What should I do if the heroine escapes from the book?

Chapter 500 What will it be like when spiritual energy is revived?

"I asked about it. It was not so exaggerated in the past two years. It has become more and more serious in the past few months." Yueying drove all the way to the temple and introduced to the two people: "First of all, the military system began to collapse. The powerful People with superpowers come to power and then there are coups of all sizes, civil strife, and chaos, just like the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period."

Chu Ge: "What about the attitudes of other countries, like us? They won't just watch, right?"

Yueying glanced at him from the rearview mirror: "They are all making trouble, and so are we."

Chu Ge: "emmmm..."

"It is in our interests only if others are in trouble. This seems to be the case with the country's affairs. I heard that in the north soon... well, forget it, I really don't understand these things."

Chu Ge: "..."

"I'm not senior enough to understand the specific situation here, so I don't know the details, but this kind of thing should be the responsibility of General Chu... So you ask me, I think it's very humorous."

"... He is responsible for many things, and I can't ask him one by one. In fact, we don't talk about these things at home."

"In general, we support a certain side. I have been given instructions for this, and I will follow up later... Anyway, that is my other mission, and it has little to do with what you are here to do."

Chu Ge nodded: "It's better if it's not involved. I don't want to know about the high-level situation or other countries' civil strife. What I want to know is just about supernatural powers."

"As for superpowers, it's a bit like the social structure of spiritual energy reviving written in online articles." Yueying smiled narrowly: "You know better than me."

Chu Ge said: "Could it be that all employees are graded based on their abilities, and those without abilities are useless? Those with abilities rated A-level or above have prospered and become great people in the eyes of people with envy and jealousy?"

Yueying smiled and said: "It's almost the same. The power of the gang is more obvious. Not to mention A-level, B-level are all superior to others."

Qiu Wuji couldn't help but ask: "What about the operation of other aspects of society and the selection of talents?"

Yueying said: "If it is still so normal, can it be called chaos? This country is about to collapse."

Qiu Wuji: "..."

Chu Ge waved his hand: "Actually, there are also non-combat abilities, and they can also make achievements in other aspects. But in troubled times, these kinds of things are easy to be ignored, and the combat type is still outstanding. Maybe they will gradually form a comparison after the chaos. A reasonable new order, but it doesn’t seem to be formed yet. This kind of background setting is quite interesting. If I write... uh, sorry, my brain circuit is not right. "

Qiu Wuji laughed.

It’s an occupational disease of writers. When encountering something special, it’s easy to think “How would I write it if I were asked to write it?” or “Can this matter be included in my plot?”... let alone Chu Ge, Even when she first learned to write, she had this weird thinking tendency, and Chu Ge was even more obvious in this regard.

Sometimes I wonder if a writer is not suitable for living with other girls at all, so I would be the best suited to write one myself, hum...

She didn't realize that it wasn't very normal for her love mind to think about such things at this time.

Yueying didn't think so much, and just said: "Actually, there are some signs of this in Japan and South Korea now, but it is slightly different from here, there are more knowledgeable people who are prepared, and there is always a chance of success in the face of unexpected events. When the water rises, the overall situation looks relatively stable."

Qiu Wuji glanced at her secretly: "Is it related to Japan and South Korea?"

Yueying's face was expressionless: "I have colleagues. For example, Sister Ruoyan is stationed in South Korea during this period."

Chu Ge was thinking that this might be due to his father's double standard operation. On the one hand, he restricted the development of superpowers in domestic society and only trained elite soldiers; on the other hand, he vigorously promoted the rise of superpowers abroad, causing chaos.

I wonder what he is doing now, causing trouble in North America? White tiger?

Thinking about it in his mind, he still asked Yueying: "I know the general situation...but what about the situation in the temple?"

"The temple is relatively stable, and the monks have some real skills and are quite powerful. So they have gathered a large group of armed forces through their faith, and they have become an invisible warlord force, but they do not participate in the war."

