The two of them were in a mess.

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought of a way to keep Kamiyo and solve the problem of Ohnoki in Iwagakure Village.

Sarutobi Hiruzen immediately wrote a letter and called a ninja.

"This letter must be delivered to Jiraiya or Minato as soon as possible."


After the ninja took the letter, he immediately left Konoha and rushed to the Land of Hot Springs.


Three days have passed since the last battle.

Kamiyo was lying on the bed with his legs crossed, humming a song.

As for what he was humming, Kamiyo didn't know, but he heard Ye Cang humming, and the melody seemed to be quite cheerful.

Because of the "high-intensity" battle the day before yesterday, Kamiyo was "tired", so he stayed in the tent and didn't go anywhere.

For meals, Obito was there. Basically, Obito came to his tent every day, so just let Obito help bring it.

In Kakashi's tent.

After the matter of the Cloud Ninja was settled, Jiraiya, who learned that Kakashi was injured, came to visit Kakashi.

"Kakashi, how are you, are you okay?"

Kakashi, who had rested for three days, was not as pale as at the beginning, but still looked a little weak.

Kakashi leaned on the bed and replied, "It's okay. After Tsunade's treatment, I will be fine after a few days of rest."

Jiraiya nodded, "That's good. When I saw your ninja dog reporting that day, I guessed that you might be in danger. I immediately sent a team of ninjas to rescue you. Not long after, I heard that you had returned to the base. Fortunately, you are okay."

Kakashi thought of that day and still felt a little scared: "If it weren't for Kamishiro coming back to save us, we might have been in danger."

Jiraiya raised his eyebrows: "Oh? I came back to save you. Didn't you retreat together at the beginning?"

Kakashi thought of Kamishiro running away at the beginning, and his mouth twitched. He replied to Jiraiya: "Yes, at the beginning, after our position was discovered by the Cloud Ninja, Kamishiro ran away before I finished saying retreat.

After that, we were caught up by three Cloud Ninjas and got into a tough fight. I was seriously injured and Obito was also seriously injured. If Kamishiro hadn't come, we would have been wiped out.

Later, Kamishiro came back to save us and killed the three Cloud Ninjas, and we were saved.

However, Kamishiro wanted to conceal his identity at the beginning, and covered his face and the face of his puppet with two black cloths, but he was immediately exposed by Obito. Kamishiro was still struggling whether to reveal his strength. I said I would help him conceal it, and only by killing the three Cloud Ninjas could he escape smoothly, and Kamishiro really started fighting.

The three Cloud Ninjas were no match for the completely serious Kamishiro, and were quickly killed one by one by Kamishiro, and then led us to retreat successfully. "

After listening to Kakashi's description, Jiraiya had a subtle expression and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Jiraiya touched his chin and said, "Since Kamiyo chose to come back to save you after escaping, it means that he regards you as his companions, and because of his undercover identity, he doesn't want to expose his strength..."

Kakashi interrupted Jiraiya: "Uh... Jiraiya-sama, Kamiyo doesn't want to expose his strength, it should not be because of his undercover identity, but he is simply afraid of trouble, afraid of fighting, afraid of danger."

Jiraiya's hand touching his chin suddenly stopped, and the atmosphere in the tent suddenly became awkward.

Jiraiya laughed dryly and said, "It seems that Kamiyo is quite... quite cautious, but this also means that he is so cautious and is willing to come back to save you after escaping, which proves that this child is a person who values ​​his companions."

Kakashi nodded in agreement.

Under the circumstances at that time, Kakashi was ready to sacrifice himself in exchange for the chance of survival of Obito and Nohara Rin.

And even so, the chances of survival of Obito and Nohara Rin were not high.

The escaped Kamiyo came back, which means that he really regarded them as companions.

Otherwise, Kamiyo could have ignored them completely.

Kakashi reminded, "Master Jiraiya, don't let him know about this. Tell the public that he took advantage of the Kumo Ninja's inattention and took us away from the Kumo Ninja."

Jiraiya nodded and agreed, "Well, I understand. Although Kamishiro treats you as his companions, he is still an undercover agent of the Sand Village. I will pretend where I should, until the day Kamishiro becomes a Konoha ninja."

Suddenly, Jiraiya changed the subject, showing a smile that made Kakashi look a little bit vulgar, and asked:

"Kakashi, does that mean Kamiyo has met Tsunade?"

Jiraiya's sudden question almost made Kakashi's brain fail to react. After a pause, he replied, "Yes."

Jiraiya's smile became brighter and more vulgar: "Kakashi, have a good rest. I won't disturb you. I'm leaving now."

After Jiraiya left Kakashi's tent, he immediately came to Kamiyo's tent.

Seeing Kamiyo lying on the bed humming a song, Jiraiya greeted him, "Yo, you look quite comfortable."

Kamiyo got up from the bed in a flash, and very servilely held Jiraiya's arm and sat on the chair: "Jiraiya-sama, you came to visit me in person, which really touched me as a wounded soldier.

Jiraiya-sama, I am not trying to be pitiful, nor am I seeking credit. I have been in so much pain these days because I bravely rescued Kakashi and others from the hands of the Cloud Ninja. During the escape, I suffered serious internal injuries, cough cough.

But! Although I was injured, I will never regret it, because I am a member of Konoha! If my companions are in danger, even if they may sacrifice themselves, I will go to save them without hesitation!

Cough cough cough~"

Kamiyo seemed to cough out his lungs, looking extremely weak.

Jiraiya's eyes twitched.

Just now, when Kamiyo got up from the bed and rushed to him and helped him sit down, he didn't look weak.

And who has suffered serious internal injuries, and whose face is rosy and shiny?

Still not playing the victim? Still not taking credit?

The words playing the victim and taking credit are almost written on his face!

Jiraiya seemed to be infected by Kamiyo, and after coughing, he said: "Kamiyo, I heard from Kakashi that you are smart and clever. You took advantage of the slackness of the Cloud Ninjas to rescue the seriously injured Kakashi and successfully retreat with Obito and Rin. You did a good job, and Konoha will remember your contribution."

Hearing Jiraiya say this, Kamiyo immediately grinned. It's good to have a credit, so that he is one step closer to joining Konoha.

After joining Konoha, he can go undercover in Konoha Village.

Originally, he was worried that Kakashi might be fooling him, but it seems that Kakashi is quite sensible.

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