The fire started.

"Hey, it looks like there's a fire over there."

"Yeah, maybe it's a forest fire caused by some accident."

Kamiyo and his party came to the outskirts of the forest, and saw from afar that the sky over there was red and smoky.

There were also many animals escaping from the forest.

Kamiyo quickly grabbed a rabbit, twisted its neck with skillful movements, and then hung it around his waist.

I'll roast some rabbit meat later to improve my diet. I eat Bingliang Pills every day. If I don't improve my diet from time to time, Kamiyo feels that his blood is all diluted by Bingliang Pills.

Kakashi frowned at the map and said, "I'm really unlucky. If we go through the forest, we will reach the intersection. If we take the rightmost road, we can reach the front line where supplies are transported smoothly. If we take a detour, we will have to take a long way and may be more than a day late."

Obito asked, "What should we do?"

Kamiyo spread his hands, "What else can we do? Take a detour. There is a forest fire. Are we going to burn ourselves?"

Kakashi looked at the sky and made a decision, "Let's go through the forest!"

Kamiyo reached out and touched Kakashi's forehead, "Kakashi, are you confused?"

Kakashi slapped Kamiyo's hand away in dissatisfaction, "I'm serious. Look at the sky. The sky over there has heated up sharply because of the forest fire, which has generated an updraft, and the updraft has generated cumulonimbus clouds. So the temperature continues to rise, and it should rain soon."

Kamiyo looked at the sky above the forest. Dark clouds had gathered in the sky, and it really looked like it was going to rain soon.

Obito was confused: "Kakashi, where do you know so many strange things?"

Kakashi put away the map, his tone was obviously light, but it gave people a strong sense of sarcasm: "Do less boring things, read more books and you will know."

Obito said unhappily: "Who did boring things?"

Kakashi glanced at Kamiyo: "Do you have to tell me what you talked about with Kamiyo?"

Kamiyo's eyes were unbelievable at first, and then he stood up straight: "Hey, I didn't provoke you, it's none of my business!"

Under Kamiyo's winking, Obito also realized that Kakashi already knew, and decisively admitted his mistake: "I was wrong!"

Nohara Rin asked curiously: "What's the matter?"

Since Obito and Kamiyo had a good attitude of admitting their mistakes, Kakashi didn't say anything, just said "let's go".

Kamiyo and Obito breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Kamishiro glared at Obito in dissatisfaction: "Hey, you exposed yourself?"

Obito immediately shook his head and said: "I didn't expose myself!"

Kamiyo said with a 'tsk' sound: "That means Kakashi eavesdropped on our conversation. That's too much. I have to be more careful in the future. Do you understand?"

Obito nodded again: "I understand!"

These days, Kamishiro is thinking about the future.

Now he has nowhere to go except Konoha. After the war, Kamishiro doesn't want to be a ninja and do missions, so he has to make money by himself.

So Kamishiro is thinking about how to make money in the future.

Kamishiro doesn't want to work for others, so it's best to open a store and be the boss.

What store should I open?

After thinking about it, Kamishiro immediately got an inspiration. It's a hobby and he can do what he is good at.

And the source of Kamishiro's inspiration comes from Jiraiya.

That's the puppet.

An adult puppet that specializes in solving the loneliness problem of single men in the future.

As for the service objects, for example, the old bachelors Kakashi and Iruka in the future.

As for the funds, if Jiraiya is asked to invest, Jiraiya will definitely be very interested.

First grow bigger and stronger in Konoha, then slowly expand the business to other countries, and finally open adult puppet chain stores all over the ninja world!

This! This is the ambition of Kamishiro!

Because it is still in the conceptual stage, Kamishiro will talk to Obito from time to time during the night rest, asking Obito what kind of girls he likes, excluding Nohara Rin, to prepare for the future production of adult puppets.

However, because Kamishiro is now very thin-skinned, he will feel a little shy, and he doesn't want others to know except Obito.

Under the leadership of Kakashi, Kamishiro, Obito and Nohara Rin still entered the forest.

There was no difference from what Kakashi predicted. Not long after Kamishiro and his friends entered the forest, it started to rain heavily, which prevented the forest fire from spreading, and the flames became smaller and smaller.

However, Kakashi

After Kakashi and his companions went deep into the forest, they all stopped at the same time.

"Why do I seem to hear the sound of fighting?"

"I heard it too, and it seemed quite intense."

"Could this forest fire be caused by the guys fighting there?"

Kamiyo and Obito discussed it one after another.

Nohara Rin looked at Kakashi: "Kakashi, the ones fighting here should be our Konoha ninjas and Iwa ninjas. Should we go to support them?"

Kakashi frowned. Their mission was to transport supplies. Now they didn't know the situation over there. If they approached rashly, they would probably be in danger.

After thinking for a while, Kakashi decided: "Our mission is to transport supplies. The mission takes priority. We bypass the range of their fighting and quickly deliver the supplies to the front-line positions, and then tell our companions on the front-line positions to come here for support."

Kamiyo gave Kakashi a thumbs up: "Good decision!"

However, before Kamiyo's thumbs were retracted, a fireball fell from the sky and hit Kamiyo and his four companions not far away.

After the fireball hit the ground, magma splashed everywhere.

Kamiyo, Kakashi and Nohara Rin all dodged in time, but Obito suffered. Some magma was on his butt, which made him jump up and down.

It was not that Obito did not want to dodge, but Kamiyo's way of dodging was to pull Obito in front of him, which led to Obito being implicated.

Kamiyo's divine kick directly extinguished the flames on Obito's butt caused by the magma.

Obito covered his butt and rubbed it desperately, complaining: "What's going on? How come a piece of magma fell from the sky?!"

Kakashi looked at the burning magma not far away and said solemnly: "This is a ninjutsu!"

Kamiyo looked up at the sky and reminded: "Look at the sky!"

Kakashi, Obito and Nohara Rin all looked at the sky, and there were many small red dots.

Obito opened his Sharingan to observe and said in shock: "There are fireballs in the sky, no! It's the same magma fireball as the one just now!"

A large number of magma fireballs fell from the sky.

Kakashi judged the landing point of these magma balls and said seriously: "No, these magma balls fell on the ground, and the magma splashing everywhere is difficult to avoid, Kamiyo!"

Kamiyo immediately understood what Kakashi meant and pressed his hands on the ground.

"Magnetic escape! Sand iron gyroscope!"

Kamiyo controlled the sand iron underground to rise. Unlike the sand iron gyroscope that wrapped around the gyroscope last time, this time Kamiyo created a gyroscope-like sand iron, which rotated around them in a circular motion to resist the magma splashing when the magma fireball fell to the ground.

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