After listening to Namifeng Minato's analysis, Sarutobi Hiruzen felt that the analysis made sense.

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a sip of his pipe, exhaled a puff of smoke and asked, "So even though that child is an undercover agent, he can be considered an abandoned child of the Sand Village. It is precisely because of his unimportance that he was abandoned. Kuito sent an undercover agent to Konoha.

After all, it is not uncommon for the five major ninja villages to send spies to each other. Even if we know that the child is an undercover agent, there is no way to get anything directly from the Sand Village through this child. "

Bo Feng Shui Men nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, what's more, this child doesn't know any information about the Sand Village, and this child is openly a bargaining chip for the Sand Village and the Rock Village to trade, and we intercepted him. The Sand Village will definitely not admit that this child is an undercover agent. They may even join forces with the Rock Village to use this child as an opportunity to attack our Konoha. ”

Sarutobi Hiruzen’s expression was slightly solemn: “Then this child seems It has become a hot potato. Ohnoki will definitely not be willing to accept this guy who has the magnetic style bloodline limit. The child was taken away by us, and he might be ready to attack us. Minato, what do you think we should do with this child? "

Namikaze Minato said frankly: "Third generation, I don't think this child is anything Hot potato, in my opinion, Kamishiro is of great value to us Konoha, very precious.

First of all, although this kid is an undercover, we already know that he is an undercover, and his ninja hawk can directly contact the Kazekage , we can use this child to give the Kazekage some wrong information and intelligence.

Secondly, Kamishiro is extremely talented. When we were at the Konoha base before, I sent Oishi and Kakashi to test Kamishiro, and Kamishiro was not inferior in combat at all. Feng, I guess Kamishiro should have the strength of a jonin. "

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked surprised and asked, "How old is that kid?"

Namikaze Minato replied, "I asked Kamishiro, he is ten years old, Same age as Kakashi and the others."

Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes widened slightly.

Ten years old, and a jonin?

If he hadn't known that Minato Namikaze was a very serious person, Sarutobi Hiruzen might have thought that Minato Namikaze was bragging.

"But..." Minato Namikaze changed the subject and said, "That child is very afraid of fighting, and it's obvious that he doesn't After experiencing actual combat, the idea during the battle was not to defeat the opponent. Even when the opportunity to severely injure the opponent had been created, he was still thinking about how to escape. As a result, although he had great strength, he could not exert much of it. He was completely relying on his hard power. Fight. "

When he thought of the battle with Tianjindai, Minato Namikaze felt speechless.

If it were him, as long as he could suppress his opponent, he would give his opponent a chance to breathe and then he would lose.

Namikaze Minato continued, "More importantly, the child doesn't have that much sense of identity with the Sand Village, so I think we can make Kamiyo identify with Konoha, let Kamiyo truly join Konoha, and become Konoha's leader.

So Sandaime, I hope to let Kamishiro lead me. I will try my best to make Kamishiro agree with Konoha's philosophy and become a part of Konoha. At the same time, I also want to change Kamishiro's fear of fighting.

In this way , when the day comes when the God Age recognizes Konoha, we will also have a powerful ninja in Konoha. ”

Sarutobi Hiruzen agreed to Namikaze Minato without any hesitation: “Okay, Minato, the child will be handed over to you. I'll give you the guidance."

Sarutobi Hiruzen had no reason to reject Minato Namikaze's proposal.

As long as Minato Namikaze succeeds, Konoha will have its first magnetic ninja bloodline limit.

Not only that, after Kamishiro settled down in Konoha , maybe in the future we can develop a magnetic ninja bloodline limit clan.

That would be so cool!

Thanks to the Sand Village Third-generation Kazekage for the bloodline limit!

Sarutobi Hiruzen said with a smile: "Then Minato, let the child come to see me."

Namikaze Minato nodded: "Okay, I'm now They come up."

After leaving the office, Minato Namikaze came to the lobby of the Hokage Building and found Kamiyo and the others.

"Kamiyo, the Sandaime wants to see you, come up with me, Kakashi, after you report and hand over the mission, you can go first. Go home and rest."

Kakashi, Obito and Nohara Rin left to hand in the task.

And Kamishiro nervously followed behind Minato Namikaze to the Hokage's office.

After entering the Hokage's office, Kamishiro finally met Konoha's top leader, Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's first impression on Kamishiro was that he seemed quite kind, not very serious, and was looking at him with a smile.

Namikaze Minato smiled and introduced Kamishiro: "Kamiyo, this is the Hokage you admire."

Kamishiro stuttered and greeted Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Hello, Hokage, I am your idol, no, your idol is me... It doesn't seem right, anyway, you are my admirer!"

Namikaze Minato looked at Kamishiro with a frown on his face.

What are you talking about?

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't mind and said cheerfully: "Kamiyo, Konoha welcomes you. Coming to Konoha is like coming to your own home. Don't be shy."

Hearing Sarutobi Hiruzen say that it was like coming to his own home, Kamiyo's eyes lit up slightly: "Hokage-sama, does this mean that I have joined Konoha now? Can I stay in Konoha?

I promise that I will work diligently after I stay in Konoha. Hokage-sama, you can arrange a scientific research job for me, let me study some ninjutsu, secret techniques, etc., but it would be best if I could learn about Konoha's existing scientific and technological information. I will definitely take Konoha's technology to a higher level in the future!

The salary doesn't need to be too high, just enough for me to eat three delicious meals a day. I don't ask for much. If Hokage-sama must give me research funds, I can barely accept it!"

Namikaze Minato and Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Kamiyo in amazement.

How thick-skinned does one have to be to say such a thing?

If this is not a high requirement, then what is a high requirement?

Do you really have no idea about your situation?

Sarutobi Hiruzen coughed and said, "Kamiyo, I personally welcome you to join Konoha, but although I am the Hokage, I cannot break the rules. The procedures must be followed. Next, you will follow Minato and when the time is right, I will arrange for you to join Konoha."

Now it was Kamishiro's turn to be stunned. It turned out that Sarutobi Hiruzen's words about treating Konoha as his own home were just nice words!

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