
The strange sound of bone crashing sounded, attracting the attention of a group of cultivators passing by.

Everyone looked at the source of the sound subconsciously. Not far away, behind a huge rock standing in the Gobi, a white and innocent skeleton slowly walked out.

The bones on the skeleton seemed to be unstable. As it moved, the bones clattered and teetered, and there was a possibility that they would fall apart at any time.

Thinking like this, I heard a clatter, and a rib fell to the ground.

The skeleton stopped, slowly picked up the fallen ribs, put them back together, and continued walking.

Wen Qiao and the others were standing not far away, looking at the skeleton. It walked slowly, dropping its bones as it walked, then picked it up and fought back and continued walking. I don't know if it often loses bones, so the bones on its body are missing and incomplete.

Skeleton walked towards them.

Everyone looked at it with some vigilance. Although this skeleton looked weak, but in the tomb of the fairy, the weak things never existed. If it is careless, it may die at any time.

Suddenly, the two black holes of the skull looked towards them.

Everyone had a misunderstanding of being watched by it, but after careful inspection, they found that there was nothing.

Wen Qiao looked at the skeleton curiously, compared it with those in the Thirteen Dead Bone Mansion, and found the difference between the two. Although the skeletons in the Thirteen Withered Bones had no flesh and blood, they had signs of life, the fire of the soul was burning in their eyes, and they even thought. And there was nothing in this skeleton's eyes, as if it was just a moving skeleton, there was no breath of life, and it was impossible to think.

When the skeleton approached them, he slowly stretched out his hand...

Everyone was alert to its attack, and there was a sudden creak. Another bone on the skeleton fell off. Its raised hand slowly lowered, and it bent over to pick up the bone again.

After putting the bones back in again, the skeletons seemed to forget what they were going to do before and passed them and left.

Everyone looked at the skeleton walking away and couldn't help looking forward.

Here is a piece of Gobi where no grass grows. The dull wind blows from nowhere, adding a touch of desolation to the endless Gobi. Occasionally, you can see tall rocks standing in the Gobi. This is the only feature of the Gobi. The whole Gobi is filled with a desolation of death.

Wen Qiao let go of perception, and could vaguely feel that there were occasional weak power fluctuations on this deadly Gobi.

This power fluctuation is very similar to the red beads previously found on corpses in the wasteland.

"Go, let's go in and have a look."

Wen Qiao said, leading the group of younger brothers who followed her into the Gobi.

The sky of the fairy tomb was always gray, as if it was covered with a shadow of death. Everyone's swords were flying over the Gobi, and no creatures were encountered along the way.

Everyone couldn't help but stop until a sound of clattering clattering sounded.

I saw a group of skeletons running ahead. This group of skeletons was different from the sluggish skeleton just now. They were very agile, running lightly on the Gobi, as if they were chasing something. Everyone keenly noticed that these skeletons were missing one or two bones, some were ribs, some were finger bones, some were spine...the missing bones were all different.

Skeletons quickly discovered the group of cultivators who had broken into the Gobi, and then they ripped off their bones and used them as weapons.

Everyone knocked down the bones that attacked them.

While the skeletons picked up the bones and installed them on their bodies, they continued to pull the bones and attack.

Wen Qiao held a long whip, swept it, and all the bones flew out.

Finding that the skeleton's attack was not strong, Wen Qiao didn't care about them, and moved on. Unexpectedly, the group of skeletons did not give up, and even chased after them.

"They are chasing me." Xu Zhaozhao said.

"Speed ​​up, leave them alone." Wen Qiao said, speeding up the flight first.

As they speed up, the group of skeletons also speeds up, and this speed is not weak, tightly hung behind them.

Wen Qiao found that there seemed to be more and more skeletons chasing them. She watched carefully for a while and finally understood why there were more and more skeletons. As they moved forward, many skeletons crawled out of the tall rocks passing by, and these skeletons joined the group of skeletons chasing them, causing the group of skeletons to grow larger and larger.

All cultivators saw their scalp numb.

There are so many skeletons, even if their bones are broken, it will take some time. Who knows if there is anything terrifying in the Gobi?

Just as they thought about it, there was a deafening roar in the distance.

Looking subconsciously, I saw a huge skull head emerging from the horizon of the Gobi. The head of the skull is an image, slightly shaking. Although it is very real, it makes people understand that this is not a real skull. But everyone could see the vision of the skull head moving towards them.

There is a weird skull vision in the front, and a group of chasing skeletons in the back.

The three clans present felt a little bad, and felt that the Gobi was really weird, so when Wen Qiao wanted to evacuate, she suddenly saw her summon a giant bow.

