"That's not what I meant," Li Ling sighed as he tried to grab Zhihao's hand, but all his palm came in contact with was empty air since Zhihao had avoided the hold. 

"That's exactly what you meant! You said I don't know anything about love." Zhihao looked hurt as he continued, "If I don't know anything about love, why don't you tell me? Tell me what this feeling is. Tell me why every time I see you, I suddenly feel like everything is just... Perfect..." 

"..." Li Ling didn't have an answer for the man who seemed to be on the verge of having an emotional breakdown.. 

"I don't feel like this normally, okay?! I don't think about people; I don't care about others. The only thing in life that brings me happiness is games and I thought I'll be stuck alone with a console in hand. I thought I'll never find someone who'll bring me happi- You know what, forget it..." Zhihao pursed his lips, "I'm sorry for saying too much. I got ahead of myself." 


Zhihao shook his head as he took a step back, "Give me some time to think, okay?" 

Li Ling wanted to stop the man, but he couldn't. All this while, he had been selfish. He had been so self-observed that he didn't even care about Zhihao's feelings. 

He had a habit of lying and now it seemed that this habit was going to bite him in the butt. He always knew there would be consequences for all his lies, he knew it wasn't a good idea to hide everything from Zhihao but what could he do? Even if he was given a second chance to go back and do this all over again, he would still end up making the same decisions. After all, his lies were the reason why they were standing before each other like this today. He got a chance to get closer to Mastermo all because of the lies he wove so how could he regret it? 

He finally got what he wanted. Zhihao liked him back so why... Why was he feeling so guilty? Why was he still so afraid? Why can't he just forget about everything and enjoy this moment? Why did he have to still keep on lying? 

It was all for a stupid promise. A promise Zhihao didn't even remember anymore. What was Li Ling expecting to get? Was he expecting Zhihao to be touched when everything is finally revealed? 

Li Ling would be lying if he said that this wasn't his real intention. In the beginning, he really thought that Zhihao would be happy and touched to know everything Li Ling had done was for him, just like the main characters of all those novels with pining male leads, but this wasn't a story in some book. It was real life. 

The more Li Ling got to know Zhihao, the more he realized that maybe he had overdone it. He had planned everything from start to finish and in all of his calculations, there was an important factor he forgot to take into account: Zhihao's feelings. He never thought about how Zhihao would feel about all the lying. Sure, he'd be a bit touched or maybe creeped out to know that Li Ling had been in love with him for far longer than he had expected, but that didn't necessarily mean that he'd be okay with all the secrets that he was unaware of. 

Zhihao didn't say anything more as he walked out of the house and Li Ling didn't go after him. 

[You guys are still in a game, you realize that, don't you?] 

Li Ling looked at the little girl with an empty look as if along with Zhihao, his soul had also left. 

[Are you gonna go your different ways from here?]


Honestly... Li Ling didn't have an answer for that. 

He had realized it a while back. The plan he had originally made had gone astray. Nothing was happening according to how he planned it. At one moment, Zhihao and Li Ling were living like newlyweds, so happy together, and in the next minute, they got into a fight and now Zhihao was walking away from him. 

It all sounded unreal. How could everything happen so fast? 

[So who should I follow?] 

"Follow him," Li Ling sighed, "Help him and make sure he stays safe."

Alvi looked at Li Ling's expressions and tilted her head as she asked, "Are you gonna to let him go?" 

It was like a wake-up call. Li Ling snapped his head and looked at the little girl in surprise. 

"You're quite stupid, aren't you?" Alvi mocked and Li Ling didn't feel bad or offended by it. 

"What you just said... How do you..." Li Ling looked at the girl with suspicion but he couldn't even form a complete question. 

"You like him, don't you? Are you going to let him go because of this?" 

Li Ling was thoroughly shocked to hear this question. 

Alvi was starting to develop a higher level of emotional comprehension. 

Li Ling gulped as he responded, "I'll follow you guys from a distance." 


Alvi walked away after Zhihao and it was only Li Ling left in the room, staring at the painting of 'Carmen'. 

He almost wanted to smack himself for being so careless. He almost let his feelings get the best of him. What was he thinking when he thought it would be okay to leave Zhihao in the safe hands of the bot? If anything, the bot was the only dangerous thing to exist in this game! 

Alvi was developing a higher emotional comprehension level and although it didn't sound like a bad thing, it didn't mean it was a good thing either. 

This only meant that it won't be long before she starts to use her knowledge on herself to try and create a human-like emotional conscience for herself or maybe she already started doing that and Li Ling was too busy to notice. 

Li Ling followed the two people from afar as they headed to the small town once again. 

At this moment, Li Ling had a really scary idea in mind. 

Should he just come out? 

Should he tell Zhihao everything? 

Should he just confess and get it all over with? 

If Zhihao hates him after all that... He'll simply have to walk away and let this crush go. 

He shuddered when he thought of the worst scenario possible. He wasn't ready... He was weak... He was afraid... 

He didn't want to deal with all of this. 

But one day, he'll eventually have to tell the man everything. He would still have to face this reaction he feard so much. 

It took all the courage Li Ling had in him to walk faster as he tried to catch up to Zhihao and tell him something really important. 

Since he had piled up so many lies, wouldn't it be better to reveal them all one by one? At this moment, that seemed like the best idea possible. 

He had to clear a lot of misunderstandings and if not now then when else would be a perfect time? 

Li Ling was just a few meters away from Zhihao when he was suddenly pulled back. His vision went dark and someone covered his mouth, stopping him from yelling out for help. 


They were still in the game! 

Why couldn't they keep their focus on the mission?! 

They were supposed to protect the vampire not discuss their personal love issues! 

Zhihao didn't even know that Li Ling was following him so he was naturally unaware that his partner had been kidnapped at such an important moment. 

Finally, Li Ling had decided to clear some misunderstandings and confess, but he was freaking kidnapped?! 

The first time he confessed, Zhihao passed out from all the alcohol, and the second time he tried, he was kidnapped! Was this universe trying to give him a signal or something?! 




At this exact moment, the comment section of the live stream started flowing like a waterfall.

[Did they forget we are here?]


[This was... Unexpected]

[Where's the popcorn? This just turned into a soap opera!]

[I knew it! They were dating!]

[The ship sailed???] 

[Poor BBtrash didn't even get to board the ship.]

[^ Replying to the person above: BBtrash was kicked out from the ship a long time ago.] 


[I'm glad I left my studies for this! (^^)/ Supporting them all the way!] 

[So is it just me or is everything happening too fast? Under one day, we got to know that they had feelings for each other, we got a confession from Mastermo and before we could consume all that information, they already broke up...?!?! What the hell?!] 

[Mastermo is gay??? What?! And here I thought he was a really cool gamer!] 

[Lol you sound homophobic.] 

[Ignore the haters.]

[A petition! To get them back together!] 



[Okay, all that aside, am I the only one who thinks they look really hot together?] 

[Oh lord! Why am I blushing so much?!] 

[So who wants to volunteer and write a fanfiction about them?] 

[A really juicy one pleaseeee.] 

[I'm... Disappointed.] 

[This is like a dream come true!] 

[Kinda sad that my chances of dating Mastermo are dead now.] 

[Lmao those chances were dead from the beginning itself.] 

[Am I the only one mad?]

[So no one worried about Mastermo's little lover? The man just got vampirenapped!" 

[Ngl Lord Versailles and Carmen make a really good couple.]

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