After the awakening, the young man was tied up and carried on his shoulders by his own people, running towards an unknown place.

Kamiyo dared not speak now.

In the past few days, whenever Kamiyo woke up and said a word, he would be knocked out with a knife.

Kamiyo felt that the back of his neck was swollen.

Kamiyo couldn't figure out what happened, why the Third Kazekage knocked him out, why he didn't say anything, and directly let someone inexplicably take him away from the Sand Village.

Now it is obvious that this is no longer in the Kingdom of Wind, because the land here is not sand, there are many rivers and forests.

The first few times Kamiyo woke up, the first thing he said was to ask him where he was and where he was going to take him.

However, the two ninjas did not answer Shen Dai from beginning to end. They only responded to Shen Dai with their hands.

After waking up this time, Shen Dai did not say a word, analyzing why he was treated like this.

But no matter how Shen Dai recalled, he could not figure out what he had done wrong.

He stayed at home all day and night, and he had no chance to do anything wrong.

Shen Dai felt the ropes on his body. He was tied very tightly and could not move at all.

Shen Dai wanted to cry but had no tears. He should have learned the rope-breaking technique earlier.

The rope-breaking technique is a basic ninjutsu that all ninjas must learn.

The rope-breaking technique is just a technique to untie the knot or loosen the body joints with the backhand. Although it is very complicated, it does not require the use of chakra.

Because the body joints need to be staggered, Shen Dai is afraid of pain, so he did not learn it.

Shen Dai is still quite free to learn ninjutsu, and no one will force him to learn any ninjutsu.

Like the escape technique, it is painful and ordinary, Shen Dai does not look down on it at all.

Now, when I want to use it, I find that I don't know how to do it at all.

Kamiyo suddenly found that there were not only those two Sand Ninjas, but three more.

And he heard their conversation.

"The Rock Ninjas have arrived in the River Country. Let's go over there to trade now."

"Have you notified them?"

"Well, the scroll of the Rock Village's agreement to form an alliance with our Sand Village has fallen into their hands. They have sent a large number of ninjas to the northern part of the River Country. They must want to lock on the Rock Ninjas."

"Okay, when we get the military supplies, we will retreat directly."

Kamiyo, who had lost his memory, was confused.

Is this the River Country?

The Rock Village and the Sand Village have formed an alliance?

What is the transaction? Military supplies?

The scroll of alliance fell into their hands? Who are they?

And why did they take him with them?

Kamiyo now felt that his brain was almost not enough, and he couldn't figure out what was going on.

After running for a while, the five Sand Ninjas took Kamiyo and suddenly stopped in a forest.

A Sand Ninja shouted, "Come out."

Five Rock Ninjas slowly rose from the ground and appeared in front of them.

The Sand Ninja asked, "This is a Magnetic Style Bloodline Genkai Ninja, who was promised to be given to you before. So what about the things we want?"

The Rock Ninja unfolded six scrolls and summoned six large boxes.

"Two boxes of kunai, three boxes of shuriken, and one box of detonating tags. These are the military supplies that were promised to be given to you."

When Kamishiro heard this, he felt like he was falling into an ice cave and couldn't stop shivering.

Are they trading?

The Rock Ninja took these six boxes of things in exchange for him?

Could it be that the Third Kazekage thought he was too useless, so he wanted to make use of him, form an alliance with the Rock Ninja Village, and exchange for supplies?

No matter how much Kamishiro thought, this seemed to be the only possibility in the current situation.

Kamishiro suddenly felt so desperate and sad.

He didn't want to fight, pretended to be useless, stayed at home every day, either studying ninjutsu or puppets, just wanting to survive.

I didn't expect that I couldn't escape this way and was still used as a sacrifice.

Kamishiro was indignant and thought fiercely in his heart that when he arrived at the Rock Village, he would directly turn evil and perform well in the Rock Village, so that the Third Kazekage and others could see how awesome he was, who was used as a sacrifice by them, and how great a talent they had lost!

The five Sand Ninjas opened the six boxes one by one and checked them. After confirming that there was no problem with the contents, they sealed the boxes again and stored them in the scrolls.

The Sand Ninja put Kamishiro on the ground and signaled the Rock Ninja to take Kamishiro away.

When the Sand Ninjas and the Rock Ninjas were making a deal, there were four pairs of eyes watching them around.

And these four pairs of eyes were exactly the ones of Bo

Team Feng Shuimen.

Minato Namikaze directed Kakashi, Obito and Nohara Rin with gestures.

Kakashi, Obito and Nohara Rin nodded at the same time and dispersed.

As a medical ninja, Nohara Rin's combat ability is very weak, so she will not directly participate in the battle.

Kakashi has arrived at the location.

However, when Obito was heading to the location indicated by Minato Namikaze, he suddenly stepped on a stone and fell flat on his face.

The sound of Obito's fall directly attracted the attention of the Sand Ninja and the Rock Ninja.

"Who is it?!"

Two Sand Ninja and two Rock Ninja rushed directly in the direction of the sound.

Kakashi, Nohara Rin and Minato Namikaze covered their foreheads with a look of submission.

"What a big fool!"

Kakashi immediately used the instant body technique and instantly appeared behind a Sand Ninja. The short blade in his hand directly sank into the back of the Sand Ninja, and blood splashed on Kakashi's face.

Another Sand Ninja immediately pulled out a shuriken and threw it at Kakashi.

Kakashi drew out his short blade, jumped back, and dodged the kunai.

At the same time, the two Rock Ninjas rushed towards Obito again.

Facing such a battle, Obito was too nervous and afraid, and his hands were shaking as he made seals. He barely finished the seals before the Rock Ninjas rushed over.

"Fire Style! Great Fireball Technique!"

Obito gathered his chakra behind his throat and spit out a fireball from his mouth.

"Earth Style: Earth Flowing Wall!"

After making a seal, the Rock Ninja pressed his hands on the ground, creating an earth wall standing in front of him, blocking Obito's flames.

After blocking the flames, an Rock Ninja continued to rush towards Obito, and Obito took out a kunai to deal with it.

The hidden Nohara Rin shouted to Obito: "Obito! Watch out behind you!"

Behind Obito, an Rock Ninja suddenly emerged from the soil and stabbed Obito with the kunai in his hand.

The Iwagakure who attacked was one of the two Iwagakure ninjas who rushed towards Obito just now.

When one Iwagakure ninja erected a wall of earth to block Obito's flames, the other Iwagakure ninja used the Earth Style: Earth Dragon Hidden Technique, which can use flowing chakra to turn the soil into fine sand particles, digging underground like an earth dragon, and quietly approached Obito from underground.

The Iwagakure ninja who suddenly appeared from the ground behind him frightened Obito so much that he froze in place, watching the kunai pierce his neck.

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