[Zhihao: I'm awake]

[Li Ling: Good]

[Li Ling: I was worried about disturbing you]

[Zhihao: No way]

[Li Ling: I hope you got a good rest?]

[Zhihao: Hmm]

[Zhihao: I'm getting ready right now]

[Li Ling: Where are you going?]

[Zhihao: My mom wants me to go with her and father to this party]

[Zhihao: It's pretty boring and stupid]

[Li Ling: Boring and stupid? Why?]

[Zhihao: It's a masked party]

[Zhihao: Why does everyone love the idea of masked parties so much?]

[Li Ling: Isn't it great?]

[Li Ling: You get to meet new people and nobody gets to judge you from your outward appearance.. They all get to know you without even knowing what you look like.]

[Zhihao: It isn't fun at all.]

[Zhihao: What is wrong with seeing each other?]

[Li Ling: That's... Funny coming from you]

[Li Ling: Wasn't it you who hadn't ever done a face reveal in public?]

[Li Ling: None of your fans know what you look like]

[Zhihao: That is a different case!]

[Li Ling: How so?]

[Li Ling: You refuse to show your face to others and they still love you for your skills.]

[Li Ling: It's the same kind of excitement.]

[Li Ling: People love you for who you are and not for how you look.]


[Zhihao: My fans know that I'm handsome.]

[Zhihao: I used to show my face when I started becoming a gamer.]

[Li Ling: And you aren't doing it anymore. Proves my point.] 

[Zhihao: I don't show my face because I don't want to have fans who only like me for my looks and not for gaming.]

[Li Ling: Like I said]

[Li Ling: You just proved my point there.]


[Li Ling:...]

[Zhihao: Oh...]

[Li Ling: Lol]

[Li Ling: Why don't you take me with you?]

There was a short pause before Zhihao looked at the time and answered. 

[Zhihao: You want to come?]

There was still enough time for Li Ling to get ready so if he was willing to come along, Zhihao would surely be delighted to take him along. 

[Li Ling: Um...]

[Li Ling: I'm working till late today]

[Li Ling: Invite me next time]

[Zhihao: You are always welcome to give me company]

[Zhihao: I don't attend such events often, but if you want to go, I'll contact you if something like this comes up again]

[Li Ling: Would you attend them for me?]

[Zhihao: Yeah]

[Zhihao: It would be fun if you are there]

[Li Ling:...]

[Zhihao: Most of the people who go there are either old and if they aren't old, they are weird]

[Li Ling: lol]

[Li Ling: They better not hear you call them idiot]

[Zhihao: I might get sued if they do.]

[Li Ling: And we don't want that to happen]

[Zhihao: Would you come to bail me out if I got sued and jailed for defaming them?]

[Li Ling: Lol no]

[Li Ling: I would go to jail with you for hitting the ones who sued you]

[Li Ling: and then I'll bail us out]


[Zhihao: So lame.]

[Li Ling: A-Zhi is calling me lame?]

[Li Ling: That makes me sad]

[Zhihao: Good]

[Zhihao: You better not follow me to jail]

[Li Ling: You sound so worried]

They talked for more than another thirty minutes. Zhihao chuckled and glanced at the time once again, which almost caused him to have a heart attack. He was late. He had forgotten how long he had been texting with Li Ling and by the time he finally decided to look at how late he was, it was already too late. 

There was still a chance for him to make it in time, but that would be if he were to drive at a pretty high speed and Zhihao wasn't really a person who would drive fast. He had a sports car, but it was just for show. He would always tell himself that it was there just in case. If he were to get late for a crucial meeting, he could use the car to make it in time, but no such situation had ever come up. Today seemed to be like a perfect day to test its speed out. 

[Zhihao: I'm late]

[Zhihao: I'll be going now]

[Zhihao: Let's talk later]

[Zhihao: Bye]

[Li Ling: Bye bye]

Zhihao picked up his coat, put his phone in his pocket, and collected his car keys and wallet before leaving his room in a hurry. When he went downstairs, he couldn't see his brother, and instead, he saw a note posted on top of the table for him. 

'I'm going first. I have a ride, don't worry, and don't be late.'

Zhihao looked at the note and ignored it since he was already planning on driving himself to the party and poor Huang Zhen wasn't invited in his car. It was a rule that Zhihao hardly let anyone break. No matter how much his brother would beg him, he would never let that kid touch his precious car. If his brother were to be in an emergency and was to be taken to the hospital immediately, maybe then he would think about using his own car and letting the boy enter. 

So far, only Li Ling had got the chance to enter Zhihao's car and it wasn't completely due to his own will, rather, it was because Li Ling had tricked him and forced him to hand over his keys. 

He locked the house before going and when he turned his car on, he got a message from his mother who wanted to know his whereabouts. 

[Zhihao: I'm on the road. Ran into a bit of traffic]

[Zhihao: Would be there soon.]

Zhihao lied to his mother. He had just turned his engine on and there was no traffic on the road. He drove at a speed that wasn't slow but it couldn't be called too fast either. It was within the driving limits and was enough for him to reach the venue in the least possible time. If he had driven faster, he would've risked his life as well, so this speed was good. 

When he got there, a valet there, came up to him and asked him for the key so that the man could help Zhihao park the car, but Zhihao refused to hand over the key and instead he asked for the parking directions and went to park the car himself. 

The parking lot was under the building and was rather a bit dark, but when Zhihao's car entered the parking lot, the lights sensed the moving car and automatically turned on. It wasn't something impressive, but it looked a little cool. Everyone liked it if the lights turned on just for them and Zhihao was no different. 

He found the spot that had been booked for him and skillfully parked in reverse. He turned his engine off and searched around the dashboard of the car to find a silver-colored mask that his mother had sent over for him along with the suit. 

He looked at the mask for a mere second before putting it on. It was a masquerade mask that covered half of his face. His lips and eyes were still visible while his nose was completely covered by the plastic nose of the mask. It had a simple design that wasn't supposed to stand out too much, but when worn by Zhihao who paired it with the white-colored suit, the mask seemed to make the look stand out even more, and it perfectly enhanced the captivating aura around Zhihao.

Zhihao looked at himself in the side mirror of the car for one last time before he got out and locked his car, walking towards the elevator. Luckily, he saw that the elevator was open as he walked towards it. Maybe someone had just gotten out or someone had gotten in. 

Before he could reach the elevator, the door started to close and it made Zhihao rush towards it as he yelled for it to not close as if the elevator was also an AI that would hear him and listen to his commands. The elevator door may not have been able to hear him, but someone who stood inside the elevator heard him and stuck their hand out to stop the door from closing. 

Zhihao didn't expect anyone to be inside the elevator since there was valet parking. Most people who came here would just hand over their keys and go directly to the party. Not many would be like Zhihao, who would prefer to park their own cars and use the elevator to go up to the party. 

Zhihao bowed his head as he thanked the man who had helped him and when he looked up, he found the man to bow back with a smile. The man was wearing a black-colored mask that covered the upper half of his face.

He was definitely here to attend the party that Zhihao was going to and that also meant that this man was probably pretty rich and snobby or at least, Zhihao imagined him to be such, hence, it was kinda shocking to know that the man had helped him hold up the elevator door. 

Zhihao never had any good experiences of interacting with rich people so he was always a bit unfriendly with them, although he was also one of their kind.

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