The old man was very tired, and the old man was very busy.

The Kamishiro's Kannazuki has now been successfully manufactured.

Uzumaki Kushina asked: "Then your puppet has also been manufactured. Are you ready to join Kakashi and the others?"

Kamiyo was unwilling to end his peaceful life in Konoha and go to the battlefield to fight for his life, so he said perfunctorily: "I've been tired for so long, I have to rest for a few days anyway. Anyway, Kakashi and the others' missions generally don't involve direct combat, and Kakashi and Obito are both very strong now, and there is Rin to back them up. It doesn't matter whether I'm there or not, so I'll go after I've rested enough. . "

Uzumaki Kushina pursed her lips and said: "Minato really guessed it, and it was exactly the same."

Kamiyo asked curiously: "Huh? What do you mean?"

Uzumaki Kushina explained: "Before Minato left for the mission, he told me that after your puppet is done, you may not want to leave and find various reasons to stay in Konoha. So, Minato told me that after your puppet is done, let me say hello to the Sandaime and force you to meet up with Kakashi and the others. "

Kamiyo's expression gradually It became unbelievable: "Mr. Minato is too unkind! How can you do this! It's totally inhumane! This is too much!"

Uzumaki Kushina coughed and defended Namikaze Minato: "Hey, how can you say that? It's wartime now, and you are now a glorious Konoha Genin. Minato also went to the Sandaime to help you speak, so you can do research at home with peace of mind.

Otherwise, in wartime, any ninja must obey orders and go to the battlefield at any time, how can you be so comfortable You are doing research for the sake of serving, and Obito and the others have been waiting for you to return to the team. Do you have the heart to let them wait for you to fight side by side, while you are escaping in Konoha? "

Kamiyo whispered: "What's so glorious about being a Genin, and I'm not escaping, I just want to have a good rest, okay, okay, I'll go, sister Kushina, what's the situation in the ninja world now?"

It has been about two months since I came to Konoha from the Land of Grass last time. Kamiyo guessed that the current situation should have changed.

Uzumaki Kushina said seriously: "The situation in the ninja world is changing every day. I heard that Minato fought with Ai of the Hidden Cloud Village and the new Eight-Tails Jinchuriki Killer Bee several times in the Land of Rice..."

Kamiyo was surprised: "Isn't the Hidden Cloud Village fighting with the Hidden Rock Village? Why is it fighting with Minato again?"

Uzumaki Kushina shrugged: "Who knows? From what I heard, it seems that the Hidden Cloud Village looted a lot of supplies from Konoha, so Minato was sent there, and because the Cloud Ninja couldn't do anything to Minato, The Hidden Cloud Village had no choice but to send Ai and Jinchūriki, but now the Hidden Cloud Village has almost withdrawn from the war.

Kamiyo asked blankly: "What happened? How did the Hidden Cloud Village almost withdraw from the war?"

Uzumaki Kushina narrated: "The Third Raikage of the Hidden Cloud Village died. It is said that the Third Raikage led a ninja troop to attack the Hidden Rock Village, but was discovered by the Hidden Rock Village. The Third Raikage and his ninja troop were ambushed by tens of thousands of Rock Ninjas.

In order to let his companions escape, the Third Raikage fought alone, He led the enemy away, bought time for his companions to escape, and fought for three days and three nights before dying of exhaustion.

Because of this incident, the morale of the Hidden Cloud Village was greatly damaged, and they fought back desperately against the Hidden Rock Village for revenge, but this kind of hatred-driven battle would not last long. Soon, the top leaders of the Hidden Cloud Village began to withdraw the Cloud Ninjas outside, and seemed to be withdrawing from the war. "

Kamiyo opened his mouth, thinking that the situation must have changed, but he didn't expect the change to be so great that the third generation Raikage actually died directly.

Kamishiro asked curiously, "By the way, are there really 10,000 Rock Ninjas?"

Uzumaki Kushina sneered, "How is that possible? This number is definitely exaggerated. It would be great to have a few thousand Rock Ninjas."

Uzumaki Kushina continued, "The Iwagakure Village has been seriously injured because of this incident and has restrained itself a lot. I heard that they will not fight us head-on on the battlefield and will avoid fighting if possible. However, they are definitely recuperating and may attack Konoha at any time.

The most troublesome thing for us Konoha now is the Sand Village and the Mist Village. They were originally fighting in the Tea Country, and the fighting has reached our Fire Country, so we Konoha ninjas have to join their fight.


According to the judgment, this war may end in as little as one year. "

Kamiyo thought for a while.

It is true that as Uzumaki Kushina said, the war may end in one year.

Because Kakashi will be 12 years old soon.

Kakashi will become a real jonin at the age of 12. After becoming a jonin, in the battle of Kannabi Bridge, Kakashi will transplant Obito's Sharingan. After that, Nohara Rin will become the three-tailed Jinchuriki and return to Konoha to destroy Konoha, but was stopped by Kakashi.

In the end, Konoha seems to be beaten to the doorstep. After the victory of this battle, the Third Ninja World War is almost over.

Kamiyo looked at Uzumaki Kushina strangely: "No, sister Kushina, you have been in Konoha all the time, how can you know the situation so clearly?"

Uzumaki Kushina smiled awkwardly: "You found out, because Minato sent me messages from time to time, he would tell me some things about the situation, so I know a little bit."

"Okay. "

Kamiyo's expression became solemn, and he was not happy at all because the war might be over. The reason was naturally because of Obito and the others.

Obito, Nohara Rin and Kakashi are now his good friends.

Kamiyo really didn't want Obito to become the masked man who put on a mask, abandoned himself, and lived in the dark. He liked this stupid and mean Obito more.

He also didn't want Nohara Rin, who was very kind and treated him well, to become a victim and a tool to stimulate Obito to fall into darkness.

He also didn't want Kakashi to be hit hard by the loss of Obito and Nohara Rin, his two companions, and suffer physically and mentally.

As a good friend, Kamiyo didn't want them to see them suffer. , falling into endless darkness.

In fact, as long as Obito is saved, there may not be a chain of tragedies in the future.

But... do we really want to change?

Kamishiro wants to change Ye Cang's future because Ye Cang is not important to the future.

Whether it is Kakashi, Obito, or Nohara Rin, they are all extremely important.

What if the future is completely changed?

One of Kamishiro's sources of security is the understanding of the future.

Although these memories have gradually become blurred, he still understands the general direction.

If it changes, there will be no sense of security.

Moreover, if the future develops in a good direction, it will be fine, but what if it develops in a worse direction?

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