Fan Yin seemed to be moved, but this was not enough to make her act.

Di Ying stepped forward and locked her eyes tightly, "Fan Yin, there were five demon masters who followed Master Yan Yi in those days, but in the end we were the only ones left. I paid the price of reincarnation, and you were a half-step immortal. Body, always endure the suffering of space suppression, only then was able to stay in Demon Abyss, waiting for Master Yan Yi to return...Are you really willing?"

"What if you are not reconciled?" Fan Yin said indifferently, "Actually, you also know that the person in the Demon Abyss is not Master Yan Yi, he is just a monster that moves with Master Yan Yi's body."

Otherwise, with Di Ying's xinxing, how could he be so exhausted and resurrected by living sacrifice?

After all, she closed her eyes, unwilling to admit that such a monster is the omnipotent lord in her mind.

Di Ying was a little annoyed at her stubbornness, and said coldly: "How can you agree to help Master Yan Yi resurrect?"

Fan said nothing because of it.

A silent and tense atmosphere suddenly filled the depths of the Demon Abyss, a breath full of tension like a knife, as if even the space was enough to split. The heartstrings of the demon guarding nearby tightened, and they looked over in horror with worry on their faces.

If Fan made a move because of the ancestor's anger, even Mo Yuan would be half destroyed.

They were a little annoyed in their hearts, they didn't understand how sacred the woman named Di Ying was, and why the ancestor Fanyin indulged her so much, allowed her to walk in the depths of the Demon Abyss, and even indulged her repeated disrespect to herself.

After a long while, Fan Yin suddenly said, "Ying Yin, how did Master Yan Yi fall to the Sacred Martial Continent back then? Who performed the Soul Reversal Technique on Master Yan Yi?"

Her eyes were tightly locked on Di Ying's face, not letting go of any subtle expressions.

Di Ying met her eyes and said softly: "It's me."

Anger was intertwined in Fan Yin's eyes, and she shot Di Ying flying with a palm of her backhand.

A earth-shattering sound rang, and the palace in the depths of the Demon Abyss was mostly destroyed by Fan Yin's anger.

However, she did not pay attention to this, stood up quickly and looked condescendingly at Di Ying, who was lying on the ground and covered in blood. If she hadn't cared about the friendship of the past, she would have liked to kill her directly.

"I should have killed you at the beginning!" Fan Yin said coldly, "When you have such thoughts, I know you will make a mistake!"

Di Ying vomited a mouthful of blood, but didn't care, and sneered: "Why do you pretend to be a saint? If you don't have Master Yan Yi in your heart, you will call him by his name, and keep him in Demon Abyss for tens of thousands of years. Are you? We are actually half a catty, and no one is qualified to laugh at anyone. I dare to admit it, but do you dare? You are a coward!"

After hearing this, Brahman was not angry because of it. She calmly said: "Yan Yi is my most respected Lord. I respect him, respect him, and love him, but I will not develop the love of men and women because I am not worthy! In my heart, he is the lord I want to assist, the future Lord of the Three Realms! I will not allow a monster to resurrect through his body and sacrifice life with his body!"

"And what are you?" Fan Yin looked at her contemptuously, as if looking at a bug. "You think you are infatuated with Yan Yi, and even reincarnated to the Saint Martial Continent for him, because he vetoed his reincarnation. Yan Yi's life will be moved for you? Yingyin, I never knew you were such a mean and stupid person. In Yan Yi's eyes, you are nothing..."

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" Di Ying hissed frantically, covering her ears.

However, Fan Yin's words still rang from all directions, digging into her ears, "Why Yan Yi fell on the Saint Martial Continent back then, you and I know that we have never been the person in his heart."

"Shut up! Shut up..."

Fanyin sighed softly when he looked at Di Ying with bleeding eyes and tears.

If it weren't for her to block the attack of the Human Race and Guixiu, she was seriously injured and was left in the Demon Abyss, why would she let Yan Yi leave the Sealed Demon Realm and die on the Saint Martial Continent?

