What should I do if the heroine escapes from the book?

Chapter 477 You are worse than a ghost

Because there are very few myths and legends about Buddha fire in real Buddhism that have the nature of firebirds like this. This thing is usually played by Taoists, and it is not shown like this in the book. If you said it was a fire lotus, it might be closer.

I don’t know if what Zhang Xinghu encountered is because foreign Buddhism is different from Chinese Buddhism, or if it is simply another similar religion.

Chu Ge asked Zhang Xinghu several questions repeatedly, but Zhang Xinghu was confused and couldn't tell what they were: "What about Indonesian Buddhism, Chinese Buddhism, and Buddhism and Hinduism? Are there any differences between these things? Aren't they all Asan religion?"

Chu Ge: "...Yes. After Buddhism was introduced, it became a lot more localized. There are even many branches of Buddhism in China, all different from each other."

"I'm not one of your educated people. When I go to the temple, I don't always worship Fatty Asan. The nouns are also weird names of the old lady and that old lady from Asan's side. I can't tell the difference at all." Zhang Xinghu said: "Anyway, that The temple is called Boro Temple, that’s all I know.”

Boro Temple. Chu Ge kept it in mind and secretly thought that he would have to go and see it in person.

In fact, this little story alone cannot even prove that it is related to Suzaku. It can only be said to be a clue and needs to be investigated slowly.

But it’s not easy to find clues. There has been no trace of Suzaku’s whereabouts for so long. I originally expected that Yan Qianlie, who was freeing up, would gain something unexpectedly, but I didn’t expect that the clues would appear in this world first.

Zhang Xinghu asked with some anticipation: "How, do you know what's going on with me? Can this ghost be caught?"

Only then did Chu Ge's attention return to Zhang Xinghu.

This is more typical.

He did see resentment surrounding Zhang Xinghu, which was very similar to the feeling he had seen at Xuanwu. But here comes the problem. The problem he encountered was not the coldness of resentful spirits and the clusters of evil spirits. Instead, it was the sultry heat, which made him There is something like a drought demon underground.

Could it be that the fire bird he used to ward off evil spirits was overdone? He was actually lighting a fire to ward off the cold, but instead burned himself?

If this is the case, then why is the resentment still there and not only not suppressed, but actually getting stronger?

Is it because the relationship between sultry heat and resentment is not opposition, but an integral relationship?

In general thinking, resentment is cold, as opposed to hot and stuffy. But what if it’s Suzaku’s resentment? Is it also cold?

Definitely not, it would just be a monstrous demonic flame that would burn all living things.

The logic is correct, and only the group of people they are looking for Suzaku can think in this direction... Any other "ghost hunter" would not think this way.

In other words, based on the most direct judgment, the resentment and sultryness in Zhang Xinghu's body were not those of the poor female tour guide, but those of Suzaku, or at least related contamination. As for why his affair with the female tour guide led to Suzaku becoming infected, I guess you have to ask that temple.

The only question is why it is so light, even an ordinary person without superpowers did not die from the heat. Is the power of Suzaku so useless? It stands to reason that even a tiny bit of contamination is enough to turn a city into ashes...

And it has not happened before, but it broke out this year... Is this related to the plot of regaining the human world and starting the heaven this year?

Thoughts swirling in my mind, I still responded: "First of all, you definitely can't live in this house. It's not that I wanted to buy it, so I told you to lower the price. It's because you have been living here for a long time, and there are related grievances left everywhere in the house, and I interact with you. reaction, the effect is more serious.”

Zhang Xinghu smiled bitterly: "Okay, okay. What else?"

"You'd better sell this pendant to me." Chu Ge said: "No matter what the ghost in you is, in short, this pendant will not only not suppress you, but will burn you... Should I say, Buddha The domestic bird thinks that you are worse than ghosts, and compared with ghosts, you are the one who needs to be purified first?"

Zhu Mengmeng was very happy after hearing this: "I think that's it!"

Qiu Wuji burst into laughter.

The author of this book is starting to feel gloomy again...but he sounds very convincing.

Zhang Xinglong obviously felt as if he was worse than a ghost and couldn't refute this at all. He simply took off the Firebird pendant and threw it away: "I'll give it to you. Regardless of whether I can get rid of the ghost or not, it's considered a consulting fee."

