In the tent, Kamishiro was thinking about how to ruin the reputation of the old woman Chiyo.

The easiest way to ruin Chiyo's reputation is to spread rumors.

But since rumors have been spread, why not bring Rasa and Ebizo with you?

The mean Kamishiro thought of a package plan in his mind.

"Tsk, I don't know how to use shadow clones, and the risk of using iron clones is a bit high."

Kamiyo thought of using shadow clones to spread rumors.

If the shadow clones spread rumors, if something unexpected happens, such as being discovered, the shadow clones can disappear cleanly in a cloud of smoke.

But if there is a Sandy clone, Sandy will be left behind after the clone is removed, and it will be easy to be discovered that he did it.

"We have to think it over."

The next day, Kakashi, Obito, and Nohara Rin came back.

When submitting the mission, they learned that Kamiyo had already arrived at the base and would join their team to carry out the mission together.

Obito and the other two immediately asked about the location of Kamiyo's tent, and then ran into Kamiyo's tent in a hurry.

"Kamiyo, you are finally here!"

Obito shouted very loudly as soon as he entered the tent.

Because the plan was very late yesterday, Kamiyo was still sleeping, and was directly frightened by Obito's loud voice and jumped up.

"Obito, are you sick? Why are you always so startled? Do you believe I will kill you?"

Kamiyo glared at Obito with gritted teeth, as if he was going to eat Obito alive.

Obito was not afraid at all, and even felt very excited.

Because although Kakashi is reserved, he usually looks very serious.

As for Nohara Rin, such a gentle Nohara Rin is usually quiet.

Only Kamiyo would quarrel with him like this, it's very cool~

Kakashi asked: "Kamiyo, when did you arrive?"

Kamiyo jumped off the bed, took a sip of water from the kettle and said: "Yesterday."

Nohara Rin was puzzled: "But, everyone here is Sand Ninja, Kamiyo you..."

Kamiyo sneered: "Sand Ninja? I'm fighting Sand Ninja! Especially Chiyo who is commanding the Sand Ninja to fight, I tell you, I, Kamiyo, and that old woman are irreconcilable!"

Obito pinched his chin and looked at Kamiyo: "Hey, why do I feel that Kamiyo is so good? Like... By the way, you said you turned evil before! Why do you seem to have turned evil? "

Kamiyo rolled his eyes: "What the hell, I'm not evil, I tell you three, you three should be polite to me from now on, you have to work hard for me!"

Obito, Kakashi and Nohara Rin thought that Kamiyo was sick again, and said in unison: "Sick~"

Kamiyo put his hands on his waist and shouted to Obito and the other two: "You three guys really don't know what's good for you! You don't know what I'm going to do for you three guys in the future. If you don't treat me better, you have a guilty conscience. Do you have to go?"

Obito picked his nose and asked casually: "Then tell me, what are you going to do for us?"

Kamiyo curled his lips: "I don't leave my name when I do good things, so I won't tell you! Okay, you just came back from the mission, you shouldn't go on the mission so soon, right?"

Kakashi, who had seen through it, smiled subtly: "Hehe, your plan to be lazy has gone to waste. We just handed in the mission, and the ninja who issued us the mission said that after you join us to carry out the mission together, he has already issued us a mission. "

Kamiyo straightened his chest "Tsk, are you lazy? I'm full of energy now. I'll show you the power of my new generation of Kannazuki. So when will we set off?"

Kakashi replied: "We'll set off in three hours. Our mission is to intercept a group of Sand Ninjas transporting supplies."

Kamiyo raised his eyebrows: "Tsk tsk, we were intercepted when we were delivering supplies before. Now it's our turn to intercept other people's supplies. OK, see you in three hours. I'll take a nap. I slept very late yesterday and I'm still very sleepy now."

Kamiyo nestled into the quilt again and showed the back of his head to Obito and the others.

Obito and the other two looked at Kamiyo with black lines on their heads. They were going to set off to perform the mission in three hours, and they were still taking a nap? !

But they just came back and wanted to have a good rest. It would be good to rest for an extra hour.

At the entrance of the base three hours later.

"Aww~ I slept really well this nap."

Kamiyo, who was carrying a small backpack, yawned and stretched comfortably.

Kakashi looked at the Ren in his hand.

The mission scroll said: "Let's set off quickly. According to the information on the scroll, the Sand Ninjas transporting supplies will arrive at the designated location in seven hours, and we are about two hours away from there."

Led by Kakashi, Obito, Nohara Rin and Kamiyo set off towards the target location.

Two hours later, Kamiyo and his group had arrived at the designated location.

Kakashi originally planned to set a trap, but was stopped by Kamiyo: "Hey, no need to set a trap, wait and see my performance!"

Kakashi squinted at Kamiyo: "I haven't seen you for more than two months. It seems that you have expanded a lot?"

Kamiyo retorted: "Expanded? That's called confidence, okay! I'll show you what a killer weapon is later, and I have to confirm one thing."

Nohara Rin asked in confusion: "Confirm one thing?"


Kamiyo's voice did not have any emotions. Obito wanted to ask the end, but was stopped by Kakashi: "Since Kamiyo wants to perform, then we will just watch him perform."

Five hours later

The Sand Ninjas who were transporting supplies had already arrived, a total of five of them.

Kamiyo turned his head and looked at Obito, Kakashi, and Nohara Rin behind him, stretched out two fingers and pointed at his eyes, and then pointed at Obito and the others' eyes, meaning that they should open their eyes and watch his performance carefully.

Kamiyo took off the Konoha forehead protector on his head, and appeared in front of the five Sand Ninjas with a flash of body.

Seeing Kamiyo suddenly appear, the captain of the Sand Ninja team immediately shouted: "Enemy attack! Prepare for battle!"

The five Sand Ninjas immediately wanted to seal and attack Kamiyo, and Kamiyo stretched out his palm: "Wait!"

The five Sand Ninjas stopped their actions at the same time.

Obito asked Kakashi blankly: "Kakashi, why did Kamiyo say wait, and those Sand Ninjas really stopped their actions?"

"Uh... who knows?"

Don't say Obito was confused, Kakashi was also confused.

Kamiyo unfolded the scroll and summoned a large amount of iron sand, which formed Kannazuki in front of everyone.

When the Sand Ninja Captain saw Kamiyo's technique, his expression suddenly changed: "Magnetic escape? Puppet? You are the traitor!"

Kamiyo looked at the five Sand Ninjas in front of him expressionlessly: "Traitor? So what? What are you going to do?"

The five Sand Ninjas looked at Kamiyo with hatred: "Of course I will kill you, you traitor who betrayed the village!"

Hearing their answers, Kamiyo laughed, and laughed happily.

"Now I can really cut off all my thoughts, so there is nothing to be embarrassed about."

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