What?! The Gamemaster And The Top Player Are Dating?!

Chapter 114 - Li Ling's Waist Size

Huang Zhi Qiang looked at Zhihao and then back at the man who had spoken, "You are right. If I could just see my grandchildren before I die. Hahaha... It would be perfect!" 

Zhihao coughed twice as he heard this. He looked up only to find everyone staring at him expectantly. 

"Does your son have plans on getting married?" 

"I would love to see him get married," Huang Zhi Qiang sighed as he shifted in his seat, "but I don't think there is any woman out there who would be able to handle his obsession with games." 

At this moment, like an angel, Huang Zhi Juan decided to speak up in Zhihao's defense, "What marriage are you talking about? A-Zhi is still a child. If he can find himself a great person to marry, we would leave the decision up to him."

Zhihao suddenly felt a bit touched as he heard this, but along with that feeling, he also felt another feeling called awkward guilt. There was no way he was ever going to find himself a girl to marry. He was just too over-obsessed with games and the only person he was even remotely interested in was a man. 

He glanced at his parents and wondered what their reaction would be if he told them that he kinda liked a man instead of a woman. 

Huang Zhi Qiang laughed as he heard his wife taking their son's side, "You always call him a child. One day, he'll bring a girl home. I wonder how shocked you'll be." 

Huang Zhi Juan shook her head as she responded, "I don't want him to bring a girl home," She beamed, "Let me be the only woman in his life." 

The middle-aged man laughed as he heard this and immediately reacted in a joking manner, "Would you rather see him bringing a man home?" 


Among the people who laughed, Huang Zhi Juan frowned as she spoke, "Actually... That doesn't sound too bad." 

The people who were laughing stopped and looked at the woman in shock. 

A minute passed and it was her husband who broke the awkward atmosphere as he spoke, "I think he'll bring home a bot." 

The middle-aged man heard this and laughed again as he spoke, "A bot might be better than a man." 

Both Huang Zhi Juan and her husband slightly frowned as they heard this. It was more apparent on the woman's face since she didn't want to hide her dislike towards what this man had just said while it was gone as soon as it appeared on Huang Zhi Qiang's face. This was one of his business partners so of course, he would not say anything offensive to him.

Zhihao could sense that his mother wasn't amused as she spoke up, "How is a bot better?" 

Zhihao mentally agreed with his mother but didn't dare speak up at this moment. 

"He can't even marry a bot so how can a bot be better?" 

Huang Zhi Qiang laughed as he heard his wife and figured that if he didn't stop the direction of this conversation, he would possibly be angering people here. 

"Why don't we all calm down? Whether A-Zhi wants to bring a bot or a man, it's his choice. We'll always be supportive of his decision." Huang Zhi Qiang suddenly sighed as he continued, "It's a pity that I won't get any grandkids in both the cases." 

Zhihao suddenly felt like if he didn't speak up now, he might never be able to so he mustered up all his courage to stand up and say, "There is someone I like." 

Everyone stopped laughing and looked at him as they heard this. Some with shock and some with curiosity. 

The most shocked person here was probably his mother who reacted first, "You like someone?" 

Zhihao nodded and it came as a surprise to everyone who was only joking around. In reality, they all had their own plans. The only reason why marriage and the sort was being discussed was because everyone wanted their own daughters to have a chance in marrying this man. Getting married to Zhihao was a great plan for them to get closer to the Huang family. Having a rich son-in-law was something they all wanted and Zhihao was their best candidate. 

Huang Zhi Qiang and his wife knew what everyone wanted. They had got a lot of proposals before this and they would always reject the proposals without even discussing it with Zhihao since they didn't want to force their son into marrying someone for business reasons. 

"I'm not sure about it right now so I would not be talking about it, but please stop discussing such matters." 

The middle-aged man looked a bit dejected as he asked a bit playfully, "Is it a man or a bot?" 

The people sitting around the table once again broke out laughing as they heard the question. 

Zhihao instantly wondered if he was supposed to truthfully answer the man or not. The man was only joking when he asked the question and it was clear that he expected a 'no' for an answer but how was Zhihao supposed to tell him that he was right? 

It wasn't a joke! It was reality!

Zhihao smiled and decided to run away from the situation as he spoke, "My throat feels a little dry, let me go get some water."

"You can order it." 

"I prefer going," Zhihao responded as he walked away. When he turned his back on the people, the smile on his face disappeared. 

He never liked to come to such parties because this would always be a topic that was discussed. The only thing he was glad about was the fact that this time there weren't any girls who were following him around and trying to seduce him. 

Maybe God could hear his thoughts and hated him. Just as he thought that it was good that no girl was after him, he saw a woman approaching him from afar. The moment his eyes met the woman's smile, as she walked over to him, he paused and turned on his heels, instantly changing directions and heading for who knows where.

He glanced behind only to see that the woman had increased her speed as she followed him. This night wasn't going to be fun. 

The woman increased her speed so there was no way Zhihao would let her catch up to him hence, he tried his best to dodge the people in front as he speed-walked and tried to blend in with the crowd. 

The crowd seemed to increase for some reason as he had more problems trying to push through them but when he had finally managed to avoid them all, he almost fell forward at the empty ground. The crowd had suddenly disappeared from in front of him and there was only a single person left who was holding him up from falling flat on his face. He looked up at the man's face and he was once again left in a state of confusion and surprise. 

He had once again found the magician from the elevator. 

He saw the man's lips curl up as he dragged Zhihao with him. 

Zhihao looked around in shock only to find that he had walked into the dance floor. This was the reason why it was so crowded. People were crowded around the dance floor as they watched the people dance in the middle. 

"Let me help you," Zhihao heard the man speak in his raspy voice, "Care to join me in a dance?"

Zhihao felt himself panic as he heard the man but he still nodded his head. This man was offering to help him get rid of the stalking woman so of course, he couldn't simply say no. 

There was a problem though. 

"Ah!" The man yelped when he felt Zhihao stomping on his toe. 

Zhihao didn't know how to dance without looking like a stiff piece of wood. 

The man leaned in closer to Zhihao's ears and whispered, "Try to be a little gentle, will you?" 

Zhihao nodded as he heard this and immediately apologized, "Sorry."

What good was his apology if in the next second, he did the same thing?

The man let out a small "Ah!" as he felt Zhihao stepping over his other feet. 

Zhihao apologized again and the man only smiled as he said, "It's okay. It doesn't hurt that much." 

It was clearly a lie, but Zhihao was glad that the man wasn't scolding him for constantly ruining his shoe that was now completely imprinted with footprints. 

The man wrapped his hand around Zhihao's waist as he spoke "Let me lead this time?"

Zhihao shook his head as he removed the hand from his waist and brought it up to his shoulder as he spoke, "I'll do it." 

The man seemed a bit surprised to hear this, but he still chuckled as he responded, "Then try not to kill me." 

Zhihao snickered as he spoke, "I'll try my best" 

Zhihao wrapped his hand around the man's waist and felt heat rising up his cheeks when he thought about how familiar this man seemed. Even his waist was like Li Ling's and it was shocking since Zhihao didn't know many men with this kind of thin yet muscular waist. He was even more shocked at himself for knowing what Li Ling's waist size was. 

In his distracted state of mind, Zhihao once again stepped over the man's feet and heard him yelp. 


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