"In other words, are we going to a base area heavily garrisoned by others?"

Yueying's expression became solemn, and he whispered: "If you want to sneak in, it will be very difficult given my ability. On the contrary, it is no problem to go in openly, to worship the Buddha, or even just in the name of tourism... But if you go in for a normal reason, what do you want to see? Secret and unlikely..."

Chu Ge said: "Then go and worship the Buddha openly and openly, and then sneak in deeper when you get inside."

Yueying said: "There are other people who have done this, and they have been made into dried meat and hung outside the military camp."

Chu Ge: "...Where is the grove behind the temple?"

"There is no grove anymore, it is already a military camp."

Chu Ge turned to Qiu Wuji and said: "When you first came out, you said you would go to a war-torn place to recruit a group of soldiers and horses. Now you have arrived at the most suitable place for you to hang out..."

"Screw you, you are the right person to hang out in such a wretched place." Qiu Wuji said angrily: "The place is almost here, I have already seen the top of the pagoda, and the murderous intentions of the surrounding troops are floating in the sky."

Yueying asked: "What are you going to do?"

Chu Ge stretched out and said, "Pray to the Buddha and then sneak in."

Yueying: "?"

"Make us jerky?" Chu Ge sneered: "The people who want us to make jerky the most are not them, but the Buddha they worship... Unfortunately, even their Buddha can't do it, who are they? "

"Squeak!" The car suddenly stalled and stopped moving on the side of the road.

Qiu Wuji said: "Yueying, don't be like this. Even if we sound a little scary, there is no need to throw us on the road..."

Yueying was about to cry but had no tears: "The car broke down!"

Chu Ge: "..."

Yueying jumped out of the car angrily and kicked her viciously: "What a broken car! Isn't it said that Japanese cars can't be driven bad?"

"Although the Japanese system can also be broken, don't listen to people's boasts... But this time it is really not its fault." Chu Ge squinted his eyes and looked at the temple in front of him. The thick murderous intention and death aura above the temple had become substantial. , especially with the high flame temperature contained in the surrounding air, problems may arise if the vehicle lines are slightly aged.

The most important thing is that the nature of Suzaku can be clearly felt in the meaning of the flame.

It is said that thousands of lights are spread all over the world, and wherever there is a flame, there is a red bird, but the difference between light and dark is still very obvious. I've seen a lot of flames in the past, and I really didn't feel that they were anything special, but here they are very clear.

He was so clear that he could even detect the anger and avoidance of Suzaku's intention.

It should have instinctively sensed Chu Ge's identity, but I don't know if it has a clear consciousness - a trace of its true spirit is now with Qing Yan, how much of it is still in the body?

"Let's go." Chu Ge looked at the temple and said calmly: "Others may already know that I'm coming. Any strategy doesn't make much sense. Just get to the point. Yueying had better leave here and pick you up here. Those who support me, the changes here may be useful to you.”

Yueying was anxious: "How can I leave you alone and go first?"

Chu Ge sighed: "Yueying..."


"You were once our combat unit, and I was one-third of the shadow."

Yueying: "..."

"But now..." Chu Ge reached out and pressed on the hood of the car: "My opponent is the gods and Buddhas of the gods."

"Bang!" The hood popped open automatically.

Under Yueying's dumbfounded gaze, a strange force flowed through the engine, and the faulty line returned to normal.

It's almost like he used GM authority to go back in the book.

But Qiu Wuji could see clearly from the side that this was not a return.

It was the "Fantasy Come True" power that his father passed down to him during the Chinese New Year.

God said let there be light.

The Buddha said that flowers bloom with just one thought.

It’s just a line, whatever you want it to be.

In this world, Chu Ge is no longer a drag... When he combines supernatural powers and magic, his abilities have evolved far beyond what Qiu Wuji taught her.

I still remember that day I had hoped that even if I didn’t have a book, I would be a god.

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