Humans are the most intellectually advanced creatures. Their brains are possible of things far more than what they normally use them for. Some use their brains to create miracles and some limit their use by confining themselves behind a word called 'impossible'. 

As the years went by, technology started to develop more and more. 

In 2021, the gaming world saw an evolution and while the economy was going through a crisis, the gaming industry started to bloom. More and more people started to join this trend, some were successful and others just didn't have the talent needed. 

In the year 2030, when everyone thought they'd be able to invent flying cars, in reality, they invented something far more fascinating. 

Virtual Reality Games. 

Not just the old internet games that you'd play to pass time with friends. These VR games were the new and improved versions that were no longer even comparable to their ancestors.. They provided the real gaming experience to the players who instantly became addicted to it.

Gaming became a famous profession and the top gamers became celebrities. 

In 2032, when everyone thought that the games couldn't get anymore crazier, there came a new game that changed it all once again. 


"With the release of the new VR RPG: T.I.A.D., the gaming world has been going insane. People are basically screaming, 'Take my money! All of it!'"

"The game became an instant hit among the youth and it was all due to its marketing strategy. On the first day of its release, the gaming company made an announcement: Whoever completes the final level of the game first would win a cash prize of $1,000,000. Yes, you read that correct, 1,000,000 dollars!"

"Who, in the world, would be able to fight that temptation?"

"At the end of the day, money rules the world. From gamers to non-gamers, from children to adults, from males to females; everybody has been trying their luck."

"People are connecting together from all over the world, just to see, who is going to emerge victorious and take home that 1,000,000 dollar reward."

"But so far things are not looking so simple. To win the game, you have to beat the Gamemaster, but the main problem is that no one knows the identity of this person and even if they did, how are they supposed to beat him in his own game?"

"At the moment, there is an official scoreboard for the top ten players of T.I.A.D."

It is filled with 7 pro-gamers and 3 anonymous newcomers:

1. Mastermo

2. Yingli

3. Hulk0_0

4. BBtrash

5. Kaze17

6. Jiangshi

7. Richlord

8. Andyzz

9. loudbitchnextdoor

10. T-Rex101

"At the top of the list is the renowned pro-gamer, Huang Zhihao, also known as 'Mastermo', who at the moment, seems to have the highest chance to win that cash price, and following closely behind him is actually a newcomer to the gaming world, Yingli, but unfortunately, our knowledge of this new gamer is limited but seeing as how Yingli has already secured the second position, I wouldn't be surprised if this name makes it to next year's pro-gamers list."

"In fact, Yingli isn't the only newcomer this time. It seems 'Jiangshi' and 'Andyzz' are also on their way to securing a position in that list."

"I feel like we are witnessing yet another gaming revolution this year with all these new and talented gamers suddenly emerging from the shadows."

"Yes! And the big question is"

"Just who is going to win that one million dollars?"

"People are even showing their enthusiasm by placing bets on these top ten players."

"Let's read through some live comments we have here."

"Oh! Don't do th-"

[Mastermo for the president!]

[If Mastermo kills me in the game, I'd say thank you (>u<)]

[Choke me! I love him!]

[I like the game for its plot. Mastermo is the plot (6~6)]

[This game is honestly the best RPG I have played.]

[I'm sad to see you guys not mentioning Trash. My baby deserves better fufufu~ (ToT)]

[I'm a multi fan. I want them all.]

[When life gives you lemons, make a lemonade for Mastermo.]

[^ And pour the lemonade over him.]

[^ He'll become sticky and sweet.]

[^ We can lick]

[^ You guys! Stop your perverted thoughts! But... cough~ cough~ I can lick if he wants me to.]

[Is this a licking competition cause me wants to join.]

[Anyone else who got the team notification in T.I.A.D.?]


[Notice me senpai!!!]

[I'm a trash fan but I feel bad for Mastermo. If he ever reveals his face, he is going to get attacked by a group of horny teens.]

[^ I'm one of those horny teens (T~T)]

[Lol don't attack him, he's also a human.]

[I highly doubt he's human.]

[This comment section is so wild... I love it!]

[I'm a simp for this man!]

[You guys need holy water... Give me some too (T~T)]

"Umm.... So anyways..."

"Hahahaha... My money is on Mastermo."

"Mastermo is certainly in the lead right now, Kevin, but we can never tell what's going to happen in the future."

"Who are you gonna bet on?" Kevin asked.

"Me? Mastermo, of course. I'm actually his secret fan." The other man snickered

"Secret fan? Which account are you using to leave such comments?"

"You think I'm going to tell you?"

"So you do agree that one of them is you?"

"Maybe. Who knows?"

"I guess all we can do now is to wait and watch."

"Maybe, I should also download the game and participate..... For, you know... Research purposes."

"Bullshit! You don't stand a chance among those pro-gamers."

"Well, I can't argue with that. With Mastermo on board, I don't think anyone really stands a chance."

"Now you're just being biased to him. Be careful, Dev, your fanboy side is showing too much."

"Tune in to our channel for daily updates. We'll be covering this whole story from start to finish. This is your anchor, Kevin and Dev, live from the studio."

Huang Zhihao scrolled through his phone as he read through the comments of the Livestream. The first comment made him shake his head, and the second one made him laugh while the third one caused him a headache. These people were just too crazy for him to handle, and he wasn't very comfortable with all the attention he got.

He scrolled through the comments for another few more minutes till he finally gave up and closed the tab. He didn't mind it and in fact, by this time he should have gotten used to such comments, but it still made him want to dig a hole in the ground and hide from the embarrassment.

He placed his phone aside and cracked his knuckles, stretching his hands as if he were going for a sports competition. He put on his VR headset and logged into a game. His face which would always look rather cold and stern suddenly had a hint of softness to it. His lips curled up in a slight smile as his fingers wrapped around the gaming console.

His headset suddenly boomed to life as he heard an electronic voice, "Welcome back, Mastermo."

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