning Yuzhou made a pot of tea, first poured a cup for Wen Qiao, and then poured it to the three ancestors.

Liu Ruozhu was not there, so he was rushed back to take the Ling Pill and meditate to heal his injuries.

The three ancestors were in a dignified mood. They couldn't help but twitch their mouths when they saw him taking care of his Taoist companion first. When they took a sip of tea, they suddenly realized that this tea was not ordinary spiritual tea. , I could feel the power of the Five Elements, even though there was only a trace, it still shocked them.

"What kind of tea is this?" Yuntianfeng ancestor asked in surprise.

"Ling tea made from the leaves of the five willow trees." Ning Yuzhou said calmly, pouring another cup for Wen Qiao.

Ordinary people cannot get close to the Five Willows, so the tea leaves are picked by Wenqiao and refined into tea by Ning Yuzhou. Wuliushu's tea is also very precious. There is only a small tin, and it will be gone after ten times. You have to pick it next time.

The three ancestors took a closer look at the moment, and their original solemn expressions were a little relaxed.

After drinking tea, we still have to face reality.

The ancestor Yun Tianfeng put down the tea cup and said thoughtfully: "The North Land has now fallen into the territory of evil spirits. When I entered the North Land that day, I also saw the Lord of the evil spirits and fought against him."

As a result of the fight, the four ancestors of the Yuan Emperor Realm of the Chixiao Sect, one fell and three were injured.

Speaking of this, everyone present showed regret. The Chixiao Sect is guarded by four Yuan Dynasty ancestors, which are the confidence of the Chixiao Sect, which shocks the outside world and maintains the strength of the Chixiao Sect. The loss of one is a great loss to the Chixiao Sect.

"Fortunately, the other party doesn't seem to want to kill, and this is a warning."

As soon as the words of the ancestor Yun Tianfeng fell, the ancestor of Tianjianfeng also said: "Just so, the aura of the master of the evil demon is quite terrifying, and the strength must not be weaker than the Primordial Saint Realm. The difference between the realm and the Tianyuan is different. , If he hadn’t paid attention to me, I’m afraid I would have to die in the Northland that day."

"Although I don't know what the Lord of Demons will do after breaking the seal, we are now in a passive position and can only watch the changes."

After listening to the three of them, Ning Yuzhou thought for a while and asked, "What did he look like when you saw him that day?"

The three of them didn't know why he asked this, but they didn't explore, and described what they had seen.

"His appearance is extremely similar to the image sealed in the secret world 50,000 years ago, except that his pupils are gray."

"The gray is like a lifeless breath."

"Moreover, the aura on his body is not only devilish, but also more deadly."

About 50,000 years ago, the evil demon suddenly appeared on the Saint Martial Continent. Later, the ancestors of the Yuansheng Realm killed him at the cost of the same death, and the body was sealed in the Secret Realm of Sealing Demons.

The true appearance of the evil demon still has its image in the collection room of the three sects, the purpose is to let future generations know this past, and to guard against the sealed demon's body in the sealed demon secret realm to prevent any accidents.

However, after tens of thousands of years, the demons were still born, and as the master of demons, with a group of demons conceived in the secret realm of demons, they occupied the north with lightning speed.

"The three ancestors know why the Lord of the Evil Demon was born suddenly?" Wen Qiao asked curiously.

The three looked at each other and shook their heads.

"However, when we passed by, we found the breath of someone near the Demon Sealing Secret Realm. Although they were dressed in black robes and couldn't see their true colors, they were sure that they were human beings, not human demons." Yuntianfeng ancestor affirmed. Say.

"Could it be from the Heavenly Sage Gate?" Wen Qiao blurted out.

The three of them were taken aback, and subconsciously said: "Should it not be enough?"

Although they ignore the secular world, they also know that the Heavenly Sage Gate, whether it is the enemy of the Min family in the inner waters, or the culprit who provoked the battle between the righteous and demons, are all related to the Heavenly Sage Gate.

The three of them were shocked when thinking of the methods used by the Demon Cultivator during the battle between the demon and the demon. Could it be that this was really the work of the Heavenly Sacred Gate?

"What Ah Wah said is possible." Ning Yuzhou said calmly, "Why did the Heavenly Sacred Gate provoke the righteous war? Where did they find so many things from the Demon Realm and give them to the Demon Cultivator? There are still some items in the Demon Realm. Traces can be found, but the left is only obtained from the sealed demon universe."

"Do you know Feng Mo Tianyu?" the three ancestors asked in surprise.

Ning Yuzhou nodded slightly, "I heard a few words from Master."

So, the three of them nodded slightly, thinking that his guess was correct. Those things in the Demon Realm were indeed obtained from the Sealed Demon Heaven, and they would not be brought back from the Demon Realm. After all, the Three Realms passages were always closed.

In fact, they suspected that the master of the demons in the Conferred Demon Realm should have also come from the Conferred Demon Heaven.

"Then what do you think is the purpose of Tianshengmen?" Yun Tianfeng ancestor asked him, "Tianshengmen awakened the lord of the demons from the seal, what did he do?"

The two ancestors of Tianjian Peak also looked at Ning Yuzhou, and they found that the disciple's mind was turning very fast, and they could give some clues to analyze the matter.

