Suddenly a spatial passage appeared on the monument surface of the giant monument.

The space passage winds away, teaching people can’t see where it ends.

Gu Zihan said: "Everyone, the assessment begins, please enter the Saint Martial Monument."

Hearing that, the thirty-nine Yuan Emperor Realm present glanced at each other, and without hesitation, they flew to the space channel where the Saint Martial Monument appeared, and disappeared one by one.

The five people from the Saint Martial Hall were the last to enter.

Soon after they disappeared into the space channel, the huge monument submerged under the sand sea again, and the yellow sand was overflowing with no trace.


When her feet stood firm, Wen Qiao saw the gray sky in the distance and countless black monuments standing under the sky.

This scene looked a little crippled, Wen Qiao glanced at it silently, and found that there was no one else in this space except herself. Recalling the situation after entering the space passage of the Saint Martial Monument, we know that this assessment separates everyone, and the assessment content may even be different for each person.

Then, Wen Qiao found that the spiritual power in her body was like a stone sinking into the ocean, she couldn't even feel it, let alone use it.

Spiritual cultivation is extremely dependent on spiritual power. Without spiritual power, many abilities and supernatural powers cannot be used. It is like a tiger whose teeth have been pulled out and can only be slaughtered by people. Fortunately, Wen Qiao is a physical cultivation and does not rely very much on spiritual power. Now that he has no spiritual power, apart from being unable to fly with the sword, there is no inconvenience.

Not only the spiritual power, but also the divine consciousness can't be used, and he can only rely on his eyes to observe the surrounding situation.

A cultivator is more dependent on divine consciousness than his eyes. Without divine consciousness exploration, it is like being blindfolded with a second pair of eyes. Only relying on the naked eye will ignore the crisis in the dark.

But Wen Qiao quickly calmed down.

She walked into the forest of steles and watched these monuments as she walked.

The huge monument is about ten feet high, and it is naturally not as high as the sacred martial monument. People walking in it seem very small.

Wen Qiao raised his head to look at the giant monument. They were all black with ancient runes painted on them, like runes from ancient times. Originally, Wen Qiao's cognition of runes should not have understood their meaning, but when she saw these ancient runes, she understood inexplicably.

There seemed to be some kind of power that she could easily understand.

The rune on the stele records the life of an individual.

Wen Qiao looked over and found that although the lives of these people were detailed, she had never heard of their names, and guessed that these people should be from ancient times.

Wen Qiao walked through the forest of steles.

Occasionally, when I am interested, I will take a look at the runes on the stele, but it still travels through the stele forest at a very fast speed.

She didn't know what the assessment content of the Saint Martial Monument was. She was sent to this strange forest of steles. She didn't see any special circumstances happening. She decided to follow the thoughts in her heart and cross the forest of steles to look at the other side.

At the end of the forest of steles is a gray mist, I don't know what is there.

Without spiritual power, the sword flew, Wen Qiao ran on two legs.

I don't know how long I ran, and suddenly there was a slight rubbing sound.

Wen Qiao stopped alertly, turned his head and looked around, and found that the monument was actually moving.

The monument moved and changed its position in an instant. If you can't read the runes on the monument, you will feel that all monuments are the same, which easily blurs people's perception and can't judge the east, the west, and the north.

After Wen Qiao waited for the monument to stop, she continued to move forward firmly.

Next, the giant monument moved once every once in a while, each time it would disrupt the direction and interfere with Wen Qiao's direction. It is a pity that this has little effect on Wen Qiao. She can rely on the runes on the discerning monuments to determine the moving positions of these monuments and confirm the direction of advancement, so she has not lost it.

I don't know how many days after walking, Wen Qiao finally passed through the forest of steles.

When she passed through the forest of steles, her figure was immersed in the gray mist, her vision changed, and she came to a dark space.

This place is like an isolated void. There is nothing but a monumental monument with a height of thousands of feet on one side. On the monument are three ancient characters of dragons flying and phoenix dancing. Wen Qiao can recognize them at a glance. Those three characters are: Valkyrie monument.