The Demon Sealing Domain is the place to seal the demons, and it is the Demon Lord who will become the Lord of the Three Realms to be sealed.

When the sealed Demon Venerable tried to leave, there was only one result.

She had never expected that Yingyin would be so bold that after Yan Yi died, he would use his own life as the cost of his soul reversal technique, so that his body would be born dead and resurrected with dead spirit.

Because Fan knew Yan Yi, with Yan Yi's arrogance, he would definitely not resurrect in such a dignified manner.

In fact, she always wanted to ask Yan Yi that she regretted that year, but after seeing the "Yan Yi" who was resurrected from the dead, she knew that she would never get an answer because it was not Yan Yi.

Seeing that the devilish energy on Di Ying's body was messy and about to go into a madness, Fan Yin felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Now that he has been reincarnated as a human, the past has disappeared, and it is a new life, so why bother to cling to the previous life? If Di Ying could see, she might not be able to ascend as a human cultivator in this life.

It's a pity that Di Ying's obsession was too strong, and after returning to the Conferred Demon Realm, she immediately turned to Demon Cultivation and completely reduced to Demon Cultivation.

As Fan waved his hand, a devilish gas swept Di Ying away.

The depths of the Demon Abyss returned to calm again, and Fan Yin sat on the dark throne again, looking forward faintly.

A Mozu came over and asked for instructions carefully, "Ancestor, the human race named Di Ying..."

"Let people take care of them." Fan Yin said coldly.

"Ancestor, since this woman is acting against the Demon Race, why didn't you kill her?" The Demon Race was really puzzled.

Fanyin raised his eyes, looked at the demons in front of the throne, and said leisurely: "Yan Zhao, do you know where the Yan surname of your Yan clan comes from?"

"I heard that it was given by the Lord." Yan Zhao said cautiously. As for who the Lord is, even Yan Zhao, a demon in the Yuansheng Realm, doesn't know, but it's just a statement passed down from generation to generation in the family.

"Yeah, it was given by Yan Yi! Not only the Yan surname, but also us, were given life by Yan Yi back then, let him fight in all directions..."

Yan Zhao didn't understand her meaning at first, but gradually understood.

His heart jumped slightly, and an incredible thought arose in his heart, could it be that the woman named Di Ying was actually from the same era as the Demon Clan of the same era as the ancestor Fan Yin? It's just that she has been reincarnated as a human now, and has returned to the Sealed Demonic Realm as a reincarnated person?

It turns out that there really is a way to reincarnate in the world...

At this time, Fanyin glanced at him lightly, and that glance made Yan Zhao's heart stunned, and he dared not think about it anymore.

"The law of reincarnation is a prohibition that no one can touch. Even the gods can't bear the consequences. Don't try to provoke them." Fan Yin warned.

Yan Zhao responded quickly, not daring to think any more.


Since Wentutu and the others came back from the outside, they have not left Shengwu Island again, and decided to stay on the island to practice, and wait for Wenqiao to leave.

So decades have passed.

During this period, the Saint Martial Hall once again sent people to the mainland to look for the name that appeared on the Saint Martial Monument.

Ning Zhezhou became the person in charge of the selection of the Son of Heaven this time, and could bring people back to the Saint Martial Continent. He came to Ning Yuzhou and the others and asked them if they wanted to return to Shengwu Continent.

Ning Yuzhou said: "I won't go back, let Wen Tutu accompany you back, and by the way, help me send something to Chixiao Sect, Qianlinmen and Min in Inner Sea."

Ning Zhezhou also knew that Wen Qiao had been in retreat. As long as she was on Shengwu Island, his seventh brother would not leave.

"Seventh brother, your contribution value in the Saint Martial Hall is very high. With your contribution value, the Saint Martial Hall can make an exception for you. If you have someone who wants to bring to the Sealed Demon Realm to practice, the Saint Martial Hall will accommodate you. "Ning Zhezhou reminded him implicitly.