Chu Ge took the pendant and felt it carefully, his heart beating wildly.

This does have some hint of Suzaku, very, very weak. But no matter how weak it was, it was Suzaku, which confirmed all the previous conjectures. I really didn't expect that it was so easy to get this clue!

Why Indonesia?

He took a deep breath, hiding the confusion in his heart, and threw the pendant to Qiu Wuji as if he didn't care: "It's yours."

He looked like he was giving good things to his wife.

Qiu Wuji smiled sweetly and took it.

Chu Ge said to Zhang Xinghu: "Don't say that I'm lying to you with empty words. Let's put it this way. You have been lingering in resentment for a long time. Your heart is angry in your liver and spleen. You have insomnia, dreaminess, irritable temper, constipation, yellow urine and even yellow urine." Even if the pendant is gone, your symptoms will not go away."

Zhang Xinghu was ecstatic: "Yes! That's right! Since you said that, can it be cured?"

"Yes." Chu Ge said: "I feel like someone should have told you to wash your hands in a golden basin, do some legitimate business, live in a secluded place by the sea, and cultivate yourself."

"Yes, yes, the monk of Putuo Temple told me!" Zhang Xinghu said: "I haven't hung out with Zhang Xinglong in these years. I didn't participate in the things he did to give birth to sons without sex. I have always been kind to others. I even donated money to the flood last year... "

Chu Ge nodded: "Not enough, the sin has not been atoned for. You see, when the divine bird comes, it is you first, not the ghost."

Zhang Xinghu was stunned for a moment: "Then what should I do? According to this logic, any god should accept me first? How can other evil people live well? Zhang Xinglong has a stomach full of pus, so why doesn't anyone accept him?"

Chu Ge said lightly: "Didn't Zhang Xiaoren go to jail? This is punishment."

"That's no use. I heard that the sentence reduction will be reduced to this year. How long will you be squatting in total?"

"..." Chu Ge just found out about this, but he didn't worry about it. Everyone was no longer on the same level, and he hadn't bothered to ask about Nanjiang's affairs for a long time.

Don't talk about yourself, even if Zhang Qiren returns to China at this time, regardless of whether he can ride on the Nanjiang River, it is probably quite easy to ride on the Zhang family. What is Zhang Xiaoren doing with him?

He just said: "It is other people's business to squat whether you should squat or not. I think your business is not limited to Indonesia. I know it myself."

Zhang Xinghu chuckled and didn't say much.

Of course it's impossible to squat by yourself, do whatever you want, what are you kidding me about?

If it weren't for the fact that you look like a mage, I wouldn't even bother to say anything.

Chu Ge didn't expect a few words to scare people into going to jail. He just said calmly: "I don't know if there will be a reward for doing evil. Maybe there is a gold belt for killing people and setting fires. Anyway, I accept this pendant from you, so I don't know. I'll give you a chance and temporarily eliminate your problems, but if they recur in the future, you might as well recall these words today."

Zhang Xinghu asked curiously: "How can it be temporarily eliminated?"

Chu Ge's palms glowed with golden light.

Pure Buddha's light enveloped Zhang Xinghu's body, and even Zhu Mengmeng heard an extremely sad bird song that went straight into the sky and disappeared.

When he looked at Zhang Xinghu again, he was dripping with sweat, as if he had just been fished out of the water.

But his expression was extremely excited: "It's really useful... I feel like the mountain that has been weighing on me for so many years has suddenly been moved away! You are the true master!"

Seeing Zhang Xinghu's ecstatic expression, Chu Ge smiled slightly: "Since you are buying a house, it is destined, so why be polite."

In fact, he is a hammer master. The power he uses is Buddhist power, and it can indeed purify resentment. But since he doesn't practice Buddhism, this is just a superficial temporary solution that treats the symptoms but not the root cause. The fundamental problem cannot be solved, so it is not as good as Qin Feier's purification power.

He didn't want to help such a person.

The eyes that looked at each other last night seemed to flash before my eyes again... as if to say, are you considered a Buddhist?

Chu Ge whispered to himself: "I don't count...but do you?"

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