Wen Qiao was a little puzzled, what is the relationship between the Valkyrie Monument and the Shengwu Monument?

Wen Qiao walked towards the monument to the **** of war and came to the monumental monument that was thousands of feet high.

The black monument stood quietly in this dark void, as if there was endless emptiness rushing towards him.

Wen Qiao tilted it and turned, and finally reached out and put her palm on the cold and smooth stele. In an instant, a thought poured into her sea of ​​knowledge, and she felt the emotion of the giant stele.

I don't know how long it took, Wen Qiao finally opened his eyes and looked up at the still silent and tall Valkyrie monument.

"Are you the artifact that fell to the lower realm during the Three Realms War?" Wen Qiao said to herself, "Where is your weapon spirit? Why don't you see it?"

The Valkyrie Monument remained silent and did not answer her question.

Then, Wen Qiao once again learned from the thoughts poured over from the Valkyrie Monument that the Shengwu Monument is the Valkyrie Monument.

Due to the fact that the Valkyrie Tablet was split into countless pieces and guarded on different continents, the spirit of the Valkyrie Tablet also collapsed and became a divine tool without a spirit.

Although it has no spirituality, it still has some spirituality because it is a divine weapon.

The Martial God Stele splits itself into countless pieces in order to connect certain continents in the Lower Realm with the Sealed Demon World. The Martial God Stele is the entrance to the passage connecting the two realms. Mo Tianyu.

Fengmo Tianyu was once the battlefield of the battle of the Three Realms in the ancient times. Because the passage of the Three Realms was closed, it was pulled into the void by a force, separated from the Three Realms, and independent of another space.

The Valkyrie Stele became the gatekeeper guarding the entrance of the Feng Devil Cosmos, isolating the Feng Devil Cosmos from the human repairing the mainland, so that they would not infringe on each other.

The Saint Martial Monument is a certain part of the main body of the Martial God Monument. Because it is guarded on the Saint Martial Continent, it is called the "Sacred Martial Monument". Its fragments are on a certain continent, and the world will name it after that continent to distinguish it. .

This is the origin of the name "Shengwu Monument".

Wen Qiao couldn't help but feel sorry for it after reading the information given by the Martial God Monument.

Compared with the Pleiades, the Valkyrie Stele is even more pitiful, because the body splits and the spirit of the artifacts die, leaving only a little spirituality left, sticking to it.

But this is the meaning of the existence of the Valkyrie Monument.

Just like the Pleiades, willing to guard the Thousand Demon Caverns, the Holy Martial Monument becomes the gatekeeper of the sealed demon world, and it is also its duty.

As far as divine tools are concerned, the creators who refine them give them the mission and let them perform faithfully. This is also the meaning of their existence, and the spirit of the tool sticks to it in this way.

Wen Qiao sat leaning on the huge Valkyrie stele and muttered, "Why did you pull me here? I have passed the test?"

In the next moment, the idea from the Valkyrie Monument made her understand that she had indeed passed the assessment of the Valkyrie Monument.

Wen Qiao felt that the assessment he had experienced was a bit simple and a bit like cheating.

After experiencing the Pleiades, she knew that the artifact spirit of the artifact would have a certain misunderstanding of her, and regarded her as a companion, even the Pleiades with the artifact spirit, not to mention the Valkyrie monument where the artifact spirit died, only instinct remained. Act.

So she should be regarded as a companion by the Valkyrie Monument, and after successfully passing through the Forest of Monuments, she has passed the assessment of the Valkyrie Monument.

Wen Qiao discussed with the Valkyrie Tablet: "Among the people participating in the assessment this time, there is also my husband. His name is Ning Yuzhou. Don't make him too difficult during the assessment process. There is also Wen Tutu, this is my brother, but the teacher does not. Brother Mingshi, this is a friend... and there is another named Wang Qirong, this is my husband’s newly-acquired younger brother, who should be brought to Feng Mo Tianyu, so that she can pass smoothly..."

