"It's okay," Liang Feng sighed as he picked himself off the ground and reassured, "It's not like I'm trying to impress anyone with my looks." 

"Really?" Tian Xifeng tilted her head and smiled as she found this response amusing, but in the very next moment, she spun around and back-kicked the man's face, making him fall back. 

"Then let me kick you a few more times," Tian Xifeng chuckled as she added and Liang Feng couldn't help but feel as if the woman was taking out some sort of grudge on him. 

"When did I offend you?" Liang Feng asked as he touched his nose and saw his fingers being immediately covered in more blood. 

"Gege, when did I ever say you offended me?" The woman chuckled as she asked back. 

"You don't say it but you clearly show it in your actions," Liang Feng sighed as he pushed himself off the ground and took a few steps away from the woman, fearing that she might attack him again. 

"You got me wrong," Tian Xifeng shook her head with a chuckle as she defended herself, "This is nothing personal. Isn't this a battle? According to your words, we shouldn't be announcing before attacking in a battle, should we?" 

When he said it, he would have never guessed that his own words would be used against him like this.. 

"I'm just curious to know which one of us is going to win this," Tian Xifeng added and Liang Feng frowned, not liking the idea of fighting against this crazy woman. 

"You don't need to be curious about it," Liang Feng sighed, "We all know you're going to win. I have no practice fighting." 

"Nor do I!" Tian Xifeng exclaimed as she interrupted the man, "That's what makes this fight fair." 

"..." Liang Feng was a bit shocked to hear this. 

From the kicks that he had received, it didn't really seem as if this woman was new to fighting. If anything, it made him think that she was a trained professional. 

Tian Xifeng seemed to have already guessed what the man was thinking about so she chuckled as she spoke up, "Don't be fooled. I'm just trying to copy the movements I saw." 

Liang Feng's eyebrows creased together as he heard this and he immediately asked, "Wang GuiYing?" 

Tian Xifeng smiled brightly as she nodded her head and responded, "To be more exact it's both Wang GuiYing and Zhou Xinyi. They are really good at techniques so I thought I might as well try copying them." 

"Is that so?" Liang Feng would be lying if he said that he wasn't a bit surprised and impressed by this woman. 

He had also seen those two attacking and he would also agree with her in saying that they were trained professionals who had a very good base technique, however, although he had seen them fighting, he would never be confident enough to copy their movements. 

In the end, there was a reason why people would get trained in fighting. If everyone could get better just after copying a few techniques, would there really be a need for mixed martial art schools to remain training students? 

"You know, I've never been interested in fighting," Liang Feng spoke up as he randomly informed the woman, "But I surely know one thing about them." 

Tian Xifeng looked to be a little interested as she frowned and asked, "What is it?" 

"It's that copying posture is nothing more than that," Liang Feng crouched down and picked up the sword once again as he casually answered, "Even if you copy the posture, your technique would still be lacking since the base is pretty much empty." 

"Eh?" Tian Xifeng couldn't understand what the man was saying so she muttered in confusion as she kept her eyes on the man and waited for him to explain further, but it seemed that Liang Feng was done explaining. 

Liang Feng wiped the blood away and took a sharp breath before striking forward with the sword in hand. 

Tian Xifeng's eyes widened as she quickly ducked her head and avoided being cut in half, however, in the very next minute, the sword that was trying to cut her horizontally changed directions and came down onto her vertically. 

"Ahh!" Tian Xifeng screamed as her survival instincts acted up and she fell down onto the ground with her sword raised up, blocking Liang Feng's attack. 

"Since you're trying to be serious. Let me also be serious," Liang Feng smirked as he indirectly challenged the woman, "I might not know how to fight but I can still come up with cheats." 


At the end of the day, fighting could also be broken down and studied like maths or coding. All you needed to do was break down the methods and the techniques. Once you have them broken down, you would clearly be able to see that there wasn't much to it. 

Strength was certainly a factor behind it but it wasn't as important as the strategy.

People would usually say that fighting was a sport that used muscles and strength with a lot of practice but with no brains, however, Liang Feng who had never found any interest in fighting, at this moment, realized that people were mostly wrong. 

Fighting was indeed about brains. 

You had to have a sharp mind with a strong body in order to win a fight and it turns out, Liang Feng somehow had these two basics needs. 

He had a sharp mind, there was no doubt about that. He also had somewhat of a strong body thanks to all those times that Li Ling had overworked him enough to make him run through the company halls the entire day. 

Tian Xifeng smirked as she saw the determination in the man's eyes, "Gege, I think I like you like this." 

Liang Feng's eyes widened as he heard this. It wasn't uncommon for Tian Xifeng to complement men but it was certainly the first time that the woman had said such a thing about Liang Feng. The two were always very different from each other and some even thought that they hated each other because of this. 

Liang Feng thought that the woman was being honest for the first time, but turns out she had another plan in her mind and her plan was to shock the man and distract him. 

In this small second of opening that had been created, Tian Xifeng went ahead and kicked the man's shin, making him immediately lose balance. 

Liang Feng's eyes widened even more as he fell forward and there was nothing for him to hold which made it impossible for him to save himself from falling.

Tian Xifeng's eyes also widened along with his as she immediately started regretting her sneaky idea to defeat the man like this. 

Liang Feng fell on top of Tian Xifeng and it would have certainly been a scene straight out of a romantic Chinese drama if only it weren't for Tian Xifeng's sword that came in the way and pierced Liang Feng. 

"Ah..." Tian Xifeng muttered as she looked down at the man's chest that was bleeding, "I didn't mean to do that."

Liang Feng was shocked and speechless as he looked down at himself to realize that the fight was over before it had even seriously begun. 

"Be honest," Liang Feng muttered as he lifted his head and looked at the woman whose face was just a few inches away from his, "You hate me, don't you? I somehow offended you, didn't I?" 

Tian Xifeng gulped as she didn't know if she was supposed to laugh or cry at this situation. 

[Battle has now been won by the player: Richlord!] 


[T-Rex101 has been eliminated!] 

As soon as this notification was announced, Liang Feng disappeared into thin air, indicating that he had really been eliminated after being killed by mistake. 

"Sorry about that," Tian Xifeng commented as she looked around, however, Liang Feng, the person she was apologizing to was naturally not there anymore. 

[Reopening the Maze!] 

The system notification came again and the walls came back up while some went back down, returning the structure of the place back to what it used to be. 

"Welp, I guess he was right. I won," Tian Xifeng smiled as she muttered to herself and pushed herself off the ground to stand up. 

She clapped her hands once as she picked up the two swords that were left behind. 

She took a moment to look at them and if one were to look at her, they would not be able to understand what went through her mind at this moment. 

In the end, she decided to take the two swords with her, thinking that they might come to help her later on in the game. 

With three players eliminated, there were only six left in the maze of death. 

Five were players while one was the gamemaster whom they had to beat. 

Tian Xifeng was naturally unaware of the battle that Li Ling and Zhihao were forced to be in so she was naive enough to think that the gamemaster was completely safe at this moment.

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