Superpowers can be developed.

Similar powers can communicate with each other and improve each other, and they are reflected in multiple power organizations. Chu Ge himself also received guidance from his mother on spatial powers and learned a variety of uses.

Chu Ge had long thought about what progress he could make if his father could communicate and give advice. In fact, my expectations are not very high, because this thing is a bit idealistic, and I always feel that "if you don't understand it, you don't understand it" will be said.

However, now that Chu Jiangliu clearly told him that he could be strengthened, how could he not be overjoyed?

"Our ability is actually the ancestor level in super power fantasy. This type was included in the earliest super power fantasy sequence. Do you know what it is?" Chu Jiangliu asked.

Chu Ge answered directly: "Ma Liang, the magic pen."

Chu Jiangliu said, stroking his palms: "That's right. The manifestation of Ma Liang, the magic pen, is a step further and more daring than the traditional fairy fantasy of the painting soul and book soul. The traditional painting soul fantasy is just a soul at best, and after a long period of time at most With your hard work and cultivation, you can progress to become a real person, that is, your Jia Qiu..."

Chu Ge handed over the tea: "Drink tea. Wake up."

"..." Chu Jiangliu stopped talking, took a sip of tea and continued: "And Ma Liang, the magic pen, draws casually. Whatever he draws becomes real, and no process is required. This is the super power of our series. The most direct manifestation.”

Chu Ge muttered: "The ultimate in YY."

Chu Jiangliu said with a straight face: "The ultimate in YY is to write a world and make it real."

Chu Ge: "...Excellent. I think what's even more extreme is that it doesn't even need media such as calligraphy and painting. It can be realized through fantasy."

Chu Jiang showed a smile: "Yes, one is the ultimate result, and the other is the ultimate process. And what I want to teach you is the process of how to not even use the media."

Chu Ge stopped complaining and listened solemnly.

"Whether it is Ma Liang's paintings or You's books, they both embody imaginary things in a medium. In essence, they just make it easier for people to express their imagination intuitively and make it easier for people to connect with reality. This is a simplification , is not a necessary process, because whether or not this process exists does not affect the nature of the change between reality and reality."

"The change between reality and reality..." Chu Ge thought thoughtfully.

"If we are cultivating immortals, we probably have to talk about the laws of heaven here, but we are not cultivating immortals, we have super powers, so we won't talk about this."


Chu Jiangliu said lightly: "It's also a book written by you. Why didn't the previous ones come true, and why did this one become a reality? Even... I think you may have already realized it when you conceived it. No need to put pen to paper."

Chu Ge felt excited, it was indeed the case.

I was confused earlier, and I haven’t written it yet. What happened to the Emperor of Heaven and the Four Symbols? Later, through various clues, I determined that the world already existed when I conceived it...

It doesn't need to be through the medium of writing at all.

As for why the previous few books were not available, but this one is...

That's because this is the story I want to write the most, the most thoughtful, and the most emotional book...Chu Tiange is the sustenance of all my good things, and his journey is also everything I want to achieve. . And Qiu Wuji is the perfect companion that I created with all my beautiful imagination.

"So what dad means is...that we need concentration and emotion?"

"More precisely, it requires love." Chu Jiangliu said: "Look, if you ask me to manifest a stone in a smelly ditch, I won't be able to manifest it. I am not omnipotent. But If it is something that I am interested in and want to manifest, such as..."

As he spoke, he glanced toward the kitchen like a thief, quietly conjured up two dumplings, and handed one to Chu Ge: "Either?"

Chu Ge: "..."

Seeing that Chu Ge had a stinky face and said nothing, Chu Jiangliu ate his food and said vaguely: "I love everything about this country. I can embody everything I have seen and thought about. Everything is based on My passion and ideals are dedicated to my family and country. Of course, the situation may be slightly different from yours. If you build a world purely based on fantasy, it will only be a mess. It must be written in detail. You can learn from me. The scriptures that can be obtained are for reference only.”

Chu Ge scratched his head: "Still missing the point. Just talking about love is very idealistic."

"First of you find yourself less enthusiastic about the book now and have a more utilitarian perspective on that world?"

Chu Ge was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt a little creepy.

How much I loved that world...

Not only because of Qiuqiu, but also because of many, many things... When I first entered the book, I was very interested in the lives of each of the minor characters. I was very interested and happy when any external disciple I didn't know came to sword competition. Haha.

Looking at Xuanji is also a joy, looking at Xiao Huo Miao is also a joy.

I think they are all very cute, as expected of me writing them!

What now?

Tired by various rebellions, his attitude towards each character is no longer enthusiastic, but tired, scrutinized, doubtful, and slightly alienated.

It's not a matter of becoming a ruler with a mentality... Rules don't matter, the key is that you feel tired of the world and no longer love it.

Not to mention anything else, do you still have the same passion for coding now as you did before, writing thousands of words a day? This time I asked for leave for several days, but even though the dust had settled, I didn’t even think of going back and writing a word... Where was the enthusiasm I had before when I got up in the morning and squatted down to type half a chapter?

This is too obvious.

What a word that awakens the dreamer... When the Creator of the World no longer loves this world...

If we continue like this, we might encounter Wujiang again, and we don’t know what specific form the feedback will take.


If you love something like this, if you don’t love it, you don’t love it anymore. How can you make yourself fall in love with it again?

Chu Ge stood there, stunned.

Parents can't teach you this kind of can only rely on yourself.



Qiu Wuji happily helped her mother-in-law make dumplings. She liked the atmosphere of such a family very much. Her husband was outside talking about business with her father, while she and her mother-in-law cooked together.

My home was like this when I was a kid, very comfortable.

Hearing people talk about the difficulties in the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, Qiu Wuji had long forgotten about it. My mother-in-law is very kind. She is even kinder to herself than to Chu Ge. Her eyes are so narrow that she can’t even open them and she is smiling. What’s the problem?

Qiu Wuji had long forgotten how he slandered her when she was forced by her evil mother-in-law to have sex with her stupid son...

Wu Xiuyun was indeed smiling all the time. How beautiful and solid these dumplings were! She kept asking "Mom" and "Will this bag be too big?", what a well-behaved daughter-in-law.

It is said that this was written by the son based on the most perfect wife in his mind. This son is saved and knows what kind of wife is good!

Are some of them written with reference to my mother’s character? There must be some! Wu Xiuyun thought about Taozi happily.

The conversation between the two men outside could be heard word by word. Qiu Wuji's movements of making dumplings slowed down slightly, and he seemed to be lost in thought.

Passion for everything?

In addition to enthusiasm, there should also be ideals. People like Father Chu are warriors...

"Qiuqiu..." Wu Xiuyun suddenly shouted.

"Ah...ah?" Qiu Wuji came back to his senses and responded in a daze.

"Do you have any relatives in your family?" Wu Xiuyun said, "If we want to propose a kiss or something..."

Qiu Wuji sniffed and touched it subconsciously: "No more..."

"That unit...oh, sect, are there any elders?"

"No more... I am the biggest in the sect."

Wu Xiuyun looked at the white spots of flour that were touched on Qiu Wuji's nose, raised her head and said "I am the biggest" like a little arrogant, feeling that she was adorable to death.

It seems that there is no need to rush to have a grandson. What is the difference between such a cute daughter-in-law and a granddaughter...

Hey, wait... isn't this the granddaughter?

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