The two of them were very busy, and the two of them were very busy.

Jiraiya issued a mission to Kamishiro and Kakashi to monitor the Cloud Ninja station they had investigated before.

Kamishiro suddenly changed his attitude: "Yes! I will resolutely carry out the mission issued by Jiraiya, Kamishiro! Even if I die, I will complete this mission!"

Jiraiya, Kakashi and the other two looked at Kamishiro in surprise.

According to the process, shouldn't it be crying, making a fuss and then hanging yourself... No, shouldn't it be lying, making a fuss and then pretending to be weak?

However, Kamishiro's eyes were firm now, as if he could penetrate all obstacles.

Is this Kamishiro fake?

Kamishiro looked at the unbelievable eyes of Jiraiya and the others and sneered in his heart.

How could the stupid Konoha ninja understand Lord Kamishiro's idea!

In Kamishiro's opinion, monitoring the Cloud Ninja garrison is very safe.

Because you just need to hide and peek, and you don't have to do anything. If you see any action of the Cloud Ninja, you can report back. There is no need to fight at all.

If you don't accept this mission, what if you receive a dangerous mission later?

So, if you don't accept this mission, you are a fool.

Kamishiro suddenly became serious, and Jiraiya, Kakashi and the other two were a little confused.

Jiraiya laughed dryly and said: "Kamiyo, you have this awareness, so this mission is handed over to you, and you set off immediately!"

Kamiyo's face was serious, and he said seriously: "Yes! I guarantee to complete the mission! I will live up to Lord Jiraiya and Konoha's trust!"

Kakashi, Obito and Nohara Rin suddenly shuddered, and goose bumps appeared on their bodies.

Obito frowned and persuaded: "Kamiyo, can you be normal?"

Kamiyo rolled his eyes at Obito and snorted: "You are abnormal. For Konoha, even if I die at the hands of the enemy, I will have no regrets even if I sacrifice at the hands of the enemy! Because... I love Konoha deeply~"

Kamiyo's words "I love Konoha deeply" directly silenced Jiraiya, Kakashi and the other two.

Jiraiya said embarrassedly: "That Kamiyo, it's just a surveillance mission, not that serious."

Kamiyo said with a straight face: "Hey, that's wrong. As a member of Konoha, I must be ready to sacrifice for Konoha at any time. Kakashi, Obito, Rin! Follow me! I can't wait to sacrifice for Konoha!"

Kamiyo took the lead and walked out of the tent.

Jiraiya, Kakashi and the other two looked at each other.

Jiraiya asked blankly: "What's wrong with him?"

Kakashi spread his hands: "Who knows, but this time we don't have to deal with him, which saves a lot of trouble. Then, Master Jiraiya, let's go."

Jiraiya nodded: "Well, be careful. If you observe their movements, you must report back to us as soon as possible, because this means they are going to take action against us. We will also be prepared here. Orochimaru intends to catch them all in one fell swoop."

Kakashi suddenly became serious.

If this is the case, then their mission this time is very responsible.

After discovering the movements of the Cloud Ninja, they must return to the Konoha base as soon as possible to report. If they report a step late and let the Cloud Ninja attack first, then they will lose the initiative.

At the same time, they must not let the Cloud Ninja discover them. If they are discovered, then the preparations made by their companions in the Konoha base may be in vain.

"I understand, Master Jiraiya! Then let's go, Obito, Rin."

Kakashi took Obito and Nohara Rin out of the tent, found Kamiyo not far away, and headed to the Cloud Ninja Station in the southwest again.

In order to prevent being discovered by the Cloud Ninja, Kakashi chose to monitor the Cloud Ninja Station from a considerable distance away, just enough to see a little of the Cloud Ninja Station.

Kakashi held a telescope in his hand and observed the movements of the Cloud Ninja Station at all times. When he was tired, Obito or Nohara Rin took over and continued to watch.

As for Kamiyo.

Kamiyo found a comfortable place to lean back and rest.

It was a blessing that Kamiyo didn't make trouble, and this mission was very important. Kakashi was worried about handing it over to Kamiyo, so as long as Kamiyo could stay honest, Kakashi would not care what Kamiyo did.

Time passed day by day.

This was the third day of monitoring.

"Ah~ So boring."

Kamiyo was lying on the trunk of a tree with a dogtail grass in his mouth, his eyelids drooping, looking listless.

Because he couldn't make a fire

, and they didn't bring any dry food, they only ate Bingliang Pills to fill their stomachs.

But those who know the taste of Bingliang Pills know it.

It's several times worse than the dry naan that Kamiyo ate in the Sand Village, and even dogs wouldn't eat it.

Since being 'captured' by Minato Namikaze and his friends, Kamiyo can be said to have eaten only bran every day, and now Kamiyo can't tell how much he misses it.

Kakashi and Obito ignored Kamiyo.

Because they have been listening to Kamiyo's complaints for three days.

Nohara Rin said helplessly to Kamiyo: "Kamiyo, this surveillance mission is so boring. It's only been three days now. Our longest surveillance mission lasted for a month."

Kamiyo was shocked and said: "Ah? A month? Eating things like Bingliang Pills that even dogs wouldn't eat for a month?"

Obito replied: "Yes, what else can you eat? By the way, Kamiyo, you haven't eaten for almost a day, right? Do you want to eat Bingliang Pills?"

Kamiyo waved his hand and said: "No, no, I'm not hungry now, you can eat this thing."

It should be said that Bingliang Pills are still very resistant to hunger. If you eat one, you basically don't need to eat for a day.

So if it wasn't for the rumbling of hunger in his stomach, Kamiyo would not eat it.

Kakashi, who was observing the Kumo Ninja station, said in a deep voice: "Something is going on!"

Obito, Nohara Rin and Kamiyo immediately came to Kakashi's side.

Kakashi continued to observe and said, "Two Cloud Ninjas have come and are now entering the cave."

Kamiyo asked curiously, "What's next?"

Kakashi replied, "They haven't come out yet."

Kamiyo complained, "Uh... What kind of situation is this? I thought they were going to take action."

Kakashi said seriously, "It seems that they are planning to take action! Everyone in the cave has come out! 1, 2, 3... 16, 17, 18, the number is correct, the two Cloud Ninjas who just came, plus the original 16 Cloud Ninjas, a total of 18 Cloud Ninjas!"

Kakashi handed the telescope in his hand to Obito, who took a look and handed it to Nohara Rin, and finally the telescope fell into Kamiyo's hands.

Kamiyo took the telescope and looked at it. It was indeed as Kakashi said, the 18 Cloud Ninjas were standing in line outside the cave.

But Kamiyo suddenly narrowed his eyes: "Hey, it seems that someone is looking at us and pointing his finger at us."

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