The truth is, the truth is.

When the Rock Ninja jonin saw Kamishiro's sand iron wings, he immediately recognized Kamishiro as the traitor of the Sand Village and the bastard who made the Rock Village take the blame.

Although Ohnoki and the Rock Village leaders knew that this was a rumor deliberately spread by the Sand Village, it was only known to them.

Except for these leaders, everyone else believed that this was the truth.

Because if it wasn't true, why did the Tsuchikage cooperate with the Sand Village to attack Konoha before?

Kamishiro's face turned black when he heard the Rock Ninja jonin's words.

Kamishiro angrily retorted: "What are you talking about? What traitor! What framing! You idiots have been deceived by those bastards in Sand Village!"

The Rock Ninja Jonin was now full of murderous aura: "Deceived? Ha, you have fought for Konoha, and you are still quibbling here. The people in Sand Village are really shameless!"

Kamiyo was choked by the Rock Ninja Jonin's words and couldn't speak.

Now he is working for Konoha, and those rumors have become facts in the eyes of those who don't know the truth.

Kamishiro felt like he had eaten a fly, and he was very upset.

The Rock Ninja Jonin glared at Kamishiro with hatred: "Boy, remember my name before you die, Rock Village Jonin, Hakotsuki!"

Kamiyo looked at Hakotsuki in shock. Is he a Jonin?

No wonder he was under so much pressure just now.

Kamishiro glanced at Kakashi and Obito.

Kakashi faced two Iwagakure ninjas, and they seemed to be evenly matched, not at a disadvantage, but there was no way to quickly deal with them.

Obito also faced two Iwagakure ninjas, but he was basically beaten and ran around everywhere, and it was difficult to fight back. However, Obito ran very fast, and the two Iwagakure ninjas couldn't catch up with him for a while.

It seems that the four Iwagakure ninjas should be almost the strength of Chunin, and now Kakashi or Obito can't support him in time.

In other words, Kamishiro needs to face this Iwagakure jonin Satoshu alone.

Oops... I feel like running away.

Kamishiro looked at Satoshu with a tricky look, and said to him: "Hey, call me a traitor again!"

Satoshu was stunned, how could someone be so mean?

Kamishiro challenged, "What? You don't dare?"

Hokatsuki sneered, "I don't dare? Kid, do you have a sense of honor to be a traitor? Although I am not a ninja from the Sand Village, a traitor like you who betrays his own shadow and his own village deserves to die!"

Kamiyo took a deep breath, and now he felt good, his anger value was a bit off the charts.

Now Kamishiro didn't want to run away, he wanted to beat him.

Kamishiro asked Hokatsuki to call him a traitor just to save up his anger value.

Kamishiro knew what kind of person he was, and if he couldn't win the fight, he would run away.

Kamishiro, whose anger value was off the charts, cursed, "I'm a traitor? It was the Sand Village that betrayed me, you idiots with stones in your heads, you deserve to be used as guns!"

Kamishiro flapped his sand iron wings fiercely, and fired countless sand iron feathers from the center of the wings to sweep Hokatsuki from a long distance without blind spots.

"Earth Style: Earth Flow Wall!"

This time, Podoshu erected five earth walls to surround him and block Shendai's iron sand feathers.

After Shendai's iron sand feathers stopped, there was no movement in the earth wall.

Shendai frowned, feeling something was wrong.

"Magnetic Style: Iron Sand Triangular Pyramid!"

Shendai used iron sand to create a triangular pyramid and smashed it against the earth wall.

The earth wall was smashed to pieces, but there was no Podoshu inside.

Shendai was startled and suddenly felt movement behind him.

Turning around, he found that Podoshu was making a seal and raising his fist as big as a casserole to hit Shendai.

"Earth Style: Weighted Rock Technique!"

Podoshu increased the weight of the rock covering his fist to increase its power.

Shendai quickly made a seal: "Magnetic Style: Iron Sand Wall!"

Shendai used the iron sand wings behind him to transform into a solid wall to block Podoshu's fist.

The solid iron sand wall was punched into a big hole by the fist of the shodoshu, but it also successfully blocked the attack of the shodoshu.

Because the iron sand wings behind him turned into iron sand walls, Shen Dai began to fall in mid-air.

Shen Dai wanted to transform the iron sand into iron sand wings again, and then continue to fly in mid-air.

On the ground, he was definitely not a match for the shodoshu who was good at earth escape ninjutsu. In the air, as long as he was careful of the sudden attack of the shodoshu just now, he had some advantages.

But what Kamiyo didn't expect was that his sand iron was out of control and fell straight to the ground.

Kamiyo was stunned when he saw this scene.

But Kamiyo quickly realized why.

Because of the earth escape technique of Hakatsuki.

After Hakatsuki punched the sand iron wall, he used the earth escape technique of heavy rock, which greatly increased the weight of the sand iron, which caused the sand iron to be out of his control.

Moreover, Hakatsuki's own weight was very large, and the speed of falling was much faster than Kamiyo. He landed on the ground first and had already started to seal.

If Kamiyo fell to the ground like this, it would definitely be a big deal.

Kamiyo controlled Kannazuki to rush towards Hakatsuki who was sealing.

"Kannazuki·Blade vortex!"

Blades popped out from all the joints of Kannazuki's body, and they kept slashing at Hakatsuki like a storm.

Hakatsuki was forced to interrupt the seal and resist Kannazuki's fierce attack.

The part of iron sand stored in Kannazuki's body is full of Kamiyo's chakra, so Kamiyo can control it effortlessly.

Now that this part of iron sand has been added with weight, Kamiyo can't control it, and he has lost a lot of combat power all of a sudden.

Kamiyo controls Kannazuki to attack Podoshu. Now if Kamiyo wants to make a seal, he has to stop Kannazuki's control.

But if Kannazuki stops controlling and performs magnetic ninjutsu, Podoshu will either dodge or interrupt his seal, and Kannazuki will be scrapped under Podoshu's attack.

Kamiyo narrowed his eyes, then it's time to test the results of this period of time!

When Kamiyo controlled Kannazuki to attack, Kannazuki's two pairs of eyes suddenly lit up, emitting a light red light.

Kannazuki's automatic enemy search and attack system was turned on by Kamiyo.

Kannazuki's two eyes are cameras, locking on Podoshu, and attacking Podoshu continuously with a preset attack method.

However, there are still many disadvantages. Now the enemy can only be locked in the field of vision. If the enemy suddenly disappears from the field of vision, then Kannazuki will stand there in a daze.

And because it is a preset attack method, Kannazuki will not change his moves at all. At the same time, such a fierce attack may only last for one minute.

But it is enough time to make a seal.

After landing on the ground, Kamiyo made seals with both hands and pressed them on the ground.

"Magnetic escape! Sand iron wave!"

Kamiyo injected chakra into the ground, controlled the iron contained in the ground to raise the ground, and created a wave of sand iron like a sea wave, which rolled continuously towards the shodo tree.

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