After entering Shengwu City, Guan Hong took them half a circle around the city and came to a tall and magnificent building near the inner city.

The plaque above is three big characters: Shengwutang.

The entrance is a large lobby.

The lobby is divided into three areas, two of which have people coming and going, and only one area is particularly deserted and small in size.

Before they could see the situation in the lobby clearly, Manager Hong had taken them to the deserted area.

Guan Shi said: "This is the Saint Martial Hall. Whether it is issuing, receiving tasks or redeeming rewards, it is here. People who join the Saint Martial Hall also report here."

They walked into the deserted area and entered a long corridor with several rooms lined up on both sides of the corridor.

Guan Shi pushed a room open and walked in first.

The furnishings in the room are very simple, a large square table, a cabinet against the wall, and a middle-aged cultivator sitting in front of the large square table.

"Guan Shi, you are on duty today?" Guan Shi greeted him familiarly.

Guanshi Li smiled and said, "Where did Guanshi Hong come from? These are..." He looked at the ten people behind Guanshi Hong, and felt the vain aura of them inconsistent with Yuanhuang Realm's cultivation.

Guan Shi Hong said: "They are from the mainland, and they have successfully crossed the Meteor Wasteland through the assessment of the Holy Martial Monument. I will bring them over to register."

The Meteor Wasteland is a place used by the Saint Martial Hall for the disciples to experience, and that place is connected to the Saint Martial Monument.

Hearing that these people successfully crossed the meteorite barren star, Guan Shi’s attitude immediately changed. He was pleasantly surprised and said with a smile: "Welcome everyone to Shengwu Island! I don’t know you, but decided to join Shengwu Temple and become Shengwu Temple. disciple?"

Tong Feihe and others subconsciously looked at Ning Yuzhou.

Ning Yuzhou raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, "We have the right to choose?"

It may be that he knows the potential of these people. Guanshi Li’s attitude is much better than that of the Yuanhuang Realm who is guarding the dock. He patiently explained to them, "This is natural! You are from the mainland, and you came to the Sealed Demon Realm through the sacred martial monument. , Rather than the chosen son of the Saint Martial Monument, the Saint Martial Hall cannot be overwhelming."

"This time the Sacred Martial Hall has decided to recruit people from the mainland. I naturally hope that you will join the Sacred Martial Hall and become a member of the Sacred Martial Hall. You can choose to join the Sacred Martial Hall, become a disciple of the outer hall, or become a guest of the Sacred Martial Hall, or Becoming a member of Shengwu City...Three kinds of status have three different treatments."

If you join the Saint Martial Hall and become a disciple of the Outer Hall, you can enter the secret realm of the Saint Martial Hall to practice and enjoy the various training opportunities provided by the Saint Martial Hall. If the disciples of the outer hall are good enough, they can enter the inner hall and become disciples of the inner hall in the future.

The disciples of the inner hall of the Saint Martial Hall can only be joined by the chosen son of the Holy Martial Monument, and the disciple of the inner hall must pass the examination of the inner hall to become the disciple of the inner hall.

If you choose to become a guest, you will not be able to enter the secret realm of the Saint Martial Hall to practice, and can only provide some ordinary training grounds.

If you become a member of Shengwu City, you will only retain the resident status of Shengwu City, and you will not be expelled from Shengwu Island. Others need to work **** their own.

Of course, the above three, no matter what kind, must abide by the rules set by Shengwu Island.

Ning Yuzhou listened, but did not speak.

The five Tong Feihe also pondered, weighing gains and losses in their hearts.

Guan Shi didn't urge them, so he poured a cup of Ling tea for Guan Shi, and the two slowly sipped the tea.

After a long while, Ning Yuzhou said, "We decided to join the Shengwu Temple as a guest."

Wen Qiao, Shi Wuming, Wen Tutu and Wang Qirong were in the same group, and they had no opinion on Ning Yuzhou's decision.

On the contrary, Tong Feihe and others decided to join Shengwu Temple and become disciples of the Outer Temple. They came to seal the demon world for cultivation. When they entered the city, they also saw the situation of Shengwu Island and knew that they had more opportunities to become disciples of the Inner Temple.

The smile on Guanshi Li’s face was extremely enthusiastic. He took out a spiritual tool made from black spar, entered their information and data, and said, “It’s great that you can choose to join the Saint Martial Hall, although the Saint Martial Hall It’s not the strongest force in Fengmo Tianyu, but most of the disciples are from the Saint Martial Continent, and should be watchful and help each other. Although other floating island forces are also good, they are extremely exclusive..."

Not to mention the floating islands of other forces, even if it is Shengwu Island, it is extremely repulsive to practitioners from the non-Shengwu continent.

However, cultivators go against the sky and yearn for freedom. Most of them don’t like being forced. Therefore, after the Saint Martial Hall brings these people to the Sealed Demonic Domain, it does not necessarily force them to join the Saint Martial Hall, but gives them. Choose for yourself.

As long as they are smart, they understand what it means to join Shengwu Island, and they will definitely stay.

After a bright aura glowed from the black spar, ten tokens were spit out from it.