The Valkyrie Monument did not convey any thoughts to her this time, so Wen Qiao didn't know if it listened to her own words.

Without the device spirit, it cannot communicate with it normally, and can only obtain its information from the ideas that it actively transmits.

Wen Qiao wanted to sigh.


Ning Yuzhou sat on the throne of the dark demon king, condescendingly watching the group of demons dancing below.

The handsome face became more noble and sacred because of the devil's nature, and those black eyes that were no longer warm and moist were so sober that they were not bewildered by the scene of these demons surrendering.

He is like a bystander, watching a scene that once appeared in memory.

It was a long time ago, so long that he had forgotten it, and until now the memory reappeared, it still didn't make him feel familiar.

From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the whiteness in the darkness. He stretched out his hand and picked up his loose hair, and he saw the white hair representing the fallen god, holy and clean, incompatible with the dark demon world.

Ning Yuzhou laughed suddenly, but he didn't expect that the examination of the Holy Martial Monument was actually his memory.

He sighed and stood up suddenly.

The demons who bowed down below looked up, both in awe and awe, when he stepped off the throne, they retreated like a tide and did not dare to stop him.

Passing through the group of demons, Ning Yuzhou came to the end of darkness.

There is a closed door, and behind the door is another road.

Ning Yuzhou stretched out his hand and opened the door without hesitation.


"You are the last destiny, and you will inherit the name of destiny."

"The Three Realms will fall, the destiny will fall, and the destiny will not be able to carry the will of heaven after all."

"Now you can only throw the savior and destroyer into endless reincarnation, kill their will, and get a glimpse of life. You go, when you wake up in the time track, you will see them, whichever is..."

Shi Wuming lowered his head and sat on a huge corpse.

He suddenly laughed, and said to himself: "Is the assessment of the Holy Martial Monument a question of heart? I have a clear conscience, even if I violate the mandate of heaven, I will not regret it."

As his words fell, the huge corpse suddenly turned into powder with a bang.

Shi Wuming also fell from the corpse.

The corpse seemed to let out a sorrow that contained unwillingness, and was finally neglected ruthlessly and left with strides.


I don't know how long it took, Wen Qiao felt a force appear.

She instantly understood that the assessment of the Holy Martial Monument was about to be completed, and she couldn't help but cheer up.

When being teleported away, Wen Qiao said towards the giant monument in the dark: "War God monument, I will come to see you when I have time in the future, let's see you again."

The Valkyrie Monument is as quiet as before.

After opening his eyes again, Wen Qiao looked intently and saw that many people appeared around him one after another.

In addition to the five people in the Saint Martial Hall, there are ten Yuan Huang realms. These ten Yuan Huang realms are the ones who passed the examination of the Holy Martial Monument this time. Among them, the most concerned people are here and passed the examination smoothly.

Gu Zihan looked at the people who passed the test with a subtle expression.

Naturally, he could also find that among the ten people who passed the assessment, five were clearly in the same group. After they entered the Sealed Demon Realm in the future, the five would unite, and others would have no choice but to bully.

These five people are naturally Wen Qiao, Ning Yuzhou, Shi Wuming, Wen Tutu and Wang Qirong.

Wen Qiao pulled Ning Yuzhou, and the corners of her lips pressed slightly, showing how good her mood was. She was really happy, and felt that the Valkyrie Monument was really on the road, and the people she talked about had passed the examination.

Ning Zhezhou was also very happy. Originally, he was worried that they would not pass the examination of the Holy Martial Monument, but he didn't expect Wen Qiao to come here smoothly.

Yin Xingliu kept his lips secretly. In fact, he hoped that Wen Qiao and Ning Yuzhou would not be able to pass. This proves that even if they have the ability, they can't pass the test of the Holy Martial Monument, it can be seen that it is like that.

It is a pity that the world will not be transferred with his willpower.

