Li Ling raised the hammer and without even bothering to think about it for a second, he struck the door, hoping to see at least a crack but it seemed that the glass door was a bit too strong. 

Zhihao sighed as he saw the fruitless try and wondered if there was any other way that could perhaps help them. 

Li Ling frowned as he raised the hammer for the second time and struck down, hitting the same spot once again. 

Zhihao blinked as he understood what Li Ling was trying to do. 

No matter how powerful the glass used was, it was still nothing more than glass. It would have to eventually break if Li Ling kept hitting it. 

Even though there was no crack, Li Ling wasn't discouraged in the slightest as he lifted the hammer and hit the door once again. 

Zhihao took this time to turn and walked towards Kaoru as he questioned, "Anything useful?" 

Kaoru gulped as she nodded her head and showed Zhihao the bag that was filled with different types of items that were picked up by her, "I was wondering if we could cut the power supply to the door.." 

"Huh?" Zhihao was a bit surprised as he asked in confusion, "What do you mean?" 

Kaoru took out some heavy scissors and gloves as she responded, "The door is electric so if there is no power supply, the lock would not be as strong." 

Zhihao thought about it for a few seconds as he shook his head, "That's not a very bright idea." 

"Eh?" Kaoru looked a bit embarrassed as she heard Zhihao's reply. 

Zhihao pointed at the door as he explained, "The auto-lock system might act and without power, our chances of breaking that lock would almost be impossible." 

"T-Then how about we burn the door?" Kaoru stuttered as she suggested another idea. 

"Burn the door?" Zhihao was once again confused as he looked at the girl and waited for her to explain her suggestion. 

Kaoru nodded her head as she took out a lighter and a few bottles of deodorant, "I couldn't find a flame thrower but this should be able to help." 

Zhihao's eyebrows creased together as he looked at the two items and somewhat understood Kaoru's intentions. 

"I've heard that glass gets weaker when heated," Kaoru added as she carefully looked at Zhihao and waited for the man to say something. 

"That..." Zhihao's eyes widened ever so slightly as he exclaimed, "Is a great idea!" 

"H-Huh?" Kaoru was a bit surprised to suddenly see such enthusiasm displayed by Zhihao who took the lighter and the deodorant from Kaoru. 

"Ice," Zhihao spoke as he met the girl's eyes, "I want you to run and get some ice." 

"No need." It was Zhou Xinyi who spoke up as he walked forward and took out something from the snacks bag that Wang GuiYing had brought over, "We can use ice cream as well." 

Zhihao didn't know if he wanted to laugh or cry as he heard this. It seemed that at the end of the day Wang GuiYing wasn't completely useless.

"Li Ling, stop for a second," Zhihao walked forward as he broke the seal on the deodorant, "Let's try this first." 

Li Ling turned to look at the things that Zhihao was holding and at first he looked to be a bit confused before he eventually started understanding what the man wanted to try. 

Li Ling nodded his head as he stepped back and let Zhihao take over. 

"Everyone, step back," Zhihao warned as he held the lighter up and aimed the deodorant at the lighter before pressing the button on top and creating a flamethrower that he used on the glass door. 

Li Ling gulped as he took another step back and covered his nose. 

The smell of burning deodorant was really just the smell of burning chemicals and not only was it toxic but it was stinky as well. 

"Hulk, I want you to take out the ice cream and put it on the glass as soon as I stop the fire. Li Ling, once he is done, you hit the door again, okay?" Zhihao instructed.

Li Ling and Zhou Xinyi nodded their heads in unison as they got ready to act as soon as Zhihao was done. 

Every glass in the world could be broken with one method or another. It just so happened that Zhihao remembered a really interesting thing about glass that he had learned when he was still in school. 

Glass at a really low temperature would break and glass at a really high temperature would also break. When Zhihao was still in school, there was once an experiment that he saw on the internet and wanted to try it out at home. He had broken his mom's favorite wine glass and been scolded a lot for it, however, that day he learned that if you constantly keep changing the temperature from really high to really low then the glass would break immediately. 

He never knew what the name of this reaction was but he didn't really care to learn the name either since he was sure that this method was going to work for them. 

"Three. Two." Zhihao counted down from three and on the count of one, he stopped the flamethrower and stepped aside, giving Zhou Xinyi space to act.

Zhou Xinyi was alert as well and without missing a beat, he smeared the ice cream on the glass door before stepping aside and letting Li Ling handle the rest. 

"Great!" Li Ling exclaimed as he saw the reaction of the glass and raised the hammer with both his hands clutching on tightly to its handle. 

In less than a second, he used all the energy he could muster up and struck down on the glass, however, unlike before, this time the glass actually broke. 

"Yes!" Zhihao was the first to jump up in joy as he cried out. 

Liang Feng also looked to be shocked and impressed that someone had actually come up with this plan. 

Kaoru smiled brightly as she also jumped up in joy after seeing the glass door break. 

Li Ling used the hammer to break the rest of the glass door as well. 

"Now we need to worry about the shutter," Wang GuiYing beamed as he took out a bag of chips and opened it. 

Zhihao looked at the shutter and seemed to be in deep thoughts. 

Li Ling turned around to face Zhou Xinyi as he asked, "Did you perhaps bring a chainsaw or something?" 

Zhou Xinyi shook his head with a sigh as he responded, "We couldn't find a chainsaw." 

"But!" Kaoru spoke up as she raised her hand, "I think we can use another method." 

"What method?" Li Ling questioned back as he looked at the girl curiously. 

Since it was initially her idea to break the glass with the method of heat, the other players naturally trusted her a little more. 

"Shutters are usually locked from the outside. This one has also been locked from the outside which means we can't break the lock since we can't even see it." 

Li Ling nodded his head as he understood what the girl was trying to say. 

"But there is something that most people don't know," Kaoru smiled as she stepped out of the door and crouched down near one end of the shutter, "Most people don't know that shutters can actually be easily broken from the inside." 

"It can?" Zhihao asked in surprise as he walked closer to the girl and crouched down beside her. 

Kaoru nodded her head as she explained confidently, "There are two points of lock on either end of the shutter. One is supposed to be somewhere here while the other is supposed to be on the opposite side. All we have to do is break a small part of the wall and that should do the trick." 

Li Ling's lips curled up in a smirk as he lifted the hammer and put it on his shoulder, "What part do you want me to break?" 

Kaoru smiled as she pointed at the wall and showed him exactly what he needed to destroy. 

"Step aside. This might get a bit dusty," Li Ling warned as he positioned himself and struck the wall with the heavy hammer. 

"Is this really going to work?" Wang GuiYing was carelessly munching on the chips as he asked casually. 

Kaoru nodded her head without any hesitation as she responded, "My uncle used to run a store with an old shutter like this so I know about shutters a lot. This should definitely do the trick." 

"Then two pairs of hands should be better than one," Zhou Xinyi spoke up as he took out another bigger hammer from the bag and went over to the other side of the shutter, "Is this the place?" 

"That's it," Kaoru confirmed with a nod. 

Zhou Xinyi lifted the hammer and with a single strike, he was able to crack the wall which somehow managed to come as a shock to the other players who glanced at Li Ling who had only cracked the wall after hitting it four times. 


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