Guan Shi distributed the tokens to them, "This is your identity token. After you brand your divine consciousness, it will be your identity sign for walking in the Fengmo Tianyu in the future."

Everyone learned from the people of the Saint Martial Hall and hung their identity tokens around their waists.

Then Guanshi Hong took them out of Shengwu Hall and walked towards the inner city.

Shengwu City is divided into an inner city and an outer city. The outer city is for cultivators who do not live in the temple.

It is said that most of these cultivators are the descendants of cultivators who stayed in the Fengmo Tianyu during the Battle of the Three Realms, and there are also descendants of cultivators from the Saint Martial Continent. Their aptitude and cultivation base are relatively poor, and they are not eligible to join the Saint Martial Hall. .

On Shengwu Island, as long as the cultivators with good qualifications choose to join the Shengwu Temple, they will become a member of the Shengwu Temple.

The inner city is where the disciples of Shengwu Temple live.

The inner city is divided into several areas, and people of different identities have different residences.

The five people of Wen Qiao were assigned to a beautiful small peak, which is said to be where Keqing lived. As the disciples of the Outer Hall, the five Tong Feihe went to the place where the disciples of the Outer Hall lived.

Guanshi Hong, as the person to be introduced this time, accompanied them all the way, and didn't leave until they were arranged.

Ten cave houses have been opened up on Xiaofeng, and there is more than one cave house for one person to live in.

Wang Qirong picked a cave and decided to hurry up and cultivate as soon as possible. It was important to fit the cultivation base.

Wen Qiao and Ning Yuzhou chose a cave, Shi Wuming and Wen Tutu chose the caves on their left and right as the place of cultivation.

After inspecting the cave, Ning Yuzhou first set up a king-level spirit array around it. After activating the spirit array, he pulled out a few beasts in the space and asked them to recognize the place.

This time I came to seal the demon world, of course, there were not a few beasts left behind, and they hadn't cultivated a human form yet, so they were directly thrown into the space and brought over, saving a lot of trouble.

Little Phoenix hadn't seen Wen Qiao for a long time, and when she came out, she flew into her arms and rubbed.

"Wen Maomao, are you fatter again?" Wen Qiao held a tuft of **** and found that the little Phoenix became more and more porcelain.

"Tweet~" Little Phoenix didn't understand what she was talking about.

Little Qilin did not hesitate to tell her what Xiao Fenghuang had done in the space recently, "Smell Maomao has nothing to eat everywhere during this time. He ate a lot of fairy honey, and the five willow trees dare to provoke them. Fortunately, Jingling water lotus has not The knot, otherwise it will eat it all at once, and many mature spiritual grasses in the space will be eaten by it..."

Little Phoenix squatted quietly on Wen Qiao's shoulders, with a cute and cute appearance.

Wen Qiao laughed, what's the use of being well-behaved now?

Directly punished it to fill the Phoenix Spirit Fire with two Fangtian Seals, and he was not allowed to rest until it was finished, and he had to help it lose weight.

Wen Qiao’s Fang Tianyin was enough. The Huoyun Fang Tianyin rebuilt by Ning Yuzhou had a very large capacity. It might take a few days for Little Phoenix to fill the Phoenix Spirit Fire with the two Fang Tianyins.

No one sympathized with the poor little Phoenix, sitting together drinking tea and talking about what they saw and heard after entering the city.

As he was chatting, he felt that the formation of the cave was touched, and his spiritual sense went out to find that it was Ning Zhezhou.

Wen Qiao opened the formation and let him in.

Ning Zhezhou was very happy to see them, and said with a smile: "I know you can successfully pass the final assessment, how about it? Are there any injuries?"

He looked at several people caringly, and his expression became more and more happy when he found that they were all okay.

This kind of joy comes from the heart, Wen Qiao and Ning Yuzhou have no hatred with him, so they are naturally willing to accept him.

"I was working on a task before. I just returned to Shengwu Island and I knew that you had arrived, so I came to look for you." Ning Zhezhou said apologetically, not that he didn't want to come and look for them in the first place.

Ning Yuzhou and Wen Qiao didn't care about this and asked about his situation in the Saint Martial Hall.

Previously, because Wen Qiao and Ning Yuzhou were not members of the Saint Martial Hall, Ning Zhezhou did not disclose the situation of the Feng Mo Tianyu and the Saint Martial Hall. Now they know that they have joined the Saint Martial Hall and become the guest officials of the Saint Martial Hall. Naturally, there are no worries about this.

"Shengwu Temple is divided into inner hall and outer hall. The inner hall has 13 halls and the outer hall has 28 halls. I am a disciple of the tenth hall of the inner hall and a disciple under the seat of Chu Ke Zhenzun..."

Among the thirteen halls of the inner hall, the lord of each hall is in the Yuan Emperor realm, which is equivalent to thirteen Yuan Emperor realms.

"The lord of the Saint Martial Hall is the Yuansheng Realm, but he is not a person from our Saint Martial Continent, but the descendant of the practitioners who participated in the Three Realms War." Speaking of the lord, Ning Zhezhou was full of admiration. "In addition to those selected by the Saint Martial Temple, many of the disciples of the Saint Martial Hall are also from the Demon Sealing Domain."