Over the years, Ning Yuzhou’s top-grade spirit pills, king-level spirit weapons, as well as king-level talismans, formation plates, etc., have been extremely popular with the disciples of the Saint Martial Hall. The value of these treasures is also high, so that the Saint Martial Hall is not stingy. Taking care of him so much, the contribution value is so much that he can't use it all his life.

If it weren't for Ning Yuzhou still didn't plan to join the inner hall of the Saint Martial Hall, the Saint Martial Hall almost couldn't help but confess him.

In addition to Ning Yuzhou, I heard that their palace master also cares about Wen Qiao, who is in retreat, and will intervene in person from time to time. Every time they heard of the Lord’s interrogation, many disciples of the Temple of Saint Martial could not help guessing whether the Lord wanted to hear about him as a disciple?

This couple is a celebrity in the Shengwu Temple, and the Shengwu Temple makes several exceptions for them.

Ning Zhezhou understood that this time he was able to be the person in charge of the selection of the sons of Heavenly Selection. It was also because of his seventh brother, and because of Yin Xingliu's big mouth, many people in the Saint Martial Hall knew their relationship.

Of course, the two are brothers of the same race, with similar names, and the relationship between the two can be known at a glance.

Ning Yuzhou thought for a while, and said, "Okay, then let my father come to Fengmo Tianyu to practice."

Ning Zhezhou was not surprised by his decision, and smiled and responded, "Don't worry, I will definitely bring my father...cough, uncle here peacefully."

As the three princes of Tanglin, although he left the Tanglin very early, in Ning Zhezhou's heart, Ning Jichen is still his father.

After visiting Ning Yuzhou, Ning Zhezhou and Wentutu set out for the mainland.

Half a year later, they returned to Fengdemon Tianyu, and Ning Jichen was with them.

Ning Jichen was already at the beginning of Yuanzong's cultivation, and when he saw his son, he was extremely pleasantly surprised.

Others knew that the father and son hadn't seen each other for a long time, and they didn't bother them. After Ning Zhezhou brought people over, they arranged for the son of Shengwu to be brought from the mainland this time, very busy.

Ning Jichen talked to his son about the Saint Martial Continent. Naturally, there was nothing serious about the Saint Martial Continent. The only thing that caught people's attention was that the Min family finally succeeded in arranging the mainland teleportation formation.

"Great-grandfather, they have decided to start arranging the mainland teleportation array?" Ning Yuzhou asked with raised eyebrows.

Ning Jichen nodded, "However, it is not easy to deploy the continental teleportation array. It takes a long time and consumes a lot of materials. Therefore, the Min clan decided to establish it in the continents closest to the Shengwu continent. The cultivation of these mainland cultivators The reason is not high, there are not many in the Yuan Dynasty..."

Since the cultivation base is not high, naturally I don't worry about the obstacles to the establishment of the mainland teleportation formation.

Ning Yuzhou understood the ways of the Min clan. Although the Min clan had never left the Saint Martial Continent, the experience of Wen Qiao and Ning Yuzhou who had gone outside was enough for them to know how to act.

They decided to avoid some dangerous continents, especially the Heavenly Formation Alliance, which occupied the ancient teleportation array. Before they found a strong enough ally, it was best not to confront them.

"The current master of Qianlinmen is Wen Mei." Ning Jichen said, and took a look at his son. Wen Mei was the son and daughter-in-law of the girl.

Ning Yuzhou smiled slightly: "How is she?"

"She is very good, she is a very good sect master." Ning Jichen said with emotion, "doing better than Qianshou, Qianshou abdicated and let her succeed as the sect master. Now she is in the late Yuanzong realm, If she can successfully break through the Yuanhuang realm, Qianlinmen will have Yuanhuang real monarchs in charge, and she will become stronger and stronger."

Qianlinmen is a force of Dongling, and it is better for Dongling to be succeeded by practitioners of Dongling. This is also the reason why many disciples supported Wen Mei when he became the master of the door.

After the father and son had talked about each other's situation, Ning Yuzhou asked his father to go to rest first, and then practice in retreat for a while.

