The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next two days.

Four more days passed.

In the past few days, Minato Namikaze tried many methods to make Kamiyo summon Ninja Hawk, but all of them failed without exception.

This puzzled Minato Namikaze, and he once suspected that Kamiyo had known that the information was false.

But seeing the clear stupidity in Kamiyo's eyes, Minato Namikaze was sure that Kamiyo must not know that the information was false.

Then why didn't Kamiyo think about passing the information back to the Sand Village?

Now the person next to Minato Namikaze has been replaced by Jiraiya.

In fact, he had been replaced by Jiraiya three days ago.

Because Tsunade felt that Kamiyo was playing tricks on them, she almost rushed in to beat Kamiyo.

Fortunately, Minato Namikaze stopped him in time. In order to prevent Tsunade from beating up Kamiyo, Minato Namikaze found Jiraiya who was able to walk to help.

However, Minato Namikaze and Jiraiya also tried several times, but Kamiyo was indifferent, which almost made Minato Namikaze depressed.

Jiraiya squinted his eyes and looked at Kamiyo's tent not far away, and said to Minato Namikaze seriously: "Minato, give that kid Kamiyo something shocking."

Minato Namikaze asked: "What shocking?"

"Just cooperate with me, follow me!"

Familiar location, familiar people

Jiraiya said to Minato Namikaze with an exaggerated expression: "Minato, I received a confidential information. The Hidden Mist Village has made a big move. I heard that they are going to attack the Hidden Sand Village. It seems that it will be half a month later."

Minato Namikaze pretended to be surprised and said: "Really? If the Hidden Sand Village is not prepared, won't it be hit hard?"

Jiraiya sighed: "Yes, if the Hidden Sand Village doesn't know this information, it will be over."

Jiraiya and Minato Namikaze talked about how dangerous the situation in the Hidden Sand Village was.

In the tent, Kamishiro covered his mouth and looked very painful.

But this pain was the pain of holding back laughter.

The Hidden Mist Village is going to attack the Hidden Sand Village?

Is the Third Mizukage of the Hidden Mist Village confused? Going to attack a deserted Hidden Sand Village, what's the point?

For that mouthful of sand?

The whole ninja world knows how poor the Hidden Sand Village is.

Even if the sneak attack is successful, what's the point?

It can be said that only the Sand Village messes with others, but no one messes with the Sand Village.

Because it is really not good.

Phew, he has been so comfortable these days, lying in bed every day, and the medical ninja sister brings him food every day.

Although he could have left long ago, after all, they were just skin injuries and healed long ago, but Kamishiro was unwilling to leave, saying that he had internal injuries, and the medical ninja sister could do nothing about the stubborn Kamishiro.

And these days Kamishiro can finally read books at ease.

And here every day you can hear Namikaze Minato and Tsunade or Jiraiya talking about the gossip about the Sand Village, which is really interesting.

Kamishiro sighed in his heart that he really wanted to stay in this tent for the rest of his life.

As expected, Namikaze Minato and Jiraiya failed this time.

It is already the sixth day, which means that they only have one day left.

If Kamishiro does not summon the Ninja Eagle tomorrow, then even if Kamishiro summons the Ninja Eagle later, there may not be enough time.

Jiraiya was very confused now: "What's the matter with that brat? I've said it so seriously, I'm just short of saying that the Sand Village is going to be destroyed. Doesn't he care about the Sand Village at all?"

Namikaze Minato said helplessly: "According to the memory of Kamiyo that Xiangyi found out, Kamiyo has hardly left the house in the Sand Village, and has basically not communicated with anyone, so he may not have any feelings for the Sand Village."

Namikaze Minato sighed: "Now it's troublesome, how can Kamiyo summon the Ninja Hawk?"

Jiraiya thought about it and suggested: "Why don't you ask your three students? They have been with Kamiyo for much longer than you, so they must know Kamiyo better than you, maybe they have a way."

Namikaze Minato's eyes lit up, and he agreed very much: "That makes sense!"

Namikaze Minato and Jiraiya immediately summoned Kakashi, Obito and Nohara Rin.

Namikaze Minato told Kakashi and the other two about the general situation.

Then Namikaze Minato asked: "Kakashi, Obito, Rin, do you three have any good ideas to make Kamiyo summon Ninja Hawk?"

Kakashi, Obito and Nohara Rin looked at each other and said in unison: "This is very simple."

Namikaze Minato looked at the confident Kakashi

The three of them reminded, "I thought it was easy at first, but I failed afterwards."

Obito adjusted his sunglasses and said coolly, "Teacher, the method is wrong."

Kakashi complained to Obito, "Don't be cool, help Minato-sensei solve the problem!"

Then Kakashi said to Minato Namikaze, "Minato-sensei, leave this to us, Obito, Rin, let's go."

Kakashi and the other two went straight to Kamiyo's tent.

Minato Namikaze and Jiraiya wanted to see how Kakashi and the other two would solve Kamiyo, who had troubled them for six days.

Kakashi and the other two came to Kamiyo's tent.

Seeing Kakashi and the other two, Kamishiro greeted them happily: "Hey, you guys came to see me!"

Kakashi said seriously: "Kamiyo, there is a mission."

Kamiyo saw Kakashi's serious expression and said cautiously: "Mission? What mission? I'm still injured!"

Obito continued to act cool: "I'm fine, you're fine too."

Kamiyo rolled his eyes at Obito: "Great!"

Kakashi said solemnly: "The four of us must participate in this mission. This mission is very difficult. In 15 days, the four of us will go to the Land of Earth to sneak attack the Rock Ninja troops transporting supplies."

Kamiyo was stunned and stared at Kakashi blankly: "The four of us? Sneak attack on the Rock Ninja Corps? Where is Minato-sama?"

Kakashi replied: "Minato-sensei and the others are in the front to attract firepower. There are only four of us for this sneak attack mission!"

Kamiyo jumped up from the bed, his voice became sharp: "Are you crazy?! The four of us are going to sneak attack on the Rock Ninja Corps, aren't we going to die?"

Kakashi said with a look of fearlessness: "Indeed, this mission is very risky, but this is all for Konoha. There is no room for negotiation. Get ready, Kamishiro, we will act in 15 days!"

Kakashi, Obito and Nohara Rin left Kamishiro's tent directly without giving Kamishiro a chance to speak.

Kamishiro is now numb.

Among the four of them, only he and Kakashi are stronger. How could they succeed in sneak attacking the Rock Ninja Corps?

The Rock Ninja Corps is not the Rock Ninja Squad.

As for the troops, it starts with ten ninjas.

Kamishiro walked back and forth in the tent anxiously.

The Land of Earth seems to be quite close to the Land of Wind...

Run away directly?

Let's not talk about whether he can run away or not. Even if he can run away, he will be severely punished by the Third Kazekage.

No, let's write a letter first to see if he can get the Third Kazekage to agree to let him end his undercover career. If he agrees, that's the best. If not, we can think of a way later.

Minato Namikaze and Jiraiya opened their mouths slightly, staring in amazement at Kamishiro who sneakily left the tent shortly after Kakashi and the other two left.

So simple?

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