Wen Qiao suddenly felt that the people in the Saint Martial Hall had such a strong sense of superiority when they returned to the mainland.

There is a power that sits in the Primordial Saint Realm, and indeed has proud capital.

This also makes sense. The Saint Martial Continent was on the verge of destruction and when we asked for help from the Saint Martial Hall, although the Saint Martial Hall decided to send someone back to investigate the situation, the hall master didn't take it seriously.

Then Ning Zhezhou explained the mission situation of Shengwu Temple for them.

"You are Ke Qing. The Holy Martial Palace does not have high requirements for Ke Qing’s tasks. There are few general mandatory tasks. You don’t have to worry that mandatory tasks will disturb your cultivation. As for ordinary tasks, the rule is that you must complete at least one each year. You can do so at your discretion. Choose to do it, but my suggestion is that you should practice first at this stage. As for the task, you can make up for it later, or use spirit stones to advance it."

Ning Zhezhou looked at Wen Qiao, and when he was in Shengwu Continent, he couldn't see through their cultivation bases, but now he could feel that their cultivation bases seemed to be similar to his own.

This is the suppression of Fengmo Tianyu on them.

Wen Qiao nodded naturally, as they planned.

Ning Zhezhou talked to them for a while, and when it was too late, he got up to leave and let them rest.

He left them the sounding talisman branded with his own consciousness, so that they could find him if they had something to do.

After Ning Zhezhou left, Wen Qiao rushed to Wen Tutu and her teacher to practice, and she also retreats with Ning Yuzhou to practice.

She took Ning Yuzhou's hand and said, "Husband, let's work hard! After I leave the customs, I will find someone to fight and measure the degree of adaptation."

Seeing her eager to try, what can Ning Yuzhou say? Can only agree with a smile.


After half a month, Wen Qiao opened her eyes while meditating.

She felt the situation in her body, and found that the imaginary cultivation base had precipitated a lot. Although the cultivation base was still suppressed, it was also a rare exercise that allowed her to make breakthroughs while the cultivation base was suppressed. Own limits.

In fact, the suppression of external cultivators by Fengmo Tianyu is like an alternative test, allowing cultivators to break through their limits and stimulate more potential in their practice.

In fact, compared to those low-level cultivators, although the Yuanhuang realm has been suppressed by one or two realms, it is even more rare. As long as the cultivation base is raised back, they will work with the same rank, and their strength is stronger than the same rank.

Wen Qiao decided to go out and find someone to fight.

"I'll go, too." Ning Yuzhou lifted up his robe, stood up, reached out and stroked the broken hair on her temples, smiled and said, "By the way, I also know about the situation in Shengwu City."

Wen Qiao thought for a while, but didn't refuse.

Since you want to understand Shengwu City, then Wen Tutu, Shi Wuming, and Wang Qirong are called together.

Wang Qirong is very interesting. He came over immediately when he heard the call and said softly: "Miss Wen, Young Master Ning, where are you going?"

"Go find someone to fight." Wen Qiao said directly.

Wang Qirong's mouth twitched slightly. Fortunately, these days, she didn't always stay closed, taking the time to learn about Shengwu City, and then said: "There is a'Wind and Cloud Arena' in Shengwu City, and the girl can go there to find an opponent."

Wen Qiao said happily: "Then go."

Wen Tutu was also very interested in Fengyun arena, and she said, "Senior Brother, go, let's go together."

The teacher said to death, "Forget it, I haven't adapted to the suppression of Fengmo Tianyu..." It's a pity that his opposition was suppressed by Wentutu, and he was not allowed to be lazy.

Five people came to the Fengyun Arena.

They first paid the spirit stones, the entry fee was five spirit stones, and the ring was 1,000 pieces. The winner could get half of the other's spirit stones, and the other half had to be given to the ring.

Wen Qiao had just handed over a thousand spirit stones, and when he was about to choose his opponent, a voice suddenly sounded: "Why are you here?"

The five turned their heads and looked over, just in time to see Yin Xingliu.

There are still a group of people around him, looking at the color of the token around his waist, they are all disciples in the inner hall.

The tokens of Shengwu Temple come in several colors, the token of the inner temple disciple is black, the token of the outer temple disciple is red, and the token of Keqing is black and red.

"Are you here to fight the ring?" Yin Xingliu asked again, his eyes smoothed past the five people.

Wen Qiao naturally said: "If we don't play in the ring, can we come over and play?"

Yin Xingliu was choked and hated her righteousness the most. When he was in the Saint Martial Continent, because of the Chixiao Sect, he had nothing to do with her, but this is the sealed demon world, and it is not her turn to be arrogant. Immediately, he said with malicious intent: "Since you have joined the Holy Martial Temple, we are also considered the same school. If I fight you first, it should help you adapt to the suppression of the sealed demon universe, how about?"

Wen Qiao raised his eyebrows. Since someone took the initiative to look for it, I am too sorry for him for not giving him a chance.

She readily agreed.

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