This bow exudes the aura of a king-level spiritual weapon, surrounded by heavy solar power, and occasionally there is **** light.

The people of the three races who were present saw their eyes bright, not only because it turned out to be a king-level spiritual tool containing the power of the sun, but also because it was integrated into the blood crystal of the scarlet moon, and was not afraid of the damage of Yin Qi and Devil Qi. In the hands of any clan, it is a rare magic weapon.

Wen Qiao took out a scorching sun arrow, put the arrow on the bow, and steadily opened the giant bow.

The scorching sun arrow dragged a burst of scorching sun force, and shot towards the hideous skull vision.

Just like breaking through the space, when the scorching sun arrow plunged into the ghost head, only a bang was heard, and the skull head collapsed and disappeared.

As the skull vision disappeared, Wen Qiao flew forward.

Others did not expect that she would wipe out the weird image with a bow and arrow, but her heart was slightly shaken, and they followed.

"Sister Aqiao!"

A weak voice sounded, and the cultivators who flew over with the sword subconsciously looked down and saw a man sitting paralyzed on a huge rock below.

Wen Qiao fell on the rock and saw his excitement of "finally seeing his relatives", a bit funny, and asked, "Brother Shi, why are you here? Did you see my husband and Wen Tutu?"

Shi Wuming said weakly, "I was sent here, and I was the only one. I didn't see them." Then, without waiting for her to ask, he complained endlessly, "My luck is so bad, I didn't expect to be sent here. A place for ghosts! When I was teleported over, I was almost dismantled by the skeletons. They actually wanted to dismantle my bones to make up for the missing bones..."

The little brothers who stopped after Wen Qiao heard the words and looked over subconsciously, and saw that the skeletons that were chasing them had arrived and rounded them up.

Obviously there are no eyes in the eye sockets of the black hole, but everyone has the illusion of being stared at by them.

These skeletons have been chasing them, wouldn't it be like this person said, trying to grab their bones to make up for what they are missing? I can't blame these skeletons for missing a bone or two.

The skeletons surrounding them have climbed up flexibly.

The crowd hit a violent spirit, and quickly sacrificed their weapons to beat them down.

Fortunately, the huge rock area where they are staying is not too big, and more than one hundred cultivators can just hold it.

When they smashed the skeletons down, they originally wanted to smash their bones together, but soon discovered that they could not be smashed at all, at best they could only break them apart. But it's useless to break up, because the broken bones can be recombined and continue to attack them.

At this time, I heard the teacher Wuming said: "These skeletons are all immortals who stayed here during the Three Realms War. They are in the Immortal Realm. With your current strength, they cannot be broken."

This is not surprising to everyone, after all, fairy bones can be crushed by mortals who don't even have a fairyland. It's just that if these skeletons are not broken, they will not be affected and will continue to attack.

After understanding this, some of my scalp numb.

Wen Qiao looked at the master's lifelessness and found that there was no place on his body to break the skin, and he knew that these fairy skeletons could not **** his bones. After all, the **** bones were higher than the **** bones, and how could the **** bones deal with the **** bones.

"What is the skull vision just now?" Wen Qiao asked again.

The cultivators who were dealing with the skeletons around also pricked their ears.

"I haven't figured it out, but according to my experience in this area these days, the skull vision will appear every once in a while and will automatically chase the moving people." At this point, the teacher Wuming showed a bitter expression, "Every time I'm being chased by these skeletons who want to steal my bones, and then the skull vision will follow. It's really scary..."

There were a lot of cultivators who originally teleported here with Shi Wuming, but because these skeletons were looting the bones of the cultivators everywhere, Shi Wuming and those cultivators were scattered while fleeing for their lives.

The results of the group of cultivators are not expected to be too good. If they can't escape from this strange Gobi, I'm afraid they have already died in the bones of this group of skeletons. Before the teacher had no life, he saw a cultivator unluckyly chased by the group of skeletons, and then the cultivator was forced to dig out the bones from the flesh and blood by the group of skeletons. The screams were endless, which was very shocking.

Shi Wuming said that he was scared to death at that time.

The cultivators around were also frightened by his description, especially the human beings and the demons. They are all creatures with flesh and blood and bones. In case they are also digging bones by these fairy skeletons...

It hurts to think about it.

Only the ghost cultivators are very calm. They are only the ghost kings of the Yuanhuang realm. Although the soul body is very solid, it is only the soul body. It is different from the human race and the demons. There is no need to worry about the skeletons digging their bones. But there are no bones for them to dig.

Xu is seeing the luck of ghost repairs. Ling Jue, as the demon clan, was very upset, and said gloomily, "These skeletons have no sapience. How can you know if your ghost repairs have bones? With the power of their fairy bones, presumably your ghost repairs should Can't resist their attacks."