The cultivators who came to the Sealed Demon Cosmos from the outer continent would be suppressed in their cultivation bases, and it would take time to raise their cultivation bases to a suitable level.

Ning Jichen knew that his son was doing his own good, so he readily agreed.

The next day, Manager Hong came here in person.

"I heard that Young Master Ning's father also came to Shengwu Island. I wonder if he would like to join Shengwu Temple?"

When Wen Tutu heard this, they knew that the Saint Martial Hall was still not willing to give up, and they wanted to pull Ning Yuzhou and Wen Tu into the inner hall. Even if there is no way for them to join the inner temple, they can strengthen the connection between Ning Yuzhou and the Shengwu Temple. What is a stronger relationship than Ning Yuzhou's father becoming a disciple of the inner temple?

Ning Yuzhou did not make a decision for his father, but called him.

After seeing Ning Jichen, Guan Shi said with a cordial expression: "I wonder if Fellow Daoist Ning is willing to join the Saint Martial Hall?"

Ning Jichen is a clever man. Before coming to Feng Mo Tianyu, he learned about the situation of the Saint Martial Hall and the relationship between his son and daughter-in-law and the Saint Martial Hall from his nephew Ning Zhezhou.

"Thank you Hong Guan, I am willing to join the Holy Martial Hall."

Guan Shi was overjoyed, as if he was afraid that he would go back, immediately went to help him handle the identity information of the disciple of the inner temple, and received the token of the disciple of the inner temple.

Ning Jichen took the identity token of the disciple in the inner temple, hung it around his waist like other disciples, and said with a smile to his son: "I have enjoyed the blessing of my son and daughter-in-law again."

Ning Yuzhou smiled faintly, how he didn't understand his father's decision.

He didn't want to drag his son and daughter-in-law, since the Saint Martial Hall hopes so strongly, then he should join the Saint Martial Hall. In addition, the Saint Martial Hall and the mainland have a lot of relations, and they are also a powerful force. Becoming a disciple of the inner temple has a lot of protection and does not suffer.

Moreover, there are sons and daughter-in-laws, no matter whether Ning Jichen is in the inner hall or the outer hall, no one dares to deceive him.

After becoming a disciple of the inner temple, Ning Jichen also had a cave in the inner temple, but he was used to living with his son and them, so he decided to stay at Xiaolingfeng to practice. Anyway, there are many cave houses in Xiaolingfeng, and he can live in more than one.

Sacred Martial Hall will naturally not interfere with this kind of thing, and those who have the ability will make way for them by the rules.

Then, Ning Jichen began to practice in retreat.

After twenty years, Ning Jichen finally raised the suppressed cultivation base to Yuanzong's realm.

Knowing that Wen Qiao had been in retreat, Ning Jichen was somewhat worried, and he didn't know how well his daughter-in-law had refined the power of the immortal.


Wen Qiao stared at the red beads floating in front of him.

The power in the red beads has been refined by her, leaving only a shallow layer.

Since the beginning of refining the power in the beads, Wen Qiao has always had the illusion that the power sealed in the beads is actually her own, because this power seems to be extremely overbearing, once she is sucked into the body for refining, it will be incomparable. She was obedient and quickly refined by her.

It's just that this power is too strong, so Wen Qiao can only draw out a trace of refinement every time.

This process is undoubtedly very long, but the effect is particularly significant.

Wen Qiao could feel the power after refining had been compressed in her body, let her mobilize as she drove it.

The more the strength is compressed, the more she can feel her own strength, as if she can directly advance to the rank at any time as long as she releases her suppression. But before the power in the beads was refined, Wen Qiao was not in a hurry to advance.

She also wanted to see how she would reach when she had completely refined the power in this bead.

After taking a break, Wen Qiao repeated decades of refining.

After finally refining the last trace of strength, Wen Qiao suddenly opened his eyes.

The power in the body finally couldn't be suppressed, the breath of the whole body was agitated, and the cave was shaken by the uncontrollable aura. If it were not for the protection of the formation, I am afraid that the entire cave would collapse.

Wen Qiao stood up quickly and flew away from the cave.

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