The battle was over, and the battle was over.

As soon as the four Kamishiros arrived at the logistics position, they were immediately assigned to deliver a batch of supplies to the front line.

Takei Katsuhiko quickly counted out several large boxes and sealed them in two large scrolls.

Takei Katsuhiko instructed: "I have marked the location of the position to be delivered on your map. It must be delivered before the morning of the day after tomorrow. If the supplies cannot be saved due to an attack, destroy them immediately and do not let them fall into the hands of the enemy!"

Kakashi nodded and said: "I understand, then we set off."

Kakashi took the initiative to carry a large scroll, and then Obito also carried another large scroll.

There are boys here, and as a girl, Nohara Rin is a medical ninja, so if they can do it, they will do it.

As for Kamiyo, he would definitely say a lot of nonsense if he was asked to recite.

Kakashi looked at Obito, Nohara Rin and Kamiyo behind him: "Let's go."

Kamiyo and the other four set off immediately under the cover of night.

During the journey, Kakashi said: "Don't take it lightly. You just heard Captain Takei say that there is a high possibility of an ambush by Sand Ninja or Rock Ninja. Be alert! Kamiyo, use your third eye to observe the surrounding situation at a high point at all times."

Kamiyo would definitely not be frivolous at this time, after all, it concerns his own safety.

Kamiyo used sand iron to condense into an eye and flew into the air. He pressed his left eye with his left hand, transmitted the visual image to the eye that Kamiyo pressed with his hand, and observed the surrounding situation.

Until noon of the next day, nothing happened, and the journey was very smooth.

After reaching a river, Kakashi stopped and said, "Let's take a short break. Kamishiro must be tired after using ninjutsu last night."

"I'm not tired, I'm super tired!"

Kamiyo released his third eye and sat on the ground.

Actually, it's not that exaggerated to say that he was super tired, because the third eye doesn't require much chakra to maintain.

But he was really tired, because the continuous use of the third eye, even if the consumption is small, the consumption added up over a long period of time is quite a lot.

Kakashi took out the map and took a look: "According to this progress, we will be able to reach the frontline tonight."

Kamiyo's face fell instantly when he heard that they could only arrive at night: "Ah? It's only noon now, and there's still half a day?"

Kakashi put away the map and said: "We are already very fast. We can reach the frontline at about 8 or 9 o'clock in the evening. Generally speaking, the enemy will not attack during the day, and the closer to the frontline, the less likely the enemy will intercept supplies. So next, Kamishiro, you just need to use your third eye intermittently to observe the surroundings.

But we still can't take it lightly. Stay alert and move forward. After resting for ten minutes, continue to set off. The sooner we deliver supplies to the front line, the sooner we can feel at ease."

Kamiyo sighed.

It's really tiring, mainly mentally. I'm worried that the enemy will attack, so I'm always tense.

When I thought that the next few days would be spent like this, Kamishiro felt a burst of despair.

I miss the bed in the base where I only slept for one night.

Ten minutes seemed to pass in the blink of an eye, and before Kamiyo could rest well, he had to hurry on.

Kamiyo sighed and followed Kakashi and the other two to continue on their way.

But fortunately, the transportation of supplies went smoothly this time, and they arrived at the frontline position at around 8 o'clock in the evening.

After arriving at the camp at the frontline position, Kamiyo was shocked to see the scene in the camp.

There were wounded soldiers in the camp, and a battle was going on not far ahead, with flames rising to the sky, and it looked like the fight was very intense.

There were also many ninjas preparing to leave the camp and rush to the battlefield.

Seeing the wounded soldiers in the camp, there were more and more miserable than those in the Konoha garrison in the Land of Grass, which made Kamiyo feel terrified.

If the camp was like this, wouldn't the battlefield ahead be even more miserable?

Kakashi, Obito, and Nohara Rin also had heavy expressions.

Kakashi had already found the ninja in the camp who was responsible for receiving and distributing supplies. After handing over two scrolls filled with supplies, Kamiyo and his team completed their mission.

After completing the mission, Kamiyo and his team needed to return to the logistics position immediately, because there might be more supplies waiting for them to deliver.

The way back was smoother, not to mention the attack, no accidents happened.

Takei Katsuhiko saw Kakashi and his team coming back and asked, "How is it, is everything going well?"

Kakashi replied, "Very smooth, no

There were no accidents, and the supplies have been successfully delivered to the companions at the front line. "

Takei Katsuhiko worriedly said: "The fighting on the front line should be very fierce, right?"

Kakashi nodded: "The fighting is very fierce."

Takei Katsuhiko sighed: "The front line where you delivered the supplies has a gully, which is a natural barrier, so you must not let the Sand Ninja and Rock Ninja break in. If they break in, then there will be no favorable terrain to hinder the Sand Ninja and Rock Ninja in the next area.

Okay, you have worked hard, just take a break, and let other companions deliver the next batch of supplies. "

Although it's a rest, the base is full of supplies, and there is no bed or other daily necessities. Resting means lying on the ground or leaning against a supply box to rest for a while.

It's impossible for Kamiyo to get a bed here. If he really does that, it would be too disrespectful.

Kamiyo found a corner and sat on the supply box next to it. His mind was full of the wounded in the camp on the front line.

Because it was too shocking, Kamiyo couldn't forget it for a long time.

War is really annoying and boring.

In the next week or so, Kamiyo and his four companions delivered three more supplies, including equipment and medical supplies.

However, nothing happened in these three trips, and the supplies were delivered successfully.

After this trip of supplies was delivered, Takei Katsuhiko told Kamiyo and his four companions the news he had just received.

In short, the Sand Village and the Rock Village broke up, and the Sand Village and the Rock Village broke up. The ninja left the Land of Grass.

This should have been good news, but it was bad news.

Because without the ninjas from the Sand Village, the ninjas from the Rock Village had no worries and began to launch a full-scale attack on the Konoha ninjas in the Land of Grass. The situation was even more severe than when the Sand Ninjas were there.

The Sand Ninjas who evacuated the Land of Grass went to the River Country, where they fought with the Konoha ninjas and looked for opportunities to plunder Konoha's resources.

In order to relieve the pressure on Konoha, Sarutobi Hiruzen followed the example of the Sand Village and spread rumors that the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki of the Cloud Village might have something to do with the Rock Village.

Perhaps in revenge, the Cloud Ninjas from the Cloud Village now frequently sneak attack the Rock Village from the rear.

This also successfully relieved a lot of pressure on Konoha.

Some of the ninjas from the Mist Village have already entered the Land of Waves, with unknown intentions.

After a day of rest, Kamishiro, Kakashi and the other two had another mission today.

Deliver a batch of supplies to another front-line position.

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