The ghost cultivators shuddered, and looked at the group of skeletons who were persevering in climbing to the huge rock.

Shouldn't it?

Just thinking about it, suddenly a Ghost Xiu was accidentally torn off by the skeletons that climbed up. He was instantly surrounded by the group of skeletons, and then a scream sounded.

The three clans on the giant rock shivered again, and finally confirmed that these skeletons were not even let go of ghost repair.

Seeing that his little brother was ripped off by the skeletons, Wen Qiao couldn't ask any more. He jumped off the giant rock, struck the long whip in his hand, swept away the group of skeletons, and at the same time, people had already rushed over.

Wen Qiao lifted his foot and kicked the group of rushing skeletons away. The long whip swept over, and finally saw the unlucky ghost repaired by the skeletons. He threw the long whip, rolled it up, and threw it back on the huge rock.

The rescued Gui Xiu was in shock, his face was pale and blue, and his soul and body became unstable.

"They almost grabbed my soul body just now." Gui Xiu said in horror.

The other ghost repairs shivered again, knowing that this group of skeletons would not even let the ghost repairs go, where they dared to take it lightly, and hurriedly knocked down the group of skeletons who had attacked them, absolutely not allowing them to climb up and grab them.

"Sister Aqiao, who are these guys? Why are you with them?" The teacher asked in a dubious manner. Looking at this group of cultivators, there were not only people who cultivated, but also ghost cultivators and demons. The types are really rich.

Wen Qiao said calmly: "It's all my little brother."

The teacher has no life: "..."

Shi Wuming can only put his thumbs up at her, "Sister Aqiao is really amazing!"

Wen Qiao held his compliment with restraint. Seeing that these little brothers couldn't hold on, he took out a king-level formation and threw it up. An aura of light engulfed the huge rock, protecting the huge rock, and blocking the continuous flow of it. Skeleton.

The cultivators on the huge rock suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and one after another slumped on the ground, seizing the time to meditate and adjust their breath.

These skeletons are too terrifying, not only can't break them, but at the same time they can continue to attack, when they are not tired, how can they be able to hold them.

Wen Qiao stood by the huge rock, watching the group of skeletons attacking the formation outside.

This group of skeletons did not give up. They had no wisdom. They acted by instinct. They could have been able to find their missing fairy bones everywhere. So all the cultivators who entered the Gobi became their targets, digging out the bones of the cultivators to make up for it. To yourself.

Shi Wuming stood by her side, and fortunately said: "It's great to meet Sister Aqiao, I thought I was going to be trapped in this place forever."

Wen Qiao said, "Don't worry, even if you are trapped here, you can't die."

Shi Wuming flatly said, "If I can't leave, I've been trapped in the tomb of the immortal, it will be a dead end."

Xu Zhaozhao, who had adjusted her breath, walked over. She glanced at the formation that was protecting the giant rock, and asked with some envy: "Miss Wen, is this a king-level formation? Where did it come from?"

"My husband did it."

Xu Zhaozhao was surprised and said: "Young Master Ning? Is he a King-level Array Mage?"

Suddenly, she remembered the rumor in the inner hall. It seemed that Ning Yuzhou was proficient in the pill talisman formation and had cultivated these four to the level of the king-level grandmaster... At that time, they all thought it was an exaggeration of the rumors. Are they all trained to the king level at the same time? Especially when Ning Yuzhou is still so young, it is good to be able to refine alchemy, even if he is proficient in formations and talisman, his level should not be high.

Wen Qiao's answer once again confirmed the authenticity of the rumors.

Their conversations were not deliberately covered up, and everyone present could hear them. They were curious about the non-existent "Young Master Ning", especially those younger brothers who had been fed poison pills. They were very depressed. The poison pill was actually made by this Young Master Ning. If he hadn't made this kind of poison pill, how could they be forced to be little brothers by the poison pill?

The king-level formation could last for a while, and everyone continued to adjust their breath with peace of mind.

Until they finished adjusting their breaths, they frowned when they saw more and more skeletons outside.

"Miss Wen, what should I do next?" Xu Zhaozhao asked.

When Wen Qiao looked at this Gobi, she could still feel power fluctuations in many places, but because of these skeletons, she couldn't find them everywhere like in the wasteland.

When she was thinking about whether to give up and forget it, she heard Master Wuming say: "Sister Aqiao, according to my observations during this period, I think the skull vision should be formed by some kind of power. Unexpectedly, there must be a fairy inheritance here."

In an instant, everyone looked over with scorching eyes.

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