What?! The Gamemaster And The Top Player Are Dating?!

Chapter 265 - Run From The Invisible Nightmare!

"Xinyi, something isn't right..." Wang GuiYing spoke up as he suddenly felt a cold shiver run down his spine. 

"Hmm?" Zhou Xinyi turned around sideways to glance at the man as he asked, "What is it?" 

"This is too easy, don't you think?" Wang GuiYing questioned seriously as he looked back at the man. 

"You have a bad feeling about it?" Zhou Xinyi's eyes narrowed down on the man as he asked in turn. 

Wang GuiYing gulped as he nodded his head and confirmed, "I feel like we are doing exactly what the system wanted us to do." 

Zhou Xinyi sighed as he heard this and nodded his head as he suggested, "If that is the case then let's go back down." 

"Eh?" Wang GuiYing blinked in confusion, "You're agreeing so easily? You also notice it?" 

Zhou Xinyi once again nodded his head as he responded, "I noticed it before you." 


"Every player would be easily able to realize that they would be safe once they climb up here and that would make things easy. If there is anything we know about T.I.A.D., it's that the game is anything but easy." 

Wang GuiYing gulped with a nod as he agreed with Zhou Xinyi, showing that he also had the same thoughts. 

"If this is really dangerous then instead of waiting here for the danger to strike, we should go back down and figure out another way to get through the traps." 

"What if we run?" Wang GuiYing asked as he suggested. 


Wang GuiYing pointed up ahead as he stated, "The middle of the maze. From years of gaming experience, if there is anything I learned, it would be the fact that the middle of the maze is always the key to everything. It can either be the most dangerous place or the safest spot, but no matter which kind it is, it would always be the key to either breaking the maze completely or surviving the maze." 

"Then you suggest running?" Zhou Xinyi raised his eyebrows as he asked curiously. 

Wang Guiying nodded his head as he confirmed, "If we go down right now, we would just be further caught up in traps. Instead of doing that let's run and get to the middle then we go back inside the maze." 

Zhou Xinyi seemed to be thinking about it for a minute before he opened his mouth to say something but he immediately gulped down the words as his eyes caught a glance of something behind Wang GuiYing. 

Wang GuiYing frowned as he noticed Zhou Xinyi's face losing all color and he also opened his mouth to say something but before he could form a complete sentence, Zhou Xinyi grabbed onto his hand and pulled him along as the man started running. 

"Eh?" Wang GuiYing's eyes widened as he saw this action, "We're just going to be running? Aren't you supposed to tell me if you agree or not? We are supposed to consider this seriously before acting!" 

"No time!" Zhou Xinyi's response was short and clear as he exclaimed and Wang GuiYing immediately noticed that there was something off about the man's voice. 

Wang GuiYing gulped as he took a step and tried to jump back into the maze but surprisingly enough, his feet was blocked. 

"What the hell...?!" Wang GuiYing muttered in disbelief as he noticed that they were not able to enter the maze anymore and there was now an invisible ceiling on top of the maze on which they could run. 

"Laser net?" Wang GuiYing muttered as he questioned and looked at Zhou Xinyi for answers. 

"There is something following us," Zhou Xinyi informed as he continued to run as fast as he could with Wang GuiYing by his side. 

Wang GuiYing gulped as he heard this and cautiously glanced back to see that there was nothing following them, however, he was no fool and his eyes immediately glanced down to see that the Laser net that was preventing them from entering the maze was actually reactive to touch. 

This meant that if they took a step, their step could be seen lighting up the invisible laser net that was acting as a floor now. Even though, Wang GuiYing could see nothing following them from behind, the laser net that reacted by lighting up was proof enough that Zhou Xinyi was indeed right and that there was certainly something there that was following them. 

"An invisible monster?!" Wang GuiYing cried out with worry and fear as he felt that his worst nightmares were finally coming to life. 

"Keep running! Like you said, let's get to the middle of this maze!" Zhou Xinyi also cried out as a response as he lightly squeezed Wang GuiYing's hand, making it look as if he was trying to reassure the man that they would be safe soon enough. 

"Damn it!" Wang GuiYing cursed as loud as he could and started seriously running, letting go of Zhou Xinyi's hand and overtaking him as Wang GuiYing ran in front of the man. 


It seemed that years of running away had made Wang GuiYing a good runner.

They ran like their life depended on it and considering the situation that they were in, it seemed that this statement was more true than you might think. 

If they weren't fast enough then they would really be dying in a moment of carelessness. At least, in the game that is. 

Wang GuiYing took a sharp breath in as he glanced back and noticed that whatever it was that was following them, it was fast. Maybe even faster then them. 

"We... Are not going to make it!" Wang GuiYing cried out as he considered the possibility of them being able to outrun the creature that was following them. 

"Just run!" Zhou Xinyi shouted from behind. 

Even if the creature was able to catch up to them, Zhou Xinyi would be the first one to be attacked since he was running behind Wang GuiYing and in the process, he was indirectly guarding the man. 

"Just a bit more!" Wang GuiYing closed his eyes as he exclaimed. 

There was just a bit more distance left for them to reach the center of the maze. 

They didn't have enough time to think if they would be safe even if they reached the center of the maze but Wang GuiYing hoped that the laser net that prevented them from re-entering the maze would not be there in the middle of the maze. This was the only hope that kept him moving. 

"The players can come out of the maze but they can't go in," Zhou Xinyi breathed out as he commented, "This is exactly something you would expect from this rotten system!" 

It was probably the first time Wang GuiYing had ever heard Zhou Xinyi bad-mouth the system like this and it was possibly also the first time that Zhou Xinyi had ever cursed the system in his mind. 

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" Wang GuiYing repeated over and over again with his eyes closed as he ran with all his might and prayed in his mind. 

By the time he opened his eyes, they had already ran all the way to the center of the maze where suprisingly enough... There was nothing special. 

Wang GuiYing and Zhou Xinyi came to a stop together as they tried to jump back inside the maze but just like how there was a laser net covering all the other entrance, there was one here as well. 

"We can't go in..." Wang GuiYing muttered as he jumped a few times, only to be stopped over and over again by the invisible laser net that shined every time Wang GuiYing jumped on it. 

Zhou Xinyi immediately opened his backpack and tried to take out something that could be used as a weapon against the invisible creature that was hunting them down but before he could even take his hand out of the backpack, he disappeared as the creature caught up to them. 

"Xinyi...?" Wang GuiYing could clearly feel the pulsing of his racing heart as he looked around to see that the backpack dropped to the ground but without Zhou Xinyi. 

When he looked down, he immediately understood what the situation was. 

This creature that was hunting them could somehow kill them in an instant without even leaving behind any of their remains. A creature that worked like an eliminator. 

Wang GuiYing took a sharp breath in as he turned around and got ready to run away from the creature with hopes of saving himself, however, the creature was faster and only after two steps, Wang GuiYing was caught and the space around him turned white while his body went absolutely still. 

"What...?" Wang GuiYing breathed out in confusion as everything happened so fast and in the very next second, there was a system notification that he could hear. 

[Game Over!] 

Wang GuiYing gulped as the confusion slowly settled in and he opened his eyes to see that he was lying somewhere. 

"He's awake!" It was the familiar voice of a woman who exclaimed in joy and Wang GuiYing winced as he felt the sudden light sting his eyes. 

"GuiYing dear, It's A-Zhi's mother. Can you hear me?" The woman grabbed his arm and helped him sit up as she asked with worry.

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