"Congratulations to you all for passing the assessment." Gu Zihan smiled, "Since you have passed, then just let me wait for you to go to Fengmo Tianyu."

In addition to the five Wenqiao, the other five were extremely happy.

There were thirty-nine Yuanhuang Realm who participated in the assessment, and only ten people passed the assessment, which shows how harsh the assessment is.

The content of their assessment is also not easy. It is more traumatic than experiencing a self-cultivation of a heart demon, but as long as they pass successfully, they can feel the changes in their mood.

They are all rushing to the Conferred Demon Heaven Territory, hoping to become stronger in the Conferred Demon Heaven Territory, and even achieve the Yuan Emperor Realm in the future.

In fact, the Yuan Emperor Realm of the Saint Martial Continent does not want to go to the Conferred Demon Realm, but is not sure about the situation of the Conferred Demon Realm. They dare not take risks. It is not easy to cultivate to the Yuan Emperor Realm. They have a long life. , It will not be too late to plan in the future.

Therefore, only the Yuanhuang Realm was the only candidate for this assessment.

At this moment they were in a gray space, with no end in sight and no way to go.

Gu Zihan and the others were quite calm. They saw him take out a token and threw it forward. The token was bright red, bursting with a soft light, dispelling the surrounding gray mist, and a passage appeared.

"Everyone, follow me." Gu Zihan said to them.

He took the lead, followed by a few people from Ning Zhezhou, and finally the ten Yuanhuang Realm.

At the end of the passage, there is a giant door, which exudes an illusory atmosphere, it is not high enough to reach the top, like a door to the void, standing there.

When he came to the giant gate, Gu Zihan took out a lot of Demon Orbs.

"This is the Demon Orb? What is it used for?" The question was from the Yuanhuang Realm of Guiyizong.

"The Demon Orb is the power key to open this door." Gu Zihan replied kindly, "Only the power in the Demon Orb can open it."

Wen Qiao watched him pat the Demon Spirit Orb into the giant gate, and felt something wrong.

The Demon Orb is the core of power condensed in the evil demon in the Secret Realm of Demon Sealing. It is equivalent to the demon core of the monster. Other continents do not necessarily have the existence of evil demon. How can one obtain the Demon Orb to open the Valkyrie Stele? Wen Qiao is more inclined to open this door. What is needed is certain power in the Demon Orb. This power can also be replaced by other things, but the Saint Martial Continent happens to have the Demon Orb which can be opened, so don’t bother to find others. substitute.

It is estimated that there are also fixed ways to open the fragments of the Valkyrie stele on other continents.

After not knowing how many Demon Orbs were swallowed, the giant gate gradually solidified, and Gu Zihan stretched out his hand to push it away.

Obviously it looks like a huge gate, but it seems to be opened gently.

Gu Zihan turned his head and said to them: "Everyone, there is an assessment after this giant gate. I hope you can pass it smoothly. The disciples of our Saint Martial Hall will welcome you at the end."

With that, Gu Zihan took a step forward and disappeared in it.

Ning Zhezhou turned his head and glanced at Ning Yuzhou and the others, giving them a look of encouragement, followed by Yin Xingheng and the others, and disappeared behind the door.

The ten people who were left looked at each other, and then looked at Ning Yuzhou.

Here, Ning Yuzhou is familiar to them and has the highest ability. Although this ability is not the strongest combat effectiveness, it is not beyond the reach of others.

Ning Yuzhou said, "Let's go in too."

Wen Qiao first took his hand and said, "I don't know if I will disperse again. I will pull it first."

Master Wuming subconsciously looked for someone who could hold hands, and finally chose to pull Wentutu, "Brother Wen, if you encounter any danger, brother will rely on you."

Wen Tutu said with a stinky face: "You are already in the Yuan Dynasty, don't be so boring."

"It has nothing to do with being unable to make a living. Some people's combat effectiveness is innate and cannot be changed!"

Hearing these plausible words, Wen Tutu wanted to roll his eyes, so he ignored him and followed Wen Qiao behind them.

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