Ning Yuzhou shook his head, "I haven't seen the holy master of the Heavenly Sage Gate, so I can't guess her purpose. However, this battle of the Heavenly Sage Gate was indeed deliberately provoked, and it should be used to cover up them The purpose of the whereabouts is to allow the Lord of the Demons to be born."

When the three ancestors listened, they were very frightened.

The Heavenly Sage Gate is simply a sinner in the Saint Martial Continent, not to mention provoking the battle between the righteous and demons, and even the Lord of the demons was born.

"Speaking of which, the holy master of the holy gate on this day, I heard that it is the former holy woman of Baifeng Island in the inner sea-Di Yu." After they said, they took a look at Wen Qiao, and counted them according to their generation and relationship. Di Ying He is also related to Wen Qiao.

Wen Qiao was expressionless, as if she hadn't heard what they meant. In her heart, she didn't treat Baifeng Island as a relative.

A few people chatted for a while, and it was initially determined that the reason for the Lord of the Evil Demon's birth was the work of the Heavenly Sage Gate. As for the method used by the Heavenly Sage Gate to wake up the Lord of the Evil Demon, it remains to be explored.

Ning Yuzhou said: "The master of the evil demon had already been lost. The one who was born now is formed by the condensate of death energy. It can be regarded as the existence of a dead creature. I have heard that there is a magic technique in the devil world, which is reversal. After the death of the demons, if they are unwilling, they can use the technique of reversing the souls, so that the corpse will not decay or go bad, the dead will not retreat, and it will become a monster and resurrect."

However, this is the most undecent and unacceptable for the demons, and very few demons are willing to do so.

The three ancestors were shocked.

They only noticed that the Lord of the Demons was born, but did not think so much, and even ignored the fact that the demons that wreaked havoc on the mainland had fallen. The only thing that was sealed in the Secret Realm of Demons was a corpse.

I don't know that even the corpse will be transformed into a more terrifying monster.

After Ning Yuzhou and Wen Qiao left the cave, the three ancestors sat there, silent for a long time.

After walking around the valley for a while, the two were invited over.

They were invited by Guiyizong’s three Yuan Emperor Realm ancestors. The other party was also injured when fighting against the Lord of the Evil Demon. I heard that Ning Yuzhou had come and went straight to the cave house of the ancestor of the Scarlet Heaven Sect. A spiritual pill that can heal.

Unexpectedly, after I invited someone over, I tentatively asked, and it really did.

The ancestor of Guiyizong was overjoyed and said, "Little friend Ning, whatever you ask, I will give you whatever the deity has." People's spirit pill is not brought by the wind, especially the king-level pill is so precious and natural. It is impossible to pass as soon as you speak.

The ancestor of Gui Yizong took out some precious treasures from his storage bag and let Ning Yuzhou pick them.

Ning Yuzhou didn't refuse. After accepting it with a smile, he handed it to Wen Qiao, and asked her to choose what she liked, and then chatted with the ancestors of Guiyizong. It was naturally the lord of the evil demon.

The ancestors of the three sects had all seen the Lord of the Evil, and confirmed the strength of the Lord of the Evil, which made them quite jealous.

"It's a pity that our Saint Martial Continent doesn't have a Primordial Saint Realm, otherwise, why should we be afraid of the Lord of Demons?"

Speaking of this, everyone feels a little pity.

It has been tens of thousands of years, and there is still no one in Shengwu Continent who can achieve the Primordial Saint Realm. Even the strongest ancestor of Yun Tianfeng can stop at the later stage of the Yuan Emperor Realm, and has been stuck in this realm for thousands of years.

Then came the ancestor of Qingyunzong.

Qingyunzong was also the three ancestors of the Yuan Dynasty, all of them were injured, and they exchanged spiritual pills with Ning Yuzhou with the treasures of heaven, material and earth in their own collection.

After obtaining the elixirs, the ancestors of the three sects retreat to heal their wounds, striving to heal their wounds in the shortest possible time.

The arrival of Ning Yuzhou also made the disciples of various sects in the valley breathe a sigh of relief.

As long as he can heal the wounds of his ancestors, he can feel more at ease.

A few days later, both Liu Ruozhu and Qin Hongdao recovered from their injuries and recovered to their peak strength.

After the strength of the two men recovered, Qin Hongdao led the disciples of Chixiaozong out to behead the demons going south, not daring to slack a little bit, let the demons break through the defense and raged south.

"Madam, where is the magic repair in the Northland?" Ning Yuzhou asked.

Liu Ruozhu sighed, "After the Northland fell, they also evacuated from the Northland. It is estimated that they have returned to Xishuiling."

Wen Qiao squinted his eyes and said with a bad look: "Aren't they allied with the Heavenly Sage Gate? Since the Heavenly Sage Gate awakens the Lord of Demons, why don't they move in?"

"They are not stupid either." Liu Ruozhu said coldly, "I'm afraid that after the Lord of the Evil Demon was born, Mo Xiu understood that they were used by the Heavenly Sage Sect. No matter how good the Heaven Sage Sect promised, he dare not now. To question, unless they are desperate."

Who dares to enter the Northland now?

Not to mention that the group of coquettish and cruel demons is the master of the demons, and no one has the courage to join them.

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